HomeComplaintsPokerStars Casino - Player’s account was closed and winnings confiscated.

PokerStars Casino - Player’s account was closed and winnings confiscated.

Amount: $3,515

PokerStars Casino
Submitted: 23 Dec 2019 | Case closed : 14 Aug 2023
Case closed Our verdict

Regulator: Casino was right


Case summary

Jeffrey from the United States has a problem with Pokerstars Casino. After he won, his account was closed. As a reason, the casino accused him of placing risk free bets knowingly.


k have written this so many times so let me first say ibhave pokerstars pa and nj accounts...so i deposited 600usd into pokerstars nj, i won a good 3515 usd.  inwent to withdrawl the froze my account until my funds cleared so i went back to look at my deposits and the date and time.  well i noticed my account ends in 2540 i said oh no my new account ends in 2440 2540 was my old account.  i brouhhtbit to there attention even sent over my closed accounts last statement.  i sent over my new account statement to explain. after a little back and fourth for 4 days they froze my account closed it and confiscated my funda.....this was all new jersey.  now lets go over to pennsylvania k had returned payments that i have to repay just got an email today saying eepay thebfunds and u can continue to uae the pennsylvania account. 


back to jersey they said they closed my account because i played risk free knowingly.  how didni knowingly play risknfree when k brought it to there attention that i inputed the wrong account number by accident it is only 1 digit difference.  and then i thimk with email today......if i would of deposited 600 usd and i lostball i would have to do is pay it back and then contknue using there pokerstars NJ. but because i had winnings of 3515 they closed my account and confiscated all of that money. now you must be thinking well maybey pennsylvanias deposits werent as much but that is wrong i was 750 dollars negative.  first theybwere trying tonrell me thatbpa has to paid before theybrelease my nj funds.  but thatsbnot the case they are 2 different license holders hence why i can play pa but my nj is closed and they took my winings.  


point blank ifni would of lost 600 dollars all i would have to donto continue to play in nj is tlnpay the 600 back but i had winings and they did not give me the optoon to redeposit 600.


as for pa i am able to still play at that caskno because i LOST.


Hello Jeffrey.

Thank you for submitting your complaint. We are very sorry to hear about your troubles. Could you please forward the casino’s messages to us (copy them her)? Which games did you play? Do you have your game history? Why do you have so many accounts?


i do have my gaming history.....i have nj and pa because i live on the border of the two i have family  and i drive back and forth from the two statss almost everybday. how would.you like me to mover forqars qith forwarding the emails i have ao many from support security and finally frlm a senior security courtnay.  i have gone ahead so far to reach out to the NJDGE also i have called corporate in ontario canada and i have left three messagea on three different voicemails.   but please adviae.me. on how you  would like me to forqard these emails it mightvtake me a couple hours to fowarard everything


may i also add after talking to senior security yhey forwarded my case to responsible gaming trying to getbme put on anlist tonclose all mybcasinonaccounts with others.....theybsent over a email with 7 questions or so and tried to have me put on a list for a gamnling problem sontheybcould close my account that way.  thatbdid not work so theybwent ahead and did it themselves on the NJ side but left my pa one open to repay and continue using there gamea but inrefuae after this to continue to play with pokerstars as this could happen anytime i win now.  i will go ahead and start sending over the emails via my email app.


let me also add my wife has an account in pa and they say thatbi am responsible for her.....im not sure but nj and pa are different license holdera so my nj account ahould have NOTHING to do with my pa account.  i forwarded many emails to you please get back to me andnlet me know if you have received them 


Hello Jeffrey,

I hope this email finds you well.

When you make a deposit with Instant eChecks, the funds are immediately credited to your Stars Account. But you will not be able to withdraw that part of your balance or funds accrued from that balance for a period of 7 calendar days. This time frame is regardless of when the funds are actually debited from your bank account.

Your withdrawal has been placed on hold until your eCheck deposits clear which is set to occur on December 25th, 2019.


If you need any further information, just let us know. We're here to help.



Stars Security and Payments 






Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for your email. 

Please note, as per previous live chat conversations with us, it was noted the bank details imputed with your eCheck method is incorrect and will result in chargeback. Please note, in order to resolve your account issues, we must correspond via email for the time being.

Disputing any charges by The Stars Group constitutes a fraudulent activity. As you made the deposit, you are therefore responsible for payment of the deposit.

