5 months ago
If you want to discuss anything related to Talismania Casino, such as its games, bonuses, payment methods, issues with your account, responsible gambling features, or anything else, you can do so here.
May I ask when exactly your account was verified, please?
I hope that your money will arrive soon, and there won't be a need to be afraid that you won't get them, especially if you did get your withdrawals previously, as you mentioned.
Do you have any updates for us regarding this, perhaps? We're here to help if needed.
Hi, I have the same thing, but simply the casino does not pay winnings, the account has been confirmed, all the documents have been approved, so the second week is already coming to an end. Every day they just say patience and they take care of it as quickly as possible, but nothing happens. The withdrawals should be in the account within 3 days, but that is not true. Can you somehow help with my winnings? Thanks
Moi mulla siis sama juttu ku vaan yksinkertaisesti kasino ei laita voittoja maksuun tili on vahvistettu kaikki asiakirjat hyväksytty niin jo toinen viikko alkaa loppumaan. Joka päivä ne vaan sanoo että kärsivällisyyttä ja ne hoitaa sen mahdollisimman nopeasti mutta ei tapahdu siis yhtään mitään. 3 päivän sisällä pitäisi olla nostot tilillä mutta ei se pitää paikkansa. Pystytekö auttamaan jotenkin mun voittojen kanssa. Kiitos
Hi. I surely can understand your frustration here, and it would be the best if they could hold on to their promises. Right?
May I ask since when is your account verified?
It is only possible for our complaint team to intervene in such cases whenever the 14-day time period passes, you know.
That is how many days we usually give casinos to proceed with the payment.
So, please let us know if you'd like to file a complaint and get help from our team. It is completely free, and we'll do our best to get it solved.
From the casino account, you can only see that your account has been confirmed, but you can't see the date, but the first withdrawal I made was on May 20, 2024, and the account was not already confirmed then. Now with new withdrawals they ask for documents and I have also sent all the necessary information. These winnings, which are now taken on Saturday, come 2 weeks full since I started the withdrawals. Of course I want to file a complaint because the casino claims that the withdrawals are processed within 1-3 days and not within 2 weeks, and if we're being honest, I can't really get any kind of answer from there on what stage my withdrawals are at and when these payments will be made. I would gladly accept your help.
Kasiino tililtä näkee vaan että tilisi on vahvistettu ei sieltä näkee päivämäärä mutta ensimmäinen nosto minkä tein oli 20.05.2024 eikä silloin jo tili vahvistettu. Nyt uusien nostojen kanssa ne pyytää asiakirjoja ja olen myös kaikki tarvittavat tiedot lähettänyt. Nämä voitot mitä nyt ototaan lauantaina tule 2 viikkoa täynnä siitä ku olen laittanut nostot vireille. Että tottakai haluan tehdä valituksen koska kasino väittää että nostot käsitellään 1-3 päivän sisällä eikä 2 viikon sisällä ja jos rehellisiä ollaan niin ei sieltä oikein minkäänlaista vastausta saa missä vaiheessa mun nostot on ja milloin nämä maksu laitetaan. Ottaisin teiten apua mielelläni vastaan.
I understand, and I'm glad that you managed to file a complaint already.
Veronika, your complaint resolver, needs some additional information, so please provide those.
Actually, the important thing now is if you have provided all the necessary documents to them and if they were in the right format.🤔
We have witnessed this many times, to tell you the truth, that a player would wait for the KYC to be done, but the casino would reject the documents because of this reason. And I know that the best way to solve this is when casino communicates with players and always explains what is going on, even though this is not always like that. Also in your case, as you said, they are not communicating at all.
This is where our complaint team steps in and always tries to get as much information from the casino as possible to explain the whole situation.
So, please update your complaint and keep us informed about any news you have.
I have been waiting for payouts from the casino for almost 2 weeks now and have been put off until now. I have had several contacts with customer service, but unfortunately they keep putting me off. I can't make any more withdrawal requests either, as there can only be a maximum of 3 requests open. In total, it's about 3,500 euros. I'm asking for help.
