The player from Germany has requested withdrawal less than a week ago. It hasn’t been received yet. We rejected this complaint as the funds have been played before we could intervene.
The player from Germany has requested withdrawal less than a week ago. It hasn’t been received yet. We rejected this complaint as the funds have been played before we could intervene.
The player from Germany has requested withdrawal less than a week ago. It hasn’t been received yet. We rejected this complaint as the funds have been played before we could intervene.
On 3/2/22 I applied for a payout of 1400 euros.
This has not yet happened. 5 days are up now.
The status of the payout is "Awaiting Approval."
The chat support refers to direct contact with the finance department.
Several emails were sent with read receipts. These were deleted without being read.
Since there are still 3000 euros on the account, an attempt was also made to request an increase in the payment limit from the account manager.
Here, too, e-mails were deleted without being answered.
Chat support responds with catalog responses.
I can not understand why this casino is rated so well.
Am 02.03.22 habe ich eine Auszahlung in Höhe von 1400 Euro beantragt.
Diese ist bisher nicht erfolgt. 5 Tage sind mittlerweile um.
Der Status der Auszahlung lautet "Warten auf Genehmigung."
Der Chatsupport verweißt auf direkten Kontakt zur Finanzabteilung.
Mehrere Mails wurden mit Lesebestätigung versendet. Diese wurden ungelesen gelöscht.
Da zusätzlich noch 3000 Euro auf dem Account vorhanden sind, wurde zusätzlich versucht eine Erhöhung des Auszahlungslimits beim Accountmanager zu beantragen.
Auch hier wurden Mails unbeantwortet gelöscht.
Der Chatsupport antwortet mit Katalogantworten.
Ich kann nicht nachvollziehen, daß dieses Casino so gut bewertet ist.
Dear Headi,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your delayed withdrawal. It’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. That’s why we advise players to be patient and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before they submit a complaint.
Assuming that you have completed KYC verification successfully and had your withdrawal approved by the casino, still, if you don’t receive your winnings by then, please, let us know and we will try to help you.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Headi,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your delayed withdrawal. It’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. That’s why we advise players to be patient and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before they submit a complaint.
Assuming that you have completed KYC verification successfully and had your withdrawal approved by the casino, still, if you don’t receive your winnings by then, please, let us know and we will try to help you.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
In 8 years I have never experienced that a casino takes so long! If this casino can access my deposits directly, I expect a quick withdrawal too!
In 8 Jahren habe ich aber noch nie erlebt, dass ein Casino so lange benötigt! Wenn dieses Casino direkt über meine Einzahlungen verfügen kann, erwarte ich auch eine schnelle Auszahlung!
I fully understand your frustration, Headi. However, I will set the timer for additional 7 days allowing to casino two full weeks to process the payment and if there’s no development by Wednesday next week, we will intervene. Let’s stay positive and wait for the good news regarding your withdrawal. Thank you in advance for your patience.
I fully understand your frustration, Headi. However, I will set the timer for additional 7 days allowing to casino two full weeks to process the payment and if there’s no development by Wednesday next week, we will intervene. Let’s stay positive and wait for the good news regarding your withdrawal. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Today the first payout of 1400 finally arrived. But that doesn't change the fact that I've already gambled away over 1000 euros and haven't gotten the limit increased. Not even anyone from account management responds to email requests. If I extrapolate that, I have to wait another 3 weeks at this rate until I get paid the remaining 2400. That's ridiculous!
In addition, I seem to have account problems. "Is not allowed to open game with withdraw only role." I just want my money and then I'm out of this casino too.
Heute kam die erste Auszahlung in Höhe von 1400 endlich an. Ändert aber nichts dran, dass ich schon über 1000 Euro verspielt habe und keine Erhöhungs des Limits bekomme. Es reagiert ja nicht mal wer vom Account-Management auf Mailanfragen. Wenn ich das hochrechne muss ich bei dem Tempo noch 3 Wochen warten, bis ich die restlichen 2400 ausgezahlt bekomme. Das ist doch lächerlich!
Dazu kommt noch das ich scheinbar Account Probleme habe. "Is not allowed to open game with withdraw only role." Ich will doch einfach nur mein Geld und dann bin ich auch aus diesem Casino weg.
As I said before, Headi, some withdrawals can take up to 14 days to be fully processed and reach your bank account. I'm going to ask you for some more patience. I know it's not ideal but there's nothing we can do for now.