The Terms of Service which you agreed to abide by when you opened your Stars Account, in particular, section 'PROHIBITED USES', state that:

"FRAUDULENT BEHAVIOR. In the event that Provider deems that a User has engaged or attempted to engage in fraudulent, unlawful, dishonest or improper activity while using the Service, including without limitation, engaging in any of the activities set forth in this clause 5 or any other game manipulation, or the making of any fraudulent payment, including without limitation, use of a stolen credit card or fraudulent chargeback or money laundering, Provider shall be entitled to take such action as it sees fit, including, but not limited to:

  1. immediately blocking a User's access to the Service;
  2. terminating a Gaming Account with Provider;
  3. seizing the funds within a Gaming Account;
  4. disclosing such information (including the identity of the User) to financial institutions, relevant authorities and/or any person or entity that has the legal right to such information; and/or
  5. taking legal action against a User."

Our full Terms of Service are available at:

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact us.



Stars Payments & Security


Hello Jeffrey,

Our StarsPA & StarsNJ have a closed player pool and liquidity. This means that the platforms are separate and funds can not be transferred. 

However, if you have outstanding issues on either platform, your accounts on both will be restricted.

Therefore, you will first need to resolve the negative balance in your PA account also by making a deposit as soon as possible. The pending issues on your NJ account have been escalated to a manager for further review.

Thank you.


Stars Security


Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for your email. 

Regarding your situation, the funds that are currently owed in your PA account will need to be repaid in order for us to continue with a review of your NJ account.  You will not be able to use the funds in your NJ account to repay these funds.  You will need to log into your PA account and make a deposit using any of the deposit methods available to you to complete this.

Please note that the funds from your NJ account stem from deposits that have not even been collected or debited from a bank account, in other words the funds that you won are from deposits that you have not paid.


Stars Security

To enhance the


Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for contacting us.

We have forwarded your email to the Responsible Gaming Team. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.

We appreciate your patience.



Stars Security

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Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you very much for your response and honesty.

As stated in our email from yesterday, your case was forwarded to our Responsible Gaming department after you made some comments referencing affordability concerns.

We appreciate you taking the time to clarify the situation with us; your account is now cleared from a Responsible Gaming standpoint.

We have forwarded your email to the Security Supervisor who will assist you further.

Again, we appreciate your time and cooperation.


Responsible Gaming


Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for your email. 

After reviewing your documents, I noticed that you sent in a bank statement for the bank account ending in ***2440 showing your balance that stopped on 12/16/2019.  We ask that you please send in another bank statement for your bank account ending in ***2440 showing your transactions and ending balance through the present date.

We appreciate your cooperation.


Stars Securit


Hello Jeffrey,

Our Team has previously sent an email to advise you about your current account status. 

We have attached a copy of the initial email for your review:

Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for your email.

Your recent withdrawal has been rejected and the funds placed back in your account. Your account will remain restricted until the currently uncleared eChecks deposits clear on our end. Once these funds clear, we will be able to proceed in the full review of your Stars account. The funds should fully clear on our end on December 25, 2019.

Feel free to contact us should you have any further questions.



Stars Security


Hello Jeffrey,

While we understand that you entered the wrong information, you will need to provide us with a statement in which shows the balance at the time the deposit was made regardless of the typo. This helps us understand that the intent to deposit was fair and honest. 

We cannot move forward without the statement. 

I have reviewed the documentation you sent us but it does not tell us much. The date shows 01-17 which does not help us with your case. Please send the requested documentation at your earliest convenience.


Stars Security


Hello Jeffrey,

While we understand that you entered the wrong information, you will need to provide us with a statement in which shows the balance at the time the deposit was made regardless of the typo. This helps us understand that the intent to deposit was fair and honest. 

We cannot move forward without the statement. 

I have reviewed the documentation you sent us but it does not tell us much. The date shows 01-17 which does not help us with your case. Please send the requested documentation at your earliest convenience.


Stars Security


Hello Jeffrey,


Thank you for your email.

We have received the Bank Statment you have sent to us. Unfortunately, we could not accept it as it was too blurry.

We kindly ask that you re-send clear images of the document at your earliest convenience:

Please scan or take a clear photo of the requested documentation and send to us by email.

We look forward to receiving your document at your earliest convenience



Stars Payments & Security


Hello Jeffrey,

After a review of your case, a decision has been made to deactivate your account.

