The player from Finland is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his funds. With the casino's assistance, the player managed to gradually withdraw his winnings.
The player from Finland is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his funds. With the casino's assistance, the player managed to gradually withdraw his winnings.
The player from Finland is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his funds. With the casino's assistance, the player managed to gradually withdraw his winnings.
I played for 20 euros without bonuses and won.
I have provided them with the required documents and had a Skype conversation.
The casino refuses to pay my winnings.
Pelasin 20 eurolla ilman bonuksia ja voitin.
Olen toimittanut heille vaaditut dokumentit ja käynyt Skype-keskustelun.
Kasino ei suostu maksamaan voittojani.
Dear Jukkka,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your withdrawal problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise if your account has been fully verified? Have you been advised why you can’t withdraw your winnings? Is it an internal casino system issue, or it’s related to your account only? Which games you’ve been playing (live games, slots, or multiplayer)?
Please understand, that without verifying your account, you won’t be entitled to any withdrawals.
However, I believe we will be able to help you to resolve this issue and receive your winnings as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dear Jukkka,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your withdrawal problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise if your account has been fully verified? Have you been advised why you can’t withdraw your winnings? Is it an internal casino system issue, or it’s related to your account only? Which games you’ve been playing (live games, slots, or multiplayer)?
Please understand, that without verifying your account, you won’t be entitled to any withdrawals.
However, I believe we will be able to help you to resolve this issue and receive your winnings as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Hi Petronela, thanks for your comment.
I have sent all the requested several documents and gone through the Skype video chat with the casino. That's when they announced that my account would be confirmed within 24 hours. Nothing has been heard, even though two days have already passed. So my account has not been verified for some reason. I have not been told what this reason is.
I played slots. I made my deposit in the so-called as an instant deposit via the link on the iWildcasino homepage.
I haven't received clear answers from the casino to my questions about why I can't withdraw my winnings or why my account isn't verified.
It feels bad to be treated like a criminal who is suspected of everything. I have done nothing but play at their casino and win a little money. Maybe winning is forbidden? You should just lose and everything will be fine.
Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it.
Hei Petronela, kiitos kommentistasi.
Olen lähettänyt kaikki pyydetyt useat dokumentit ja käynyt läpi Skype-videokeskustelun kasinon kanssa. Silloin he ilmoittivat, että tilini vahvistuksesta ilmoitetaan 24 tunnin kuluessa. Ei ole kuulunut mitään, vaikka aikaa on mennyt jo kaksi vuorokautta. Tiliäni ei siis ole jostain syystä vahvistettu. Mikä tämä syy on, sitä minulle ei ole kerrottu.
Pelasin kolikkopelejä. Talletukseni tein ns. pikatalletuksena iWildcasinon etusivulla olevan linkin kautta.
En ole saanut kasinolta selkeitä vastauksia kysymyksiini siitä, miksi en voi nostaa voittojani tai miksi tiliäni ei vahvisteta.
Tuntuu ikävältä joutua kohdelluksi kuin joku rikollinen, jota epäillään kaikesta. En ole tehnyt mitään muuta kuin pelannut niiden kasinolla ja voittanut vähän rahaa. Ehkä voittaminen on kiellettyä? Pitäisi vain hävitä, niin kaikki sujuu mukavasti.
Kiitos paljon avustanne, arvostan sitä suuresti.
Do I understand correctly that your withdrawal has been requested on the 15th of July and KYC initiated the same day?
Do I understand correctly that your withdrawal has been requested on the 15th of July and KYC initiated the same day?
Hi Petronela,
The KYC process started on 13 July 2022. At that time, I sent the first required documents to the casino by email.
14.07. more documents were requested (e.g. a photo of the back of my driver's license and information from my second bank account as a screenshot).
I have already mentioned to the casino on 13.07. that I want to withdraw my winnings as soon as my account is verified.
I'm still waiting for that to be confirmed here.
I have saved all the emails and chat conversations with the casino, if they are of any help in solving the matter.
Thanks for your help.
Hei Petronela,
KYC-prosessi käynnistyi 13.07.2022. Lähetin tuolloin ensimmäiset vaaditut dokumentit kasinolle sähköpostilla.
