Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, since your account balance only contains shuffle tokens and no real money winnings, we are unable to assist you further in this matter.
As mentioned in my previous reply, the casino has the discretion to decide which players are eligible for promotions. If you believe their decision was unjust, I recommend contacting their licensing authority, the Curacao Gaming Control Board, for further guidance:
Regrettably, due to the reasons outlined above, this complaint will now be rejected. I appreciate your understanding, and I’m sorry we couldn’t provide more help on this occasion. Should you encounter issues with this or any other casino in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again.
Best regards,
I am completely convinced now that Shuffle is paying this website to sway decisions and outcomes of these cases in favor of the house. I will not sit by watching this as the complaints continue to build and go on with no resolution and more and more and more continue to lose in the very rare events they even win at all. Even the losers, cant recoup even a fraction of their promises.
Shuffle has consistently changed their terms of service often times without any notice at all to end users, which is expressly prohibited by licensing rules which you can actually find here
Article 11 General terms and conditions
4. Players must be given the opportunity to review changes to the terms and conditions in a sufficiently clear manner in order to determine whether they wish to continue to participate in the offered remote games of chance. It must be possible to consult these at all times the remote games of chance are available via the publicly accessible part of the licensee's game website. The player must be able to access this information from any page of the game website.
Never once has any player been afforded this opportunity with regards to the airdrop or any other part of shuffle's engagement. In fact, they have current partners and players like Remi Gambles, who was very well known to live in banned jurisdiction and yet they continued to sponsor him knowing he was involved in illegal activities. Now he is on bail facing federal charges after he was caught, and used shuffle to launder the proceeds. Twitter has numerous posts about this as it unfolded in real time and there is no possible way they can deny knowing.
This is only one of dozens of examples.
Article 15 Reports
c. (attempted) fraud or other forms of criminal behavior of participants related to games of chance, as well as the measures taken in response thereto;
d. it suspects or knows it is in breach of a license condition or it is a matter that could have impacted on license grant had it been known at the time, including (i) a deviation from the business plan or any data provided on license application; and (ii) there having been a disproportionate number of customer disputes by reference to comparable periods of trading under a sublicense and/or any one dispute is for a material amount;
e. it has materially deviated from following its own policies and procedures;
I would consider the next term to also be applicable since, certainly money laundering activities could very well result in shuffle's arrest one can only hope:
f. where it or any of its key persons, UBO’s or entities with a qualifying interest is/are at serious risk of facing criminal charges regulatory censure/loss of license in any jurisdiction;
and since they are not paying out:
g. the license holder is unable to pay its debts as they fall due;
Edited by author 1 month ago
Automatic translation: