The player from Austria is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his funds due to withdrawal limits.
Good day,
it is not possible to reach anyone from this casino regarding the withdrawal of my balance. I had a total win of €8000 and so far in 2 weeks I've only been paid out €1200. Support answers annoyed and refers to an email where you get no answer.
Guten Tag,
es ist nicht möglich, jemanden von diesem Casino zu erreichen bezüglich der Auszahlung meines Guthabens. Ich hatte einen Gesamtgewinn vom € 8000,- und bis jetzt in 2 Wochen gerademal € 1200,- ausbezahlt bekommen. Support antwortet genervt und verweist auf eine eMail, wo man keine Antwort bekommt.
Dear xxxm3,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. Foremost, allow me to congratulate you on your great win.
Please let me ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise if the entire amount of €6,800 has been approved by the casino and subsequently split into several installments? Do I understand correctly that the first €1,200 has been received successfully but later payments stopped without further explanation?
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to
Meanwhile, I have checked the general terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
"There is a limit of 3 simultaneous withdrawal requests. The maximum withdrawal limits per transaction / in 24 hours / month are determined as follows:
per transaction: €400 or 25000 RUB
in 24 hours: €400 or 25000 RUB
per month: €10000 or 650000 RUB"
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear xxxm3,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. Foremost, allow me to congratulate you on your great win.
Please let me ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise if the entire amount of €6,800 has been approved by the casino and subsequently split into several installments? Do I understand correctly that the first €1,200 has been received successfully but later payments stopped without further explanation?
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to
Meanwhile, I have checked the general terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
"There is a limit of 3 simultaneous withdrawal requests. The maximum withdrawal limits per transaction / in 24 hours / month are determined as follows:
per transaction: €400 or 25000 RUB
in 24 hours: €400 or 25000 RUB
per month: €10000 or 650000 RUB"
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Petronela,
the fact is that the payments are permanently stopped in between and icebet does not adhere to their terms and conditions, i.e. the daily payment of at least € 400.
A new debit of € 400 can be submitted after a successful payment, but this does not take place afterwards or takes place with a considerable delay.
In addition, no matter what is stated in the terms and conditions, it is not clear why a full payout is not possible. In the case of higher payouts, there is talk of VIP support, but in my opinion this does not exist at all, and if you ask, you will be fobbed off with standard answers.
So my total balance, which I would have liked to have paid out, was € 8,003.79.
So far, €2,400 of this has been accepted for debit / reserved (however) and €1,200 of this has actually been paid out via Skrill. A bank transfer is supposedly not possible either.
€ 5,603 cannot be submitted at the moment as their limit has been exceeded.
When I asked several times, I got this message:
Dear Andreas T*****,
The casino administration reserves the right to make withdrawals on an individual schedule, to set the minimum and maximum amount for a transaction and the time for this transaction, which may differ depending on the withdrawal method, account balance or other relevant factors.
Your withdrawals will be processed by the finance department according to your activity and account status.
icebet has a VIP level, I'm on level 2 here, it's not explained anywhere for what it's supposed to be, and payouts don't seem to depend on it either.
Liebe Petronela,
es ist so, dass die Zahlungen permanent zwischendurch gestoppt werden und icebet sich nicht an deren AGB's, also die tägliche Auszahlung von zumindest € 400,- hält.
Eine neue Abbuchung von € 400,- kann zwar nach einer erfolgreichen Zahlung wieder eingereicht werden, diese erfolgt jedoch danach nicht bzw. mit erheblicher Verzögerung.
Zudem ist es, egal was in den AGB angeführt ist, nicht einzusehen, warum keine gesamte Auszahlung möglich ist. Es wird bei höheren Auszahlungen von einem VIP Support gesprochen, dieser existiert aber meiner Meinung garnicht, auf Nachfrage wird man mit Standard-Antworten abgespeist.
Also mein Gesamtguthaben, was ich gerne ausbezahlt hätte, sind € 8.003,79 gewesen.
Davon wurden bis jetzt € 2.400,- zur Abbuchung akzeptiert / vorgemerkt (wie auch immer) und davon € 1.200,- tatsächlich via Skrill ausbezahlt. Eine Banküberweisung ist angeblich auch nicht möglich.
