The player from Spain has been trying to close his account. Unfortunately, the enquiries were ignored. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
The player from Spain has been trying to close his account. Unfortunately, the enquiries were ignored. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
The player from Spain has been trying to close his account. Unfortunately, the enquiries were ignored. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
Casino not recommended, denigrable treatment even to VIP clients.
It is evident that I have a problem with the game, even having reported it numerous times through the Chat and requesting the deletion of my account both by chat and by mail, I have been allowed to continue reopening my account in case of seconds (this after many weeks requesting closure), and obviously I have been allowed to keep logging in, further increasing the number of money spent at this casino.
Closure and deletion requests are ignored both by chat and by mail.
Currently I am again in the process of requesting the account deletion since December 5, numerous emails sent but they continue to send promotions, advertising, bonuses and, once again, allowing me to deposit money in this casino.
Casino nada recomendado, trato denigrable incluso a clientes VIP.
Es evidente que tengo un problema con el juego, incluso habiéndolo informado numerosas veces por el Chat y solicitando la eliminación de mi cuenta tanto por el chat como por mail, se me ha permitido seguir reabriendo mi cuenta en caso de segundos (esto tras numerosas semanas solicitando el cierre), y, obviamente, se me ha permitido seguir ingresando, aumentando aún más el número de dinero gastado en este casino.
Se ignoran las solicitudes de cierre y de eliminación tanto por el chat como por mail.
Actualmente estoy otra vez en proceso de solicitud de eliminación de cuenta desde el 5 de diciembre, numerosos correos enviados pero siguen enviando promociones, publicidad, bonus y, una vez más, permitiéndome ingresar dinero en este casino.
Dear Kekumento,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding the relevant communication. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise what reason you have given when requesting to block your account? I haven't found any sign of you mentioning a gambling problem, correct me if I'm wrong.
Please, let me explain you what the difference is between closing the account and self-exclusion:
Some casinos use lots of tools for responsible gambling and I would not mention them here. What player can do if they’re unhappy in the casino: Close the account or self-exclude themselves, that's the two basic choices.
Closing an account is simple and has almost no impact - the player can reopen account anytime, and casino has no obligation to the player.
On the other hand, self-exclusion does. If a player successfully makes a self-exclusion the casino agrees not to open this account or if yes only under particular circumstances (after cooling off period and this cannot be done for players who’s are addicted/with gambling problem).
In the case of self-exclusion, if casino failed in this, player may ask for a refund.
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Kekumento,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding the relevant communication. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise what reason you have given when requesting to block your account? I haven't found any sign of you mentioning a gambling problem, correct me if I'm wrong.
Please, let me explain you what the difference is between closing the account and self-exclusion:
Some casinos use lots of tools for responsible gambling and I would not mention them here. What player can do if they’re unhappy in the casino: Close the account or self-exclude themselves, that's the two basic choices.
Closing an account is simple and has almost no impact - the player can reopen account anytime, and casino has no obligation to the player.
On the other hand, self-exclusion does. If a player successfully makes a self-exclusion the casino agrees not to open this account or if yes only under particular circumstances (after cooling off period and this cannot be done for players who’s are addicted/with gambling problem).
In the case of self-exclusion, if casino failed in this, player may ask for a refund.
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hello Petronela,
First of all, I really appreciate your response.
However, he was already aware of this difference. I have been a subscriber to the General Registry of Gambling Access Bans (RGIAJ) for years. I am aware of the difference between a temporary closure and a self-exclusion. However, I understand that this casino, not having a license in Spain as such, does not take these decisions into account.
