HomeComplaintsBETANDYOU Casino - Player’s responsible gaming requests neglected.

BETANDYOU Casino - Player’s responsible gaming requests neglected.

Amount: €10,000

Safety Index:High
Submitted: 24 Jul 2024
Case opened Current status

Waiting for Casino Guru to reply

2d 15h 11m 8s

Case summary

4 days ago

The player residing in Portugal faced multiple issues with Bet&You casino for over 1.5 years, including the casino's refusal to block or limit her account despite numerous requests. The casino ignored her responsible gaming rights, mishandled void bets, and provided misleading information. Additionally, the casino did not offer a way to file complaints.

1 month ago

I just want to add that I do not reside in spain, I reside in Portugal, but it doesnt allow me to change the country, here in CasinoGuru.

Hello everyone,

I have been having problems with this casino for over 1.5 years, Below follows what this casino has done to me.

1 - I made 10+ Requests to limit and block my Account, Bet&You never respect my request.

Several Requests were made to block and limit my account, Bet&You NEVER acted accordingly, they deceived me by saying it was not possible to limit deposits, delayed my blocking requests by never blocking my account after i request 10+ times. I provided ID as they requested, and they kept delaying and not blocking or limiting my account. Note that, at the time I was dealing with severe personal issues including, and I made this decision to help myself, and Bet&You saw it as an opportunity to profit over me and my situation at the time.

10+ Requests made to BetAndYou to prevent me from using my account, BetAndYou never Blocked my account, breaching the CCRG 2022 for Responsible Gaming.

BetAndYou kept claiming I denied the request to block my account, which is a lie, i sent several emails asking for a block and limit of my account, and BetAndYou never followed my request, only aiming to profit over me instead of looking out for me and upholding my right to block and/or limit my account. I attached some of the evidence that I did indeed requested a block, i provided ID as Bet&You requested and even after 10+ emails, they denied my request of blocking my account, infringing my rights as a player and going against the CCRG 2022, code they have to follow for responsible conduct.

2 - No effort was ever made by BetAndYou to solve my problem

This is something that has been going on for over 1.5 years, BetAndYou has always failed to help me, and allowed me to keep playing without any restriction for over 620 Days after my initial Block Request!

For timeline Purposes, 1st Request to block my account was made on the 1st of November 2022 , Last Request was made on the 17th of June of 2024.

3 - BetAndYou Profits over Errors on their platform and they do not know the meaning of VOID BET.

After having several Games lost on Bet&You due to errors on their platform and asking for a refund on the Bets that were lost due to error, i was told this: "Given these terms, we are not liable to refund the bets affected by the reported errors, as outlined in sections 8.1 and 8.3 of ToS. These sections specify that in the case of system errors or malfunctions, all affected bets are CONSIDERED VOID and we are not responsible for any resulting losses. " Taking this into account, BetandYou said, as its written in their general conditions, and i quote " ALL BETS ARE CONSIDERED VOID " , and the meaning of a VOID BET as you can see anywhere is:

VOID BET = A Void Bet is a bet that is cancelled or declared invalid by the bookmaker or sportsbook. This means that the bet is not considered to have been placed or settled, and the stake is returned to the customer.

4 - Breach of Article 3, 1. And 2.u. Code of conduct " CCRG 2022" code which BetAndYou has to follow, having a Curacao license.

" Regardless of the status of a structure, deemed unusual shall be, committed by any person, purposely or with negligence, either by facilitation, expedition, abuse, extortion or otherwise, the act or conduct of:

u. Providing any type of incorrect or misleading information, purposely or by negligence, pertaining to however not limited to profits, losses, turnover, complaints, investments, end users, key individuals or nominees, including however not limited to the backdating of documents; "

BetAndYou breached the Article 3, 2.u. of the "CCRG 2022" , by providing me with incorrect or misleading information, purposely or by negligence, when i requested through the Apps customer support, if i could limit my deposits and how i could limit them, they responded by saying " It is not possible to limit player´s deposits ", which we know is incorrect and misleading information, it was an excuse for BetAndYou to once again, not limit or block my account, violating my rights as a consumer and player.

5 - Refusal to provide a complaints email or a way for me as a player to file a complaint

I have asked for a complaints email over 5 times, Bet&You never provided one. They gave me no way of filling a complaint, because everytime I asked for a way to make a complaint, they dismissed it and never provided a way for me to file my complaint, proving that they try to silence players by providing them with incorrect information or not providing with any information at well when requested.

The amount disputed are a small % of my losses since I asked for a block and was not provided with one + My Bets that were lost due to erros and not refunded, making the casino profit over their errors.

Looking forward to hear from you,

Best regards,


1 month ago

Dear Gambler123,

Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience with BETANDYOU Casino.

Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can better understand the situation. 

  • Could you please share your requests (from November 2022 and June 2024) and any responses you received as a result?
  • Were any responsible gambling measures applied to your account, permanent or otherwise?
  • Is your casino account currently blocked?
  • Have you informed the casino about any gambling problems and or gambling addiction?
  • When you encountered errors in games, have you reported the issue to casino support? Were the game rounds identifiable in your gaming history?
  • My email is tomas@casino.guru

I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.

Best regards,


1 month ago

Dear Tomas,

I have sent the evidence I have gathered to your email.

"Could you please share your requests (from November 2022 and June 2024) and any responses you received as a result?"

A: Evidence and screenshots were sent to your email.

"Were any responsible gambling measures applied to your account, permanent or otherwise?"

A: Even after 10+ Emails sent, and 10+ times asking support to apply measures for responsible gaming, no measures were ever applied to my account, in fact , they lied and claimed it was not possible to limit my deposits, as they did not offer such feature.

"Is your casino account currently blocked?"

A: My account is not blocked currently and never was, at any point or time.

"Have you informed the casino about any gambling problems and or gambling addiction?"

A: I have informed them yes, when questioned multiple times, as they attempted to delay my Responsible Gaming measures to my account, I told them I had a gambling problem and i was unhappy with the Service, and they still didn't apply any restriction to my account. They also denied my request for being provided a complaints email. As I request several times, and they just kept giving the same answers, but never provided me with a complaints email.

