HomeComplaintsNeon54 Casino - Player's account was closed.

Neon54 Casino - Player's account was closed.

Amount: A$9,000

Neon54 Casino
Submitted: 28 May 2023 | Resolved : 21 Jun 2023
Resolved Our verdict

Case closed


Case summary

The player from Australia had his account closed due to failed verification as the name on his bank account and his driver's license didn't match. Eventually, the player was able to prove that the documents belong to him and the issue was resolved.


On the 21/may I joined up Neon54 casino and played deposited 2x 300 total $600 lost , on 24th got and started playing made a total of 11 deposits to the total $6800 before I had a $12000 win I kept playing and stopped playing at $13000 in my account when I went to make a withdrawal request and was told I could only withdraw $750 a day x 3, I was very annoyed that I could only withdraw 750. I asked him about the withdrawal policy and they gave me a big write down. I thought it is what it is and I put in my first withdrawal request for 750 come of my total my new total $12250 , the following evening I put in three 750 withdrawal request come of my total new total $10000 I played that evening lost $3000 so my closing total was $7000 , the following day I got an email stating that I needed to produce some ID. They wanted drivers license and the credit card that I used to make the deposit which I did I sent me an email saying your withdrawal was successfully and it’s on its way then I get another email saying that my three 750 request had failed due to something to do with my ID and my account would be closed They didn’t say why and they would refund my last deposit I said to them I spent 6800 that even and why would you only give me my last deposit the lady I was chatting to from there support team said you would get all back , they sent me couple of emails offering 75% discount bonus is I sent them a couple of emails how disappointed I was and we should try and resolve this and I’m not worried about the 75% discount at their offering. I just want to resolve the issue , and that’s where we’re at right now. Ps iv tried downloading all the emails I’ve exceeded the amount that you guys take. So if you want the rest of them just let me know and I’ll forward them to you. Thank you


Dear Oliverijohn,

Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.

Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino ensures the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of physically seeing all of the players and checking their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments can complete the verification procedures.

Have you asked customer support about the reason why your documents were rejected? Do I understand correctly that the casino assured you you would get all the $6500 back? Please forward the rest of the emails to veronika.l@casino.guru.

I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.

Best regards,



My ID verification there was two parts to it. The first part was to take a photo of the card that I used to deposit the money, and the second part of it was my drivers, license, front and back, which the second part of it was confirmed and said approved, and it was the first part, the card that I used didn’t approve for whatever reason , only thing I can think of is that my name on my credit card is Giovani my name on my drivers license is John , Giovani is my birth name Giovani,is John, that’s the only thing I can think of , I wasn’t sure weather I should of brought it up or just wait , should l correspond with them or should I just not say or do anything and just leave it to you guys from here on , I did ask what the problem was, and they said it was an administration decision, it was$6800 that I had deposited that night when she said to me that they would be closing my account and give me last deposit back I said $1000 I’ve just put $6800 in there and she said it all be refunded back It’s already been processed she said , I’ve sent you a copy of that transcript that I was talking to the customer support person. Thanks agin any thing more that can provide just ask


Sorry one other thing not sure what you mean what KYC means,


iv replied


Do I understand correctly that you used a payment card that is registered on a name that is different from the name of the casino account's owner?

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Iv just see that Neon54 has deposited $1000. To my account


Do I understand correctly that you changed your name to John and all your ID documents are registered in the name John? If so, how come your bank account is registered in your other name? Would it be possible to change your name in the bank from Giovanni to John as well?


When l open this bank account the bank wanted my birth certificate with all the identity thief that’s going on it’s very hard to open up a bank account now and on my best to get it is Giovanni they have just deposited $1000 in my account. What is the issue? Have you spoken to them?


I haven’t change my name


The name of the owner of the payment method used for depositing and gambling in a casino has to be the same as the name of the casino account's owner. Do you have any evidence that your full name is Giovanni John O.? Otherwise, it looks like Giovanni is a different person from you.

The casino has returned you the last deposit of $1000 as promised.