Be that as it may, I have found at least 8 additional emails sent (in addition to those already attached to the original complaint):
"Anyway, please, I request to close my gaming account permanently. That is, deletion of all my data and inability to reopen." October 18, 2021
" Please, I beg you to proceed to the definitive closure of my gaming account (with this I request that the account be blocked or eliminated so that I cannot reapply for reopening in any way). " July 12, 2021
"Please, I beg you to proceed to the definitive closure of my gaming account (with this I request that the account be blocked or deleted so that I cannot request to reopen in any way)." July 20, 2021
"I have already sent 6 emails this month, in addition to innumerable times that I have tried to contact via chat ..." July 22, 2021
"Proceed to the final closure (without the possibility of reopening please)." July 26, 2021
" I guess there's someone who can take care of accounts requests meanwhile (one month is too much to wait for him)." August 8, 2021 - Another request due no answer from the casino ..
"Please confirm the possibility of definitive closure / re-opening denial. I would be very grateful." October 2, 2021
As you can see, the requests for self-exclusion (closure and deletion of account with impossibility of reopening) date back to July 2021. The amounts deposited since then are even much higher than those indicated in the complaint.
It is true that I do not find written in these emails regarding the reason for requesting my self-exclusion, perhaps these conversations were only by chat, on the other hand, it is also true that I have evidence of perhaps more than 20 emails sent expressly requesting that delete my casino account and not allow me to reopen it. I think it is more than justified.
By the way, to this day I continue to receive both emails and promotions to play at their casino ...
Once again, thank you very much for your time, support, and understanding.
Hola Petronela,
Antes de nada agradezco muchísimo su respuesta.
No obstante, ya era consciente de esta diferencia. Estoy subscripto a el Registro General de Interdicciones de Acceso al Juego (RGIAJ) desde hace años. Soy consciente de la diferencia entre un cierre temporal y una auto-exclusión. No obstante, entiendo que este casino, al no tener licencia en España como tal, no tienen en cuenta estas decisiones.
Sea como sea, he encontrado al menos otros 8 emails adicionales enviados (adicinales a los ya adjuntos a la queja original):
"Como sea, por favor, solicito el cierre mi cuenta de juego de manera permanente. Esto es, borrado de todos mis datos e inmposibilidad de reapetura." 18 de Octubre del 2021
"Por favor, ruego procedan al cierre definitivo de mi cuenta de juego (con ello solicito que la cuenta sea bloqueada o eliminada de manera que no pueda volver a solicitar la reapertura de ningún modo)." 12 de Julio del 2021
"Por favor, ruego procedan al cierre definitivo de mi cuenta de juego (con ello solicito que la cuenta sea bloqueada o eliminada de manera que no pueda volver a solicitar la reapertura de ningún modo)." 20 de Julio del 2021
"Ya son 6 mails los que he enviado este mes, además de innumerables veces que he intentado contactar vía chat..." 22 de Julio del 2021
"Procede al cierre definitivo (sin posibilidad de reapertura please)." 26 de Julio del 2021
"I guess there's someone who can take care of accounts requests meanwhile (one month is too much to wait for him)." 8 de Agosto del 2021 - Another request due no answer from the casino..
"Ruego me confirmen la posibilidad del cierre definitiva / deniego de re-apertura. Estaría muy agradecido." 2 de Octubre del 2021
Como pueden ver, las solicitudes de autoexclusión (cierre y borrado de cuenta con imposibilidad de reapetura) se remontan a Julio del 2021. Las cantidades depositadas desde entonces son incluso mucho mayores a las indicadas en la queja.
Es cierto que no encuentro escrito en estos correos respecto a el motivo de solicitar mi auto-exclusión, tal vez estas conversaciones fueron únicamente por chat, por otro lado, también es cierto que tengo pruebas de tal vez más de 20 emails enviados solicitando expresamente que borren mi cuenta del casino y que no me permitan la reapertura en el mismo. Creo que está más que justificado.
Por cierto, a día de hoy sigo recibiendo tanto emails como promociones para jugar en su casino...
Una vez más muchísimas gracias por su tiempo, apoyo y comprensión.
