Marvelous! I guess you feel relieved, are you? 🙂
Besides this delay, would you say the casino is quite alright? Or are you leaving, perhaps?
That's great! If I may add a question: which payment option would you recommend to German players? I'm asking because this is usually considered a big hint for fellow players.
Anyway, good luck to you!
I've been playing almost every day for 3 months now. While making deposits and withdrawals I was suddenly asked for additional identification without having won anything awesome. 150 euro withdrawal. They have started asking for it to come to them and while I am sending them they are still asking for a card that I used once. Nevertheless, I send them the documents and they reject them, while for the second card they don't even give me the option to send documents when they ask for them themselves.
They have eaten up my whole day dealing with a simple problem that they made complex themselves.
I should note that so far all the withdrawals came in very quickly and everything was fine. Today they are bothering me all day about this issue. And all this for 150 euros. Unacceptable
Παίζω εδώ κ 3 μήνες κάθε μέρα σχεδόν. Ενώ κάνω καταθέσεις κ αναλήψεις μου ζήτησαν ξαφνικά επιπλέον ταυτοποίηση χωρίς να έχω κερδίσει κάτι φοβερό. 150 ευρώ ανάληψη. Έχουν αρχίσει κ ζητάνε ότι τους έρθει κ ενώ τους τα στέλνω ζητάνε ακόμα μια κάρτα που χρησιμοποίησα μια φορά. Παρόλα αυτά τους στέλνω τα έγγραφα κ τα απορρίπτουν ενώ για την δεύτερη κάρτα δεν μου βάζουν καν την επιλογή να στείλω έγγραφα ενώ τα ζητάνε οι ίδιοι.
Μου εχουν φάει όλη μέρα να ασχολούμαι με ένα απλό πρόβλημα που το έκαναν σύνθετο μόνοι τους.
Να σημειώσω ότι ως τώρα όλες οι αναλήψεις έμπαιναν πολύ γρήγορα κ ήταν όλα μια χαρά. Σήμερα όλη μέρα με ταλαιπωρούν γιαυτό το θέμα. Κ όλα αυτά για 150 ευρώ. Απαράδεκτοι
Hey. It is certainly not pleasant to solve a similar problem with additional verification.
However, I noticed that you have already managed to file a complaint, which is waiting for your update. Has the card that the casino is requesting been verified in the past? Did you ask what is the problem if they don't give you the option to send the documents for it ?
Let us know because I am interested in how your situation will develop further.
I have been playing there for 3 months almost every day. I have made withdrawals and deposits. I don't think the problem is about the 150 euros. They just don't have good problem solving staff. At first I sent them the papers and documents and they didn't want identification and now I send them and they don't approve them.
They are also asking me for a card which I no longer use and I had only made a deposit once, it is a bad card and I sent them the papers that revolut sent me. For some reason they reject my documents and then don't give me the option to resend again but. Unnecessary suffering from yesterday when in fact they are losing. I will lose 150 euros, they will lose more because I don't play. But can they be that stupid?
You ask them to explain and they answer with generalities. I mean, I'm trying to deal with crazy people.
Παιζω 3 μήνες εκεί σχεδόν κάθε μέρα. Έχω κάνει κ αναλήψεις κ καταθέσεις. Δεν πιστεύω ότι το πρόβλημα είναι για τα 150 ευρώ. Απλά δεν έχουν καλό προσωπικό για επίλυση προβλημάτων. Τους έστειλα στην αρχή τα χαρτιά κ τα έγγραφα κ δεν ήθελαν ταυτοποίηση κ τώρα τα στέλνω κ δεν τα εγκρίνουν.
Επίσης μου ζητάνε μια κάρτα την οποία δεν την χρησιμοποιώ πλέον κ είχα κάνει μια φορά μόνο κατάθεση, είναι αϋηλη κάρτα κ τους έστειλα τα χαρτιά που μου έστειλε η revolut. Για κάποιο λόγο απορρίπτουν τα έγγραφα μου κ μετά δεν μου δίνουν την επιλογή να ξαναστείλω ξανά αλλά. Χωρίς λόγο ταλαιπωρία από χθες ενώ στην ουσία αυτοί χάνουν. Εγώ θα χάσω 150 ευρώ, αυτοί θα χάσουν περισοτερα που δεν παίζω. Μα είναι δυνατόν να είναι τόσο ηλιθιοι;
Τους ζητάς να εξηγήσουν κ απαντάνε με γενικότητες. Λες κ προσπαθώ να βγάλω άκρη με τρελούς.
