1 year ago
I am sure about the casino! It happened twice, the same way, and not on a busy card that I use for multiple things! Sorry to say this, but it's a sophisticated textbook scam!
I am sure about the casino! It happened twice, the same way, and not on a busy card that I use for multiple things! Sorry to say this, but it's a sophisticated textbook scam!
Well, from my point of view, there is still nothing solid to link this situation directly to the casino. I'm really sorry to say that, I have no reason not to believe you, of course.
I hope you won't ever find yourself in such a spot again. I'm just wondering whether other players have come across anything similar. 🤔
But do you know what?
It's a tedious coincidence, yet just a few hours ago, I ordered some stuff in the pharmacy e-shop. I paid in advance by virtual visa card, the pop-up message I must tap on and press "confirm" to finalize the payment came up for the second time, 2 minutes after the first message made it through, AND at the same time, I received an email confirmation stating the payment was successful.
Sounds quite the same, right? 🤔
I cancelled the second request for authorization, but still, my order is ok - status "paid".
Kind of weird. Despite that, I'm hesitant to accuse the pharmacy e-shop of fraud. Anyway, sorry to bother you with my little visa adventure.
So you can verify that this scam is also well-known and widespread in other sectors. It surprises me that you almost title this charge as common and usual with visas! For me, it is a disgrace and something very unacceptable! And it is not quite the same. My charges were at the same minute. No way you could escape. And I can verify from the payment history that they were double charges at the same minute. It is almost impossible to avoid this scam. And yes, I would accuse the pharmacy e-shop and their charging system. Who else would charge the same amount at the same time when you tried to order from them? I want other people to be aware; no one would care anyway... scams are everywhere, but at least I like people to be somehow protected and aware!
Hi, after some victories on the Sportaza site I decided to make a withdrawal via bitcoin. The withdrawal was and is being processed. Today I go to make a second withdrawal in bitcoin and a check appears where it says that I cannot withdraw with Bitcoin without having made a deposit via bitcoin. So the question I asked myself was, 'why did they make me take my first withdrawal?'. From the many reviews it is clear that Sportaza uses tricks to avoid getting picked up. The best is yet to come. So I write to support explaining the problem and the first operator tells me that there will be no problems and that my first withdrawal will be processed correctly. Reading the endless negative reviews I decided to contact support again asking them the same question. The answer was the opposite. That is, the withdrawal will be blocked as I have never deposited with Bitcoin. Without words, they allow you to withdraw money and then cancel it. I wonder, is it legal?
Furthermore, the first operator was also able to lie by telling me that the withdrawal would be successful.
On another occasion the Sportaza operators were false, or rather they responded differently, trying to deceive me.
When asking persistent questions about my first withdrawal that never processed I was told to contact the finance department. I had never done this before, but one day I came onto the support chat and asked to speak to the finance department. The operator replies that there is no financial department. 🤯So I write again to another operator who tells me the existence of the financial department...
How is all this possible?
However, in the end it would be enough for me to receive my winnings.
Salve, dopo delle vittorie sul sito Sportaza ho deciso di effettuare un prelievo tramite bitcoin. Il prelievo era ed è in elaborazione. Oggi vado per effettuare un secondo prelievo in bitcoin e mi appare una spunta dove c’è scritto che non posso prelevare con Bitcoin senza aver effettuato un deposito tramite bitcoin. La domanda che mi sono posto quindi è, ‘perché mi hanno fatto fare il mio primo prelievo?’. Dalle molteplici recensioni si capisce che Sportaza usa dei trucchetti per evitare di farti prelevare. Il bello deve ancora venire. Così scrivo all’assistenza esponendogli il problema e il primo operatore mi dice che non ci saranno problemi e che il mio primo prelievo verrà elaborato correttamente. Leggendo le infinite recensioni negative ho deciso di contattare nuovamente l’assistenza ponendogli la stessa domanda. La risposta è stata opposta. Cioè che il prelievo verrà bloccato in quanto non ho mai depositato con Bitcoin. Senza parole, permettono di farti prelevare per poi annullartelo. Mi domando, è legale?
