1 year ago
Hi, did you get any update on your case ? It's been dragging on for quite a long time and I have a feeling that there might be a complaint in the air. 🤔
Hi, did you get any update on your case ? It's been dragging on for quite a long time and I have a feeling that there might be a complaint in the air. 🤔
Good morning, of course nothing happened, it was still being processed so it wasn't even ready for the transfer, which wasn't paid out, but I've just canceled it now because I entered my bank details and I'm really too scared I have had my bank terminate me because of illegal gambling, unfortunately I now only have €250 left of €480 because of course there is a temptation to keep playing, I will submit everything to the complaint straight away, but I have to go to an appointment quickly .
Guten Morgen,natrürlich hat sich nichts getan ,war immer noch in Bearbeitung also noch nicht mal bis zur Überweisung ,was ja bei keiner Auszahlung war,ich habe es aber jetzt gerade storniert ,da ich meine Bank Daten eingegeben habe und ich echt zu viel angst habe ,das meine Bank wegen illegalem Glücksspiel mir kündigt,mitlerweil habe ich leider nur noch von 480€ nur noch 250€ weil man natürlich in der Versuchung kommt weiter zu spielen,werde gleich alles einreichen bei der Beschwerde ,muss aber jetzt schnell zu einem Termin.
Hi Jaro, Unfortunately my appointment today wasn't good for me, so I gambled away all the money because I don't feel like fighting this battle. I've already had a fight with a casino. You also helped me a lot. I thank you for that today It took 5 months, where my life has now become too precious to me to deal with what concerns both casinos that definitely belong together, I have now written very drastically about gambling addiction otherwise they basically couldn't close them. I am infinitely grateful to you for your communication and I am helping you, you are a great team, with the process of closing these terrible casinos. Just do me a favor. Casinos like this don't have a lobby, they're not allowed to accept players from Germany. Thank you again for everything, I wish you all the best, Namaste full of love🫶
Hi Jaro, Leider war mein Termin heute nicht gut für Mich, von daher habe ich das ganze Geld verzockt weil ich keine Lust hab diesen Kampf zu führen hatte ich schon mal mit einem Kasino habt ihr mir auch super geholfen dafür danke ich euch heute noch das hat 5 Monate gedauert, Wo mir mein Leben jetzt zu kostbar geworden ist um mich mit den auszusetzen was beide Casinos betrifft die definitiv zusammengehören, ich habe jetzt ganz drastisch geschrieben mit Spielsucht ansonsten schließen sie diese könnten grundsätzlich nicht. Euch bin ich unendlich dankbar für eure Kommunikation und helfe ihr seid ein tolles Team bei sich euch hier noch den verlauf zwecks Schließung dieser Fürchterlichen diesen Casinos. Tut mir nur einen gefallen Bietet solchen Casinos keine Lobby durchleuchtet sie sie dürfen Spieler aus Deutschland nicht annehmen. Noch mal für alles danke ich wünsche euch alles gute, Namaste voller Liebe🫶
In the communication where you can also see at the other casino that I had already sent multiple emails in December asking for an account to be closed and was ignored.
An bei die Kommunikation wo man auch bei dem anderen Casino sehen kann dass ich schon Im Dezember Mehrfache E-Mails gesendet habe um eine konto Schließung gebeten hatte ,wurde ignoriert .
Good morning, of course nothing happened, it was still being processed so it wasn't even ready for the transfer, which wasn't paid out, but I've just canceled it now because I entered my bank details and I'm really too scared I have had my bank terminate me because of illegal gambling, unfortunately I now only have €250 left of €480 because of course there is a temptation to keep playing, I will submit everything to the complaint straight away, but I have to go to an appointment quickly .
Guten Morgen,natrürlich hat sich nichts getan ,war immer noch in Bearbeitung also noch nicht mal bis zur Überweisung ,was ja bei keiner Auszahlung war,ich habe es aber jetzt gerade storniert ,da ich meine Bank Daten eingegeben habe und ich echt zu viel angst habe ,das meine Bank wegen illegalem Glücksspiel mir kündigt,mitlerweil habe ich leider nur noch von 480€ nur noch 250€ weil man natürlich in der Versuchung kommt weiter zu spielen,werde gleich alles einreichen bei der Beschwerde ,muss aber jetzt schnell zu einem Termin.
In the communication where you can also see at the other casino that I had already sent multiple emails in December asking for an account to be closed and was ignored.
An bei die Kommunikation wo man auch bei dem anderen Casino sehen kann dass ich schon Im Dezember Mehrfache E-Mails gesendet habe um eine konto Schließung gebeten hatte ,wurde ignoriert .