Ich warte nun schon seit fast 2 Wochen auf Auszahlungen vom Casino und wurde bis jetzt vertröstet. Hatte schon mehrere Kontakte mit dem Kundenservice, dieser vertröstet mich leider immer wieder aufs neue. Ich kann auch keine weiteren Auszahlungsanforderungen mehr stellen, da 3 Anforderungen Maximal offen sein dürfen. Insgesamt geht es um 3.500 Euro. Ich bitte um Hilfestellung
As I can understand, you have reached the maximum withdrawal limit, and you need to wait until you get the money requested before you can withdraw more.
But is your account already verified at this casino, or do you still wait for that? Have they asked for any documents to be submitted?
I believe that it is really too long to wait for the withdrawal, and if you file a complaint here, our team will try to find out the reason for this delay.
Please follow this link to do so and describe the whole situation well. Also inform us about any updates.
I haven't had to do any verification yet and have already received an email from the casino saying that the payout looks good. But that was a week ago and since then customer service has just been trying to put me off.
The monthly withdrawal limit is €7,000, but this is not possible if you have already waited at least 2 weeks for €500.
Ich musst bis jetzt noch keine Verifizierung vornehmen und habe auch schon eine Mail vom Casino erhalten, dass es mit der Auszahlung gut aussieht. Dies ist aber auch schon wieder eine Woche her und seitdem versucht der Kundendienst nur, mich zu vertrösten.
Das monatliche Auszahlungslimit beträgt 7.000€, welches aber nicht möglich ist wenn man für 500€ schon mindestens 2 Wochen wartet.
Yeah, that certainly seems like a notable delay, which will surely affect the monthly limit. Luckily, you have Nick covering your back; I would expect a complaint update soon.
I just came across a review from fellow player from Finland; he said
"What's the point of putting a daily withdrawal limit of 500 euros when the casino doesn't receive winnings for payment even in a week?" The way I understand that, this player has been waiting far longer than a week back then.
Submitting the complaint was definitely a good call, and we will be here to see the happy end!
Thank you for your support. Unfortunately, I have seen a few reviews that had a similar problem with the casino, when the casino does not make money from a player but instead lets the player pay out more than they have deposited. But that is what gambling is all about and let's be honest, the casino makes more money than it actually has to pay out anyway. The rating on Casino Guru is rated 'High' - so the casino's behavior made me a little suspicious...
Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung. Ich habe leider auch schon einige Rezensionen gesehen, die ein ähnliches Problem mit dem Casino hatten, wenn das Casino einmal nicht mit einem Spieler verdient sondern der Spieler mehr auszahlen lässt als er eingezahlt hat. Das macht jedoch das Glücksspiel aus und seien wir ehrlich, das Casino macht so oder so mehr Einnahmen als dass es tatsächlich auszahlen muss. Die Bewertung auf Casino Guru ist auf `Hoch eingestuft- dadurch hat mich das Verhalten des Casinos doch etwas stutzig gemacht...
Well, yeah, it is not a secret that a casino always wins over the player in the long run. Right?
Hopefully they will get you your winnings soon so they can keep this high safety index. Let's wait for the complaint to unfold.
How can it be difficult to close an account at these junk casinos even though the player requests it 100 times via email. The accounts show that they are under review. Then they send spam email ads constantly. I have closed accounts from these many times. A few months go by and an email comes that your account has been reopened. The same spam rally starts and I can't get rid of them.