Inoltre il primo operatore è stato capace anche di mentire dicendomi che il prelievo sarebbe andato a buon fine.
In un altro occasione gli operatori di Sportaza sono stati falsi, o meglio hanno risposto differentemente, cercandomi di ingannare.
Facendo insistenti domande sul mio primo prelievo che non è mai stato elaborato mi dicevano di contattare il dipartimento finanziario. Non lo avevo mai fatto, ma un giorno sono entrato sulla chat di assistenza e chiedo di parlare con il dipartimento finanziario. L’operatore mi risponde che non esiste nessun dipartimento finanziario. 🤯Così riscrivo nuovamente ad un altro operatore che mi dice l’esistenza del dipartimento finanziario…
Come è possibile tutto questo?
Comunque in fin dei conti mi basterebbe ricevere le mie vincite.
To tell you the truth, it is not unusual, really, that in many casinos they have a rule about using the same deposit method for the withdrawal, as well. You should always try to contact the support by email whenever you experience some kind of issue. Have you tried to send them an email to change the payment method, perhaps? Or to cancel your withdrawal and request a new one using the same method as you've used when making a deposit? That would be probably the best thing to do. Is your account fully verified at this casino? Please let us know, whenever you'll have some updates regarding this, and if needed, we will try to help you out, for sure.
So you can verify that this scam is also well-known and widespread in other sectors. It surprises me that you almost title this charge as common and usual with visas! For me, it is a disgrace and something very unacceptable! And it is not quite the same. My charges were at the same minute. No way you could escape. And I can verify from the payment history that they were double charges at the same minute. It is almost impossible to avoid this scam. And yes, I would accuse the pharmacy e-shop and their charging system. Who else would charge the same amount at the same time when you tried to order from them? I want other people to be aware; no one would care anyway... scams are everywhere, but at least I like people to be somehow protected and aware!
Hey! I missed your reply. My apologies.
What I was trying to say is that card abuse is sadly very common these days, and the recipient simply doesn't have to be related to the abuse at all. Like it was in my case, for instance. The incorrect response from my banking app and the Visa gateway was the root of the issue.
But I see you are more than convinced, so I won't take that from you. Anyway, what do you plan to do?
The bank statement sounds pretty clear to me. How about trying the visa company for a change?
They make many excuses for the delay in withdrawals, then charges are made to strange non-existent companies so you can't even dispute the officehut operations
Accampano molte scuse per il ritardo sui prelievi, poi risultano addebiti su societa strane inesistenti cosi non puoi neanche contestare le operazioni officehut
Hi, does that mean you haven't received your money yet ?What excuses does the casino have ? Have you tried to ask why there is a delay in withdrawals and how long it has been going on ?
Anyway, I see that you have filed a complaint, so I firmly believe that if you fail to withdraw your money, our team will be able to help you.
I'll keep my fingers crossed. 🤞
I always get the same response, I have to wait 3 to 5 working days, in the penultimate chat he told me that they would take action today, today they say it is a holiday, having seen that the charges are made in Nicosia Cyprus I had to explain that there are many religions in Cyprus Greek Orthodox, Catholic Muslims Today is not Easter Monday for the Greek Orthodox, and in any case I don't think their system works only on weekdays but 24 hours. Strangely, the city of Palermo appears in the chat transcripts, I have had hundreds of opportunities to increase this sum tenfold, but I don't feel like resetting their 3 - 5 day coutdown
Accampano sempre la stessa risposta occorre aspettare da 3 ai 5 giorni lavorativi, al penultima chat mi diceva che oggi avrebbero provveduto, oggi i riferiscono che è festivo, avendo visto che gli addebiti avvengono a Nicosia Cipro ho dovuto spiegare che ci sono molte religioni a Cipro greco ortodossa, musulmani cattolica oggi non è pasquetta per i greco ortodossi, e comunque non credo che il loro sistema funzioni solo nei giorni feriali ma 24 ore. Stranamente nelle trascrizioni delle chat appare la città di Palermo, ho avuto centinaia di possibilita di decuplicare questa somma, ma non mi va di azzerare il coutdown dei loro 3 - 5 giorni
I see, so it will be important to wait and see how it all develops. Some casinos don't work 24 hours every day, so it may be true that they only operate on working days, or that they only send money on those days.