"When you encountered errors in games, have you reported the issue to casino support? Were the game rounds identifiable in your gaming history?"

A: First few times I encountered the error, I was playing with small stakes, and i just assumed the money would be refunded automatically to my account. When i was playing with Higher stakes, 100€ Bets, i started noticing that, the Games that were lost due to an error were not refunded automatically, so i started taking screenshots of the games with error message, that were lost without me even playing, and I contacted support. I provided the screenshots, from the games I managed to take screenshot, I sent to customer support and they said they would investigate. They then said they would refund my money in 48-72Hours. After 7-10 days, and no refund, I applied the customer chat for an update, and I was told, they would not refund me because there was no error on their end, and I lost the games, all of this after they acknowledged the error, and said they would refund me the bets that were lost due to an error. Note that I took screenshots of the games with the error messages, with bets ranging from 10€ to 100€, as I lost games due to errors around 12-15 times over the course of 1 year, I was told 1 of the times I would be getting a refund for the games with error, and then they apparently changed their minds and said they would not refund me and I lost the Bets and money. The total amount of money lost on Bets that resulted in an error, is around 1.000€, but since i did not have screenshot of all of the times the game malfunctioned, i only wanted around 300-400€ since that was the total of the amount of the bets , of the times i took screenshot. I was speechless as to how they decided not to refund me, after saying they would do so.

My biggest problem while dealing with Bet&You, has been the amount of times they lie, switch up their minds and poor customer Service. They will claim i rejected the block, when I Request 15+ times, when I have proof of all of the times I requested the block, provided ID and everything they requested me, I also told them it was because of Gambling addiction and Unhappiness with the Service, I have proof of them saying 1 time, after 15 requests that they would Apply the measures, and per usual never did, they always aimed to profit at my expense, instead of looking out for my well being, as i made them aware of the situation. Same thing with the Bets that resulted in error, they told me they would refund me, but then 10 days later, they just said they wouldn't refund anything.

1 month ago

Thanks for the explanation and your email.

regarding the casino not blocking your account:

From the correspondence you provided, the reason for account closure you provided was your overall dissatisfaction with the RTP. I haven't observed any mentions of

you struggling to control your gambling or gambling problems.

If you don't inform the casino about any gambling problems, you are still responsible for all bets taking place.

  • Please point out any communication in which you informed the casino about your struggle with gambling as I wasn't able to find it, otherwise, we won't be able to assist you with your refund due to failed self-exclusion.

If you struggle with your gambling and have an open account in online casinos including Bet and You, I would like to call your attention to our Self-Exclusion Assistance Tool https://casino.guru/global-self-exclusion-initiative/assistance-tool

This tool will make it easier for you to block your casino accounts across multiple gambling establishments simultaneously and is not affiliated with any specific casino. The Self-Exclusion Assistance Tool was designed to assist individuals who may be facing challenges with their gambling habits by helping them limit their access to gambling and reduce the potential for further harm.

  • Regarding the lost funds due to technical issues Could you please provide evidence in the form of screenshots and communication with the casino? You can send the information to my email and share screenshots publicly here.

1 month ago

Dear Tomas,

The reason for self exclusion, as I said, was due to both factors, Gambling addiction and Unhappiness with the Service. Obviously, main reason was Gambling addiction, i actively tried to get my account excluded, I didn't send only 1 or 2 emails, or made only 1 or 2 requests, i sent dozens of request both through chat and through email, i provided my ID, i provided all the information they requested, and they still didnt block my account.

When you are in the position that I was at the time, it's not easy to own up to your addiction, and the fact that I asked over 10+ times to close my account, it's pretty obvious what I was going through and what was going on.

I will ask for your attention to the email on the 30th of June of 2023, I asked in the chat support, to block my account , due to problems with the game. Again I was forwarded to their email like always and I clearly said in the email " If once again, you do not obey my Self exclusion request, I will report BetandYou. I would like to exclude my account for the highest amount of time possible "

To which BetandYou replied " Do you have problems with the account/Game , or is the motive of the exclusion related to the quality of the service? "

And I replied " Its related to both. Please proceed with the block. Thank you. "

Apparently, I can no longer access the customer support chat from June 2023, it doesn't let me go before the 20th of October 2023. Which is pretty weird, because a few weeks ago, I was able to browse the whole history of my chat in 2023. Putting aside the fact that I can no longer check my history from over 9 months ago, which I could do just a few weeks ago, I decided to browse through all my Chat, since I know I have actively tried to get my account blocked and, even though it was really hard for me to admit that I had a gambling problem, I know perfectly well, that i explicitly, made the customer service aware of the situation, but unfortunately, BetandYou always aimed to profit of people going through tough times and addictions, instead of actually helping them.

May I grab your immediate attention again, to the 10th of March 2024, when I told customer support the following, " I would like my account to be blocked, to prevent pathological and compulsive gambling."

On the same day and once again, i am redirected to their email, where they do nothing besides delaying your request, and not granting any measures for self exclusion. ( I need to point out that, Any good casino, offers easy and reachable RG measures, most of the times, inside your account, without the need to ask anyone to apply them)

Also note, their reason to fail to block my account, when they knew about my gambling problem was, and i quote, " At the Block Support you were offered to block the account. According to the information we have, you turned down the request. "

This casino, not only failed to block my account for over 1.5 years, they claimed I was the one that rejected the block, which makes no sense, as I sent over 10 emails, and they were the ones that refused to apply any responsible gaming measures, as you can see from the several screenshots i provided. I requested them to show me proof, of any email that I requested a block, and that I supposedly was offered one, to which allegedly i refused, something they failed to provide, as it was a fabricated lie, and an attempt to silence me.

If you take a look at the other Complaints here on CasinoGuru, you will find another complaint of a player, actively trying to get his account blocked and excluded, to no avail. BetAndYou uses this tactic, of profiting of Players with addiction, that have actually tried to get their account excluded and BetandYou did not allow them, in order to maximize their profits with a complete disregard over players rights and safety.