The funds currently in your FoxBet account were accrued using funds from an eCheck deposit which was not honored. As per the nature of the eCheck deposit method, you were able to play risk free. Had you not accrued funds while playing risk free, your FoxBet account would be in the negative now. As a result of this situation, your account will remain deactivated.

Please refer to section 9.8 of our Terms of Service, which clearly states our policy:
Action by Provider for User Violations. Without prejudice to any other rights of Provider by law or contract or at equity, we have the right to deny access to, and to suspend or terminate your access to, the Services, or to any features or portions of the Services, and to remove and discard any User Contributions, at any time and for any reason, including for any violation by you of this Agreement. In addition, we have a policy of terminating the Services usage privileges of users who are a repeat or serious violators of this Agreement or infringers of intellectual property rights. In the event that we suspend or terminate your access to and/or use of the Services, you will continue to be bound by the terms of this Agreement that were in effect as of the date of your suspension or termination.

Without limiting the foregoing, In the event that Provider deems that a User has violated the terms of this Agreement or otherwise engaged or attempted to engage in fraudulent, unlawful, dishonest or prohibited activity in connection with access or use of the Services, Provider shall have the immediate right to take such action as it sees fit, including, but not limited to:

a. blocking a User's access to the Services or to any other service offered by the Stars Interactive Group;
b. suspending or terminating a Gaming Account with Provider and/or any other agreement in place between a Provider and the User;
c. seizing the funds within a Gaming Account or on any other sites or mobile applications operated by Mount Airy or the Stars Interactive Group;
d. disclosing such information (including the identity of the User) to financial institutions, relevant authorities and/or any person or entity that has the legal right to such information; and/or
e. taking legal action against a User.
Our complete Terms of Service can be located here: https://nj.foxbet.com/tos/

Please note that this Managerial decision is final.


Stars Security


Hello Jeffrey,

Your New Jersey PokerStars account was deactivated as the eCheck deposit made was not honored and returned. While we are sensitive to your situation, we will not reinstate your PokerStars account as a result of this return. This decision is final.

I will forward your case to my manager. However, please note that you may not receive a response until after the holidays. Until then, we ask that you wait patiently for a reply.

Please do not continue to send us several emails and chats in regard to your New Jersey account status or the emails will be closed without a response. We can assist you if you wish to repay the owed funds within your PA account.


Stars Security


Hello Jeffrey,

As you stated you made a clerical error when entering your bank account information, we attempted to assist you as best as we could.

However, the funds were not present within your bank account at the time in which you made the deposits. You stated this was due to your having issues with your employer. While we are sensitive to your situation, we were unable to proceed with the reinstatement of your New Jersey account due to the matters above. 

However, while your New Jersey account is currently closed, your Foxbet Pennsylvania account with us remains open for use. The restriction is due to the owed funds in your account. 

Once the owed funds are repaid and issues in the related account are resolved, we can proceed to assist you with reinstatement at that time. 

Happy Holidays,

Stars Security


this is what i am so fiuriated about i lost in pennsylvania so all i have to do isnpay the remaining 249 i owe them alreadybsent 500 over.  as long as i pay it i am able to continue to use the pa account because j LOST.  nj remajns closed because i had wknkngs hmmmmm that doesnt seem very ethical.  like i said the NJDGE has opened a case but figured maybe a mediation service mihht be better  i am waiting for a reply from courtnaey but i jave a feeling i will never get one as there email system is sooooooooo slow and they will probably say something like it got lost.  thank you for reveiwing the case i think my gamkng history is like 600 pages long cause it gives every bet and what i won or lost.  not sure how you would want me to send this over




However, while your New Jersey account is currently closed, your Foxbet Pennsylvania account with us remains open for use. The restriction is due to the owed funds in your account. 


just an update i messaged them about 7 hours ago and still no response and email is their only form of contact  for ME there is live chat but they fisabled that for me to use and also the original amount was 4100 but minus the 600 in returned transactions 


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have they responded to you......they cut off communication with me in bothnpennsylvania and new jersey


i have gotten no responses.......talked to NJDGE today and there waiting to hear back from them. maybe casino guru can make miracles happen


Hello Jeffrey.


Because of the complexity of this problem, we first internally analysed all the data.  


