1 month ago
To help players spot your response, I would recommend using the reply or quote button. Could be handy.
Thank you for being supportive on the forum. 👍
To help players spot your response, I would recommend using the reply or quote button. Could be handy.
Thank you for being supportive on the forum. 👍
Subject: Clarification regarding the authenticity of the GCB license
Ladies and Gentlemen
I am writing to you because the information about your GCB license raises serious doubts in my mind. According to the data I have, this license is fake, which means that you are misleading your players and making false statements about the legality of the casino's operations.
For this reason I expect:
The prompt submission of documents or evidence confirming the authenticity of your GCB license.
A detailed explanation why the license information does not correspond to reality.
Information about the actions you have taken to clarify the situation and restore full transparency to your customers.
I expect a quick and factual clarification of the matter, as this approach raises my legitimate concerns regarding the security of using your services.
Best regards,
Robert Kuczera
Betreff: Klärung bezüglich der Echtheit der GCB-Lizenz
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich schreibe Ihnen, da die Informationen zu Ihrer GCB-Lizenz ernsthafte Zweifel bei mir hervorrufen. Nach meinen vorliegenden Daten handelt es sich bei dieser Lizenz um eine Fälschung, was bedeutet, dass Sie Ihre Spieler in die Irre führen und falsche Angaben bezüglich der Legalität des Casino-Betriebs machen.
Aus diesem Grund erwarte ich:
Die umgehende Vorlage von Dokumenten oder Belegen, die die Echtheit Ihrer GCB-Lizenz bestätigen.
Eine detaillierte Erklärung, warum die Angaben zur Lizenz nicht der Realität entsprechen.
Informationen über die von Ihnen ergriffenen Maßnahmen, um die Situation zu klären und volle Transparenz gegenüber Ihren Kunden wiederherzustellen.
Ich erwarte eine schnelle und sachliche Klärung der Angelegenheit, da dieses Vorgehen meine berechtigten Bedenken hinsichtlich der Sicherheit bei der Nutzung Ihrer Dienste hervorruft.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Robert Kuczera
Subject: Rollingslots claims to be the holder of the Curacao Gaming Control Board (GCB) license
Dear Casino Guru,
I would like to draw your attention to a problem with the online casino Rollingslots.com website: rollingslots39.com. The casino claims to operate under a Curacao eGaming license, which is stated on their website with the following information:
"This website is operated under eGaming License, issued Authorized and Regulated by the Government of Curacao."
However, after further investigation, I have reasons to believe that Rollingslots may be posing as having a license from the Curacao Gaming Control Board (GCB) as it is not listed on the official GCB list and is not authorized by GCB. Additionally, the casino's website displays a fake GCB license logo.
I have already filed a complaint with the Gaming Control Board (GCB) regarding this issue.
I would greatly appreciate your assistance in further investigating this matter and thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Robert Kuczera
Betreff: Rollingslots gibt sich als Inhaber der Curacao Gaming Control Board (GCB) Lizenz aus
Sehr geehrtes Casino Guru,
Ich möchte Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf ein Problem mit dem Online-Casino Rollingslots.com Website: rollingslots39.com lenken. Das Casino behauptet, unter einer Curacao eGaming-Lizenz zu arbeiten, was auf ihrer Website mit der folgenden Information angegeben wird:
"This website is operated under eGaming License, issued Authorized and Regulated by the Government of Curacao."
Nach weiteren Untersuchungen habe ich jedoch Gründe zu der Annahme, dass Rollingslots sich möglicherweise mit der Lizenz des Curacao Gaming Control Board (GCB) ausgibt, da es nicht in der offiziellen Liste von GCB aufgeführt ist und auch nicht von GCB autorisiert wurde. Auf der Website des Casinos ist außerdem ein falsches GCB-Lizenzlogo zu sehen.
Ich habe bereits eine Beschwerde bei der Gaming Control Board (GCB) zu diesem Thema eingereicht.