Bear in mind, that this is just 1 of the many things this casino has done, i provided evidence for the other " dirty tactics " the casino does, which is not providing a complaints email, and not refunding players on Void bets over Errors on the platform.

Even though its not my case, i do think, there is no possible excuse, to not block someones account after over 10+ requests. I use other casinos, that allow me to set limits, cool off periods and self exclusion whenever i want, without questions asked and hassle-free. Unlike BetAndYou, that goes above and beyond to make the players life more difficult.

This has been going on for almost 2 years, it's getting very tiring, and very difficult to uphold the little rights we have as as players, but I do thank casino guru for taking the time to try and help me and many other players.

Ps: I will also provide below, their answers to my complaint, which show the complete disregard they give to players. Even with their acknowledgement, they fail to provide anything the player requests.

Best regards,

Duarte filefilefilefilefile

1 month ago

Regarding the errors of the games, I will post here, some of the error messages I encountered, as well as Betandyou customer support, saying they would provide me with a refund in 48 hours, to which they then said, they would not refund anything.

There were 3 different error messages, as well as, i got 3-4 times in a row, " Establishing connection " when i had won the game. Note that, I have really fast internet, 5G mobile data, and the only times I got the Establishing connection, screen, was when playing a bad version of blackjack they offer and when I had already won the game, and due to the error, I couldn't do anything, other than leaving the game or restarting the app.

Most common error, " Something went wrong! If the error continues, please contact customer service" .

2nd most common, " Error with the request "

The 3rd, which I think it only happen 1 or 2 times, " This game is currently undergoing maintenence. It will be back soon! "

As you will see in the 1st screenshot, I lost 3 games in a row in 7 seconds, after getting the " Establishing connection " and restarting the game. I dont think its even possible to play 3 card rounds in 7 seconds, but if they can prove me wrong, i will let this one go. Unfortunately, everytime I request any evidence, they do not provide any, and just claim it's my fault for anything it happens wrong.

With the game Gems Odyssey, I got the error message several times, and as far as I know, I lost the money everytime the error popped up, as when I pressed OK, the game disconnected, and when I joined to play again, I always had to start a new round.



1 month ago


fileAlso, something that I failed to mention in my 1st post regarding the complaint, as I think its also a breach of my Rights, but I just didn't pursue because honestly I don't see anyone paying much attention to it, BetandYou does not provide any information the player requests, i requested 1 time, to be given my full history of my transactions and the Profit/Loss generated of the past 3 months, to which BetandYou said, they do not have the totals to provide.

Again, I requested this for 2 reasons, 1 of them being to be able to control my spendings, and once again they failed to provide. file


Operator: Good morning! How can I help? Me: I would like to know if it is possible to request proof of the total record of transactions made in the last 3 months? deposits and withdrawals

Operator: You can check your transactions in your transaction history.

Me: the history doesn't have the total record, only individual, is it possible to get the totals?

Operator: Unfortunately the history does not have the totals, sir.

1 month ago

BetandYou says it is not possible to limit deposits. As you will see below, I Explicitly said, i would like to limit my deposits to control my spendings. Not providing me with such tools, goes against any responsible gaming conduct, as a player is entitled to apply limit of his deposits anytime he wants.



Me: Good afternoon!

Me: I would like put a Limit on my account deposits. Is it possible?

Me: Good afternoon?

Betandyou: Good afternoon!

Betandyou: The minimum amount of deposits/withdrawals is determined by the method and not by the house (Betandyou), therefore you should go for what the minimum amount that is presented to you is.

Me: i would like to impose a limit on my deposits, so i can control my spendings, can i limit my deposits?

Me: That being said, its not possible for betandyou to put a limit on my deposits?

Me: Ok, thank you!

Betandyou: it's not possible ( For betandyou ) to provide with this function Sir, we do not have deposit limits. But we can limit Maximum betting amounts, if you wish.

1 month ago

Dear Tomas,

May I grab your immediate attention, to BetandYou ToS/General conditions:


Setting Self-exclusion lets us know that we need to take all measures to block your access to your account and make sure that you receive no promotional materials. You may also contact our support team at our email support@betandyou.com and inform us about your decision to stop gambling at our Website for a certain period or forever
We offer a self-exclusion facility to help you if you feel that your gambling is out of control and you want assistance to help stop. At your request, we will prevent you from using your account for a specific period, as determined by you. We will also take reasonable steps to prevent the opening of new accounts. Once the period has lapsed, your account will be reopened.

Please remember that if you inadvertently receive marketing material and continue to gamble, or circumvent your agreement by, for example, continuing to gamble, opening and operating new accounts, we are under no obligation to return any deposits, winnings, or other funds in respect of such activities online.

Kindly note that, the case for me continuing to gamble, was due to Purposely and/or with Negligence, the delay and/or Refusal to comply with the Self-exclusion and Responsible gaming measures. This being said, BetandYou is under obligation, and should provide me with a refund for the deposits, after my 1st attempt at requesting these measures.

I am willing to settle for the amount i have asked, which equals to around 50% of my losses, since this matter has been going on for too long, and I just want to put an end to it.

As i will provide below, the following is mentioned on the CCRG2022, Code to which Casinos Licensed in Curaçao are Obligated to follow, says " ... deemed unusual shall be, committed by any person, purposely or with negligence,..."...the refusal to comply with a compliance procedure..."

"Code of Conduct Responsible Gaming 2022" or: "CCRG 2022"

Article 3,

2. Regardless of the status of a structure, deemed unusual shall be, committed by any person, purposely or with negligence, either by facilitation, expedition, abuse, extortion Or otherwise, the act or conduct of:
r. extortion, fraud, deceit, intimidation, slander in any way form or combination, by conspiracy or by ring, such as however not limited to abuse of authority, law, contract and terms of service

g. obstruction or hindrance, delay or the refusal to comply with a compliance procedure, such as however not limited to submitting documentation that is uncertified, deliberately incoherent or of substandard visual quality, debate or misuse procedure, obstructing or hindering any process of identification, verification, reporting and informing;

u. providing any type of incorrect or misleading information, purposely or by negligence, pertaining to however not limited to profits, losses, turnover, complaints, investments, end users, key individuals or nominees, including however not limited to the backdating of documents;

Betandyou has breached several articles of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Gaming they are meant to follow.

