OverviewBonusesUser reviews7Safety Index explainedDiscussion5Payment methods15
Lataamo Casino Review
This review examines Lataamo Casino, using our casino review methodology to determine its advantages and disadvantages by our independent team of expert casino reviewers. By evaluating the casino's licenses, Terms and Conditions, up-to-date player complaints, limits, customer support, and other key elements, our review team has classified the level of safety and fairness of the casino, categorizing it as either legit and safe, a possible scam, or falling in between.
The casino's Safety Index, a score indicating the safety and fairness of online casinos, has been determined through our analysis of these findings. The higher the Safety Index, the greater the assurance of playing and receiving winnings without problems. Lataamo Casino scored a High Safety Index of 8.8, which is why it could be considered a favorable option for most players in terms of fairness and safety. Proceed with reading our Lataamo Casino review to learn more about this casino. This will help you make an informed decision about whether this casino is right for you.
Fairness and safety of Lataamo Casino
To determine a casino's Safety Index, we use a detailed formula that considers a multitude of information gathered and assessed during our comprehensive review process. These include the casino's T&Cs, complaints from players, estimated revenues, blacklists, and many others.
In our review of Lataamo Casino, we read and assessed Terms and Conditions of Lataamo Casino in-depth. To our best understanding, there are no rules or clauses that could be viewed as unfair or exploitative. This is a favorable sign, considering that such rules could potentially be leveraged to deny the players their rightful winnings.
Based on our estimates or gathered data, Lataamo Casino is a medium-sized online casino. This casino has a very low value of denied payouts in player complaints with respect to its size (or it hasn't had any complaints). We factor in a correlation between casino's size and player complaints, because we realize that larger casinos typically tend to receive more complaints on account of increased player count.
Based on our findings, no important casino blacklists feature Lataamo Casino. Casino blacklists, such as our own Casino Guru blacklist, may indicate mistreatment of customers by a casino. Therefore, we recommend players consider these lists when selecting a casino to play at.
Taking into account all factors in our review, Lataamo Casino has scored a Safety Index of 8.8, representing a High value. For most players seeking an online casino that prioritizes fairness in the online gambling experience they offer, this casino is a recommendable choice.
Terms and Conditions of Lataamo Casino
When reviewing online casinos, we thoroughly go over the Terms & Conditions of every casino in order to monitor their fairness. Within the T&Cs of many casinos, we uncover clauses that we deem unfair or potentially predatory. These rules can be used as a reason for not paying out winnings to players in specific scenarios.
We did not find any unfair or predatory rules in the Terms and Conditions of Lataamo Casino during our review.
Player complaints regarding Lataamo Casino
Our casino assessment approach relies heavily on player complaints, which provide us with a comprehensive understanding of struggles experienced by players and how casinos address them. When calculating the Safety Index of each casino, we consider all complaints received through our Complaint Resolution Center, as well as those sourced from other channels.
We have found no relevant complaints about this casino.
User feedback and reviews of Lataamo Casino
On Casino Guru, players may evaluate and review online casinos to express their ideas, feedback, and experiences. Based on this information, we calculate a total user satisfaction rating that spans from Terrible to Excellent.
Nevertheless, this casino does not have a User feedback score yet. We have received 7 player reviews of Lataamo Casino so far, and the score is only determined after a casino has accumulated at least 15 reviews. Read the reviews in the 'User reviews' part of this page to learn more.
Note: User reviews may not fully reflect the casino’s quality, as some casinos may try to write fake reviews to improve their user feedback score, and there may also be unhappy players writing multiple negative reviews to worsen the casino’s reputation. We try our best to filter them out and generate an unbiased user feedback rating. Nevertheless, we do not consider user feedback when calculating the Safety Index.
Licenses and company information
Lataamo Casino is owned by Vana Lauri OÜ, and we have estimated its yearly revenues to be greater than $5,000,000. This makes it a medium-sized online casino according to our classifications.
Lataamo Casino is licensed in Estonia.
Payment options, withdrawal limits and win limits
Lataamo Casino supports 15 deposit methods. This includes: Trustly, Nordea, S-Pankki, Danske Bank, Säästöpankki, POP Pankki, OP Bank, Swedbank, SEB Bank, LHV, Luminor, OmaSP, Aktia, Handelsbanken, Alandsbanken.
Many online gambling sites place restrictions on the maximum winnings and withdrawal amounts for players. Oftentimes, the win and withdrawal limits are high enough as to not impact most players. That being said, there are casinos, which pose quite restrictive limitations on the win and withdrawal amounts. This is the reason why we consider these limitations in our casino reviews. You can find information about the casino's win and withdrawal limits in the table below.
Withdrawal limits
Win limits
EUR 10,000 per day
No win limit
EUR 300,000 per month
Note: It is unlikely that all of the payment options mentioned before can be used for both deposits and withdrawals. Similarly, some payment options may only be used in selected countries.
