Мне закрыли доступ к аккаунту и попросили пройти верификацию на сайте https://in.sumsub.com/websdk/p/lR6EipK0vGWytU12
Я ее успешно прошел . После чего казино ответило мне вот таким сообщением :
Dear customer,
Thank you for contacting us. We regret to inform you that after a thorough review of your account activity, it has been determined that you have violated our Terms of Service by engaging in prohibited techniques. This action is strictly prohibited and undermines the integrity of our website.
As a result, your account has been permanently locked. This decision is final and in accordance with our Terms of Service - which all players agree to adhere to upon registration.
We take these matters seriously to maintain a fair and secure environment for all our players. Please note that the decision to permanently lock your account has been made after a thorough and fair investigation.
We appreciate your understanding of our policies and thank you for your cooperation. Stay safe.
Прошу помогите разобраться в этом вопросе , я просто делал ставки и ничего более .
Мне закрыли доступ к аккаунту и попросили пройти верификацию на сайте https://in.sumsub.com/websdk/p/lR6EipK0vGWytU12
Я ее успешно прошел . После чего казино ответило мне вот таким сообщением :
Dear customer,
Thank you for contacting us. We regret to inform you that after a thorough review of your account activity, it has been determined that you have violated our Terms of Service by engaging in prohibited techniques. This action is strictly prohibited and undermines the integrity of our website.
As a result, your account has been permanently locked. This decision is final and in accordance with our Terms of Service - which all players agree to adhere to upon registration.
We take these matters seriously to maintain a fair and secure environment for all our players. Please note that the decision to permanently lock your account has been made after a thorough and fair investigation.
We appreciate your understanding of our policies and thank you for your cooperation. Stay safe.
Прошу помогите разобраться в этом вопросе , я просто делал ставки и ничего более .