Hello and thank you for the info. I can see your complaint and I am reading the information you have provided, that: "My account says on their page that no verification is needed." Frankly, it seems quite strange to me, as from my experience almost every time to process the withdrawal, the player needs to pass the verification process. Is this your first withdrawal at this casino please?
Thanks for the clarification.
However, I wouldn't be skeptical yet since we give casinos 14 days to resolve a withdrawal and you're not that far off yet. If the casino has told you that the withdrawal will be approved within a week, then let's try to be patient and wait and see what happens and if they fulfill their promise and if not then definitely let me know what they have told you.
Of course you have a complaint open all the time so if you have any more information don't forget to update right there.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get your money as soon as possible. 🤞
It's always sad to see that despite our efforts to help out, some players prefer to delete their posts once the issues are no longer real.
Although it makes a bit of sense, now we can all see how incomplete the communication is.
If I may express just a tiny request, please don't delete your posts retroactively unless it is absolutely necessary.🙏🙏
Thank you, dear community members 😉
Good evening, I want your help, I made a withdrawal request on 22/02/2024, after 3 working days passed I spoke with the live chat and they told me not to worry etc., I spoke again 3 times with a representative because my withdrawal etc. is late they said the same thing. today when I called again they told me that my request is in the final stage and that it is very likely that I will have received my money by tomorrow, suddenly after 2 hours I see the money in my account as if the withdrawal had been canceled, directly I spoke to support again and they said that I canceled the download which I never did, then I accidentally clicked refresh and the conversation ended without being completed, so I spoke to another person from support again and told my problem again, he tells me that it was canceled by. only her withdrawal because she changed the company? (what does she mean) so maybe they are making fun of me, I don't know what to do I'm afraid of losing my money. I have done identification thank you
Καλησπέρα σας,θέλω την βοήθεια σας,έκανα αίτηση ανάληψης στις 22/02/2024 ,αφού πέρασαν οι 3 εργάσιμες ημέρες μίλησα με το live chat και λου είπαν να μην ανησυχώ κτλπ,ξαναμιλησα άλλες 3 φορές με κάποιον εκπρόσωπο γιατί αργεί η αναληψη κττλπ μου είπαν το ίδιο.σημερα που ξαναμιλήσα μου είπαν ότι το αίτημα μου ριναι στο τελικό στάδιο και ότι είναι πολύ πιθανό να έχω πάρει τα λεφτά μου μέχρι αύριο,ξαφνικά μετά από 2 ώρες βλέπω τα λεφτα στο account μου σαν να είχε ακυρωθεί η αναληψη,κατευθείαν μίλησα ξανά με το support και κου είπαν ότι εγώ ακύρωσα την αναληψη κάτι που δεν έκανα ποτέ,μετά πάτησα καταλαθος refresh και έληξε η συζήτηση χωρίς να έχει ολοκληρωθεί,οπότε ξαναμιλησα με άλλο άτομο από το support και είπα ξανά το πρόβλημα μου,αυτός μου λέει ότι ακυρώθηκε από.μονη της η αναληψη γιατί άλλαξε εταιρεία?(τι εννοει)οπότε μαλλον με κοροϊδεύουν,δεν ξέρω τι να κάνω φοβάμαι μην χάσω τα χρήματα μου.εχω κάνει ταυτοποίηση ευχαριστώ
Geia sou. May I firstly ask please, if you can still log into your account? If the money is still shown in your account, you should probably send an email to the casinos support and ask them about all this. Also ask them, just in case, if you are able to request the withdrawal again. I would also recommend you to keep those emails, or even make screenshots of the answers from the support. It may come handy whenever you might need some prove. 😉
Also about the information, that the casino may have changed the company. Have you got that from the live chat agent? Did you keep a screenshot with this information, by any chance? Just asking, so in case this is a valid information, our team can check it out.
Please let us know about all the updates regarding this issue, will wait here.