I understood what you were saying. But I don't quite follow why the casino can't give you the normal reason why they reject your documents. Did you also try to ask why there is no possibility to send them again, or what more do they need for your old card if they reject the document about it?
Anyway, I think the casino is doing themselves a disservice, because they are probably going to lose a loyal player with this approach, am I right ?
I threatened them that I will file a complaint and that I will upload the matter to the internet. Finally they told me that the account is ok. But still withdrawal has not been accepted. I will let you know if it is true what they tell me and the money comes in. I don't know why they made this all so big for me when it was a simple process.
Τους απείλησα ότι θα κάνω καταγγελία κ ότι θα ανεβάσω το θέμα στο ίντερνετ. Τελικά μου είπαν ότι είναι οκ ο λογαριασμός. Ακόμα όμως ανάληψη δεν έχει γίνει αποδεκτή. Θα ενημερώσω αν όντως ισχύει ότι μου λένε κ μπουν τα λεφτά. Δεν ξέρω για ποιο λόγο μου έκαναν όλο αυτό τόσο μεγάλο ενώ ήταν μια απλή διαδικασία.
I don't think it would be a complicated process either. Anyway, it looks like your tactic worked, so now we wait to see if you get your money. Be sure to keep me updated. Wish you luck.
My account still appears to be unauthenticated even though they sent me an email that it has been verified.
Of course, the 150 euros haven't arrived yet.
I don't know what happened to them. As if the casino has changed hands in a day. I haven't had any issues so far and I've made larger withdrawals and they were coming in in half an hour. I feel since yesterday that they are making fun of me with what they are doing and have broken the trust I had in them. Within 2 days I was playing in a fun casino, while until 2 days ago they seemed more serious.
I don't know why they do this.
There is a problem because if they do this to others they will lose customers. Trust is lost like that.
Ακόμα ο λογαριασμός μου φαίνεται μη ταυτοποιημενος ενώ με mail μου έστειλαν ότι έχει επαληθευτεί.
Φυσικά τα 150 ευρώ δεν μπήκαν ακόμα.
Δεν ξέρω τι έχουν πάθει. Σαν να έχει αλλάξει χέρια το καζίνο σε μια μέρα. Δεν είχα κανένα θέμα ως τώρα κ έχω κάνει κ μεγαλύτερες αναλήψεις κ έμπαιναν σε μισή ώρα. Νιώθω από χθες ότι με κοροϊδεύουν με όσα κάνουν κ έχουν χαλάσει την εμπιστοσύνη που τους είχα. Μέσα σε 2 μέρες λες κ παίζω σε καζίνο της πλάκας ενώ μέχρι πριν 2 μέρες φαινοντουσαν πιο σοβαροί.
Δεν ξέρω γιατί το κάνουν αυτό.
Κάποιο πρόβλημα υπάρχει γιατί αν το κάνουν αυτό κ σε άλλους θα χάσουν πελάτες. Χάνεται η εμπιστοσύνη έτσι.
Well, after 3 days of suffering, the money came in. I put in an amount today and went to make a small withdrawal to see what would happen.
I should note that the withdrawals for 3 months were made within half an hour.
After what happened, I was again pending for 5 hours with withdrawal cancellation.
PROBABLY they didn't like that I made small withdrawals and thought that this way I will be forced to play the small amounts. While at the beginning I was losing, as soon as I went 100 euros I made it.
Anyway, they completely changed their behavior for no reason. I don't trust them and closed my account. Unfortunately the masters only want to win. I'm lost again. Just when I reached an amount I withdrew half to be ok.
Unfortunately, while it looked like a very good casino, it turned out to be unreliable.
Λοιπόν μετά από 3 μέρες ταλαιπωρία μπήκαν τα λεφτά. Έβαλα σήμερα ένα ποσό κ πήγα να κάνω μια μικρή ανάληψη για να δω τι θα γίνει.
Να σημειώσω ότι οι αναλήψεις για 3 μήνες γίνονταν μέσα σε μισή ώρα.
Μετά όσα έγιναν, πάλι με είχαν στα εκκρεμή 5 ώρες με ακύρωση ανάληψης.
ΜΑΛΛΟΝ τελικά δεν τους άρεσε που έκανα μικρές αναλήψεις κ σκέφτηκαν ότι έτσι θα αναγκαστώ να παίζω τα μικρά ποσά. Ενώ στην αρχή έχανα, μόλις πήγαινα 100 ευρώ τα έβγαζα.
