1 year ago
I can speak to live chat, present my arguments and put pressure on them to get the case resolved
Posso falar com o chat ao vivo apresentar os meus argumentos e pressiona-los para que o caso seja resolvido
I can speak to live chat, present my arguments and put pressure on them to get the case resolved
Posso falar com o chat ao vivo apresentar os meus argumentos e pressiona-los para que o caso seja resolvido
We are strongly convinced this may result as a terms and conditions violation, no need to mention that providing user login details to anyone else is strongly suspicious and dangerous.
Until further details are provided to us via email, this account (Dilan03) remains banned.
For now, we see that as a scam practise!
My friend you may think we need you but sorry you are cheap . If you had read my pressure, you wouldn't need to use something like exert pressure, because I've already threatened them with the group and also if you were up to date, you would know that the casino no longer has any live chat
Mein Freund du denkst vieleicht , dass wir auf dich angewiesen sind aber sorry , du bist billig . Hättest du meinen Druck gelesen , brauchtest du sowas wie Druck ausüben nicht zu verwenden , Weill ich denen schon mit der Gruppe gedroht habe und außerdem wenn du im neusten stand wärst , wüsstest du , dass das Casino gar kein Live Chat mehr verfügt
I bet that if Dilan 03 had been successful, he would have demanded a share from everyone in advance and made promises to the injured parties, which he doesn't mean at all. I assume you agree with me. That seems plausible or am I wrong? Anyone who demands mysterious emails from injured parties on a public platform, so I ask you to stay away from the dirty guy
Ich wette , wenn Dilan 03 erfolg hätte , hätte er von jeden einen Anteil im Voraus verlangt und den Geschädigten Versprechungen gemacht , was er garnicht ernst meint . Ich nehme an , ihr seid meiner Meinung . Das jährt sich doch plausibel an oder bin ich da falsch . Wer verlangt von Geschädigten im öffentlichen platform geheimnisvolle e Mails , also bitte ich euch , bleibt vom dreckskerl fern
Actually, friend Dilan03 has been banned since he stated that in order to help players, he would need access to their casino accounts to see specific transactions.
This is far from acceptable!
Thank you for your piece of guidance, this is much appreciated!
All in all, I think rocket casino is a good and customer-oriented casino with great customer service.
Best regards
Finde rocket casino ist alles in allem ein gutes und Kundenorientiertes Casino mit einem tollen Kundenservice.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hello. This is totally worth sharing 🙂.
How long have you been playing with Rocket, if I may ask?
Hello, just as I warned back then about Scatterhall that it belonged to Wild Pharaoh, I also warn the Vikingspin casino that is the new Scatterhall/Wild Pharaoh. Back then, Casinoguru didn't believe me and many players lost money unnecessarily. I hope that Casinoguru now rates these criminals at 0 and not so good. Take a look at what people write about this casino on Trustpilot. This is exactly the same page structure, there is no support etc. . Casinoguru protect the players and take back this false review about Vikingspin.
Hallo, genauso wie ich damals vor Scatterhall gewarnt habe das es zu Wild Pharao gehört, genauso warne ich das Vikingspin casino das neue Scatterhall/Wild Pharao ist. Damals hat Casinoguru mir nicht geglaubt und viele Spieler haben ünnötig Gelder verloren. Ich hoffe das Casinoguru diese kriminellen nun auf 0 bewertet und nicht so gut. Schauen sie doch auf Trustpilot was die Leute über dieses Casino schreiben. Das ist genau der gleiche Seitenaufbau, es gibt keinen Support etc. . Casinoguru schützen sie die Spieler und nehmen sie diese falsche Bewertung über Vikingspin zurück.
Hi, I can see the casino review in our system and it's going to be released soon. You're talking about this casino, right? We can't give the casino 0 simply because someone said so. If you can prove there's a clear connection between Scatterhall, Wild Pharaoh and this new casino, then it will have a strong impact on the rating since relations to existing casinos are always taken into account when we publish a newly released casino review.
But for now, I can see the casino is owned by another company (PLAY AND FUN WORLD N.V.).