Yes, I will continue. I already had more profits and I'm waiting for a withdrawal again. I hope it won't be that long again or you will find out 😂
Ναι θα συνεχίσω. Ήδη είχα κι αλλά κέρδη και περιμένω ξανά να γίνει ανάληψη. Ελπίζω να μην αργήσει πάλι τόσο πολύ, αλλιώς θα το μάθετε 😂
Good evening, yes I can login to my account normally, the money appeared in my account again, and I made a withdrawal request again, I asked them one of them said that I canceled the withdrawal and after a while another one from the service said that the processing company changed , whatever they wanted to say, I told them that I will take legal action if my money is not received by Monday, unfortunately I don't have a snapshot of the conversation about the change of company, I only have a snapshot of the conversation I had 1 to 2 hours before the money was returned to my account, which was telling me that maybe by today the money had come in, I don't know what else to do, I'm afraid that they are scammers. please help! thank you very much for your time, any other questions you have, feel free to ask
Καλησπέρα, ναι μπορώ να συνδεθώ στον λογαριασμό μου κανονικά,τα χρήματα ξανά εμφανίστηκαν στον λογαριασμό μου,και έκανα ξανά αίτηση αναληψης,τους ρώτησα η μια έλεγε ότι έκανα εγώ ακύρωση ανάληψης και μετα απο λίγο ένας άλλος απο την εξυπηρέτηση είπε ότι άλλαξε η εταιρεία επεξεργασίας,ότι ήθελαν λέγανε,τους είπα ότι θα κινηθώ νομικά αν μέχρι την Δευτέρα δεν μπουν τα χρήματα μου,δυστυχώς δεν έχω στιγμιότυπο απο την συνομιλία για την αλλαγή εταιρείας, έχω μόνο στιγμιότυπο απο την συνομιλία που έκανα 1 με 2 ώρες πριν επιστραφούν τα χρήματα στον λογαριασμό μου,που μου έλεγε ότι ίσως μέχρι σήμερα να είχαν μπει τα χρήματα,δεν ξέρω τι άλλο να κάνω φοβάμαι ότι είναι απατεώνες.σας παρακαλώ βοηθήστε!ευχαριστώ πολύ για το χρόνο σας,ότι άλλες ερωτήσεις έχετε ρωτήστε ελευθερα
Yes, I will continue. I already had more profits and I'm waiting for a withdrawal again. I hope it won't be that long again or you will find out 😂
Ναι θα συνεχίσω. Ήδη είχα κι αλλά κέρδη και περιμένω ξανά να γίνει ανάληψη. Ελπίζω να μην αργήσει πάλι τόσο πολύ, αλλιώς θα το μάθετε 😂
I hope so too. But even if it was like that, at least now you know how long it lasts and if it happens again and you don't like it, you can change the casino.
Either way, fingers crossed that you'll have your money as soon as possible this time.
Let me know the progress. 🤞
Good evening, yes I can login to my account normally, the money appeared in my account again, and I made a withdrawal request again, I asked them one of them said that I canceled the withdrawal and after a while another one from the service said that the processing company changed , whatever they wanted to say, I told them that I will take legal action if my money is not received by Monday, unfortunately I don't have a snapshot of the conversation about the change of company, I only have a snapshot of the conversation I had 1 to 2 hours before the money was returned to my account, which was telling me that maybe by today the money had come in, I don't know what else to do, I'm afraid that they are scammers. please help! thank you very much for your time, any other questions you have, feel free to ask
Καλησπέρα, ναι μπορώ να συνδεθώ στον λογαριασμό μου κανονικά,τα χρήματα ξανά εμφανίστηκαν στον λογαριασμό μου,και έκανα ξανά αίτηση αναληψης,τους ρώτησα η μια έλεγε ότι έκανα εγώ ακύρωση ανάληψης και μετα απο λίγο ένας άλλος απο την εξυπηρέτηση είπε ότι άλλαξε η εταιρεία επεξεργασίας,ότι ήθελαν λέγανε,τους είπα ότι θα κινηθώ νομικά αν μέχρι την Δευτέρα δεν μπουν τα χρήματα μου,δυστυχώς δεν έχω στιγμιότυπο απο την συνομιλία για την αλλαγή εταιρείας, έχω μόνο στιγμιότυπο απο την συνομιλία που έκανα 1 με 2 ώρες πριν επιστραφούν τα χρήματα στον λογαριασμό μου,που μου έλεγε ότι ίσως μέχρι σήμερα να είχαν μπει τα χρήματα,δεν ξέρω τι άλλο να κάνω φοβάμαι ότι είναι απατεώνες.σας παρακαλώ βοηθήστε!ευχαριστώ πολύ για το χρόνο σας,ότι άλλες ερωτήσεις έχετε ρωτήστε ελευθερα
Hello, I don't think you need to fear the worst right away. We are giving the casinos 14 days to sort out the withdrawal process so we are not that far away yet. As long as the casino is communicating with you it's a good sign, so try to be a bit patient and we'll see how it all works out. It's always a good idea to take some screenshots when you receive information, as Romi suggested, in case you need them.
Since you've made another withdrawal, we'll see where it goes and if it gets canceled again, be sure to get in touch and ask the casino why.
I firmly believe that you will get your money and if not you can contact us. I will wait for a reply.
Good morning, the withdrawal was canceled again!! I spoke to the chat they don't know the reason it says your account looks ok please try again
I do not know what else to do!!
Καλημέρα,πάλι ακυρώθηκε η αναληψη!!μίλησα με το τσατ δεν ξέρουν τον λόγο λέει,ο λογαριασμός σας φαίνεται εντάξει σας παρακαλώ ξαναπροσπαθηστε
δεν ξερω τι άλλο να κάνω!!
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