Όπως κ να χει άλλαξαν εντελώς συμπεριφορά χωρίς λόγο. Δεν τους εμπιστεύομαι κ έκλεισα το λογαριασμό μου. Δυστυχώς οι κύριοι θέλουν μόνο να κερδίζουν. Πάλι χαμένος είμαι. Απλά όταν έφτανα σε ένα ποσό έκανα ανάληψη τα μισά για να είμαι οκ.
Δυστυχώς ενώ φαινόταν ένα πολύ καλό καζίνο αποδείχτηκε αναξιόπιστο κ αυτό.
Hey. On the one hand I'm glad you managed to get your money and on the other hand I'm sorry that this casino became unreliable for you. I think that if you tried again and deposited a small amount there and still problems persist, I would probably avoid the casino and find somewhere where you won't have such a trouble. What do you say ?
Anyway, I would like to ask you if you could possibly update your complaint and say that you finally got your money ? It would certainly be good for Tomas. Just click here and update it
However, I will say that I'm sad that you lost your trust in the casino, because it's not so easy to rebuild. Hopefully you won't have a similar incident in the future and everything will be ok with your withdrawals. Although I assume it will be at another casino. I wish you the best of luck.
I emailed Thomas. I got the money yes. But they did the same to me in the next withdrawal. It probably bothered them that I was making small withdrawals even though I was losing again. That's probably why they changed their behavior towards me. I do not know what else to say. I lost my confidence and when you play for money you can't feel like that. Those of us who play are already lost, there is no need for more anxiety than those of us who play. I blocked the casino and canceled my account.
Gambling already has anxiety as a hobby, I urge players not to accept strange and strange behavior. We are customers, we have to choose where we play. They need us, we don't have them.
Έστειλα μέιλ στον Τόμας. Πήρα τα λεφτά ναι. Αλλά τα ίδια μου έκαναν κ στην επόμενη ανάληψη. Μάλλον τους ενόχλησε ότι έκανα μικρές αναλήψεις παρότι ήμουν πάλι χαμένος. Μάλλον γιαυτό άλλαξαν συμπεριφορά απέναντι μου. Δεν ξέρω τι άλλο να πω. Έχασα την εμπιστοσύνη μου κ όταν παίζεις λεφτά δεν γίνεται να νιώθεις έτσι. Ήδη είμαστε χαμένοι όσοι παίζουμε, δεν χρειαζεται κ παραπάνω αγωνία από όσοι έχουμε οι παίκτες. Μπλόκαρα το καζίνο κ ακύρωσα τον λογαριασμό μου.
Ο τζόγος έχει ήδη αγωνία σαν χόμπι, προτρέπω τους παίκτες να μην δέχονται παράξενες κ περίεργες συμπεριφορές. Πελάτες είμαστε πρέπει να διαλέγουμε που παίζουμε. Αυτοί μας έχουν ανάγκη, εμείς δεν τους έχουμε.
It's like you say, without gamblers there would be no casinos. And of course, playing in a casino from time to time should be a hobby and relaxation and should not have a negative effect. And that's why I think it's right, as you wrote, that players can choose the casino where they play. If they find one where they don't have a problem, it's best to stick with it.
As for the complaint, it would be good if you answered Tomas there as well, so that he could close it. Would that be possible ?
Anyway, I hope you won't run into such troubles and you will find a casino where you won't have any anxiety.
Bruno casino has closed their casino for dutch players now. They probably got a note from the dutch ksa about having no liscense.
All dutch players cant get in their account anymore because of this and getting a email that they are returning their remaining account balance.
This means they finally acknowledge that they shouldnt have offer games to dutch players.
Hi, I also see on our site that Dutch players are not accepted in the casino. It is quite strange that the casino allowed players from this country to play there.
However, I think it is good that the house has obviously been confronted with this and that the money will be returned to all these players.
It will be best to stay with the casinos that are licensed in your country, because I believe that not all cases would have to end the same way with a refund of the balance.
Wish you all the best.
It used to say dutch people are allowed to register. Thats why many dutch registered and played. Then many complaints kept coming in that they didnt had any liscense. So people were asking for a refund of their deposits and complained to the dutch kansspelautoriteit.
So I think they got a investigation now from the dutch authority's and thats why they are closing for dutch people. Althought you only get your balance money back if you had any balance on your account.
Same story as westcasino who also offered games to dutch people wich was not allowed. Only they closed it aswell but did not refunded at all. They almost got a fine from the dutch authority's but got off with a warning. But left the players in the cold.
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