€ 5.603, sind momentan nicht einreichbar, da ja deren Limit überschritten ist.
Auf meine mehrmalige Anfrage bekam ich nun eben diese Nachricht:
Sehr geehrte(r) Andreas T*****,
Die Kasinoverwaltung behält sich das Recht vor, Auszahlungen nach einem individuellen Zeitplan vorzunehmen, den Mindest- und Höchstbetrag für eine Transaktion und die Zeit für diese Transaktion festzulegen, die je nach Auszahlungsmethode, Kontostand oder anderen relevanten Faktoren unterschiedlich sein können.
Ihre Abhebungen werden von der Finanzabteilung entsprechend Ihrer Aktivität und Ihrem Kontostatus bearbeitet.
icebet hat einen VIP-Level, ich bin hier auf Stufe 2, für was der sein soll, wird nirgends erklärt, auch Auszahlungen sind scheinbar davon nicht abhängig.
Thank you very much, xxxm3, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Thank you very much, xxxm3, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Thanks very much!
It is currently the case that icebet is acting against its terms and conditions and there has been no payout for 3 days, although this should take place every 1-2 days
Vielen Dank!
Aktuell ist es wieder so, dass icebet gegen seine AGB‘s handelt und bereits seit 3 Tagen keine Auszahlung erfolgt, obwohl diese alle 1-2 Tage stattfinden sollte
Dear xxxm3,
I'm Michal and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed your case and although in the casinos T&C is stated: "All withdrawal requests are processed by the financial department within 24 hours after the successful identity and account verification, every days 9.00-18.00 (GMT+3)" there could be other possible external factors affecting the withdrawal process.
I understand your frustration, but It’s quite usual for withdrawal, to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. That’s why we advise players to be patient. With this being said I will contact the casino to see if they can provide any update.
We would like to invite IceBet Casino to join the conversation.
Dear IceBet Casino,
Can you please provide some information regarding the player's withdrawal?
Dear xxxm3,
I'm Michal and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed your case and although in the casinos T&C is stated: "All withdrawal requests are processed by the financial department within 24 hours after the successful identity and account verification, every days 9.00-18.00 (GMT+3)" there could be other possible external factors affecting the withdrawal process.
I understand your frustration, but It’s quite usual for withdrawal, to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. That’s why we advise players to be patient. With this being said I will contact the casino to see if they can provide any update.
We would like to invite IceBet Casino to join the conversation.
Dear IceBet Casino,
Can you please provide some information regarding the player's withdrawal?
Dear Michael,
Thank you for your efforts.
From my point of view, the payouts according to the terms and conditions cannot be legal. There is also no time limit for the deposit, here I can deposit x amount every second. So money is deliberately held back in the hope that the player would gamble away his winnings again because the payout takes so long. However, after a successful payout, I will definitely switch casinos and cancel my account with icebet.
Lieber Michal,
vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen.
Aus meiner Sicht, können die Auszahlungen laut AGB‘s nicht Rechtens sein. Es besteh ja auch kein Zeitlimit für die Einzahlung, hier kann ich im Sekundentakt Betrag x einbezahlen. Es wird also bewusst Geld zurückgehalten, weil man sich erhofft, der Spieler würde seinen Gewinn derweil wieder verspielen, weil die Auszahlung so lange dauert. Ich werde aber nach erfolgreicher Auszahlung definitiv das Casino wechseln und bei icebet mein Account kündigen.
Dear Andreas,
All actions with your account are performed within the regulations of the project.
As we see you have 2 withdrawal requests left, and they will be processed within the next 2 business days, 400 EUR per 24 hours.
We understand your desire to get all funds right now, but there are regulations that we adhere to.
We hope for your understanding. And we apologize for the inconvenience.
Dear Andreas,
All actions with your account are performed within the regulations of the project.
As we see you have 2 withdrawal requests left, and they will be processed within the next 2 business days, 400 EUR per 24 hours.
We understand your desire to get all funds right now, but there are regulations that we adhere to.
We hope for your understanding. And we apologize for the inconvenience.
