The player from Germany had his winnings from Dog Racing voided. He stopped responding.
I bet on dog 3 what happened did the casino shoot or euthanize dog three before the race?
Fun by the side, something like that doesn't work in the next race I bet money and then confirmed suddenly the error was blah blah and money was simply withdrawn anyway.
So after this ID I made a long game because the mistake turned out to be very big and it took money from me anyway.
Ich habe auf den Hund 3 gesetzt was ist passiert hat das Casino Hund drei vor dem Rennen erschossen oder eingeschläfert?
Spaß bei Seite sowas geht nicht im nächsten Rennen davon habe ich Geld gesetzt und dann bestätigt auf einmal stand das Fehler bla bla und Geld wurde aber trotzdem einfach eingezogen.
Also nach dieser ID habe ich ein weites spiel gemacht da kahm der Fehler dann ganz groß und Geld hat er mir trotzdem genommen.
Dear Wibrak,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. Do I understand correctly that this case is related to Dog Racing only?
As you might know, our forum Casino.Guru, deals with the complaints regarding online casinos only. I understand it must be difficult for you, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough insight to take on this kind of issue, related to Dog Racing. I can contact the casino on your behalf and try to get some more information, but at the same time, I will be forced to reject your complaint. If it is convenient for you, we can continue our communication through emails. My email address is
Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Best regards,
Dear Wibrak,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. Do I understand correctly that this case is related to Dog Racing only?
As you might know, our forum Casino.Guru, deals with the complaints regarding online casinos only. I understand it must be difficult for you, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough insight to take on this kind of issue, related to Dog Racing. I can contact the casino on your behalf and try to get some more information, but at the same time, I will be forced to reject your complaint. If it is convenient for you, we can continue our communication through emails. My email address is
Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Best regards,
PS: if you don't get your right, you get annoyed with a spam bot in the chat 😉 they don't have an ip block, the customer service then gave me my reimbursement after an hour.
PS: wer sein recht nicht bekommt nervt einfach per spam bot im chat 😉 die haben kein ip block der Kunden dienst hat mir dann nach einer stunde meine Erstattung gegeben.
Hello, Wibrak.
We've reviewed your case. In this game, if one dog fell behind for too much, it does not show on the screen. You wrote us about this issue in the support chat on 22 of October. This issue was explained, you also were compensated with a 10 euro bonus, despite that there is no issue on our side. Unfortunately, you were not happy with this explanation and used a spambot to create multiple chats and disrupt our support team work. Today you returned to our support chat and started spamming with pornographic content just "for entertainment", as you said. We were forced to block your account for spam.
We ask representative to acknowledge this complaint as unjustified, because the player just didn't understand the game rules, however while explained and compensated to be on the good terms, wrote this complaint and used spambot to disrupt our support team work.
Hello, Wibrak.
We've reviewed your case. In this game, if one dog fell behind for too much, it does not show on the screen. You wrote us about this issue in the support chat on 22 of October. This issue was explained, you also were compensated with a 10 euro bonus, despite that there is no issue on our side. Unfortunately, you were not happy with this explanation and used a spambot to create multiple chats and disrupt our support team work. Today you returned to our support chat and started spamming with pornographic content just "for entertainment", as you said. We were forced to block your account for spam.
We ask representative to acknowledge this complaint as unjustified, because the player just didn't understand the game rules, however while explained and compensated to be on the good terms, wrote this complaint and used spambot to disrupt our support team work.
Yes, only after nervous reports were reimbursed the missing game where the error was reported and you swallowed the money, you were not reimbursed. If you do not come to your right at this casino, it is the best way to spam
PS: By the way, there were 2 complaints that I have not listed here, so it is not unjustified
And I'll be curious how they Augment Visa the lock on my chargeback which I'll summarize tomorrow. I was not ashamed and I have the right means against criminals like you.
If I can't get my chargeback through, look forward to my bot
Ja erst nach nervlichen narichten wurde erstattet das fehlende spiel wo die Fehler Meldung war und ihr das Geld geschluckt habt habt ihr nicht erstattet. Wenn ihr nicht zu euren Recht kommt bei diesem Casino spamt es zu das ist das Beste Mittel
PS: Übrigens gab es 2 Reklamationen die ich hier nicht aufgeführt habe von daher ist es nicht Ungerechtfertigt
Und ich werde gespannt sein wie sie Visa die Sperre Augmentieren auf meinen Chargback was ich morgen zusammenfassen werde. Ich las mich nähmlich nicht veraschen und habe die passenden mittel gegen so verbrecher wie ihr.