  • They deceived and lied to me, claiming it was not possible to Limit my deposits in order to control my spendings, making me suffer much bigger losses than necessary
  • They hindered, delayed and at the end, didn't apply any measure for self-exclusion and for Responsible Gaming after being asked several times.
  • They didn't provide me a place to file my complaint, when asked for one, delaying this whole process.

1 month ago

Thank you very much, Gambler123, for providing the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal (michal.v@casino.guru)  who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.  

1 month ago

Hello Gambler123,

My name is Michal and I will be assisting you with your case. I hope that together we will come to a successful resolution of your issue.

I would like to request the presence of a representative from the casino in this conversation.

Dear BETANDYOU Casino,

Could you possibly provide additional information regarding the mentioned issues and clarify the situation?

Thank you in advance.



1 month ago
Requested by the player

This post has been made private by Casino Guru, as requested by the player.

1 month ago

Dear all

We have carefully reviewed the complaint and would like to clarify the following points:

Deposit Limits and Self-Exclusion:

Our support team indeed serves as the first stage in the process of resolving such issues. The player was advised to send a request to block@betandyou.com for a more efficient resolution. However, despite this recommendation, we have not received any emails from the player.

Additionally, in the player's personal account on our website, there are options available for setting limits, self-exclusion, and cooldown periods. This information is accessible in the "Self Exclusion" section. The player can configure these restrictions independently at any time. Please refer to the attached screenshot.

Thus, we provide all the necessary tools and instructions for limiting gaming activity.

Unfortunately, it appears that the player has been abusing their rights and did not utilize these options or follow the support team's instructions.

Game Errors and Refunds:

According to our Terms and Conditions, specifically section 8 on Errors:

8.1 In the event of an error or malfunction of our system or processes, all bets are rendered void. You are under an obligation to inform us immediately as soon as you become aware of any error with the Service. In the event of communication or system errors, bugs, or viruses occurring in connection with the Service and/or payments made to you as a result of a defect or error in the Service, we are not liable for any direct or indirect costs, expenses, losses, or claims arising or resulting from such errors. We reserve the right to void all games/bets in question and take any other action to correct such errors.

8.3 We have the right to recover from you any amount overpaid and to adjust your account to rectify any mistake. An example of such a mistake might be where a price is incorrect or where we enter the result of an event incorrectly. If there are insufficient funds in your account, we may demand that you pay us the relevant outstanding amount relating to any erroneous bets or wagers. We reserve the right to cancel, reduce, or delete any pending plays, whether placed with funds resulting from the error or not.

Given these terms, we are not liable to refund the bets affected by the reported errors, as outlined in sections 8.1 and 8.3. These sections specify that in the case of system errors or malfunctions, all affected bets are considered void, and we are not responsible for any resulting losses.

Best regards

1 month ago

Dear Michal,

May I grab your attention to the following, which highlights the lack of understanding from BetandYou, and the complete disregard and Negligence that they have showed me, as i still believe they havent properly read anything i have stated in my complaint or look at the evidence i have provided:

Our support team indeed serves as the first stage in the process of resolving such issues.

As I have proved in the several screenshots I have posted, and in the screenshots I have sent your colleague Tomas, which I assume he has forwarded to you, BetandYou customer support told me, more than once,"We do not offer the possibility of Limiting deposits", Customer support also told me, regarding the Void Bets, "We will refund you in 48hours", more than 1 week later and no refund, they say they will not refund because there was no Error, when i clearly have evidence of the Errors, and proof of customer service saying they will refund the Bets. How am i supposed to believe anything the customer support says, when they have induced me in error several times?

The player was advised to send a request to block@betandyou.com for a more efficient resolution. However, despite this recommendation, we have not received any emails from the player.

This is completely Untruthful and Deceitful information. I have provided several screenshots of my correspondence with BetandYou through email, out of all excuses possible, claiming they haven't received any of my emails is the worst, as i have proof of all correspondence exchanged, because they indeed received and responded to my emails, i have sent proof to tomas and I will send to Michal as well if needed.

This information is accessible in the "Self Exclusion" section. The player can configure these restrictions independently at any time.

This is misleading. There is no Self-Exclusion section inside the App, and I only use the App.

Kindly note, the problem here is me having requested several times for self-exclusion through chat and email, and none was ever applied. Disregarding my addiction and Responsible gaming rights.

It appears the player has been abusing their rights and did not utilize these options or follow the support team's instructions.

It saddens me to see such claim, when I have requested dozens of times to be applied with self-exclusion, I sent numerous emails both to the support team and the block team, they never followed my request. Claiming I abused my rights is straight up wrong, as it was BetandYou who abused my rights and keeps abusing them by never providing any truthful information.

Game Errors and Refunds:
According to our Terms and Conditions, specifically section 8 on Errors:
In the event of an error or malfunction of our system or processes, all bets are rendered void.

According to their ToS, as BetandYou posted, In the event of an Error or malfunction, all Bets are considered void.

VOID BET = A Void Bet is a bet that is cancelled or declared invalid by the bookmaker or sportsbook. This means that the bet is not considered to have been placed or settled, and the stake is returned to the customer.

This being said, I stand by what I said since the beggining, i should be refunded for the Bets that have resulted in error, which is around 400€, and according to the ToS, they are Obligated to refund my Bet. This is extremely problematic, because the problem here, lies in the fact BetandYou does not understand the meaning of a VOID BET, and they don't understand that Void Bet= Refund the stake. How can I trust a company to act accordingly, if they don't understand the meaning of their own general conditions?

Given these terms, we are not liable to refund the bets affected by the reported errors, as outlined in sections 8.1 and 8.3. These sections specify that in the case of system errors or malfunctions, all affected bets are considered void, and we are not responsible for any resulting losses.

