I made my account same day, probably only had the account for a couple of hours.
I learned that it was blocked when I could no longer log in.
I won and finished the required wagering on slots.
Yes, I used a no deposit registration bonus.
I would also like to note that the total I could win and withdraw from the bonus was $100.
Their minimum is $150 for withdrawal.
I managed to win an edition $80 after my account was set back to only $100 after finishing the wagering.
If there was an issue with me trying to withdraw $180 instead of $100 they
1. Should have communicated with me
2. Made their minimum withdrawal amount $100 (the "max" you're suppose to be able to win after the no deposit bonus is completed)
I made my account same day, probably only had the account for a couple of hours.
I learned that it was blocked when I could no longer log in.
I won and finished the required wagering on slots.
Yes, I used a no deposit registration bonus.
I would also like to note that the total I could win and withdraw from the bonus was $100.
Their minimum is $150 for withdrawal.
I managed to win an edition $80 after my account was set back to only $100 after finishing the wagering.
If there was an issue with me trying to withdraw $180 instead of $100 they
1. Should have communicated with me
2. Made their minimum withdrawal amount $100 (the "max" you're suppose to be able to win after the no deposit bonus is completed)