Kriege ich mein Chargeback nicht durch freut euch auf mein Bot
Hello, Wibrak.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide you a refund because you already used your deposits to play games. According to our Refund/Cancellation policy, Paragraph 1:
No refund can be completed once the alleged deposit (including the bonus) has been played using the or service.
We also ask representative to take notice on the player's threats and illegal actions (support chat spam, extortion, unjustified chargeback attempt). We can provide additional details about the user via email.
Hello, Wibrak.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide you a refund because you already used your deposits to play games. According to our Refund/Cancellation policy, Paragraph 1:
No refund can be completed once the alleged deposit (including the bonus) has been played using the or service.
We also ask representative to take notice on the player's threats and illegal actions (support chat spam, extortion, unjustified chargeback attempt). We can provide additional details about the user via email.
That no blackmail the one fact that I do a chargeback for the costs you will then pay 🙂 You are the criminals here, not me!
If right is wrong, resistance becomes a duty, but you can tell how you deal with your customers' data. You simply pass data on to third parties.
So you know about it.
By the way, when I threatened to complain here in the casino, the casino said that Casino Guro was their family and I should do it quietly.
I am also talking about your Fraudulent Bonus
The 200% first deposit bonus is x60. The terms and conditions state x40 on the bonus amount, but the casino also calculates the deposit amount to the bonus balance. This is fraud, of course the casino sees it differently ...
Customer has paid € 200 24,000 does he have to wager?
Who is the wolf in sharp clothing here?
Are you not taking it seriously, did you just attend, do you seriously think that we gamblers put up with everything and watch us take other people out of their money?
That you do not delete that, I took the liberty of making a screenshoot and sending it to the responsible license provider how you deal carelessly with the data of the users
Do you think all of your players are stupid?
Das keine Erpressung das eine Tatsache das ich ein Chargeback mache für die kosten werden sie dann aufkommen 🙂 Ihr seit hier die verbrecher nicht ich!
Wenn recht zu unrecht wird widerstand zur Pflicht aber da merkt man ja wie ihr mit dem Daten eure Kunden umgeht ihr gibt einfach daten an Dritte weiter schön das ihr das hier zugibt.
Also wisst ihr ja bescheid.
Übrigens wo ich angedroht hatte mich hier in Casino zu beschweren äusserte das Casino das Casino Guro ja deren Familie sei und ich das ruhig machen soll.
Des Weiteren Spreche ich auch euren Betrügerichen Bonus
Der 200% First Deposit Bonus ist x60. In den AGB steht zwar x40 auf den Bonusbetrag, das Casino rechnet den Einzahlungsbetrag aber ebenfalls zum Bonusguthaben. Das ist Betrug, das Casino sieht das natürlich anders....
Kunde hat 200€ eingezahlt 24000 muss er umsetzen?
Wer ist hier der Wolf im Scharfspelz
Nimmt ihr ja nicht ernst habt ihr ja grade zugegen, Denkt ihr im ernst das wir Spieler uns alles gefallen lassen und zusehen wir ihr andere um ihr Geld bringt?
Das ihr das nicht löscht habe ich mir erlaubt ein Screenshoot zu machen und an zuständigen Lizens anbieter zu senden wie ihr leichtfertig mit den Daten der nutzer umgeht
Denken sie alle ihre spieler seien dumm?
By the way, please direct the faulty games with the dog three not at was even if you are already offering it illegally without my consent.
Übrigens dann leiten sie doch bitte auch wenn sie es schon illegal anbieten ohne meine Zustimmung die fehlerhaften spiele mit das hund drei nicht bei war hab ich eingesehn das dann beim nächsten spiel mein geld futsch war und eine fehler meldung da stand nehme ich nicht hin.
Hello, Wibrak.
If you have any worries about the possible disclosure of your personal data, you can always read our Privacy Policy. It is available on the website.
According to our Privacy policy we can use information we collect for:
Monitoring and investigating transactions for the purposes of preventing fraud, terms abuse, money laundering and other illegal or irregular gaming activities;
We also have a right to:
We may pass information that you have given us to other entities within our group of companies and to our business partners.