This is extremely contradicting, they clearly say all affected bets are considered Void, but proceed to say they are not liable to refund the Bets. Again, Void Bet= Refund of stake. I am entitled to a refund of the bets that resulted in error, as it makes no sense for them not to refund me when it's written in their ToS and they have acknowledged that the bet will be refunded/Voided.

For the past few months, BetandYou only goes in circles and doesn't own up to their mistakes. I have been trying for months to solve this issue, to no avail. They keep delaying and providing false information. Kindly note, I have evidence for everything that I have said, and I will provide whatever evidence is necessary to resolve this issue once and for all.

All I ask is goodwill from BetandYou to actually try and solve my problem, as I am being extremely reasonable, I should be asking for almost 2x the amount I am claiming, whhich I will do, if they keep dragging like they have, and no good will is shown.

Best regards,


1 month ago

Dear Michal,

After receiving some legal advice, if its Ok with you, and you agree as well, I would like to change my request for reimburstment to the following:

The Operator (BetandYou) to refund the NET deposit amount made after 30 June 2023 until 12 June 2024. The NET deposit amount is calculated as: total deposits minus total withdrawals after the self exclusion date. I will not include the amount of mishandled Void bets, which would only add a very small amount to the reimburstment, and I am willing to let that go, if BetandYou can fulfill the request.

I will be waiting for a reply,

Best regards

1 month ago

Dear Michal,

Just to Add to my current evidence, BetAndYou signature move, is not only providing false information as I have showed countless times, but also hindering and delaying any attempts at applying Responsible gaming measures.

When you want to self-exclude or apply responsible gaming measures, they will do their best to Neglect, hinder and Delay your attempts. They will ask for a reason several times and then, forward you from Department to department, until you reach the block department. What should be an easy process, as Responsible gaming should be taken very seriously, it takes several days or weeks with BetandYou, because as you can see in their ToS, they say, if you want to self exclude you need to contact their support team, their support team will then ask you the reason, and then they will forward you to the block department. At the Block department they will do exactly the same thing the support team did, and ask again the reason and time to self-exclude, proving they intentionally delay the process.

To finish the matter, not only do their general conditions say, you need to contact their customer support to apply self-exclusion, they also say you can apply self-exclusion for a period Between 3 months and 5 years, or Forever, but when you attempt to self-exclude yourself for any period over 1 year, including asking for a Permanent Self-exclusion, they will say the Maximum they can exclude is 1 year, and they will give you only 3 options, 1 month, 6 months or 1 year.

The emails are in Portuguese, at your request, I will gladly provide all Translations necessary.


(Images can be displayed to the public, as I have blurred or covered any personal information.)

1 month ago

Thank you, Gambler123 for a truly extensive and detailed explanation, and also BETANDYOU Casino for the reply.

Dear BETANDYOU Casino, can you comment on the fact that, in their last reply, the player had provided a screenshot that shows that they in fact had sent an email to the address you have mentioned - block@betandyou.com, but you have stated that you have never received an email to this address? Also, why was the answer that the maximum period of self-exclusion is one year? And lastly, can you comment on the fact that the users playing via the casino app do not have the option of self-exclusion directly through the app?

1 month ago

The user's request was processed in accordance with the regulations specified in the rules and regulations at the time of the request.

Previously, the blocking period indicated on the site was different, at the moment the project has a corresponding section of rules and regulations, as well as a clause of the rules regulating the blocking period, namely: Self-Exclusion Limit. You can set a Self-Exclusion Limit for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years. Upon doing so your Player Account will immediately be disabled and you will be excluded from all promotional offers for the set period. You will not be able to deposit or withdraw funds when the limit is active. Upon its expiring your account will not be automatically re-activated.

Therefore, the statement that the project has a limitation of only one year is not correct. We also note that the support service carried out all actions within the framework of the rules and regulations in force at that time.

Please note that in his appeals the user did not indicate any actual problems with gaming addiction.

We assure the forum administration that as soon as the project staff became aware of the existence of these problems on the part of the user, the user was immediately blocked.

We also draw the attention of the site administration to the fact that in the rules and regulations there is a link to a special form for self-exclusion.

Automatic translation:
1 month ago

Dear All,

Let me shine some light into the events, for everyone to understand the severe case of misconduct By BetAndYou.

My 1st request at Blocking my account, was on the 1st of November 2022. I did what BetAndYou Customer support told me to do, and what is written in their ToS, and I applied to the support team email with a request to exclude my account permanently.

Although their ToS say to send an email to the support team to request self-exclusion, you can only get self-excluded through the Block department. The support team redirected me to the Block team where they once again asked me for how long I wanted to Self-exclude.

I replied I wanted to self-exclude permanently. They requested my ID, which i provided them with, even though I think it shouldn't be needed to go through such extensive Verification and questioning, either way, I did everything they told me, and by 18th of January of 2023, I had already told the block-team I wanted my account permanently self-excluded and I had provided ID as requested.

For purposes of clarification and extra information, in 2022, i started devoloping depression, and at the beggining of 2023, i lost my grandfather, and all I was left with, was a small Heritage from him. This further exacerbated my poor mental health at the time, and all combined, led My deposits to slowly increase from 20-100€ at a time, to 150€-500€ in 1 go. By now, I had already done everything they had requested me, including sending several emails to Support@BetAndyou, and Block@Betandyou, i had requested a block permanently and i had provided my ID for verification. Since, I was losing mostly everything, even after Asking for help and for a self-exclusion of my account several times, I am positive that this was a contributing factor for BetAndYou to not block my account, as they were profiting Thousands at my expense. If I had won a large sum, they would have tried everything to seize my winnings, and this conversation would be very different.

Unfortunately this is where the misconduct begins. Not only did they never Block my account, they started bending their ToS for their own advantage and self financial gain. They started saying as you can see in the screenshots above, I could only request a maximum of 1 year of self-exclusion. By now, I thought I was permanently Block, but unfortunately I wasn't. A few days later, I tried to play again and there were 0 restrictions applied. Unfortunately, I kept playing.