You now that is not true I registered to play on there casino and i used my credit card iv played on other sites and have not had this problem, Giovanni is my birth name and when you translate Giovanni to English is John this is so unfair they ok to take my money don’t want to pay , what about the support team person that l spoke to said that they would refund my deposit of that nite $6800 , so what is it that you like me to do I can get cent link to say that I am Giovanni John O*****

That is what you like me to do


Hi it’s Oliverijohn iv just sent you a copy of Neon54 out come to your email box they saying that I was in breach that I used someone else credit card and doing that I’m in breach of there game regulations. But the truth is I did not use someone else credit card that’s my credit card any one looking it can see that is the case , do I ask Neon54 or will you tell me what I need to prove that Giovanni John O**** is one person and that is me I’m telling the truth please believe me , could I please be able to talk with Josef Krucay or have look this over please I’m sure how my older sister Lucy girl friend nows Josef ,this so in fear really what about the lady from support said and iv copy iv sent to you she saying all my money would be refunded ok thank you here from you soon


Hi it’s Oliverijohn how a we going with things? I sent you the 3 x emails I received from Neon54 yesterday , I haven’t responded to any of them, could you please get back to me thank you


Just one other thing you said that they refunded me my last deposit $1000 as they promised but didn’t the lady from the support team promised that they would refund all the money that I deposit that evening I’ve sent you a copy of the transcript that I had with her isn’t that a promise as well?


What I will do is tomorrow Friday, 2 June. I will go to our Centrelink office and get something from them. That states that Giovanni John is the one person with my current address my date of birth is there anything else that I need to get?


I apologize that I have not responded to your emails yet. I have received them, thank you.

You have to give the casino a piece of clear evidence that Giovanni John O. is your full name. The casino needs an official document where all of your names will be present. The identification document should contain a photograph, your full name, and date of birth.

Regarding the amount that was returned to your account - do I understand correctly that you deposited $6800 in one evening? Have you played any games between deposits?


Veronika have you read what iv give you , it doesn’t seem you have , if you read what said that I had made 11 deposits that even before I had the $12000. Win have you seen the transcript of myself talking to the support person from the casino? We’re she said they would refund my last deposit and I said my last deposit iv just put in $6800 this evening and she said it would all be refunded, have you seen that . Iv asked you if I could talk to Josef Krucay or have him take look at my complaint thank you I will get the document tomorrow


They Neon54 now that Giovanni O***** the name on my card , John O***** the name on my drivers license , is the one person they just trying to find away out of paying what they owe me, it is wrong what they a doing and treating me as a fool cos fool I’m not , may I ask you please Veronika do you believe what I saying to you ? I’m telling the truth I am I sorry I’m getting emotional thinking about how iv been made out to be a liar


If you gambled away all your previous deposits and the casino closed your account due to breaching the Terms and Conditions, the casino is entitled to return only the last deposit to you. It's clearly stated in the Terms:

Fraud, illegal and improper use
9.1 The Website may only be used for personal entertainment purposes only. The following activities are strictly prohibited and will be considered a material breach of these General Terms and Conditions:
engaging in any fraudulent activities, including, without limitation, using any credit/debit cards or other payment methods or funds not belonging to you, cases were funds are recalled/disputed;

If the casino concludes you've used a card belonging to someone else, they will do the following:

9.4 Should we arrive at a reasonable suspicion that you have engaged in a fraud, any illegal or improper activity, or have otherwise breached the Terms, we reserve the right to take any number of the following action, at our sole and absolute discretion, with or without notice:
void any winnings obtained, cancel any pending withdrawals and refund the last deposit made into the account;

It's a legitimate measure to prevent fraud.

However, if you provide the casino with a document clearly stating that John and Giovanni are actually ONE PERSON, there might be a further investigation regarding your case.

I completely understand your frustration. However, you should also show some understanding of the casino's point of view. How can they know that the ID and bank statement you provided belong to the same person if the names on the documents are different? What is your actual name?


Nobody is saying that you are a fool or a liar. It's completely normal to be upset in a situation like this. However, for security reasons, the casino has to be 100% sure that the verification documents belong to the same person so that the winnings are paid out to the rightful winner.


I understand, I haven’t used any one else credit card it’s my card the bank statement I showed had my address on it the same address as my other documents that I showed , they the casino could see right from my very first deposit that credit card and my drivers license first names were different they could of made me a were of it right at the start , but it only becomes issue when they have to pay out otherwise it’s not a problem they would of continue to keep taking my hard earned money . I will get the document tomorrow to say that Giovanni and John are the one person I have a day off tomorrow and I will do that. I keep it and give it to you to give to them or do I submit it to them could you please let me know Thank you very much for your help.