This could be done:
When the Company believes that disclosure is necessary to protect the Company's or the player's safety, or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request;
I hope that answers your question. Unfortunately, we can't add anything more to this dispute.
Have a nice day.
Hello, Wibrak.
If you have any worries about the possible disclosure of your personal data, you can always read our Privacy Policy. It is available on the website.
According to our Privacy policy we can use information we collect for:
Monitoring and investigating transactions for the purposes of preventing fraud, terms abuse, money laundering and other illegal or irregular gaming activities;
We also have a right to:
We may pass information that you have given us to other entities within our group of companies and to our business partners.
This could be done:
When the Company believes that disclosure is necessary to protect the Company's or the player's safety, or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request;
I hope that answers your question. Unfortunately, we can't add anything more to this dispute.
Have a nice day.
Yes, you better not express yourselves right if you are in the wrong you should be silent and then the data protection glitch where you talk about your head and neck.
Ja besser ihr äußert euch nicht mehr schon recht wenn man in Unrecht ist sollte man schweigen und dann noch die Datenschutz Panne wo ihr euch um Kopf und Kragen Redet.
Thank you, both sides, for the clarification.
Dear Wibrak,
Do I understand correctly that your issue has been resolved?
Do I have your permission to close this case as resolved, or there's anything else we could try to help you with?
Thank you, both sides, for the clarification.
Dear Wibrak,
Do I understand correctly that your issue has been resolved?
Do I have your permission to close this case as resolved, or there's anything else we could try to help you with?
Additional comments from the player:
Data protection complaint
The casino offers my data to third parties without consent. Casino Guru makes the contributions private so that users cannot see the answer from me and the contributions
The casino offers you my data here without asking me.
Additional comments from the player:
Data protection complaint
The casino offers my data to third parties without consent. Casino Guru makes the contributions private so that users cannot see the answer from me and the contributions
The casino offers you my data here without asking me.
I believe this issue has been explained thoroughly already by the casino representative. Furthermore, no additional details were requested since you confirmed earlier that the issue has been resolved already.
Do I have your permission to close this case as resolved?
I believe this issue has been explained thoroughly already by the casino representative. Furthermore, no additional details were requested since you confirmed earlier that the issue has been resolved already.
Do I have your permission to close this case as resolved?
Yes they have and it is your forum you decide here as what it will end it is a cheek from the casino to tell you how to end a case.
Ja haben sie und es ist dein Forum du entscheidest hier als was es beendet wird eine Frechheit vom casino euch hier vorzuschreiben wie ihr einen Fall zu beenden habt.
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
Casino Guru here is an obvious fraud please do not make the contribution it was today, although my account has been closed for two or three days, another € 38 debited which the pictures prove
Casino Guru hier liegt ein offensichtlicher Betrug vor bitte nicht den Beitrag zu machen es wurde heute obwohl mein konto seit zwei drei tagen zu ist nochmal 38€ abgebucht die die bilder beweisen
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
I'm sure you know that all the payment details are shared with third-party payment providers only, not with the casino directly. Have you tried communicating this issue with your payment provider already?
I'm sure you know that all the payment details are shared with third-party payment providers only, not with the casino directly. Have you tried communicating this issue with your payment provider already?
38 € was stolen from me from this casino without authorization the casino is responsible for it and it is not a mistake by my bank my bank has confirmed it was debited how can it be that 38 € will be debited on October 24th, 21 and it will be debited on October 22nd, 21st Has my casino account been blocked?
Es wurde mir 38€ geklaut von diesem Casino ohne Genehmigung das Casino ist dafür verantwortlich und es ist kein Fehler meiner Bank meine Bank hat bestätigt es abgebucht wurde wie kann das sein das am 24.10.21 38€ abgebucht wird und es aber am 22.10.21 gesperrt wurde meine Casino Konto?
Could you please forward a bank statement with both payments being visible? Thank you very much.
Could you please forward a bank statement with both payments being visible? Thank you very much.
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
Thank you very much, Wibrak, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Thank you very much, Wibrak, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hello Wibrak,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Power Casino into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify what is the problem with the player’s money?
Hello Wibrak,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Power Casino into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify what is the problem with the player’s money?
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
Hello, Wibrak.