5 months later I applied again to the same email, requesting the block to be applied, since they failed to follow my request and their obligations for blocking my account permanently. In June 2023, once again, I applied to the customer support chat for self-exclusion, and said I had a problem with gambling and i wanted to self-exclude Permanently. The chat redirected me once again to the block department, for the block to be applied. This was now my 4th or 5th request. In the email I specifically said, I wanted my account to be SELF-EXCLUDED FOR THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF TIME POSSIBLE ( PERMANENTLY).

BetAndYou kept delaying and asked me again, what was the reason, and if it was due to account gambling or service, and I said it was due to both ( Gambling Addiction and Poor service). I replied, Due to both, and to please proceed with the block.

Once again, BetAndYou, Didn't follow their obligations and they didn't block my account.

BetAndYou deceived me, by claiming I couldn't self-exclude for longer than 1 year, when it's written in their ToS, I can self-exclude forever if I want to. They told me, I couldn't limit my deposits in order to control my spendings. And they continuously failed to fulfill their obligations, at Blocking my account when requested multiple times.

When confronted with the issues, they lied about claiming they had never received any request from me. They also haven't explained why App users don't have the option to apply any responsible gaming measures.

Since all of this could have been avoided if BetAndYou had fulfilled their obligations, and had blocked the access to my account on the 18th of January 2023, the day I successfully finished the process for self-exclusion. From my end, the only way to successfully close this complaint as resolved, is by BetandYou to refund the NET deposits amount made after 18 January 2023 until 12 June 2024, the day i stopped using BetAndYou, as i had enough with all the misconduct i suffered.

Michal, if possible, change the amount Disputed to 17.000€, since this is the amount i am seeking as a refund for all of the net deposits made after BetAndYou failed to fulfill their obligations, i don't know the exact number, but i believe it's somewhere between 15K and 20K.

Best regards

1 month ago
The user's request was processed in accordance with the regulations specified in the rules and regulations at the time of the request.

Again, this is false and misleading. They can't say the user's requests was processed in accordance with the regulations, because my request was NEVER processed. They only blocked my account somewhere around the 25th of July 2024, AFTER I posted my complaint here and on another Forum. If I hadn't posted a complaint online, my account would still be active, despite all my efforts for a limit or block to be applied.

Side note: each time BetAndYou gives a different answer about not blocking my account.

1st - This is what I was told by BetAndYou: "Kindly note that at the Block Support you were offered to block the account. According to the information we have, you turned down the request"

2nd - BetAndYou said they didn't receive any of my emails, which is Not true as we saw previously.

3rd - BetAndYou said they acted in accordance with the rules, but we have already established they didn't fulfill their obligations for Responsible gaming.

Previously, the blocking period indicated on the site was different, at the moment the project has a corresponding section of rules and regulations, as well as a clause of the rules regulating the blocking period, namely: Self-Exclusion Limit

Once again, this is Untruthful. The Screenshot i posted with the Terms and Conditions of BetAndYou was taken in August 2024. If you take a look at the screenshot, it clearly says, Last updated 10.11.2022. My correspondence with BetAndYou, dates back to 2023. Therefore, the current ToS were already in force at the time I sent my email and at the time I received their answer of not being able to Self-exclude for over 1 year. This proves they intentionally deceived me by claiming the Self-Exclusion couldn't be longer than 1 year.

Also note, there is No option inside the App for players to self-exclude, Cooldown or apply any limits. I was repeatedly told by the customer support, BetAndYou didn't offer a way to limit deposits. If there is no option inside the App for me to apply limits or self-exclusion, and customer service says, they can't Limit my deposits and they Neglect my requests at Self-excluding, what am I supposed to think or do? I did everything i could. This further proves the misconduct By BetAndYou.

Therefore, the statement that the project has a limitation of only one year is not correct. We also note that the support service carried out all actions within the framework of the rules and regulations in force at that time.

Kindly note that, it was not me who said the Maximum was 1 year, it was BetAndYou customer support that told me, after i requested a permanent self-exclusion.

"Setting Self-exclusion lets us know that we need to take all measures to block your access to your account and make sure that you receive no promotional materials. You may also contact our support team at our email support@betandyou.com and inform us about your decision to stop gambling at our Website for a certain period or forever"

As you can see from their ToS, If a players asks to be Self-Excluded, it lets BetAndYou know, they need to take ALL measures to block access to my account. Unfortunately BetAndYou failed to fulfill their obligations, I requested multiple times for self-exclusion to be applied and they never did as requested.

BetAndYou failed several times, provided me with multiple wrong and deceitful information that ultimately led to me losing thousands, due to them failing to fulfill their obligations, and by inducing me in Error, for their own personal gain.

Due to all of this I will reiterate, the only way to successfully close this complaint as resolved, is by BetandYou to refund me, the NET deposits amount made after 18 January 2023 until 12 June 2024.

I wholeheartedly request for BetAndYou to understand and own up to what they did wrong, as they took advantage of me during a very hard situation, and i hope they show the Goodwill to refund me for their mistake, as all I am claiming back, are the deposits since I successfully did everything they requested me, and they failed to fulfill their obligations, if that is met by them, I will gladly close the complaint and acknowledge that BetAndYou finally acted rightfully with me.

Looking forward to hear from BetAndYou and CasinoGuru,

Best regards

1 month ago

Dear All,

I took it upon me to check the following statement made by BetAndYou:

We also draw the attention of the site administration to the fact that in the rules and regulations there is a link to a special form for self-exclusion.

Once again, This is false and deceiftul. I made an interesting discovery. When playing through the App, we have access to the rules and regulations, by downloading a PDF File. The PDF file has BetAndYou General conditions. Indeed there seems to be a Hyperlink to something related to Self-exclusion. But this is where it gets interesting. They only changed the color to blue and added an underline to the word and made it look like it is a HyperLink.

When you try to click on it, you will see it doesn't redirect you to any page because it's only Text without any Hyperlink. The Hyperlinks in a PDF file appear in Blue, with an Underline and in Bold text. They only changed the color to blue and put an underline, but as i said, its only text, its not a clickable link or anything similar. Below, I will show the difference between a clickable link in their Rules and Regulations and a Fake/Dissimulated text without a Hyperlink in their Rules and Regulations.