Which casino would be so stupid and copy the exact same page layout from Wild Pharo, Scatterhall or Spinpirate? No other casino has this page layout. Everything is exactly the same. And of course you don't take the same company as back then.... . It's logical. There are also reviews on Trustpilot from several players that even deposits are not posted or that no one responds. You can do it like you did back then and protect the casino again. I warned about Scatterhall back then and now I warn about Vikingspin. You should check carefully what kind of casino you are dealing with, but they don't do that. The main thing is that the affiliate money is still flowing.
Welches Casino wäre so dumm und kopiert exakt das gleiche Seitenlayout von Wild Pharo, Scatterhall oder Spinpirate. Dieses Seitenlayout hat kein anderes Casino. Es ist exakt alles gleich. Und natürlich nimmt man nicht das gleiche Unternehmen wie damals.... . Ist doch logisch. Dazu noch Bewertungen auf Trustpilot mehrerer Spieler das selbst Einzahlungen nicht gebucht werden oder auch das niemand antwortet. Sie können es wie damals machen und wieder das Casino schützen. Ich habe damals vor Scatterhall gewarnt und jetzt warne ich vor Vikingspin. Sie sollten selber genauestens prüfen mit was für einem Casino sie hier zu tun haben, das machen sie aber nicht. Hauptsache die Affiliate Gelder fließen noch etwas.
You can do whatever you want, they will keep going and no one will stop them. I gave it up . Do yourself a favor and stay away, go play for cash in the arcade and if you've played for 1 to 2 hours it should be enough for the day. I know how hard it is but just try and let them do what they want. Nobody can help you get your money back. This should be good advice
Du kannst machen was du willst , sie werden weitermachen und keiner stoppt sie . Ich habe es aufgegeben . Tue dir selber einen Gefallen und bleibe weg , gehe in Spielhalle Cash zocken und wenn du 1 bis 2 Stunden gezockt hast muss es für den Tag auch reichen . Ich weiß wie schwer das ist aber versuche es einfach und lasse machen was sie wollen . Keiner kann dir helfen dein Geld zurück zubekommen . Das soll ein guter Ratschlag werden
I'll help you Yasin, the partner casinos like slootz, voozaza and 4 others are even worse and bolder, you can see what they're all called in Telegram. They carry on non-stop, they advertise and don't pay out and the group of partners grows and grows. It's great, even though I've warned everyone here and elsewhere, they keep paying in and then they read what's going on, it's all too late and no one can help anymore. I advised that we get all the injured parties together and pay them a visit and then we'll take matters into our own hands, but as I noticed, they're all cowards, sorry for my statement
Ich helfe dir Yasin , noch viel schlimmer und dreister sind die Partner Casinos wie slootz, voozaza und 4 weitere , dass kannst du im Telegram sehen wie sie alle heißen . Die machen ununterbrochen weiter nonstop sind sie am werben und zahlen nicht aus und die Gruppe der Partner wächst und wächst . Toll was obwohl ich alle hier und woanders gewarnt habe zahlen sie immer weiter ein und dann lesen sie erst was los ist , alles zu spät keiner kann mehr helfen . Ich habe geraten das wir uns alle Geschädigten zusammen tun und denen ein Besuch abstatten dann nehmen wir es selber in die Hand aber wie ich bemerkte alles Feiglinge sorry meine Aussage
So you asked for proof and it's very simple, e.g. Scatterhall and Vikingspins have the same phone number, look at the screenshots. So please lower the rating, there are no doubts. The second picture is a post below
So sie haben nach einem Beweis gefragt und der ist ganz einfach, z.B Scatterhall und Vikingspins haben die selbe Telefonnummer, schauen sie auf den Screenshots. Also bitte setzen sie die Bewertung runter, es gibt keine Zweifel. Das zweite Bild ist ein Beitrag darunter
Which casino would be so stupid and copy the exact same page layout from Wild Pharo, Scatterhall or Spinpirate? No other casino has this page layout. Everything is exactly the same. And of course you don't take the same company as back then.... . It's logical. There are also reviews on Trustpilot from several players that even deposits are not posted or that no one responds. You can do it like you did back then and protect the casino again. I warned about Scatterhall back then and now I warn about Vikingspin. You should check carefully what kind of casino you are dealing with, but they don't do that. The main thing is that the affiliate money is still flowing.