In regard to the technical issue, have you tried contacting the casino directly, please?
As I said before, Headi, some withdrawals can take up to 14 days to be fully processed and reach your bank account. I'm going to ask you for some more patience. I know it's not ideal but there's nothing we can do for now.
In regard to the technical issue, have you tried contacting the casino directly, please?
Hello Headi,
Have there been any developments since our last conversation, please?
Hello Headi,
Have there been any developments since our last conversation, please?
I had a total of 6800 on the account. Less 1400 euros, 5400 euros were still missing. They didn't want to pay me this because they insisted on the limit.
I begged the support. It was pointed out that my level is too low.
I turned over more than 10000 euros just from my winnings.
It is not described in the terms and conditions when you can get higher limits!
Now everything is playful. This casino does not have adequate player protection. You can't protect your winnings!
This casino encourages gambling addiction through these limits.
I have sent a complaint to eCogra and the Malta Gaming Authority and will be hiring a lawyer!
Through all this shit I've lost money again, which I've never won in the amount.
I ask you to rate the casino negatively and to write to the casino management.
According to gambling law, players may only be rewarded with bonus promotions.
Why do you encourage frequent players with higher payouts?
What do I do if I win a mega prize of several tens of thousands of euros.
You know how it is. It is believed that you can win even more if there is too much money on the account.
I don't want to be scammed and I'm taking my chances and suing the casino!
Ich habe insgesamt 6800 auf dem Account gehabt. Abzüglich 1400 Euro haben noch 5400 Euro gefehlt. Diese wollte man mir nicht auszahlen, weil man auf das Limit besteht.
Ich habe den Support angebettelt. Man verwies darauf, daß mein Level zu niedrig ist.
Ich habe nur durch meine Gewinne über 10000 Euro umgesetzt.
Es steht in den AGB nicht beschrieben wann man höhere Limits bekommen kann!
Mittlerweile ist alles verspielt. Dieses Casino hat keinen ausreichenden Spielerschutz. Man kann seine Gewinne nicht schützen!
Dieses Casino fördert durch diese Limits Spielsucht.
Ich habe eine Beschwerde an eCogra und an die Malta Gaming Autority geschickt und werde einen Rechtsanwalt beauftragen!
Durch diesen ganzen Scheiß habe ich Geld wieder verspielt, welches ich noch nie in der Höhe gewonnen habe.
Ich bitte euch das Casino Negativ zu bewerten und das Casino Management anzuschreiben.
Laut Glücksspielrecht dürfen Spieler nur mit Bonusaktionen belohnt werden.
Warum fördert man Vielspieler durch höhere Auszahlungen?
Was mache ich, wenn ich einen Megagewinn in Höhe von mehreren zehntausend Euro Gewinne.
Sie wissen selbst, wie das ist. Man glaubt, mann kann noch mehr gewinnen, wenn zuviel Geld auf dem Account ist.
Ich will mich nicht betrügen lassen und lasse es drauf ankommen und verklage das Casino!
Thank you very much, Headi, for the update. Do I understand correctly that you have played and lost your funds?
Thank you very much, Headi, for the update. Do I understand correctly that you have played and lost your funds?
Sadly, since you have played your winnings, I’m afraid, there is not much we can do for you. Please understand, the player is the only one responsible for their account, active balance, and all the bets taking place. For future references, please contact us as soon as the issue evolves so we can intervene before it's too late.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
Sadly, since you have played your winnings, I’m afraid, there is not much we can do for you. Please understand, the player is the only one responsible for their account, active balance, and all the bets taking place. For future references, please contact us as soon as the issue evolves so we can intervene before it's too late.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
eCogra is currently reviewing the process! The first documents from the casino have been received there. I was told that.
Now the casino wants proof of my source of income.
My deposits so far are only 400 euros.
That's ridiculous!
My account has been verified against my bank account.
And this bank account is already being checked in Germany for the purpose of money laundering.
I have never had such hassle with a casino.
eCogra überprüft den Vorgang gerade! Erste Dokumente Seitens Casino sind dort eingegangen. Das hat man mir mitgeteilt.
Jetzt will das Casino einen Nachweis über meine Geldeinnahmequelle haben.
Meine Einzahlungen liegen bisher nur bei 400 Euro.
Das ist doch lächerlich!
