Good day.
I contacted Kaisna many times, they didn't even want to see the records of what I bought.
If I didn't force at least 1 record on them, they wouldn't have seen even that one and closed the whole thing by saying that I broke the rules and that's it. Done.
They say they had the recording reviewed, but everything is said to be in perfect order. So they didn't even see him.
Even a small child can tell that something is wrong with the game, let alone a qualified worker.
I won't speculate and especially I don't even blame anyone, but the next day after the casino was announced, I couldn't find any screen recordings in my PC, everything just disappeared, not even 1 record anywhere. Maybe I did it, but I don't know...
Also, there are external drives that I can keep in the closet.
I actually have more than 300 hours of recordings, I will have to process them and cut out the given passages.
Then I would send them to the email you provided.
Or if you were, but she was interested in recordings of the gameplay, as they are taken, it would not be a problem and everything as I would put them on YouTube and make them available. So let me know what is better for you.
Dobrý den.
Kaísno jsem kontaktoval mnohokrát, nechtěli ani vidět záznamy co jsem pořídil.
Kdybych jim nevnutil aspoň 1 záznam, tak by neviděli ani ten a celou věc uzavřeli tím, že jsem porušil pravidla a konec,. Vyřízeno.
Záznam prý nechali přezkoumat, ale prý vše v naprostém pořádku. Takže ho ani neviděli.
I malé dítě pozná, že není s hrou něco vpořádku, natož kvalifikovaný pracovník.
Nebudu spekulovat a hlavně nikoho ani neobviňuju, ale druhý den po oznámení věci kasínu jsem již ve svém PC nahrávky obrazovky nenašel, prostě vše zmizelo,nikde ani 1 záznam. Možná jsem to udělal já, ale nevím no....
Ještě, že existují externí disky,které mohu ležet ve skříni.
Záznamu mám doopravdy více jak 300 hodin, budu jemuset zpracovat a vystřihnout danné pasáže.
Poté bych vámje poslal na email, který jste uvedla.
Nebo pokud by jste, ale měla zájem o záznamy z hraní, tak jak jsou pořízeny, nebyl by to problém a vše tak jak je bych vložil třeba na YouTube a zpřístupnil. Dejte tedy vědět co je pro vás lepší.
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