Welches Casino wäre so dumm und kopiert exakt das gleiche Seitenlayout von Wild Pharo, Scatterhall oder Spinpirate. Dieses Seitenlayout hat kein anderes Casino. Es ist exakt alles gleich. Und natürlich nimmt man nicht das gleiche Unternehmen wie damals.... . Ist doch logisch. Dazu noch Bewertungen auf Trustpilot mehrerer Spieler das selbst Einzahlungen nicht gebucht werden oder auch das niemand antwortet. Sie können es wie damals machen und wieder das Casino schützen. Ich habe damals vor Scatterhall gewarnt und jetzt warne ich vor Vikingspin. Sie sollten selber genauestens prüfen mit was für einem Casino sie hier zu tun haben, das machen sie aber nicht. Hauptsache die Affiliate Gelder fließen noch etwas.
The fact that you are aware of such things is definitely important and our team that does casino reviews also tries to find out everything that is important.
Nevertheless, if we protect the casinos, then we wouldn't try to help the players.
However, when a new casino comes along and it has no relationships with other casinos, our team cannot just give low safety index, for example, 2 based on one person experience.
Moreover, the forum is for players to exchange their knowledge and if someone has a bad experience, they can share it. I think it is also a good warning for players to consider when casinos are new. And of course always do some research before you go to deposit somewhere.
You can do whatever you want, they will keep going and no one will stop them. I gave it up . Do yourself a favor and stay away, go play for cash in the arcade and if you've played for 1 to 2 hours it should be enough for the day. I know how hard it is but just try and let them do what they want. Nobody can help you get your money back. This should be good advice
Du kannst machen was du willst , sie werden weitermachen und keiner stoppt sie . Ich habe es aufgegeben . Tue dir selber einen Gefallen und bleibe weg , gehe in Spielhalle Cash zocken und wenn du 1 bis 2 Stunden gezockt hast muss es für den Tag auch reichen . Ich weiß wie schwer das ist aber versuche es einfach und lasse machen was sie wollen . Keiner kann dir helfen dein Geld zurück zubekommen . Das soll ein guter Ratschlag werden
Unfortunately, it's true. That's why we try to provide the best information about casinos so that players can evaluate whether it is safe to play there. However, with new ones it is difficult because we don't have much information about them and we don't have the experience of the players.
However, I think that if a casino treats its players unfairly, it is at least a good idea to try to contact us or an authority if possible.
Well, it is good to be careful and try to minimize the risks as much as possible and the best thing is not to play in casinos.
Do you agree with me or not? Both casinos have the same phone number, that is clear evidence. If they continue to act as if they don't know anything then it's clear that they are protecting the casino
Stimmen Sie mir zu oder nicht? BeideCasinos haben dieselbe Telefonummer, das ist ein eindeutiger Beweis. Wenn sie weiterhin so tun als ob sie von nichts wissen dann ist ja klar das sie das Casino schützen
Free professional educational courses for online casino employees aimed at industry best practices, improving player experience, and fair approach to gambling.
An initiative we launched with the goal to create a global self-exclusion system, which will allow vulnerable players to block their access to all online gambling opportunities.
A platform created to showcase all of our efforts aimed at bringing the vision of a safer and more transparent online gambling industry to reality.
An ambitious project whose goal is to celebrate the greatest and the most responsible companies in iGaming and give them the recognition they deserve.
Casino.guru is an independent source of information about online casinos and online casino games, not controlled by any gambling operator. All our reviews and guides are created honestly, according to the best knowledge and judgement of the members of our independent expert team; however, they are intended for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, nor relied upon as, legal advice. You should always make sure that you meet all regulatory requirements before playing in any selected casino. Copyright ©2025
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