Customer support and language options
In our casino reviews, we always collect data about available languages and customer support options. The options available at Lataamo Casino can be seen in the table below.
Customer support
Live chat
To understand how helpful, professional, and prompt the customer support representatives are, we contact them directly as a part of our casino review methodology. We consider customer support important, as it can be extremely helpful in case you are experiencing issues with registration at Lataamo Casino, your account, withdrawals, or anything else. Based on the test we have conducted, we have rated the customer support of Lataamo Casino as average.
Lataamo Casino slots and casino games
Players can enjoy these types of casino games at Lataamo Casino: Slots, Roulette, Blackjack, Video poker, Baccarat, Jackpot games, Live games, Other card games, Other games, Live shows, Live baccarat, Live bingo, Live blackjack, Live dice games, Other live games, Live roulette.
Casino games supplied by 27 game providers are available. This includes NetEnt, Nolimit City, Play'n GO, Blueprint Gaming, Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Quickspin, Yggdrasil Gaming, Red Tiger Gaming, Thunderkick, Big Time Gaming, Push Gaming, Relax Gaming, Inspired Gaming, Fantasma Games, Max Win Gaming, Felt Gaming, Blue Guru Games, Games Global, Storm Gaming, Electric Elephant, SlotMill, Four Leaf Gaming, Hacksaw Gaming, 4ThePlayer, Print Studios, Reel Play.
Lataamo Casino bonuses and promo codes
Online casinos provide incentives in the form of bonuses to encourage both new and current players to register an account and keep playing. Unfortunately, there are no available bonus offers from Lataamo Casino in our database at the moment.
Browse all bonuses offered by Lataamo Casino, including their no deposit bonus offers and first deposit welcome bonuses.
Casino Guru
We want players to understand gambling.
User reviews
User reviews of Lataamo Casino
This is a place to share experience with Lataamo Casino. Read what other players wrote about it or write your own review and let everyone know about its positive and negative qualities based on your personal experience.
Top 3 casino! It works perfectly in every part of the area! Fast customer service in Finnish. I can recommend this casino and I have done so 👍
Top 3 kasino! Homma toimii jokaisella osa alueella erinomaisesti! Nopeaa asiakaspalvelua Suomen kielellä. Tätä kasinoa voin suositella ja niin olenkin tehnyt 👍
Withdrawals to the account in minutes
Kotiutukset tilillä minuuteissa
Wide selection of games
Laaja pelivalikoima
Apparently some kind of cashback, but a bit unclear
Ilmeisesti jonkunlainen cashback, mutta hieman epäselvä
Nice and friendly customer service but few tools for responsible gaming and sometimes it occurred to me that they are certainly aware of the guarantee for my problem with playing and managing, but they still let me play even though I made deposits one after another and were not worried even though I asked for free bonuses in the chat daily and immediately after losses. My playing was never interfered with even though I closed the account once (the closure itself) because I had lost but with them, I reopened the account and that started a downward spiral to which I would have liked a reaction from the casino. Within a short period of time, a large amount of deposits and I remained at a loss the whole time and still I continued with them and played, at this point also maybe one could have wondered about playing there in the head, so many deposits in a row, sometimes I got angry with them after a loss, I think these things are like from a textbook on how to recognize a customer's gambling. I told them about the gambling problem and they responded kindly and the account was closed, but they think that the constant daily bonus inquiry and being active in the casino and consecutive deposits after a loss is normal and that's why they haven't intervened
Mukava ja ystävällinen asiakaspalvelu mutta vastuullisen pelaamisen työkaluja vähän ja välillä tuli mieleen että tiedostavat takuu varmasti ongelmani pelaamiseen ja hallintaan, mutta antoivat silti pelata vaikka tein talletuksia peräjälkeen ja eivät huolestunut vaikka pyysin ilmais bonuksia chatista päivittäin ja heti tappioiden jälkeen. Minun pelaamiseen ei puututtu kertaakaan vaikka suljin tilinkin kerran (itse sulku) koska olin hävinnyt vaan heillä, avasin uudelleen tilin ja siitä alkoi alamäki johon olisin toivonut kasinolta jo reagointia. Pienen ajan sisällä kova summa talletuksia ja pysyin tappiolla kokoajan ja silti jatkoin heillä ja pelasin, tässä kohtaan myös ehkä olisi voitu ihmetellä siellä päässä pelaamista, talletuksia siis peräkkäin monia, välillä kiukuttelin heille häviön jälkeen, mielestäni nämä seikat on kuin oppikirjasta josta tunnistaa asiakkaan uhkapelaaminen. Kerroin uhkapeliongelmasta ja vastasivat ystävällisesti ja tili suljettiin, mutta heidän mielestä jatkuva päivittäinen bonusten kysely ja aktiivinen oleminen kasinolla sekä peräjälkeiset talletukset häviön jälkeen on normaalia eikä siksi ole puututtu
True to its word, instant casino! The customer service is in Finnish and almost always open, if not, they also respond quickly to e-mails. Deposits and withdrawals move immediately!!