Ich würde Ihre Unterstützung bei der weiteren Untersuchung dieser Angelegenheit sehr schätzen und danke Ihnen im Voraus für Ihre Hilfe.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Robert Kuczera
Subject: Rollingslots claims to be the holder of the Curacao Gaming Control Board (GCB) license
Dear Casino Guru,
I would like to draw your attention to a problem with the online casino Rollingslots.com website: rollingslots39.com. The casino claims to operate under a Curacao eGaming license, which is stated on their website with the following information:
"This website is operated under eGaming License, issued Authorized and Regulated by the Government of Curacao."
However, after further investigation, I have reasons to believe that Rollingslots may be posing as having a license from the Curacao Gaming Control Board (GCB) as it is not listed on the official GCB list and is not authorized by GCB. Additionally, the casino's website displays a fake GCB license logo.
I have already filed a complaint with the Gaming Control Board (GCB) regarding this issue.
I would greatly appreciate your assistance in further investigating this matter and thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Robert Kuczera
Betreff: Rollingslots gibt sich als Inhaber der Curacao Gaming Control Board (GCB) Lizenz aus
Sehr geehrtes Casino Guru,
Ich möchte Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf ein Problem mit dem Online-Casino Rollingslots.com Website: rollingslots39.com lenken. Das Casino behauptet, unter einer Curacao eGaming-Lizenz zu arbeiten, was auf ihrer Website mit der folgenden Information angegeben wird:
"This website is operated under eGaming License, issued Authorized and Regulated by the Government of Curacao."
Nach weiteren Untersuchungen habe ich jedoch Gründe zu der Annahme, dass Rollingslots sich möglicherweise mit der Lizenz des Curacao Gaming Control Board (GCB) ausgibt, da es nicht in der offiziellen Liste von GCB aufgeführt ist und auch nicht von GCB autorisiert wurde. Auf der Website des Casinos ist außerdem ein falsches GCB-Lizenzlogo zu sehen.
Ich habe bereits eine Beschwerde bei der Gaming Control Board (GCB) zu diesem Thema eingereicht.
Ich würde Ihre Unterstützung bei der weiteren Untersuchung dieser Angelegenheit sehr schätzen und danke Ihnen im Voraus für Ihre Hilfe.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Robert Kuczera
Subject: Question about Rollingslots.com and its license
Good day,
I have a question: If Rollingslots.com does not have a license from Curaçao eGaming and the GCB license on their website is fake, how can such a casino even operate?
And why don’t you, as an experienced Casino Guru employee, know about it?
Why hasn't a Rollingslots representative contacted me yet? I asked a simple question.
Best regards,
Robert Kuczera.
Betreff: Frage zu Rollingslots.com und seiner Lizenz
Guten Tag,
Ich habe eine Frage: Wenn Rollingslots.com keine Lizenz von Curaçao eGaming hat und die GCB-Lizenz auf deren Website gefälscht ist, wie kann ein solches Casino dann überhaupt operieren?
Und warum weißt du als erfahrener Mitarbeiter von Casino Guru nichts darüber?
Warum hat sich noch kein Vertreter von Rollingslots bei mir gemeldet? Ich habe eine einfache Frage gestellt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Robert Kuczera.
Please know that it is not written anywhere that online casinos cannot operate without a license, actually.
There are many casinos that simply choose not to pay any licensing authority because they don't want to be regulated in such a way.
In this case, it is very important if such a casino is fair, treats their players as they should, and pays their winnings, even though they don't have any license.
Please know that our data team always checks precisely this kind of information, and if there is any update, they write about it in the review of every casino in our database.
I have already informed them and will update it as soon as possible, of course, if there is anything new or different that is written in the review of this casino.
Unfortunately, I am not able to answer you why the casino representative did not reply to you yet, but if there is anything urgent, I hope they will come to our forum once again.
Please know that it is not written anywhere that online casinos cannot operate without a license, actually.
There are many casinos that simply choose not to pay any licensing authority because they don't want to be regulated in such a way.
In this case, it is very important if such a casino is fair, treats their players as they should, and pays their winnings, even though they don't have any license.
Please know that our data team always checks precisely this kind of information, and if there is any update, they write about it in the review of every casino in our database.
I have already informed them and will update it as soon as possible, of course, if there is anything new or different that is written in the review of this casino.