In this case, it looks like that the main problem is that casino understood that you made a typo mistake and used an old account instead of a new one, but the key is that in time you were playing you had no money in the new account. So all your bets are considered to be risk-free bets.


From Casino answer:


"However, the funds were not present within your bank account at the time in which you made the deposits. You stated this was due to your having issues with your employer."


(all payments were made by eChecks where casino instal the money on the account immediately but then wait until money reach them and only after that make all other financial operations as withdrawals etc.)


So the main problem is that in PA account you lost $700 and the casino is asking you to pay them if you want to continue playing. (because you had no money in your account to cover your bets)


And in NJ account you won, but because you had no money in your account at the time you were playing, they voided your winnings.


So at PA, they asked you to pay the debt, but in NJ they said that your winnings are void. I understand how you feel, but they did maximum what they could.  


From another Casino answer: "While we understand that you entered the wrong information, you will need to provide us with a statement in which shows the balance at the time the deposit was made regardless of the typo. This helps us understand that the intent to deposit was fair and honest."  


The problem is that you played with money you should not have - technically risk-free bets as they mentioned before. Situations like these are very strict for a player, and that's why they voided your winnings.  


Imagine the situation that they must pay you in this situation. Then everybody can come with an account with no money use eChecks as a payment method and try the luck - if the player loses -  do not pay and try it again with another account (or another casino) and if the player wins then ask for money. That's why it is not working this way. If you lose, then you own money to the casino, if you win, then they will void your winnings. That's the casino policy and if you think that it is unfair - well that's the only way how to make it. Please kindly note that you are the one who broke the rules, you were enjoying the casino balance without paying for that. So one more time we are very sorry, but we believe the casino has right in your case. 


I believe the only way how to convince them to pay you is to ask them for an exception — pointing out that you play (months, years) without an incident and you are happy with their services. Unpredictable series of events caused that your bets were uncovered, but in your case, this is bad luck, and they should treat you differently than with people who are trying to trick the casino.


but i did not knowingly play risk free i sent over my bank statement that should of had my employera direct depoait sent to it but they cjanged payroll companys and all checks for every employee was paper.  i knew the money would be in there to cover what i spent.  the error qith my bank account is a mistake the true account i was supposed to use was supposed to have 1500 deposited into it that next day but dis not happen because of my employer changing company's.  i understand the casinos side but at the same token i have sent everything they asked for......also if i was to of just wanted to trick the casino i wouldnt of reaponded to any of there request as i would be afraid of gwtting in trouble for knowingly playing risk free but i did not knowingly play risk free.  also i have paid back 500 of theb700 i owed them so far. also theybare saying im responsible for my wifes account how is that i am not tied to that account.  how can theybpin me to thatbaccount


Yes, I understand that in your case, the situation is different. That's why we must convince them that this was just a bad series of events what caused this situation. Could you please tell me when did you create the accounts and how much money you won/lost overall there, just approximately. (your information will be marked as private)

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all payments were made by eChecks where casino instal the money on the account immediately but then wait until money reach them and only after that make all other financial operations as withdrawals etc.)


so afterbreading this again i do have proof that this is jot there due process for echecks, i have deposited echecks in pa and that same day had a wothdrawl. also had a withdraw approval for 4700 from them on my nj account on this same payout.  sonin reality thisnis not their process for echecks.  it was justva made up rile to reject my second withdrawl because i was told to cancel my approved withdrawl to withdrawl through paypal but i was not able to. mybwithdrawl was through paypal the same day i did e checks thay was approved and sent over to my paypal account out of the pa pokerstars.  so with this proof someone there i guess courtnay decided to make her own rules and apply them to me.



Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for your email and your patience.

On December 18, 2019, you deposited a total of $600 via an eCheck account ending in 2540; these deposits were returned on December 20, 2019 with an "Account does not exist" message.

As a result of these deposits not being honored, we proceeded to request documents to confirm your identity as well as ownership of the bank account used. Additionally, we also wanted to see the balance in the account at the time of deposit to confirm there enough funds to cover the balance you intended to deposit.

The driver's license you provided confirmed your identity and ownership of NJ account 'blender2005x99'.

The bank statement you provided confirmed ownership of the bank account you intended to use as well as the fact that you incorrectly entered the bank account number thus leading to the un-honored deposits. We were unable to confirm the account's balance at the time of deposit.