As a result of your message, I logged on to icebet and saw that my remaining balance of around € 4,600 suddenly disappeared down to € 1.30??!! When asked in chat I was told I had lost it! So that's probably the height. I will refer icebet to an online casino illegal attorney and have the matter resolved. This is probably the highest degree of fraud that is taking place here
Aufgrund ihrer Meldung hab ich mich nun bei icebet eingeloggt und gesehen, das mein restliches Guthaben von ca. € 4.600,- plötzlich bis auf € 1,30 verschwunden ist??!! Auf Nachfrage im Chat wurde mir gesagt, ich hätte es verloren! Also das ist wohl die Höhe. Ich werde icebet einem Anwalt für illegale Onlinecasinos übergeben und die Angelegenheit so klären lassen. Das ist wohl höchstgradiger Betrug, was hier stattfindet
Dear IceBet Casino
Can you please provide any information regarding the player's casino account balance?
Dear IceBet Casino
Can you please provide any information regarding the player's casino account balance?
Hello Michal,
At the moment the client has 1.39 EUR on his account.
There are no active withdrawal requests, as the client has been paid all requests according to his amounts and withdrawal requests.
The balance, which the client says that we have written off his balance or it has disappeared, is not true.
The client after requesting the withdrawal of funds, continued to play and lost them.
But those requests for withdrawal of funds that he made, were paid in full.
The client can go to his game history on his login and see all the history of his bets.
Hello Michal,
At the moment the client has 1.39 EUR on his account.
There are no active withdrawal requests, as the client has been paid all requests according to his amounts and withdrawal requests.
The balance, which the client says that we have written off his balance or it has disappeared, is not true.
The client after requesting the withdrawal of funds, continued to play and lost them.
But those requests for withdrawal of funds that he made, were paid in full.
The client can go to his game history on his login and see all the history of his bets.
Yes, I checked the history. Here are games I haven't played, I wasn't even logged in at the time. Obviously, my account was simply abused here in order not to have to pay out the further profit. As I said, appointment with the lawyer next week, there will be a lawsuit against icebet, if this is not relented. The casino is illegal anyway and all losses must be paid back.
Ja, ich hab mir den Verlauf angesehen. Hier sind Spiele angeführt, die ich nicht gespielt habe, ich war nichtmal eingeloggt zu dieser Zeit. Hier wurde offensichtlich mein Konto einfach missbraucht um den weiteren Gewinn nicht auszahlen zu müssen. Wie gesagt, nächste Woche Termin beim Anwalt, es wird eine Klage geben gegen icebet, sofern hier nicht eingelenkt wird. Das Casino ist sowieso illegal und es müssen sämtliche Verluste zurückbezahlt werden.
Dear IceBet Casino
Could you please forward player's authorization journal (logs showing from which IP addresses players accessing their accounts) to Thank you very much in advance.
Dear xxxm3
Did you received the funds for your withdrawals?
Can you please confirm you have not provided access to your casino account to any third party? No one else had access to the devices that you use to log in to your casino account and no one else but you have played?
Dear IceBet Casino
Could you please forward player's authorization journal (logs showing from which IP addresses players accessing their accounts) to Thank you very much in advance.
Dear xxxm3
Did you received the funds for your withdrawals?
Can you please confirm you have not provided access to your casino account to any third party? No one else had access to the devices that you use to log in to your casino account and no one else but you have played?
The money turned up, except for the ominously missing amount.
100% nobody has access to my laptop or phone, so if my credentials weren't spied on, definitely nobody can have them.
Kind regards
Das Geld ist, bis auf den ominös verschwundenen Betrag aufgetaucht.
es hat 100% niemand Zugriff auf meinen Laptop oder Telefon, also wenn meine Zugangsdaten nicht ausspioniert wurden, kann diese definitiv niemand haben.
Hello Michal,
Customer data was sent to your email address by the Risk Department.
If you have any further questions, please write back with your questions.
Hello Michal,
Customer data was sent to your email address by the Risk Department.
If you have any further questions, please write back with your questions.
We would like to inform you that we are examining this case and some further information is needed, we will update the status of this complaint in a reasonable time.
We would like to inform you that we are examining this case and some further information is needed, we will update the status of this complaint in a reasonable time.