I have one more question, did you play slots or did you load money from sports betting ? 🤔
This casino is one big scam. I also have payments deducted from my card that I didn't make, but unfortunately the help from the bank is absolutely crazy and they don't try to solve the problem at all. Another problem is communication with Sporzata. No one responds to the email and as it was already written here - the financial department exists once, then it doesn't exist. One big scam in my opinion. Definitely not recommended.
Toto kasino je jeden velký podvod. Taky mám z karty stržené platby, které jsem neprováděla, ale bohužel pomoc od banky je absolutně šílená a vůbec nemají snahu problém řešit. Dalším problémem je komunikace se společností Sporzata. Na email nikdo nereaguje a jak tu již bylo psáno - finanční oddělení jednou existuje, pak neexistuje. Podle mého jeden velký podvod. Rozhodně nedoporučuji.
Hello, can you tell me a little more about what happened? Did you deposit here and it took more money than you really had? When you try to get help from the bank, what do they say to you? Tell me a little more about what's going on and we'll see what can be done and if we can help you.
Ahoj, môžeš povedať aj troška viac čo sa stalo ? Depozitovala si sem a strhlo ti viac peňazí ako reálne malo ?Keď sa snažíš získať pomoc od banky, tak čo ti na to povedia ? Popíš mi trošku viac čo sa deje a uvidíme čo sa bude dať robiť a či ti budeme môcť pomôcť.
I had been waiting for some withdrawals for days (2 withdrawals of 500e), today I requested a third withdrawal at 11:30 in the morning.
Suddenly I received 3 emails stating that the 3 withdrawals had been made, but only 2 of the 3 withdrawals reached my bank account.
I spoke to them through live chat, and they told me that the 3 withdrawals have been processed correctly, which must be my bank's fault. I speak to my bank and logically they have nothing to tell me, they do not block any deposits.
They keep putting me off in the chat, saying that they have done everything correctly...
Now the question is, where are those 500 euros?
Llevaba días esperando unos retiros ( 2 retiros de 500e), hoy solicite a las 11:30 de la mañana un tercer retiro.
De repente me llegan 3 correos de que los 3 retiros se habían efectuado, pero solo me llegaron a la cuenta bancaria 2 retiros de los 3.
Hable con ellos mediante el chat en vivo, y me dicen que los 3 retiros se han procesado correctamente que tiene que ser culpa de mi banco, hablo con mi banco y lógicamente no tienen nada que decirme, ellos no bloquean ningún ingreso.
Me siguen dando largas por el chat, diciendo que ellos han realizado todo correctamente…
Ahora la pregunta es, donde están esos 500 euros?
May I ask if the issue is still persisting, please? If you need our help, do not hesitate to write to us. We'll wait for your reply.
Try to use this link, please, and let us know how it went and if you were able to submit a complaint.
I have been able to withdraw almost everything, I am still there with 500 euros, they won't let me take it away, they make the withdrawal but after 5 days it returns to the account, the previous withdrawals were made to an account, and there was no problem, now they are not letting me, poor thing to another account and nothing either, now I tried the card with which I made the deposit... but it looks like nothing either.
He podido retirar casi todo, sigo ahí con 500 euros, no me dejan quitarlos me efectúan la retirada pero vuelve a los 5 días a la cuenta, los anteriores reintegros los hice a una cuenta, y no había problema ahora no me están dejando, pobre a otra cuenta y nada tampoco, ahora probé a la tarjeta con la que hice el ingreso… pero tiene pinta que tampoco nada.
How long are you waiting for this €500, please? If you see that it is going nowhere, let us know, and I am sure that our complaint team will gladly help you out.
Okay. So if you wish our team to intervene in this case, please file a complaint here 👈 and let us know if you need any assistance.
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