For your allegations about the money withdrawn from your bank account, it is not possible, because we process all payments via our payment provider and have no technical possibility of initiating any payment on our side. The last deposit on your account was made on 21 of October. The transaction on the screenshot is either the same transaction with late notification (because money was on hold for several days), or has nothing to do with our casino. If you write us a request at, we can ask our payment provider to provide a data of all payments for your account or from your card.
As for your data deletion request, we received it. Our legal department will answer it within the legal period.
Have a nice day.
Hello, Wibrak.
For your allegations about the money withdrawn from your bank account, it is not possible, because we process all payments via our payment provider and have no technical possibility of initiating any payment on our side. The last deposit on your account was made on 21 of October. The transaction on the screenshot is either the same transaction with late notification (because money was on hold for several days), or has nothing to do with our casino. If you write us a request at, we can ask our payment provider to provide a data of all payments for your account or from your card.
As for your data deletion request, we received it. Our legal department will answer it within the legal period.
Have a nice day.
It is not a claim, it is a fact that I presented Casino Guru as evidence as a screen shoot. Otherwise Casino Guru would definitely not have invited you. I also have the proof up my sleeve that you are lying here. But first of all I would like to ask you to explain why on October 24th the debit of 38 € was lost?
Es ist keine Behauptung es ist eine Tatsache dieses habe ich ich Casino Guru als beweis als Screenshoot vorgelegt. Sonst hätte Casino Guru sie ganz sicher nicht eingeladen. Ich habe auch den Beweis hier als Ass im Ärmel das sie hier Lügen. Aber zuerst einmal bitte ich hier zu äußern wieso am 24.10 die Abbuchung von 38€ abgingen?
I invite Casino Guru to a TeamViewer session that the submitted evidence is genuine.
1 I will log into the app Live
2 You will see all charges as indicated.
You can also join the session with a Skype Live broadcast
In this case, I put Teamviwer on my PC and you can see the logging process live and all the prints and the proof that 2x 38 € have been debited
Ich lade Casino Guru zur einer TeamViewer Sitzung ein das die eingereichten Beweise echt sind.
1 Ich werde mich in der App einlogen Live
2 Sie werden alle Abbuchungen so wie angegeben sehen.
Die Sitzung können sie auch mit einer Skype Live Übertragung beitreten
In diesem fall mache ich über meinen PC Teamviwer drauf und sie können den loging vorgang sehen live und alle abzüge und den nachweis das 2x 38€ abgebucht wurden
Hello, Wibrak.
We received an answer from our payment provider. They confirm that there were no payments from you since your last deposit on 21 of October. We emailed you the full statement of all your payments, including successful and failed.
If you still assume, that the money was withdrawn from you, we suggest you to contact your bank. On our side, we can assume only 3 things:
In any case, as we said previously, we don't have any data to initiate any payment from our side, and we don't even have a technical possibility to do so. To further investigate the issue, we suggest you to contact your bank.
Hello, Wibrak.
We received an answer from our payment provider. They confirm that there were no payments from you since your last deposit on 21 of October. We emailed you the full statement of all your payments, including successful and failed.
If you still assume, that the money was withdrawn from you, we suggest you to contact your bank. On our side, we can assume only 3 things:
In any case, as we said previously, we don't have any data to initiate any payment from our side, and we don't even have a technical possibility to do so. To further investigate the issue, we suggest you to contact your bank.
Dear Casino,
I would like to ask you for the player's deposit and withdrawal history, send it to my email:, please.
Dear Wibrak,
please, contact your bank, confront them with Casino's answer and send me their statement.
Dear Casino,
I would like to ask you for the player's deposit and withdrawal history, send it to my email:, please.
Dear Wibrak,
please, contact your bank, confront them with Casino's answer and send me their statement.
Dear Casino,
thank you for the email, I've received the requested documents. Now I'll set the timer to the player.
Dear Casino,
thank you for the email, I've received the requested documents. Now I'll set the timer to the player.
Dear Wibrak,
in order to proceed with your case you need to follow our instructions, so please, contact your bank with the Casino statement and ask them for the explanation. Then send me their official valid statement.
Thanks for the understanding.
Dear Wibrak,
in order to proceed with your case you need to follow our instructions, so please, contact your bank with the Casino statement and ask them for the explanation. Then send me their official valid statement.
Thanks for the understanding.
Dear Wibrak,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Dear Wibrak,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to reject this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with the further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to reject this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with the further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
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