Radka, what do you think about including the extremely bad reviews in your score calculation? I find the casino's behavior almost malicious, as the terms and conditions speak a different language and do not reflect reality.
then we could all have played in fun mode because there's nothing there either🤷🏿♂️
Radka was hältst du davon die Mega schlechten Bewertungen in eueren Score Berechnung mit einfließen zu lassen….finde das Verhalten des Casinos fast schon arglistig da die AGBs eine andere Sprache spricht und nichts davon spiegelt wie die Realität ist…..
dann hätten wir ja alle auch in Fun Modus spielen können den da gib’s auch nichts🤷🏿♂️
Hello, i have raised complaint agains legiano. I withdraw my money over week ago. They asked me KYC yesterday. I have uoloaded my documents. They restricted my account and canceled my withdrawals. Live chat just cuts off and says to email to support which i did but they not reply to me anymore. And chat bots just cut leaving chat. There was 3 withdrawals 2 x 800euro and 1 500euro.
Welcome to the club... I'm no different... copy everything out so you have proof... I've copied everything and also had the chat history sent to me each time... I think the company is bankrupt, I've never experienced anything like this in 10 years of online gaming... they don't even give any answers...
Willkommen im Club……mir gehts nicht anders…..kopier dir alles raus damit du Beweise hast……hab alles kopiert und auch den chatverlauf jedesmal zuschicken lassen…..denke der laden ist pleite den sowas habe ich auf 10 Jahren online zocken noch nie erlebt……nicht mal antworten werden gegeben….
Here, they'll just tell you to be patient... while they have your money, and they've been doing this for months and months. And the same incredible story continues!
Aqui solo te diran que seas paciente… mientras ellos tienen tu dinero y asi llevan ya meses y meses. Y sigue la misma nota increible!
I'm having serious problems with withdrawals in Legiano. I've been waiting for three withdrawals of €500 each for 17 days, and all I'm getting are generic responses from support, with no real solution. They always say they're "processing" it, but they never give a specific date.
Given the situation, I want to organize a group of affected people to file a joint complaint and exert pressure. If you're in the same situation, comment here or send me a private message. The more of us there are, the more power we'll have to get our money back.
Estoy teniendo graves problemas con los retiros en Legiano. Llevo 17 días esperando tres retiros de 500€ cada uno y lo único que recibo son respuestas genéricas del soporte, sin ninguna solución real. Siempre dicen que lo están "procesando", pero nunca dan una fecha concreta.
Viendo la situación, quiero organizar un grupo de afectados para denunciar conjuntamente y ejercer presión. Si estás en la misma situación, coméntalo aquí o envíame un mensaje privado. Cuantos más seamos, más fuerza tendremos para que nos devuelvan nuestro dinero.
They closed my account and voided vinings because i had proof of adress in UK ( im homeowner) which is restricted country, but living and working in Germany.
Your account required verification when you created it? Oh, they only asked you for it when you went to withdraw.
Tu cuenta cuando la creaste requería verificación? Oh solo te lo pidieron ahora que fuiste a retirar.?
Everything was entered correctly and I received 500€ on 13.3.2025
What annoys me most is that no dialogue is possible at all... when they say we cannot pay out any funds at the moment and must refinance in order to be liquid again... then they set a time period and then stick to it... but this borders on fraudulent deception, not to mention intentional fraud, because they know they cannot pay out such funds... if I am wrong I will delete all posts on this subject... the worst is that I do not even get the amount I originally paid in in advance...
Alles korrekt eingegeben und einmal bekam ich 500€ am 13.3.2025
Was mich am meisten ärgert ist das überhaupt kein Dialog möglich ist….wenn sie sagen wir können momentan keine Gelder auszahlen und müssen uns erst Re-Finanzieren um wieder liquide zu sein….dann einen Zeitraum festsetzen und diesen auch dann einhalten…..aber so grenzt das ja schon an arglistige Täuschung um nicht zu sagen vorsätzlichen Betrug da sie wissen solche Gelder nicht auszahlen zu können…..wenn ich mich täusche lösche ich alle Beiträge diesbezüglich….schlimme ist das ich nicht mal vorab das bekomme das ich ursprünglich eingezahlt habe….
Account created half year ago. They never ask me to KYC until i request withdrawal.
But they blame me by fraud. I have provided bank statement with germany adress but they are not longer responding me.
On 12.3 counting was via Inpay on 13.3
Am 12.3 Auszählung war per Inpay am 13.3
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