Once again, this is another tactic at delaying and making it impossible to Self-exclude. Since November 2022, I fought an impossible battle to try and self-exclude myself, but it's more than clear now, that I was never going to get self-excluded and they took advantage of me to profit, because they made it virtually and literally impossible for that to happen.


Dear Michal, kindly check your email for a small video with further proof of the mentioned above.

1 month ago

Dear BetAndYou Casino,

Following your message in the discussion in your page, here on Casino guru, I will provide the evidence of me completing the whole procedure you asked for, since you claim I didn't do it.

Hopefully after this, you take accountability and own up to your mistake. All I want is a refund of the net deposits since 18 January 2023, the day I successfully completed all the process.

BetAndYou message on CasinoGuru, saying I was advised to send an email to block and complete KYC, and they falsely claim I didn't do it... Below I will prove I indeed did it, and even after doing all of that, they neglected to block my account. file

The user's request was processed in accordance with the regulations specified in the rules and regulations at the time of the request.

Below is more than enough evidence, to prove this is not true, and that my request was NEVER processed despite me doing everything requested.

1st Image - Me contacting Support@betandyou requesting Self-exclusion file

2nd Image - BetAndYou redirects me to Block department after 2 emails are exchanged file

3rd Image - Following Supports email instructions, I request block department for a block, and Block department asks me for how long and Asks me for KYC to block my account file

4th Image - I request a block permanently and provide my ID to complete KYC file

According to BetAndYou, they didnt block my account because I didn't follow their instructions and didnt provide ID.

As you can see from all the Screenshots, I indeed did EVERYTHING they asked me to do, and they failed to block my account. This has been dragging on for months, I did everything BetAndYou requested me to do, and Betandyou failed to complete their obligations. I have many more screenshots of my several requests to self-exclude my account, screenshots of BetAndYou claiming I can't Limit my deposits to control my spendings, Screenshots of the poor customer support I encountered, and many more.

I provided all evidence needed, it's more than clear that I did everything I could, and you failed to fulfill every request I made to self-exclude my account.

Can we please proceed with the refund and Close my complaint as resolved? That's all I ask for.

Best regards

3 weeks ago

Dear Gambler123,

Due to the large amount of evidence and information provided by you, I would like to ask you to provide us with all of the evidence that clearly shows that you have asked for self-exclusion, specifically mentioning gambling addiction. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

3 weeks ago
Requested by the player

This post has been made private by Casino Guru, as requested by the player.

Sensitive attachment
Sensitive attachment
3 weeks ago

As you can see, BetAndYou clearly says, contact us at Block team, request self-exclusion, provide Photo of ID and they will block your access to your account. I have showed above I did all of this and they never Blocked the access to my account. I didn't request RG measures 1 or 2 times... I requested over 10 Times.

If this was about 100-200$, they would own up to their mistakes and refund the money. Since we are talking about thousands, they keep lying, providing Wrongful and deceitful information and doing everything they can to discredit me. It's unbelievable the extent they are willing to go.

They delayed, they Hindered, they provided misleading information about not being possible to set limits and ultimately they didn't allow me to self-exclude. They lied about not having received my emails. They have made up 3 different excuses for not blocking my account. I have provided everything I have. I have discovered new dirty methods they use to not allow players to self-exclude. It's all for everyone to see.

Sensitive attachment
Sensitive attachment
3 weeks ago

Dear Michal,

If you allow me, i will Kindly use your words to make my point stand out, as I couldn't have said it better :

Firstly, let me note that self-exclusion due to a gambling problem is a serious issue that should be treated with utmost importance and care. The players suffering from gambling addictions often lose control of their actions and can not help themselves. Actually admitting to the casino that one has a gambling problem is a big step.

I Requested 10+ times for a block and self-exclusion to be applied to my account. I did everything they requested me to do, including setting the time for self-exclusion and providing ID. I told the casino at least 3 times about my addiction. My deposits went from 2-3 times a day 20-50€ to 5-7 times a day 200-500€. This is more than enough to be aware of the existence of problematic gambling behaviour.

However, BetAndYou Casino has not taken the necessary action(s) under responsible gaming to block my account.

Look at it from another perspective: If instead of me depositing 20-25x more than normal, if my withdrawals had increased in 20-25x, don't you think they would close my account for "Investigation"?

Below you will see the difference in my deposits before I asked for Self-exclusion, and the deposits after i asked for self-exclusion over 10 times. Its impossible to claim, BetAndYou was not aware of what they were doing. They saw me as an opportunity to profit and instead of Helping me after several requests they decided to take advantage of me.

After browsing through my transaction history, i actually think i lost 2-3x more than i though, which is making me sick. The images below should prove what i am saying, but if needed i will send more. Please turn the images below into sensitive content.

Best regards

3 weeks ago

Dear Michal,

I emailed BetAndYou, with my proposition for the refund, to settle my complaint once and for all, bearing in mind that the amount of evidence I have is staggering.

Unfortunately, I got ignored like i always have been, and they didnt even reply.

Edit: They answered after seeing my Post, and keep giving the same answer, according to them, they have given me all the information needed for my issue.

Since they just refuse to acknowledge the error on their part, hopefully you have more luck trying to communicate with them, since I have been unsuccessful for several months now.

2 weeks ago

Dear Gambler123,

I am trying to reach out to the casino internally, outside of this thread, that's why I am setting another timer. Your patience is greatly appreciated, you will be informed when I'll have any news.

2 weeks ago

Dear Michal,

I appreciate the help, that you have given. I will be waiting for any news or update that might surface.

Please let me know if anything is needed from my end.

Best regards

2 weeks ago

Dear all.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

We would like to clarify the situation:

In our initial communication with the player, we provided the option to choose a self-exclusion period from the available options . However, the player did not specify the desired blocking period in his response.

Additionally, as mentioned before, the player had the option to utilize the self-exclusion feature directly on our website at any time. Despite this, he did not take advantage of this option.

Furthermore, in the player's follow-up request for account blocking, sent six months later, he did not provide the required identification documents, which are necessary for us to process such a request.