14.07. pyydettiin lisää dokumentteja (mm. kuva ajokorttini taustapuolesta sekä kuvakaappauksena tiedot toisesta pankkitilistäni).
Olen maininnut kasinolle jo 13.07. että haluan nostaa voittoni heti kun tilini on varmistettu.
Sitä varmistamista tässä edelleen odottelen.
Minulla on tallella kaikki sähköpostiviestit ja chat-keskustelut kasinon kanssa, jos niistä on yhtään apua asian selvittämisessä.
Kiitos avustasi.
FYI, my account is now verified, and my "gaming process" did not contain anything wrong. I have made my first withdrawal, 400 euros.
It's a good thing, but you still have to chew on the fact that you can only withdraw that 400 euros in 24 hours. So it takes 11 days to withdraw my entire profit of 4400 euros.
This clearly appeals to human weakness, that he would play his winnings before raising. Unethical, in my opinion.
I will let you know if/when I have received my full winnings.
Thanks for your help!
Tiedoksenne, ette tilini on nyt vahvistettu, eikä mun "gaming process" sisältänyt mitään väärää. Olen saanut tehtyä ensimmäisen kotiutukseni, 400 euroa.
Hyvä juttu, mutta pitää silti purnata siitä, että 24 h aikana voi nostaa vain tuon 400 euroa. Siis koko voittoni 4400 euroa nostamiseen kuluu 11 vuorokautta.
Tässä vedotaan selvästikin ihmisen heikkouteen, että hän pelaisi voittonsa ennen nostamista. Epäeettistä, mielestäni.
Ilmoittelen teille, jos/kun olen saanut koko voittoni nostettua.
Kiitos avustanne!
Thank you very much, Jukkka, for the update. I have checked the general terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
"There is a limit of 3 simultaneous withdrawal requests. The maximum withdrawal limits per transaction / in 24 hours / month are determined as follows:
per transaction: €400 or ₽33 000
in 24 hours: €1200 or ₽100 000
per month: €20000 or ₽1 660 000"
Could you please advise if you are able to request more than one withdrawal at once?
Thank you very much, Jukkka, for the update. I have checked the general terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
"There is a limit of 3 simultaneous withdrawal requests. The maximum withdrawal limits per transaction / in 24 hours / month are determined as follows:
per transaction: €400 or ₽33 000
in 24 hours: €1200 or ₽100 000
per month: €20000 or ₽1 660 000"
Could you please advise if you are able to request more than one withdrawal at once?
Hi Petronela, thanks for your message. For some reason, the "Financial department" of the casino has really set a limit for me to withdraw only 400 euros per day. -- I just asked about it in the casino's live chat, but I didn't get a reasonable answer to my question. Quite amusing: the casino breaks its own rules 🙂
Hei Petronela, kiitos viestistäsi. Jostain syystä kasinon "Financial department" on todellakin asettanut minulle rajan nostaa vain 400 euroa vuorokaudessa. -- Kysyin asiasta juuri kasinon live chatissa, mutta en saanut järjellistä vastausta kysymykseeni. Aika huvittavaa: kasino rikkoo omia sääntöjään 🙂
The situation got worse for a while, because I couldn't log into my account anymore.
I got a reply from the casino: "The administrator has closed your account." Screenshot attached.
Live chat couldn't answer my issue or tell me anything more specific. The account has funds waiting to be withdrawn, which should be 400 euros/day.
In the casino's chat, the employee claimed that my account is open and I can use it, and that I just don't know how to use my own bank credentials correctly when logging in, like I'm some idiot. I am 100% sure that I use my real bank credentials and correctly.
Well, I wrote several messages with chat and email support and my account could not be opened.
I finally got nervous and threatened to file a police report and write to the licensing authority (is there such a thing?). I also promised to write about the casino's operation on all possible websites if the situation is not improved.
And lo and behold, it was like magic, because a few minutes after that message, my account opened normally! I was able to make my daily withdrawal of 400 euros.
On the casino's website it says: "holds a gambling license of Curaçao under number 8048/JAZ2019-049" Is that a real license or a scam?