We are quite diligent in our instructions regarding eCheck deposits and clearly state:

"Please Note: you will need to have a personal check with you to make your deposit as you'll need to type in the numbers along the bottom of your check."


Ultimately sir, you are responsible for submitting accurate information. It is not our fault that you submitted incorrect information. An eCheck is not a direct bank transfer, it is simply an electronic form of a paper check. It's processed through the same ACH system as paper checks are, and we demonstrate a great deal of trust in approving funds for play on the "word" of the customer.

Our actions in this case are consistent with direction we have received from the Division of Gaming Enforcement, as we are not required to allow patrons to profit from this type of activity.

NJ account 'blender2005x99' was closed as the deposits you made were not honored. As per the nature of the eCheck deposit method, you were able to play risk free. Had you not accrued funds while playing risk free, your FoxBet account would be in the negative now. This is the case with your PA account 'blender2005x' which currently has a negative balance stemming from un-honored eCheck deposits. 

I am sorry if this was an honest mistake, and due to carelessness entered incorrect information when making the deposit. I hope you appreciate that we simply would not be able to run a profitable gaming business if we allowed patrons to profit from illegitimate deposits, regardless of intent. 

We have already replied to the DGE with our findings regarding your case.


Payments and Security Services Manager


 I  Thought Thought gaming was supposed to be fair and honest in the terms of service they can deem malfunction of software or machine can void winnings nowhere does it say human error can void winnings If that was the case then the casino would always have the upper hand no matter what I understand by  Statistics Statistics they have the upper hand but not by making up their own rules as they go along if it does not state it in the terms of service or terms and conditions



 This was my This was my response to their last email





 just got off thebphone with my bank and they said i can come in today get a written and signed letter stating the date the deposits were put through as the account had a zero balance and the account has been closed since the date it was closed.  as you stated 



"We were unable to confirm the account's balance at the time of deposit."


if i get a letter that will show as of the date the intended deposits were supposed to be withdrawn from the closed account then you have your proof the account was no longer open and u would be able to confirm as of that date the funds were not availble due to the account being closed.  you cant get confirmation that the money was availble on my mistake entering thw wrong account number but i called the bank and they aggreed to write a letter stating on December 18 2019 the account ending in 2540 has been closed by the customer since [date] and the account was nonlonger open and could not be used.  that will be your confirmation for the funds.  i made a mistake and your writing and quoting your TOS and echeck policies.  which does not include human error as voiding winnings.  i have a physical paper check form of the account mistakenly used as stated in your echeck policy which will in turn prove what happen on my end.  i read it from left to right on the bottom of the check [wrong account].  ths checks i have are personal checks showing everything from my name account number bank name etc.  showing proof that i have this checkbook i have will show that i followed your echeck policy which in return i had winnings minus the amount "of no account exist" achs in the amount of $3,515 dollars.  which rightfully belong to me because i did not breach in whole or in part of your TOS or echeck policy.  on these grounds there is no reason behind your logic on freezing my account and confiscating my funds. 




Hello Jeffrey.

We had a meeting about your case internally and decide that the casino has right in your case. Because the money was not on your account you breach the T&Cs (eCheck payment method) Technically you paid with an uncovered check.


I know that this is just a series of unfortunate events in your case.


Because you already contacted DGE they decision is final for the casino and we need to wait how they decide.


When I asked about your history records, I followed this analogy:


Imagine the situation that you come to the store, and during payment, you realise that you forgot your wallet. In case you live near and regularly visit the store, know the people who work there probably they will say ok no problem I will make a note here and you pay me tomorrow. But in case they see you the first time...  


We plan to convince the casino that by paying you, they earn more by not lose a valuable client. The chances are low, but we would like to try it at least. But because of you wrote DGE, let's wait first what they will reply.


ok thank you for the response i had written out a timeline and there excuse for the FROZEN ACCOUNT THE DAY i did the deposits were for un-honored checks but if its the same day they did not have any knowledge that my echecks were unhonored checks and i did not breach the terms of service at the time they froze my account.  if you want to gk ahead qith your idea i am fine with it but here is the timeline that input together that the reason for freezing my account the same day i did deposits was un honored checks.  remember he did email me back and say the license for nj and pa are separate do he can only tread lightly on the pa side of things.  now they turned their attention elsewhere stating i was playing from wifes account.  they are trying to make things up becaise they know at the tkme of withdrawl it should of been approved minus the e check deposits.  so 4100 minus 600 is 3515 which was my balance at the time of closing originally my withdraw was 4700 which in that case I had a TOTAL balnce 5300 dollars. minus the 600 here is the timeline i put together for them to analyze.  remember he said un honored checks in my nj account is the reason the withdrawl was frozen.  i withdrew 3 hours after i deposited. unless they have super powers and can mind read banks they had absolutely zero knowledge on un honored checks here is the timeline 