It's starting to feel like it's better to create a new email and delete the old one. I have the same problem with all these Grap bonus casinos. I can't get rid of the junk casinos. I haven't deposited anything with them anymore and I want to get off their mailing lists. I have clicked on it several times and the email has been deleted but the spam just continues, I may get emails from 20-50 different casinos at once, which I have excluded myself from.
miten voi olla näillä roska kasinoilla vaikeaa sulkea tili vaikka pelaaja sitä 100 kertaa pyytää sähköpostin kautta. tilit näkyy että ne on tarkistettavana. sitten ne lähettää roska sähköpostimainoksia jatkuvasti. olen useasti sulkenut näistä tilit. menee muutama kuukausi ja tulee email että tilisi on avattu uudelleen. alkaa sama roskapostiralli ja ei näistä pääse eroon.
alkaa tuntua siltä että on parempi luoda uusi sähköposti ja poistaa vanha. kaikkien näiden Grap bonus kasinoiden kohdalla on sama ongelma. roska kasinoista ei pääse eroon. en ole noihin enää mitään tallettanut ja haluan päästä niiden postituslistoilta pois. olen sen useasti klikannut ja on poistettu email mutta roskapostitus vain jatkuu, saattaa tulla emailia kerralla 20 - 50 eri kasinoilta joista olen itseni sulkenut pois.
May I ask if the reason for closing the account was a gambling problem?
I am asking because only then a casino must close the account immediately. If the reason is just because you don't like the casino or the games, it is understandable that they will try to get you back, even though I know how frustrating it must be to receive those emails all the time.
Could you somehow block them in your email settings, perhaps?
It wasn't a gambling problem, it was the fact that all these Grap bonus casinos are such that they just take the players' money. I've usually tried them with a single 20e deposit, taking the bonus, and if the games don't give anything, it's a sign that the games at that casino don't give any winnings anyway and it's not worth depositing there again. These Grap bonus casinos are closed due to lack of players almost as quickly as they open new ones. All casinos are crooks. These casinos don't even have any responsibility when they don't close accounts at the player's request. I've been to all the casinos where I've played, so I've asked for closure via email and they have closed them, but now at the beginning of March 20-50 casinos sent emails each and "your account has been reopened"
Those crooks opened the accounts themselves and it was a tough job to catch them and get my email off their mailing lists.
For example, there are those garbage casinos on that website that reopened accounts even though I had closed them.
I have a notebook on my computer where I have marked all the casinos that I have closed.
ei ollut uhkapeliongelma syynä vaan se että kaikki nämä Grap bonus kasinot on sellaisia että ne vain vie pelaajien rahat. olen niitä kokeillut yleensä yhdellä 20e talletuksella ottaen bonuksen ja jos pelit ei anna mitään niin se on merkki siitä että ei sen kasinon pelit muulloinkaan mitään voittoja anna eik¨ä sinne kannata toista kertaa tallettaa. näitä Grap bonus kasinoita suljetaan pelaajien puutteessa melkein yhtä nopeasti kuin uusia avaavat. roistoja noi on kaikki kasinot. eihän näillä kasinoilla ole edes mitään vastuullisuutta kun eivät pelaajan pyynnöstä sulje tilejä. olen noista kaikista kasinoista joissa olen pelannut niin olen sähköpostin kautta pyytänyt sulkua ja ovatkin sulkeneet mutta nyt tässä maaliskuun alussa 20-50 kasinoa laittoi emailit jokainen ja "tilinne on avattu uudelleen"
nuo roistot itse avasivat tilit ja oli kova homma saada ne kiinni ja saada minun email pois niiden postituslistoilta.
esim tuolla nettisivulla on noita roskakasinoita jotka itse avasivat tilit uudelleen vaikka olin ne sulkenut.
minulla on tietokoneella muistio jonne olen merkinnyt kaikki kasinot jotka olen sulkenut.
Maybe you should block them from your email. Have you tried that?
I know that it must be frustarting, but that is a way they try to keep their players, you know.
Here is an example of how it works in a casino ad, with the option "unsubscribe from mailing list"
pressing it will open the same page again.
This is a crappy casino too.
tässä on esimerkki siitä miten toimii kasinomainoksessa toi valinta " poistu postituslistalta"
sitä painamalla aukeaa sama sivu uudelleen.
roska kasino on tämäkin.
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