This adventure for the information of all my fellow players 🙂
Tilanne huonontui hetkeksi, sillä en päässyt enää kirjautumaan tililleni.
Sain kasinolta vastauksen: "Järjestelmänvalvoja on sulkenut tilisi." Kuvakaappaus liitteenä.
Live chat ei osannut vastata asiaani tai kertoa mitään tarkempaa. Tilillä on nostoa odottavia varoja, joita pitäisi saada ulos 400 euroa/vuorokausi.
Kasinon chatissa työntekijä väitti, että tilini on auki ja käytössäni ja että itse en vain osaa käyttää omia pankkitunnuksiani oikein kirjautumisessani kuin olisin joku idiootti. Käytän 100% varmasti oikeita pankkitunnuksiani ja oikein.
No, kirjoittelin useita viestejä chatin ja sähköposti-tuen kanssa, eikä tiliäni saatu auki.
Lopulta hermostuin ja uhkasin tekeväni poliisille rikosilmoituksen ja kirjoittavani lisenssejä valvovalle viranomaiselle (onko sellaista olemassa?). Lupasin myös kirjoittaa kasinon toiminnasta kaikille mahdollisille nettisivuille, jos ei tilanne korjaannu.
Ja katso, se oli kuin taikuutta, sillä muutama minuutti tuon viestin jälkeen tilini avautui normaalisti! Pääsin tekemään jokapäiväisen 400 euron kotiutukseni.
Casinon nettisivuilla sanotaan :"holds a gambling license of Curaçao under number 8048/JAZ2019-049" Onko tuo todellinen lisenssi vai joku huijaus?
Tämä seikkailu tiedoksi kaikille kanssapelaajilleni 🙂
This Screenshot tells you that you can't draw out more than 400 euros per 24 h
As you can see, dear fellow players, they always try to screw you over, even if they claim otherwise.
1200 euros/24 hours included.
This screenshot tells you that you can't draw out more than 400 euros per 24 h
Kuten näette, arvoisat kanssapelaajat, nämä aina yrittävät kusettaa teitä, vaikka muuta olevinaan väittävät.
1200 euroa/24 h muka.
Thank you very much, Jukkka, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Tomas ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Thank you very much, Jukkka, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Tomas ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hello Jukkka,
I will assist you with the complaint from now on. I would like to ask the representatives of iWild Casino to join the conversation in order to help us resolve the issue.
iWild Casino,
Could you explain what is the current withdrawal limit applied to Jukkka's account? Can you make sure the withdrawal limits from your terms and conditions are adhered to in Jukkka's case?
Hello Jukkka,
I will assist you with the complaint from now on. I would like to ask the representatives of iWild Casino to join the conversation in order to help us resolve the issue.
iWild Casino,
Could you explain what is the current withdrawal limit applied to Jukkka's account? Can you make sure the withdrawal limits from your terms and conditions are adhered to in Jukkka's case?
Hi Tomas. Thank you for your message.
It would be interesting to hear what the casino's interpretation of its own withdrawal rules is and why these rules are different in my case.
Hei Tomas. Kiitos viestistäsi.
Tämäpä olisikin mielenkiintoista kuulla, mikä on kasinon tulkinta omista nosto säännöistään ja miksi nämä säännöt kohdallani ovat poikkeavat.
Good evening everyone!
Jukkka, we have verified the information on your account.
First, we want to congratulate you! With a deposit of 20 euros, winning 4400 is just super luck! May the luck continue!
Now about the withdrawal. We saw that you managed to withdraw 2800 euros.
If you want to withdraw the rest of the amount, make a request.
Because you don't have any active withdrawal requests right now.
Once you do this, the money will quickly arrive in your bank account!
Best regards,
Good evening everyone!
Jukkka, we have verified the information on your account.
First, we want to congratulate you! With a deposit of 20 euros, winning 4400 is just super luck! May the luck continue!
Now about the withdrawal. We saw that you managed to withdraw 2800 euros.
If you want to withdraw the rest of the amount, make a request.
Because you don't have any active withdrawal requests right now.