*deposited money via echeck


*played and won antotal of 4700 plus 600 but underatandable the 600 was not aloud to be released


r*equested withdraw of 4700 via reaorts cage 


*hours later 4700 was approved and ready for pick up no documents needed to be awnt over.


*contacted your support i beleive it was anastasia i aaked if i could withdraw via paypal instsad of driving 3 hours one qay to pick up my withdraw.  she convinced me that i could withdraw via paypal.  that qas a lie i was not i even asked her to make aure with the paymenta team came back and still said yea qithdraw through paypal is available she asked if i aanted her to cancel it i said no i just aant to make sure.  


*i cancelled it and there were no optiona for qithdraw through paypal


*now 4700 minus 600 im down to 4100 i can withdraw i put the withdraw thrpugh


*courtnaey contacted me froze my account and told me i can't withdraw until the echecks clear. 


*then she was asking me for the account used in thebdeposits. so i went back checked and notice i knputed thebwrong number.  so i advised her hey listen i just realized inused my old account is there a way to cancell it.  remind you i only deposited 3 hours prior to all of this.  i received a response like 4 hours later stating that they can not be cancelled.  i was trying to make it right so that you would get your deposita courtnay refused.


*received email until my echecka clear my account will remain frozen.


*checks came back unhonered as no account exists which i knew and ao did you.  


*courtney asked for the account not even associated qith my nj blender2005x99 documents unsure why because i never even inputed that account into my deposit method.  


*courtneay confiscatsd funds and closed my account.  


*and here we are.)




i THINK raul had received a response from the dge stating that i did not breach the TOS OR ECHECK policy OR he just knows he cant get me on TOS AND ECHECK policies so now there trying to go after the fact that i played on my wifes account which isnt the case she plays on mynphone because she does work from her phone for her employer and she doss not want to download software of that sort on her phone  so she played from my phone. .......also that is the case in pa so im not sure how much grpund that stands in nj as it is a different license like he stated.  i have repeated about 4 times in my email to him asking what was the reason was my account was frozen in the first place it cant be unhonored checks because they did not have knowledge at the time of withdraw also they had all necessary documenta to approve a withdraw hence why 4700 was approved for withdraw via the cash cage at the resorts in atlantic city (same license holder) btw i dont have any problems from that casino online i play there whenever i get a chance to they pay me well!  ill wait to here from them on monday when raul said hebwould be back in the office 


Pardon Joffrey.


I want to be sure that I understand it right.


You used a non-existing account to deposit by making a typo mistake. But from one of the casino answers, it is clear that you had no money at your real account (from which you wanted to make deposits) at the time you were making these deposits.


"However, the funds were not present within your bank account at the time in which you made the deposits. You stated this was due to your having issues with your employer. While we are sensitive to your situation, we were unable to proceed with the reinstatement of your New Jersey account due to the matters above."


Do I understand it correctly? Did you have money on your account in the time you made these deposits or not?




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i didnt want to go too much into my new account because i felt they had no right to ask for that info as they refused to cancel my deposits and re input the correct details. i had cash before my winnings were frozen to cover the money in my new account.  but as stated i payed a couple of bills and the rest went to my pa account. i know its confusing and hard to understand but if you were in my mind you would understand what i am saying.RAUL AGREES SHE SHOULD OF NOT ASKED FOR ANYTHING NOT PERTAINING TO MY PA ACCOUNT.  as that is asking for personal information that was not needed

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sorry TYPO ABOVE SHOULD OF BEEN NJ NOT PA.  She had no reason to ask for info pertakning to my pa account she can only adk for stuff from nj account thebthing is theybhad all required documents.  inwas approved for withdraw before all of this so everything was in check for withdraw


BTW IT WASNT A TYPO ITS JUST I USED THE WRONG CHECKBOOK TO INOUT MY BANK INFO i thought i destroyed all my previous accounts checks but it got mixed in with my new checkbooks.  not realizing at the time inputing the info it was the wrong account.  in reality it was not a typo but my new account is only 1 digit off i read from left to right on the bottom of my check....it was the wrong account.