Mein Account ist anhand meines Bankkontos verifiziert worden.
Und dieses Bankkonto wird in Deutschland schon Zwecks Geldwäsche kontrolliert.
Ich habe noch nie so Theater mit einem Casino gehabt.
Could you please advise how much is your active balance now?
Could you please advise how much is your active balance now?
Dear Headi,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Dear Headi,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
What else should I write? The terms and conditions of the casino are apparently still supported! I expected more help here, but got nothing. Everything was just hot air. They seem to support casinos ripping off players with stuff like this!
You could have written to the casino management if they wanted to comment on it. But you didn't do anything at all!
In the meantime, something has changed in this casino! Where the payout option used to say that you should write to the account manager to increase the payout limit, there is nothing anymore!
The casino has removed this notice! I wonder why? Because you were too stupid to write in the terms and conditions that as a "FREQUENT PLAYER" you enjoy the luxury of getting higher payout limits!
One thing I know for sure: You won't be helped here, you're just spreading hot air! Thanks for nothing!
Was soll ich denn noch schreiben. Die AGB's des Casinos werden ja scheinbar noch unterstützt! Habe hier mehr Hilfe erwartet, aber gar nichts bekommen. Alles war nur heiße Luft. Man unterstützt scheinbar, dass Casinos Spieler mit solchen Sachen abzocken!
Man hätte ja mal das Casino Management anschreiben können, ob die sich dazu äußern möchten. Ihr habt aber überhaupt nichts getan!
Mittlerweile hat man in diesem Casino etwas geändert! Wo vorher noch bei der Auszahlungsoption stand, dass man für die Erhöhung des Auszahlungslimits den Accountmanager anschreiben soll, steht nämlich nichts mehr!
Diesen Hinweis hat das Casino heraus genommen! Warum wohl? Weil man zu dumm war, in die AGB's zu schreiben, dass man als "VIELSPIELER" den Luxus genießt, höhere Auszahlungslimits zu bekommen!
Eines weiß ich mit Sicherheit: Hier wird einem nicht geholfen, sondern man verbreitet nur heiße Luft! Danke für nichts!
I have no more balance at this casino! Again for understanding: The casino didn't want to pay out winnings, because they refer to the terms and conditions with the limits.
Only players who gamble away a lot of money get higher limits!
However, the terms and conditions do NOT state from how much money you have to bet or from how many deposits you get a higher payout limit!
Why can frequent players be rewarded with better payout conditions?
This encourages gambling addiction!
I thought a casino was about luck! So you can only be lucky if you gamble a lot of money! This is cheating on a very high level and you support something like that instead of doing something!
I have no understanding for!
Ich habe kein Guthaben mehr bei diesem Casino! Nochmal zum Verständnis: Das Casino wollte Gewinne nicht auszahlen, da man sich auf die AGB's mit den Limits bezieht.
Höhere Limits bekommen nur Spieler, die viel Geld verzocken!
In den AGB's steht aber NICHT, ab wieviel Geldeinsatz oder ab wievielen Einzahlungen man ein höheres Auszahlungslimit bekommt!
Warum dürfen Vielspieler mit besseren Auszahlungsbedingungen belohnt werden?
Sowas fördert Spielsucht!
Ich dachte in einem Casino geht es um Glück! Also darf man nur Glück haben, wenn man sehr viel Geld verzockt! Das ist Betrug auf ganz hohen Niveau und ihr unterstützt sowas auch noch, anstatt etwas zu unternehmen!
Habe ich kein Verständnis für!
Dear Headi,
As I mentioned earlier since you have played your winnings, I’m afraid, there is not much we can do for you. Please understand, the player is the only one responsible for their account, active balance and all the bets taking place. For future references, please contact us as soon as the issue evolves so we can intervene before it's too late.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint as unjustified. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
Dear Headi,
As I mentioned earlier since you have played your winnings, I’m afraid, there is not much we can do for you. Please understand, the player is the only one responsible for their account, active balance and all the bets taking place. For future references, please contact us as soon as the issue evolves so we can intervene before it's too late.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint as unjustified. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
I wish I could be of more help. I’m sorry we couldn’t help you to resolve this case. For the abovementioned reasons, I will now reject this complaint.
I wish I could be of more help. I’m sorry we couldn’t help you to resolve this case. For the abovementioned reasons, I will now reject this complaint.
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