Iv all ready told you , I will tell you agin my birth name is Giovanni once you translate Giovani to English it’s John and I am known as John my birth certificate, my bank statements and got Giovani on there, but most of my things have John on it


We may be able to help you if you have a single document with all three names.

At the same time, I would like to recommend you put all your ID documents and bills in order before you play in some other casino. Your official name is the one you were born with, not its "translated" version - that is if you did not change your name legally.


why can I not submit the document to you


I try send it to your email


We recommend you submit the document to the casino first. If there are some problems with the casino accepting it, you may, of course, send it to us as well for investigation purposes.


Thank you for your email. I have received your documents. I'm really sorry to say this but although you provided us with a birth certificate, I can not see any evidence that John and Giovanni are the same person. I can see that Giovanni and John were born on the same day but their names are different. They could be twins. I am not saying that you are not telling the truth, I am just stating the facts that I see on the documents.

Would it be possible to go to your bank and change the name of the owner to John?


Birth certificate S been signed and certified by police officer who is a JP and able to do that it’s not just that I put it together. That’s not good enough either it’s been certified isn’t that enough evidence to show that its the one person


This is becoming too much for me. I’m having sleepless nights over it. It’s starting to affect my health it’s very very unfair it made out to be that I’m a liar that I’ve tried to do something illegal and which I haven’t done I just played Yeah they took my money and they would’ve continued to take my money unless I had a win Just isn’t fair I have that document to hear in this country to certify documents that’s not enough


Correct me if I'm wrong but the police officer certified that the document was a true copy of the original birth certificate. He did not write there that John is the same person as Giovanni.

I'm sorry. I believe that it must be hard for you. I just don't understand how come on some documents your name is Giovanni and on other documents it's John. Why don't you use the same name on all your identity documents? Your payment card, bank statement, and birth certificate say Giovanni, while your Medicare card and Driver's license say John. Why didn't you put the same name on all the official documents?


I think I have all ready told you when I open the bank account the bank would not except my drivers license as proof and wanted my birth certificate as proof of ID so I payed the birth deaths and marriage registry office $62 and they sent me a copy of my birth certificate, so I took it to the bank and open my account. They use the name that was on my birth certificate which is Giovanni I didn’t think that it would cause me any grief at all, like it has turned out , I too had the same problem with the tax office cos my work pay was been deposited into to my bank account that is Giovanni and my name with the tax office is John cos it was set up 40 years ago , most of my documents a John O*** with all the identity theft. It’s going on things have become so hard. I remember when I first open my first bank account I just walked into the branch. No ID just told her what my name was and open up an account haven’t times changed and that’s where I’m at. I haven’t done anything that I thought was wrong , I went and got this document certified they had me tell them what I need to show that it was the one person


There only my birth certificate and my bank account my credit cards that linked to the same account that a Giovanni O*** every thing else that I have say John O*** I hope that explains it for you


Iv played on other on line casinos and have won money they have deposited the money back to the card that I used to deposit money on to the online casino , it had never been an issue before this time , if I new that this could of happened , no way would I allow it I would’ve just said my name is Giovanni same as the account


Hi it’s Oliverijohn iv send a certified document to Neon54 casino like you said I should do , and iv not heard from them , iv asked for certified document to now say that Giovanni O*** and John O*** a the one person soon as pick it up I send it to you


Thank you, Oliverijohn, for the emails containing your Statutory declaration. Our whole team will thoroughly review your case at our regular meeting this Friday. I'll let you know about the outcome of the discussion immediately after we finish. Thank you in advance for your patience.


Dear Oliverijohn, in the company meeting we came to the conclusion that the acceptance of your documents should be reconsidered by the casino and we will continue solving your case. Thank you very much for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my superior Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.



I just wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for all the help you've given me during my recent complaint. Your dedication and vigilance have been absolutely fantastic, and I couldn't have asked for better support.

Your attentiveness and willingness to go above and beyond to help me have made a huge difference in my experience, and I truly appreciate everything you've done. Thank you for being such a kind and thoughtful person, and for making a difficult situation much easier to navigate. Look forward to having your supervisor, Peter to continue support my complaint and resolve with a satisfactory resolution hopefully a win in my favour. Thanks again, Veronika

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Dear Oliverijohn,

I'm taking over your complaint. I admit, this is a very curious situation, and I can't imagine something like this (putting a different name on a document) happening in the EU. However, since this is obviously possible and we are aware of similar cases, I will contact the casino and will do my best to help. I would like to invite Neon54 Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.