 I'm not I'm not sure if the DGE is still involved in my case I haven't been able to get a return email or phone call from them. But now I'm asking questions to raul the security supervisor that is in charge of my case now Annie's refusing to answer my questions ory answers to questions stating about checks being  Not Not honored but the thing is they had no knowledge of checks that would come back at the time of my withdraw I also asked why did my $4700 withdraw get approved and 10 minutes later my $4100 withdraw was put on hold I'm just not getting any answers from them originally I was supposed to get an answer on my case yesterday he said he'll have an answer for me today and now he said hes gonna have an answer for me tomorrow I know you've guys worked with casinos before what is their intent by holding off 3 days before they give me an answer


im not sure if your idea of trying to convince the caskno that they will loose a player.  i just think after reading tos and e check policy i have done nothing wrong. i made a mistake and tried to fix it they refused also, there answer to my question why was my wihdraw put on hold they said un honored checks 


december 18th 

deposited 600 via e check

4700 approved withdraw

4700 canceled by me

new withdraw submitted account placed on hold


reason un honored checks this was on the day of the deposits this was all on december 18th



December 20th

they finally received notification of un honored checks 






 And also And also is there a time frame casinos are bound to to resolve a case and what is going on 


im confused on how casinos work.  i have done withdraws before but now this is a whole new issue.  had issues in my past but they have gotten resolved.  if a 4100 withdraw got denied 10 minutes  or  so after my 4700 withdraw was approved what is their reasoning for holding my second second withdraw.  december 18th is the date i deposited and requested withdraw they did not have knowledge of my un honored checks u til the 20th of december.  they keep answering saying my withdraw was held because of un honored checks in my nj blender2005x99 account.  i guess they can predict the future. lol its beyond frustrating now and RAUL is not helping me as i dont get answers.  i am trying to get the answer why my withdraw was put on hold they cant answer me.


 So So this guy refuses to answer my questions I have about my account he waits until the end of the day right before he goes home ever since last Friday was Friday he said I'll give you more info on Monday Monday came he said I'll give you more info on Tuesday Tuesday came I'll give you more info on Wednesday wednesday's here and now he says he'll give me more info on Thursday I'm not really sure what's going on it's now been since Friday Annie's refusing to answer my questions in the email I sent him



emails from raul starting friday ending today


"As mentioned earlier, I am still reviewing this situation and ask for your patience as I will off during the weekend but will be in a better position to continue with the review of your situation next week.

I again extend an apology for any frustration this case may be causing and assure you that I will reach out to you with more information upon my return to the office.

Thank you again for your patience."


"As I stated in my emails to you on Friday, the review of your case is ongoing and I will contact you once I have more information to relay in this regard.

In the meantime, your patience is appreciated."


"From: security@foxbet.com

Date: 1/6/20 1:00 PM (GMT-05:00)

To: blender2005x@aim.com

Subject: RE: Query forwarded

Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for your email and your patience while I review your case.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide you with an answer today.  I realize that I had said I would shed more light on the situation today but please appreciate that the complexity of your situation will require more time before I come back to you with an answer.

I again ask for your patience as I will attempt to have more details for you tomorrow."


"From: security@foxbet.com
Sent: 01/07/2020 13:24:45blender2005x@aim.com
Subject: RE: RE: Forwarded to Management

Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for your email.

You are correct, I have not replied to you as I have not been able to finalize the details of your case.  Once I have resolution and or something new to communicate I will contact you.

I realize I had said Monday but unfortunately I will have to extend this timeframe.  I hope that by tomorrow I will be able to give you a reply.

I again ask for your patience and assure you that I will not leave your matter "up in the air". 

You will get a reply from me.



"Hello Jeffrey,

I appreciate your patience while the review of your case is ongoing.

I unfortunately will not be able to provide you with a definitive answer today either.  I extend an apology for this.

Be assured your case is not filed and that I am working toward a solution and will continue to keep you posted.

You will receive another status report tomorrow.

