I understand CasinoGuru very well, which much more, as a liquid company, depends on the casino and not on the players. But I also believe in the objectivity and fairness that raised this site to a higher level than other similar sites (which became classic affiliate partners). I would also ask CasinoGuru not to be a public defender of all kinds of online rough casinos. This is a more than obvious example of a "rough" casino. There is absolutely no excuse for delaying/refusing payment of players. The verification process takes 10 minutes, (you have a face check app, video call, what's the problem, I'm not putting the house under mortgage, so I'm waiting for a court expert or some bank expert!) payment immediately (posten casino practices the system: what was the payment, the same
there must also be a payment) @jaro @radka I have to ask you, what is the wait of a month, and even more? So we are not employed in that casino to wait for a salary??! Just imagine, you go to a hotel...you enter a casino, you get a big win, and they tell you to come back in a few months!! It sounds like a low-budget Hollywood comedy. There is no excuse. A man is paid a paltry (for a casino paltry) $4,000 in two installments??! And he's been waiting for that since this summer? This casino in Serbia would not survive for even five days, if it was land based (players here do not trust online casinos, and this is an example of why that is so). Serbia lags behind the world in many things, but as far as betting is concerned, we are unmatched on the planet. And that's why it's incomprehensible to me when I see situations like this. A casino must be as safe as a bank. I once asked the manager of the local casino why there are no bonuses, as almost all online casinos offer. He told me that they offer all the payouts 5 minutes after I ask for it. And he is right. All casinos that are safe to pay out have very modest bonuses (bet365, draftkings, MGM, etc.) The bigger the fraud of the casino, the bigger the bonus. The point of my story: stay as you are, casinoGuru, put the epithet "blacklisted" next to this casino, or report it to a court in London, Malta, Berlin... Help these cheated people get their money...
Ја веома добро разумем казиноГуру који много више, који као ликвидна компанија,зависи од казина,а не од играча. Али исто тако верујем у објективност и праведност која је подигла овај сајт на један виши ниво од осталих сличних сајтова( који су постали класични affiliate partners). Исто тако бих замолио казиноГуру да не буде јавни бранилац свакаквих онлине rough казина. Ово је и више него очигледан пример једног "rough" kazina. Ne postoji nikakav izgovor za odugovlacenje/odbijanje isplate igraca. Proces verification traje 10 minutes,(imate face check app,video call, sta je problem, ne stavljam kucu pod hipoteku pa se ceka sudski vestak ili neki expert banke!) isplata odmah( posten kazino praktikuje sistem: kakva je bila uplata, ista takva
mora biti I isplata) @jaro @radka vas moram da pitam, kakvo cekanje od po mesec Dana,pa I vise? Pa nismo mi zaposljeni u tom kazinu da cekamo platu??! Zamislite samo, odete u neki hotel..udjete u kazino, dobijete neki big win, a oni vam kazu dodjite za par meseci!! Zvuci kao niskobudzetna holivudska komedija . Nema opravdanja. Coveku isplacuju bednih(za kazino bednih)4000$ u dve rate??!I to ceka jos od letos? Ovaj kazino u Srbiji ne bi opstao ni pet dana, da je land based( kod nas igraci nemaju poverenja u online kazina,I ovo je primer zasto je to Tako).Srbija kasni za svetom u mnogu cemu,Ali sto se tice kladjenja mi smo bez premca na planeti. I zato je meni nepojmljivo kada vidim ovakve situacije. Kazino mora biti siguran kao banka. Jednim Sam pitao menadzera lokalnog kazina zasto nema nikakvih bonusa,kao sto nude skoro svi online kazina.Rekao mi je da oni nude svu isplatu 5 minuta nakon sto to zatrazim. I u pravu je.Sva kazina koja su sigurna za isplatu,imaju vrlo skromne bonuse (bet365,draftkings,MGM itd.) Sto je veca prevara od kazina , to je veci bonus. Poenta ove moje price: ostani kakav Jesi ,casinoGuru, stavi epitet "blacklisted" pored ovog kazina, ili ga prijavi na sudu u Londonu, Malti, Berlinu... Pomozi ovim prevarenim ljudima da dobiju svoj novac...
Edited by author 3 months ago
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