Dear Kekumento,
Could you please send me the original emails as attachments? Please do not forward them so we hold solid proof when confronting the casino. Here are instructions on how to do it. Thank you very much in advance.
Dear Kekumento,
Could you please send me the original emails as attachments? Please do not forward them so we hold solid proof when confronting the casino. Here are instructions on how to do it. Thank you very much in advance.
Dear Petronela,
Should I attach those mails here? (In this replies I mean).
Just want to confirm them are not public, since they may contain sensitive/personal data.
Thank you very much in advance!
Kind regards,
Dear Petronela,
Should I attach those mails here? (In this replies I mean).
Just want to confirm them are not public, since they may contain sensitive/personal data.
Thank you very much in advance!
Kind regards,
Hello again,
I have sent the attached emails to
I have not been able to attach them here.
Once again, thank you for your time !! I really appreciate it.
* PS: I keep receiving promotions by SMS and Mail. I hope I don't have any more relapses .. 🙁
Best regards,
Hola otra vez,
Les he enviado los mails adjuntos por correo electrónico a
No he sido capaz de adjuntarlos aquí.
Una vez más, gracias por su tiempo!! Realmente lo aprecio.
*PS: Sigo recibiendo promociones por SMS y Mail. Espero no tener más recaidas.. 🙁
Best regards,
Thank you very much, Kekumento, for the forwarded emails. One last thing please, could you forward your deposit/cashier history to Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much, Kekumento, for the forwarded emails. One last thing please, could you forward your deposit/cashier history to Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello Petronela,
I have sent you the requested information to the best of my ability.
Please confirm that you have received the email (it is a 12mb file) or if you need this information in some other format.
Thanks again!!
Hola Petronela,
Le he enviado la información solicitada lo mejor que he podido.
Por favor, ruego me confirme que ha recibido el correo (son 12mb de fichero) o si necesita esta información en algún otro formato.
Una vez más: Gracias!!
Dear Kekumento,
Thank you for forwarding all the screenshots. However, many of them are unrelated to our case. Please send me a simple screenshot of your cashier history where your deposits will be visible.
Dear Kekumento,
Thank you for forwarding all the screenshots. However, many of them are unrelated to our case. Please send me a simple screenshot of your cashier history where your deposits will be visible.
Hello Petronela,
In these pages are all the deposits made since July 2021 (it is this month from where the emails sent to the casino begin requesting the deletion of my account). So honestly, I don't know what you mean, a lot of them are unrelated to this case.
Do you expect to have only a capture of the deposits themselves and not of the free bonus requests? This information cannot be extracted from the casino. I can extract that information into an Excel file, but it is not possible to take a screenshot with only the information from the deposits. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take a screenshot that contains all the information of the deposits. (Since the page contains scroll). The only way I found is by saving the web (HTML) as I sent it.
Thanks for your reply.
Hola Petronela,
En esas páginas están todos los depósitos realizados desde julio de 2021 (es este mes desde donde empiezan los correos enviados a el casino solicitando el borrado de mi cuenta). Así que, sinceramente, no sé a qué te refieres con que muchos de ellos no están relacionados con este caso.
¿Esperas tener solo una captura de los depósitos en sí y no de las solicitudes de bonos gratis? Esa información no se puede extraer del casino. Puedo extraer esa información en un archivo de Excel, pero no es posible hacer una captura de pantalla únicamente con la información de los depósitos. Lamentablemente tampoco se puede hacer una captura de pantalla que contenga toda la información de los depósitos. (Ya que la página contiene scroll). La única manera que encontré es guardando la web (HTML) tal y como le envié.
Gracias por su respuesta.
In the zip file that you have sent me I didn't find your deposit/cashier history. There is a lot of screenshots but I couldn't locate the correct one. Please try to send me a simple screenshot of your cashier history once again. Thank you very much in advance.
In the zip file that you have sent me I didn't find your deposit/cashier history. There is a lot of screenshots but I couldn't locate the correct one. Please try to send me a simple screenshot of your cashier history once again. Thank you very much in advance.