Again, please accept my apology.





this is the latest i have endured from pokerstars in general.  i went to contact pokerstars pa via live chat.  after finally connecting to someone ingot a good morning went ahead and asked the question "if i deposit more then the 249 i owe on my account can i continue to play"  about 20 seconds later chat ended.  i tried again this time it just ended.  all i want to do is get my account current in Pennsylvania but its impossible as i cant even chat with anyone.  if this is not thebworat customer service then what is.  why is my Pennsylvania account associated in anyway with what is going on in new jersey.  like i keep repeating different licenses means different accounts.  all i wanted to do was repay the 249 and deposit a little more and continue to play in Pennsylvania lke i was told i could after i get my account current.  after thisnit makes me not want to play here period and definitely not recommend.  like saybi was to win what problems would they give me to withdraw again. i cant even even contact customer service via chat!

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 My My poker stars Pennsylvania  Account A cow is now current I actually have a positive balance of 30 cents


 I have no I have not received a response back from you guys but I just wanna add 1 last thing to my case they're saying that they held my entire withdraw on December 18th 2019 because of unhonor checks that were also deposited in december 18th 2019.  first fact is how did they know i have un honored checks the same day i initiates the deposits.  they are also saying they did not place my funds on hold on a whim but if you look at the dates they absolutly did. december 18th 2019 e check deposits were initiated december 20th 2019 is when the initiated echeck deposits came back as no account.  they said they will not let patrons win from this activity but the date i won the money is december 18th 2019 and there was no such 

"activity" so again i will reiterate they held my funds for no apparent reason.  un honored checks on the 18th of december was their reason when they had no knowledge of this.  


Hello Jeffrey.


I checked your complaint one more time, checked all emails what you sent us. I tried to find something that we can use, but unfortunately, we still think that in your case casino has right. I truly believe that in your case, it is just an unfortunate coincidence, but all the coincidence events put you in a situation where the casino has right. (reasons are posted in my last message) In your previous message, you mentioned that you paid $249 to be able to play. (paid the negative balance) so now your account should be unblocked. Am I right?  

Because you are already solving this case with DGE (which has higher authority then we) and we didn't find anything that we can use to convince the casino to pay you your winning. I will close this case with status "waiting for regulator decision."  

Please let us know when you will receive the official answer from DGE, and we will update the case accordingly.


Regards, Matej


ok thank you and yes my pennsylvania account is still.locked


When you will get some official respond (resolving the case) from DGE write to me please on matej@casino.guru and I will make an update here.


Dear Jeffrey,

We hope you are doing well. We wanted you to provide an update regarding this case, which was previously marked as "Waiting for Regulator" on our website. Your complaint has now been reopened, and we are eager to know if there have been any recent developments or resolutions since our last communication.

If the Licensing Authority has resolved your case and ruled in your favor, we kindly request you to update your complaint within the thread. Alternatively, if the ruling favored the casino, your input is equally valuable. We understand that some time has passed, but updating your complaint will allow us to take appropriate action, such as issuing black points to the casino in case the ruling is in your favor or warning other players and users about instances where the Authority supports the operator.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to reply.


Dear Jeffrey,

We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.


They never resolved my dispute.......I gave up and they did nothing for me.

The gaming authority ruled in favor of the casino but never got an official response gaming authority just stop responding to my emails and phone calls


Dear Jeffrey,

I wanted to reiterate that the unfortunate incident that occurred to you was purely coincidental. The key factor here is that you did not have sufficient funds in your account at the time of making the deposit, resulting in your balance not being covered. Consequently, the casino acted correctly, which has also been confirmed by the regulator. Therefore, we have no choice but to close this complaint as unjustified.

I am sorry for all that happened to you, and hopefully, from now on, you will have only good luck in everything.


This was not the case but if you want to make things up to make PokerStars look better go ahead PokerStars was a scammer back then just not sure 3 yrs later


Dear Jeffrey.

Three years ago, I wrote:

I checked your complaint one more time, checked all emails what you sent us. I tried to find something that we can use, but unfortunately, we still think that in your case casino has right. I truly believe that in your case, it is just an unfortunate coincidence, but all the coincidence events put you in a situation where the casino has right.

I checked everything again, and I have the same opinion as at that time, and even the regulator agreed with it.

I am sorry for you, as I wrote it was a bad coincidence.

So I am not closing this complaint as unjustified because I want Pokerstars to look better but because I truly believe the casino acted correctly.

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