We would like to inform you that the player's account is currently self-excluded in accordance with his wishes.

Best regards,

2 weeks ago

Dear BetAndYou,

Although I appreciate the time and effort to finally adress my complaint, I do not agree with anything you say and I will prove my case below, stating your own Terms and conditons:


Setting Self-exclusion lets us know that we need to take all measures to block your access to your account and make sure that you receive no promotional materials. You may also contact our support team at our email support@betandyou.com and inform us about your decision to stop gambling at our Website for a certain period or forever

I informed BetAndYou about my decision to stop gambling due to addiction and Unhappiness with the Service multiple times, but since I was losing everything I was depositing, betandYou decided to bend their ToS, decided to go against the Code of Conduct for Responsible gaming, and found a way to keep me playing, by not allowing me to self-exclude after Dozens of requests.

Additionally, as mentioned before, the player had the option to utilize the self-exclusion feature directly on our website at any time. Despite this, he did not take advantage of this option.

Once again, I will reiterate, I do not use the website. The Android App does not have any feature to set limits, Cooldown or self-exclusion. The only way I could set any of this features, is through customer support, and I was ignored 10+ times.

Furthermore, in the player's follow-up request for account blocking, sent six months later, he did not provide the required identification documents, which are necessary for us to process such a request.

What documents did I not provide? In my 6 month follow up request, I didn't receive any answer after they asked me if it was due to addiction or Unhappiness with the Service. Also, why would BetAndYou ask for my ID AGAIN? I had already provided my ID like you requested. This just proves you intentionally hindered and delay all my attempts at setting self-exclusion.

We would like to inform you that the player's account is currently self-excluded in accordance with his wishes.

This only happened after I posted my complaint online, because you knew I had extensive evidence and proof of your wrongdoings, and you decided to block me after you saw my complains online, but the damage has been done, and you profited at my expense for several months, and you failed to fulfill your obligations.

2 weeks ago

Since I was already expecting a new excuse, I took it upon me to check all of my requests and to check BetAndYou Terms of service one more time.

This is what it is stated in their OWN Terms of service file

They clearly say, send an email to their customer department, with a request to SELF-EXCLUDE, and they will apply one in 24 hours. If you check my email on the 1st November of 2022 and again the one on 30th June 2023, I clearly requested SELF-EXCLUSION, and like always, they did not honor their own Terms of Service, and allowed me to keep playing for their own financial gain, overlooking all of their responsibilities.

Kindly note that, if I hadn't sent any email to the customer support or block team, this complaint would most likely be closed already, because I wouldn't have done what I needed to get self-excluded, but this is not the case. I indeed did everything I was supposed to do, and BetAndYou found a way everytime to delay and not allow me to self-exclude.

They have breached their own Terms of service multiple times to profit at my expense. They have lied multiple times, to try and discredit me. I have been extremely cooperative and understanding, but it's getting out of hand, and it's clear BetAndYou never wanted to self-exclude my account, and they only did it because I brought this to casino guru.

As a player, what protection do I have, if the Casino Breaks their own Terms of service for their own financial gain? If this was a well regulated casino, i would 100% have won this and got my refund by now. They have continously breached their own Terms of service and failed to fulfill all of their Responsible gaming Obligations.

It's clear, there is just no way of winning against these crooked and fraudulent casinos. I have had an Absolutely terrible experience with BetAndYou, i got scammed by them multiple times as you can see from all the evidence, and there is just no way of getting justice. They continuously breach their own Terms of service, to hinder and Delay all my attempts at setting self-exclusion, and at the end, never applied self-exclusion even after 10+ Requests from my end.

1 week ago

Hello Gambler123,

We would like to update you that due to Michal, your designated resolver, being on vacation, we have opted to extend the timeline by an additional 7 days. Since Michal has an in-depth understanding of your situation and maintains direct communication with the casino, we find this extension justified. Your patience is sincerely appreciated, and I assure you that Michal will contact you at the earliest opportunity.

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing patience.

Best regards, Casino Guru

1 week ago

Dear Michal,

I hope you are doing well and enjoying your Holidays.

I requested BetandYou through email, to be aware of the situation, the following:

- Amount of deposits since 18th January 2023

- Amount of Withdrawals since 18th January 2023

- Profit/Loss Amount since 18th January 2023

As usual, they didn't provide me with anything i requested...They said I could check it for myself inside the App, which I told them, there are thousands of transactions, and I could only check 1 by 1, which would take hours to calculate, and again, they refused to provide me with the requested information, claiming its "secure information" and that i am a Third party without acess. There is no such thing as secure information regarding myself, i am entitled to access any information pertaining to me. I checked the amount and calculated every single deposit and withdrawal 1 by 1.

I kindly request you to change the amount requested to the following: 20250€

This amount is subject to human error, since i had to calculate 1 by 1 myself, but it's a much more accurate number of my losses, since I requested and completed self-exclusion and was ignored.

5 days ago

Dear Michal,

I hope this message finds you well,

Could you kindly provide any updates regarding the case?

Best regards

4 days ago

Dear everyone,

Since this case is rather extensive, it takes a longer time than usual for me to go through all of the information, and I apologize for that. I thank you and appreciate your patience.

Dear BETANDYOU Casino Team,

According to your last statement, do I understand correctly that you believe you have provided the player with the possibility of self-exclusion multiple times, but he did not follow the requested procedure?

Dear Gambler123,

Let me assure you that I have received all of your emails and that I am going through everything carefully and making sure that I do not miss any important details.

Waiting for approval
Waiting for approval
4 days ago
Waiting for approval

This post is private for now. It’s waiting to get approved by Casino Guru. We only make new posts public after a manual review to make sure that they don’t contain any sensitive information meant to be only seen by the involved parties.

Waiting for approval
Waiting for approval
6 hours ago
Waiting for approval

This post is private for now. It’s waiting to get approved by Casino Guru. We only make new posts public after a manual review to make sure that they don’t contain any sensitive information meant to be only seen by the involved parties.

Casino Guru is examining the case

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