Dear IceBet Casino
We are still waiting for additional evidence from you. We would like to put to your attention that We are extending the timer by 7 days. If you fail to provide the evidence in the set time frame, we will be forced to close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Dear IceBet Casino
We are still waiting for additional evidence from you. We would like to put to your attention that We are extending the timer by 7 days. If you fail to provide the evidence in the set time frame, we will be forced to close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Hello Michal,
All requested data on the player were sent to the specified e-mail address.
If you have any further questions, please write back with your questions.
Hello Michal,
All requested data on the player were sent to the specified e-mail address.
If you have any further questions, please write back with your questions.
Dear xxxm3
The casino has provided additional evidence of which it is visible that there has been a very similar play (same games, same dynamic IP addresses, usual size of bets etc.) as before your withdrawal requests on your account and that the balance you claim has disappeared was regularly played over. From our point of view and the evidence we have, we tend to believe the casino is right. If you still feel it was not you who was playing, the only explanation that comes to our mind is that someone, somehow was able to get into your gaming account. But as mentioned before according to the evidence we have it is very, very unlikely that happened. It is not possible for us to verify if your account was hacked or not. If you have any evidence to support your claim that at that specific time you were not playing at the casino, please provide it to me at otherwise we would be forced to reject your complaint.
Dear xxxm3
The casino has provided additional evidence of which it is visible that there has been a very similar play (same games, same dynamic IP addresses, usual size of bets etc.) as before your withdrawal requests on your account and that the balance you claim has disappeared was regularly played over. From our point of view and the evidence we have, we tend to believe the casino is right. If you still feel it was not you who was playing, the only explanation that comes to our mind is that someone, somehow was able to get into your gaming account. But as mentioned before according to the evidence we have it is very, very unlikely that happened. It is not possible for us to verify if your account was hacked or not. If you have any evidence to support your claim that at that specific time you were not playing at the casino, please provide it to me at otherwise we would be forced to reject your complaint.
Dear Michael,
the casino will know that it is impossible to prove otherwise. I also don't believe that someone hacked my account, I believe that icebet solved it internally and denounced my balance with "same games, stakes, etc." Probably because I've just become a nuisance to them.
Anyway, I have already handed the casino over to a very good illegal casino fraud lawyer who will take care of the matter and sue icebet for any losses etc.
thank you for your efforts
Lieber Michal,
das Casino wird wissen, dass es unmöglich ist, das Gegenteil zu beweisen. Ich glaube auch nicht, dass jemand mein Konto gehackt hat, ich glaube, dass icebet das selber intern gelöst hat und mit „gleichen Spielen, Einsätzen usw." mein Guthaben zu denunzieren. Vermutlich weil ich denen einfach lästig geworden bin.
Aber egal, ich habe das Casino bereits einem sehr guten Anwalt für Betrug durch illegale Casinos übergeben, dieser wird sich der Angelegenheit annehmen und icebet auf etwaige Verluste usw. verklagen.
Besten Dank für Ihre Bemühungen
Dear xxxm3
As mentioned previously, from our point of view and the evidence we have, we tend to believe the casino is right. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for us to proceed with a case like this without supporting evidence. We would like to help you, but it’s impossible for us at this time. We are happy that your withdrawals have been successfully paid to you, but for the other disputed sum there is not much we can do and we are forced to reject your complaint.
To avoid any unpleasant situation in the future we can only recommend you to take a moment and read a review of each casino before you start playing and only play in licensed casinos with a good rating.
We wish we could be of more help.
If you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future, don’t hesitate to contact us.
We are here to help.
Best Regards
Dear xxxm3
As mentioned previously, from our point of view and the evidence we have, we tend to believe the casino is right. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for us to proceed with a case like this without supporting evidence. We would like to help you, but it’s impossible for us at this time. We are happy that your withdrawals have been successfully paid to you, but for the other disputed sum there is not much we can do and we are forced to reject your complaint.
To avoid any unpleasant situation in the future we can only recommend you to take a moment and read a review of each casino before you start playing and only play in licensed casinos with a good rating.
We wish we could be of more help.
If you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future, don’t hesitate to contact us.
We are here to help.
Best Regards
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