Hello Petronela,
I have sent you an informative email. Hope this serves as clarification, if not, please let me know how I can provide you with the requested information.
Hola Petronela,
Le he enviado un correo informativo. Espero que sirva como aclaración, si no es así, por favor, hágame saber cómo puedo proporcionarle la información solicitada.
I have received your email, thank you very much. I went through all the emails that you have sent to casino over the last few months and didn't find one single reply from them. Have you received any reply from the casino at all? Have you tried contacting the live chat when emails didn't work?
I have received your email, thank you very much. I went through all the emails that you have sent to casino over the last few months and didn't find one single reply from them. Have you received any reply from the casino at all? Have you tried contacting the live chat when emails didn't work?
Hello Petronela,
I did not get any response to the emails. To this day I continue to receive promotions, bonuses, advertising both by SMS and by mail 🙁
I have tried to contact them from the Chat, but they always told me that they cannot close my account and that it has to be my Acc Manager, to send an email to vip@spinsamba ... In the past I managed to close my account but only temporarily, the next day if I wanted to play, I would request the re-opening from the chat and they would allow me to play and re-enter money, no matter how much I asked and begged them in the emails to delete my account.
Thank you once again for your support.
Hola Petronela,
No obtuve ninguna respuesta a los mail. A día de hoy sigo recibiendo promociones, bonos, publicidad tanto por SMS como por mail 🙁
He intentado contactar con ellos desde el Chat, pero siempre me dijeron que ellos no pueden cerrar mi cuenta y que tiene que ser mi Acc Manager, que envie un mail a vip@spinsamba... En el pasado consegui cerrar mi cuenta pero únicamente de manera temporal, al día siguiente si quería jugar solicitaba desde el chat la re-apertura y me permitían jugar y volver a ingresar dinero, por mucho que les pidiera y rogara en los mail que eliminasen mi cuenta.
Gracias una vez más por su suporte.
I see. In all those requests, have you ever mentioned a gambling problem to have your account excluded permanently?
I see. In all those requests, have you ever mentioned a gambling problem to have your account excluded permanently?
Hello Petronela,
Unfortunately I have not found any email where I mention it. It is likely that he did it either via email and I have deleted them (since I have deleted many emails, the ones that I have passed him are the only ones I have found yet without deleting) or perhaps via chat.
Hola Petronela,
Lamentablemente no he encontrado ningún mail donde lo mencione. Es probable que lo hiciese o vía mail y los he borrado (ya que he borrado muchos correos, los que le he pasado son los únicos que he encontrado aún sin eliminar) o tal vez vía chat.
Dear Kekumento,
I went through all your forwarded messages and checked them thoroughly. Sadly, I didn't find one single message that would suggest that you communicated your gambling problem to casino. As I mentioned earlier, closing an account for a certain period of time doesn't entitle its owner to a refund. Without proof that you clearly stated the reason why you wish your account to be excluded, we can't proceed with this case.
Please if you come across any kind of proof in the future do not hesitate to contact us and we will reopen the case. Unfortunately, based on actual evidence we have no solid ground to build our case.
For the abovementioned reasons, I will reject this complaint now.
Dear Kekumento,
I went through all your forwarded messages and checked them thoroughly. Sadly, I didn't find one single message that would suggest that you communicated your gambling problem to casino. As I mentioned earlier, closing an account for a certain period of time doesn't entitle its owner to a refund. Without proof that you clearly stated the reason why you wish your account to be excluded, we can't proceed with this case.
Please if you come across any kind of proof in the future do not hesitate to contact us and we will reopen the case. Unfortunately, based on actual evidence we have no solid ground to build our case.
For the abovementioned reasons, I will reject this complaint now.
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An initiative we launched with the goal to create a global self-exclusion system, which will allow vulnerable players to block their access to all online gambling opportunities.
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