The player from India is facing an issue with their account being labeled as "in risk" and has not received a response from BC Game support despite emailing them as instructed. They are seeking assistance to unlock their account.
My account is in a risk sir please help me to unlock this account of my bc game I have contacted with bc game support also but they tell me that email me account in risk request and I have emailed that but no response from the bc game please help me sir to unlock my account I have requested you.
Dear Deathshot1910,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please understand, that we can’t penalize the casino for closing your account. Casinos, in general, have a right to restrict or even close players’ accounts if they suspect irregular play or other questionable activities or for no reason at all.
Could you please advise if any funds are being held by the casino? If the casino paid out all the winnings and/or no active balance has been withheld, I’m afraid, there’s not much we can do for you.
Thank you for your reply.
Best regards,