Hi Peter , thanks for taking on my complaint , if there anything that you need from me , or anything I can do for you please just ask , ld like to think that once Neon54 casino gets to see and he what you have to say , hopefully they can see that iv not done nothing wrong and that Giovanni and John a the one person. Peter I wish you on my behalf the very best in your discussions with then I look forward to hearing hopefully good news


Hi Oliverijohn,

The situation is clear. We will now wait for the casino's response.


Dear CasinoGuru,

Thank you for reaching out. Let's hope we can find a reasonable solution to this once all the evidence is presented.

Dear John,

Unfortunately, we have not received any new emails from you that contain documents to prove your case. Could you please make sure you are sending the documents from your registered email address? And if you did send them from your registered address, could you please send a screenshot of that email? Thank you in advance.

We will make sure to check the documents with priority when you send them.

Best regards,



Hi Peter , would you like that I sent a copy of both documents that I have two neon 54 casino let me know if that’s what you’d like me to do and I’ll forward them to them if that’s what you’re asking me to do thank you


Hi Peter , you have a copy of the documents you can forward them on my behalf if it makes it easier what do think that we do thanks John


Hi Oliverijohn,

Please send the documents directly to the casino as instructed from your registered address.


Hi Peter I thought that may have been the case I’ve already done that I did that yesterday


Thank you, let's see what the casino's response will be.


Dear John,

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately, we have no received any new emails from your registered address. The last contact we have from you is dated May 26th.

Best regards,



Dear Neon54 Casino team,

Please write the email address here and Oliverijohn let's try again.


Dear all,

The email address the customer can send the document to is support@neon54.com

Best regards,



Thank you.


hi Peter , I will that right away thanks


Please let me know when there's news.


Hi Peter , as soon as I hear any thing I will let you now ASAP


Great, thank you, I will set the timer to seven days.


Dear John,

Thank you for providing the documents.

We would like to inform you that your account is now verified and open. The casino balance is restored as well.

We appreciate your cooperation.

Best regards,



Hi Peter , that is grate news , I just checked Neon54 casino and yes the account is reopened and yes my money is there ready for me to withdraw it, I would just like to take the time to thank Casino Guru like to thank Veronika very much , this something that I really didn’t think was gonna happen but it has I haven’t done anything wrong just my name but thanks guys thanks a million I hope I never have to use you guys again but if I do I know where to come this is a fantastic fantastic. Thanks regards, John


Thanks Peter , I suppose you can put case closed thanks Pete


Hi Peter , I logged on and went to try and go and make a withdrawal and it said that I need to fulfil a waging requirement so I started talking to the support team and they said there’s gonna have to go through to the finance department it might have to be a manual withdrawal I’ll send you a copy of the conversation we had and they were gonna send me an email once it was all sorted out or what they mean by that maybe you do




Good morning Peter , I can log in and play try to make withdrawal and this what it say filewhat do you think this all about ?


Hi Oliverijohn,

That is great news. It is true that in most casinos you have to wager the deposit at least once. However, if the support said that you might be able to withdraw the funds without it, it would be best to wait for a few more days and see if it works out.


Dear John,

Thank you for your message.

We were intending to waive the wagering requirement, but, as we can see, you have already wagered the amount once, therefore the withdrawal option should be available for you now.

Please let us know should you have any other issues.

Best regards,



Thanks Peter , iv been able to with the amount that I want so all is good thanks again for all you help thanks John ( Giovanni) oliveri case now closed


Hi all,

Thank you for your replies.

Dear Oliverijohn,

I'm glad to hear that you received your funds. We will mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. We appreciate your cooperation and confirmation, Oliverijohn, and if you encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center. Our goal is to assist you.

As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would appreciate if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot https://www.trustpilot.com/evaluate/casino.guru. An honest review and any suggestions you may have to improve our complaint resolution and mediation process would be greatly appreciated. Your feedback could prove helpful to others who are considering contacting us about any online casino-related issues. Thank you in advance for your time. 

Best regards,


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