Once you do this, the money will quickly arrive in your bank account!
Best regards,
Thanks to the casino for the message. Indeed, I have been able to withdraw my winnings 400 euros at a time. Withdrawals have not been allowed on all days.
Good if it works now! I'll send the request, thanks.
Kiitos kasinolle viestistä. Todellakin, olen saanut nostettua voittojani 400 euroa kerrallaan. Nostaminen ei ole ollut sallittua kaikkina päivinä.
Hyvä, jos se nyt onnistuu! Laitan pyynnön tulemaan, kiitos.
Interim information: Not working. This is Kafkaesque world, huh?
Interim information: Not working. This is Kafkaesque world, huh?
Hello, Jukkka!
Did you solve the problem with a withdrawal?
Hello, Jukkka!
Did you solve the problem with a withdrawal?
I haven't solved the problem. I can still withdraw the winning only a little at a time, 400 euros/24 hours, at most 1200 euros/week.
800 euros have (yet) not been withdrawn. I guess I won't be able to pick them up until next week.
I have made withdrawal requests to both the casino's support and kyc emails. I haven't received any kind of response. The only one that answers me is a chat bot, which is no help at all.
I haven't solved the problem. I can still withdraw the winning only a little at a time, 400 euros/24 hours, at most 1200 euros/week.
800 euros have (yet) not been withdrawn. I guess I won't be able to pick them up until next week.
I have made withdrawal requests to both the casino's support and kyc emails. I haven't received any kind of response. The only one that answers me is a chat bot, which is no help at all.
Hello all,
sorry to hear about the ongoing problems. Make sure to try and continue to make withdrawal requests when they are available and keep us informed.
Thanks for the reply and your cooperation. You haven't explained why you are following a different withdrawal limit other than the one you mentioned in your terms & conditions. Please keep assisting the player with the withdrawal requests as best as you can.
Hello all,
sorry to hear about the ongoing problems. Make sure to try and continue to make withdrawal requests when they are available and keep us informed.
Thanks for the reply and your cooperation. You haven't explained why you are following a different withdrawal limit other than the one you mentioned in your terms & conditions. Please keep assisting the player with the withdrawal requests as best as you can.
Firstly, we don’t change our rules - each player can withdraw 1200 euros per day.
Second, Jukka, we have double-checked your information. Look, you have chosen Payment Method ZIMPLER. This method has a feature - the bank limits the amount and doesn’t allow more than 401 euros/day and 1201 euros/week.
We have already made a request to the bank and asked them to increase the amount of money you receive.
We really hope that this will help and you will immediately be able to withdraw the remaining winnings - 800 euros.
We also want to apologize for the fact that our support was a little bit inattentive. And at the beginning, they did not see the reason for the delay in receiving money.
Jukka, please try to make a withdrawal request after a while. Thank you for your patience!
Firstly, we don’t change our rules - each player can withdraw 1200 euros per day.
Second, Jukka, we have double-checked your information. Look, you have chosen Payment Method ZIMPLER. This method has a feature - the bank limits the amount and doesn’t allow more than 401 euros/day and 1201 euros/week.
We have already made a request to the bank and asked them to increase the amount of money you receive.
We really hope that this will help and you will immediately be able to withdraw the remaining winnings - 800 euros.
We also want to apologize for the fact that our support was a little bit inattentive. And at the beginning, they did not see the reason for the delay in receiving money.
Jukka, please try to make a withdrawal request after a while. Thank you for your patience!
Thank you for your answer!
It's the first time I've heard such a justification that this grueling slowdown is actually caused by my bank (Nordea Bank). I'm surprised.
I'm just waiting to get the rest of my winnings out. One way or another, fast or slow.
I will try to withdraw again a little later. Let's see how it goes 🙂
I just made a withdrawal attempt for 800 euros. It didn't work, but 400 euros did! Good, it's moving forward. 400 euros left, then everything has been withdrawn.
Kiitos vastauksestasi!
Ensimmäinen kerta, kun kuulen tällaisen perustelun, että tämä uuvuttava hidastelu johtuukin pankistani (Nordea Bank). Olen yllättynyt.