Todella sanansa mukaisesti pikakasino! Asiakaspalvelu on suomeksi ja melkein aina avoinna, jos ei niin vastaavat nopeasti myös sähköposteihin. Talletukset ja nostot liikkuvat välittömästi!!
An honest opinion. This casino doesn't value customers, or care about anything at all. I removed my previous review because the casino asked if I could remove the review for a fee. (evidence can be found here) Now in retrospect I understand that it was just a way to get the review removed. I got an honest answer that this matter is not even being addressed, even though I waited closer to two weeks and was previously promised that the matter would be investigated. My account with them has been closed three times in total. You should not criticize this casino, because your account will probably be closed after that. A really arrogant attitude, as well as outrageous behavior towards people in a weak position. I am frankly shocked at how this casino operates. I do not recommend to anyone. The thing works just as long as you agree with them and you don't face any problems. Warning that your account can also be closed without reason if you say something they don't like. I have encountered such behavior in very few casinos, I never imagined that they could stoop to the same. I strongly recommend avoiding this casino. My opinion is that you should prefer casinos where responsibility is taken, empty promises are not made, and people are treated with respect.
Rehellinen mielipide. Tämä kasino ei arvosta asiakkaita, tai välitä ylipäänsä yhtään mistään. Poistin edellisen arvioni, sillä kasino kysyi voisinko poistaa arvostelun maksua vastaan. (todisteet tästä löytyy) Nyt jälkikäteen ymmärrän, että se oli vain keino saada poistamaan arvostelu. Sain rehellisen vastauksen, että tätä asiaa ei edes käsitellä, vaikka odotin lähemmäs kaksi viikkoa ja aiemmin luvattiin, että asiaa tutkitaan. Tilini heillä on suljettu yhteensä kolme kertaa. Tätä kasinoa ei kannata kritisoida, sillä tilisi todennäköisesti suljetaan sen jälkeen. Todella ylimielinen asenne, sekä törkeä käytös heikossa asemassa olevia ihmisiä kohtaan. Olen suoraan sanottuna järkyttynyt tämän kasinon toiminnasta. En suosittele kenellekään. Homma toimii tasan niin kauan, kun olet samaa mieltä heidän kanssaan, etkä kohtaa ongelmia. Varoitus, että myös tilisi voidaan sulkea ilman syytä, jos sanot jotain mikä ei heitä miellytä. Olen kohdannut tällaista käytöstä vain hyvin harvoilla kasinoilla, en ikinä kuvitellut, että he voisivat alentua samaan. Suosittelen vahvasti välttämään tätä kasinoa. Oma mielipide on se, että kannattaa suosia kasinoita missä kannetaan vastuu, ei anneta tyhjiä lupauksia, sekä kohdellaan ihmisiä arvostavasti.
Really rude customer service
Todella törkeä asiakaspalvelu
The casino takes no responsibility and takes advantage of the customer
Kasino ei ota vastuuta, sekä käyttää asiakasta hyväkseen
Childish behavior, closing the account after criticizing
Lapsellinen käyttäytyminen, tilin sulkeminen kritisoimisen jälkeen
A great Finnish casino that works as it should. Responsibility is visible and is a big plus. Came to my regular casino once in a while.
Loistava Suomalainen kasino, joka toimii kuten pitääkin. Vastuullisuus näkyy ja on iso plussa. Tuli kerta heitolla vakiokasinokseni.
Excellent customer service in Finnish, quick answers and a customer-oriented attitude
Loistava suomen kielinen asiakaspalvelu, nopeat vastaukset ja asiakaslähtöinen asenne
Really fair bonuses with little or no wagering requirements
Todella reilut bonukset, jossa pienet tai ei ollenkaan kierrätysvaatimuksia
Lots of contests and raffles
Paljon kilpailuja ja arvontoja
High RTP
Korkea RTP
Fast withdrawals
Nopeat kotiutukset
Wide selection of games
Laaja pelivalikoima
No betting, although I don't mind
Ei vedonlyöntiä, ei tosin haittaa itseäni
The minimum withdrawal amount is high
Minimi kotiutussumma on korkea
Safety Index explained
Safety Index of Lataamo Casino explained
Take a look at the explanation of factors that we consider when calculating the Safety Index rating of Lataamo Casino. The Safety Index is the main metric we use to describe the trustworthiness, fairness, and quality of all online casinos in our database.
Safety Index:High8.8/10
Medium-sized casino, based on our research and estimates
We consider the casino's T&Cs to be fair
Not found on any relevant casino blacklist
No player complaints or very low value of withheld winnings in complaints in relation to the casino's size
We also considered other factors, which had a neutral impact on the casino's Safety Index