Odotan vain, että saan loputkin voittoni pois. Tavalla tai toisella, nopeasti tai hitaasti.
Kokeilen vähän myöhemmin tehdä jälleen noston. Katsotaan, miten käy 🙂
Tein nostoyrityksen äsken ensin 800 eurolla. Se ei onnistunut, mutta 400 euroa onnistui! Hyvä, asia menee eteenpäin. Enää 400 euroa jäljellä, sitten kaikki on nostettu.
Temporary information about the situation:
I have made several withdrawal requests from the remaining 400 euros according to the casino's instructions above.
The casino's kyc or support addresses are still not responding. I don't even want to try the chatbot anymore, because it just grinds the same useless saga.
Väliaikatietoja tilanteesta:
Olen tehnyt kasinon yllä olevan ohjeen mukaisesti useamman nostopyynnön jäljellä olevasta 400 eurosta.
Kasinon kyc- tai support-osoitteet eivät edelleenkään vastaa. Chatbottia en halua enää edes kokeilla, sillä se jauhaa vaan samaa hyödytöntä saagaa.
Hello, Jukka!
Your withdrawal limit has been changed. Put the amount to withdraw, and you can get money.
Hello, Jukka!
Your withdrawal limit has been changed. Put the amount to withdraw, and you can get money.
Hello all,
Thanks for the clarification, to ithe Wildcasino team.
Once the withdrawals are complete please let us know. Much appreciated!
Hello all,
Thanks for the clarification, to ithe Wildcasino team.
Once the withdrawals are complete please let us know. Much appreciated!
As temporary information, I would like to say that the day has just changed here in Finland, but my withdrawal from the casino still does not work.
For some reason, the last 400 euros of my winnings cannot be withdrawn.
Maybe the people at the casino think that this jerk will still play them if we don't let him raise them. Really?
Well, maybe I can withdraw that €400 tomorrow. Or next week? Next month?
Väliaikatietona kerron, että vuorokausi täällä Suomessa on juuri vaihtunut, mutta nostoni kasinolta ei edelleenkään kuitenkaan toimi.
Jostain syystä mun voittoni viimeiset 400 euroa eivät ole nostettavissa.
Ehkä kasinon väki ajattelee, että kyllä tämä juntti ne kuitenkin pelaa, jos emme anna sen nostaa niitä. Niinkö?
No, ehkä saan nostettua tuon 400 € huomenna. Tai ensi viikolla? Ensi kuussa?
Hi, Jukka!
We are upset that you are taking so long to withdraw funds. After all, your winnings were so grandiose with a minimum deposit to get a nice amount of money!
We hope that today you will be able to withdraw money and have a good weekend!
Please try to change the payment method next time. This is the first time we have encountered such a situation that Zimpler takes a long time to process a request.
We believe that there will be no more problems.
Stay in touch here and by mail, too, we are always ready to answer you!
Hi, Jukka!
We are upset that you are taking so long to withdraw funds. After all, your winnings were so grandiose with a minimum deposit to get a nice amount of money!
We hope that today you will be able to withdraw money and have a good weekend!
Please try to change the payment method next time. This is the first time we have encountered such a situation that Zimpler takes a long time to process a request.
We believe that there will be no more problems.
Stay in touch here and by mail, too, we are always ready to answer you!
Hey, now the job is done. All winnings have been repatriated! Yes, it took time, but it worked in the end.
Thanks to everyone who participated and helped me.
This case seems to have been dealt with to the end 🙂
Hei, nyt urakka on valmis. Kaikki voitot on kotiutettu! Kyllä se vei aikaa, mutta onnistui lopulta.
Kiitokset kaikille mukana olleille ja minua auttaneille henkilöille.
Tämä tapaus taitaa olla loppuun käsitelty 🙂
Good news! We are very happy that everything is finally resolved!
Good news! We are very happy that everything is finally resolved!
Awesome news, Jukka! I am glad you received your winnings at last. Thanks to iWildCasino team for assistance. As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Awesome news, Jukka! I am glad you received your winnings at last. Thanks to iWildCasino team for assistance. As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
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