Unfortunately, I am not able to answer you why the casino representative did not reply to you yet, but if there is anything urgent, I hope they will come to our forum once again.
Thank you for your reply. However, I would like to point out that Rollingslots casino makes false statements about its license, which can mislead players and give the false impression that it operates legally.
Could Casino Guru clarify in its review that the casino does not have a valid license and warn players about possible risks?
In addition, the casino is not allowed to operate in many countries without a license, including:
European Union (e.g. Germany, France, Spain, Italy) – a local license is required.
United Kingdom – a license from the UK Gambling Commission is required.
United States – each state has its own regulations, most require a local license.
Australia – Online gambling without a license is prohibited.
Canada – Provinces regulate gambling, operators require appropriate permits.
If a player has problems with an unlicensed casino, who can they turn to to put pressure on the casino? Can organizations like ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), eCOGRA or industry watchdogs help in any way?
I would be grateful for a response and action to warn the players.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort. Ich möchte jedoch darauf hinweisen, dass das Casino Rollingslots falsche Angaben zu seiner Lizenz macht, was Spieler in die Irre führen und den falschen Eindruck erwecken kann, dass es legal operiert.
Könnte Casino Guru in seiner Bewertung klarstellen, dass das Casino keine gültige Lizenz besitzt und Spieler vor möglichen Risiken warnen?
Darüber hinaus darf das Casino in vielen Ländern ohne Lizenz nicht operieren, darunter:
Europäische Union (z. B. Deutschland, Frankreich, Spanien, Italien) – eine lokale Lizenz ist erforderlich.
Vereinigtes Königreich – eine Lizenz der UK Gambling Commission ist erforderlich.
Vereinigte Staaten – jedes Bundesland hat eigene Vorschriften, die meisten erfordern eine lokale Lizenz.
Australien – Online-Glücksspiel ohne Lizenz ist verboten.
Kanada – Provinzen regulieren das Glücksspiel, Betreiber benötigen entsprechende Genehmigungen.
Falls ein Spieler Probleme mit einem nicht lizenzierten Casino hat, an wen kann er sich wenden, um Druck auf das Casino auszuüben? Können Organisationen wie ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), eCOGRA oder Branchen-Watchdogs in irgendeiner Weise helfen?
Ich wäre dankbar für eine Antwort und Maßnahmen zur Warnung der Spieler.
Please know that our data team has checked it out and everything is valid regarding their license. They will keep their eye on it, though, just to be sure nothing changes.
Also, when it comes to the countries you wrote that they are not allowed to operate, please know that they are not allowed to advertise in those countries, and players from those countries should not play at casinos not licensed by their local authority, but the casino can accept players from these countries. That is the difference, actually.
If the casino is not licensed anywhere and you are not able to turn to any of these authorities, you are right. All the players play at their own risk and always should read the terms so they are informed well about what to expect.
That is why we try to collect as much information as possible about all the casinos on our website and inform players about how they work and act regarding fairness.
But I still don't get what kind of issues you experienced there, actually.🤔
Subject: Deposit refund issue – RollingSlots.com operating in Germany
Ladies and Gentlemen
Thank you for your response so far and for checking the license of RollingSlots.com. However, I would like to clarify a few essential points:
The problem concerns the refund of deposits:
It is not about withdrawing winnings, but about refunding deposits. As a player from Germany, I deposited over 50,000 EUR at RollingSlots.com. If the casino is not authorized to operate legally in Germany, it should not accept deposits or register accounts from players with German addresses. In my case, my account was registered with a German address, which suggested the legality of using the services.
Missing information in the terms and conditions:
There is no indication in the casino's terms and conditions that registration of players from Germany is prohibited or that deposits from such players are restricted. Consequently, players are misled about the possibility of legally using the platform - which, in my opinion, violates applicable law.
Betreff: Problem mit der Rückerstattung von Einzahlungen – Betrieb von RollingSlots.com in Deutschland
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
vielen Dank für Ihre bisherige Antwort und die Überprüfung der Lizenz von RollingSlots.com. Ich möchte jedoch einige wesentliche Punkte klären:
Das Problem betrifft die Rückerstattung der Einzahlungen:
Es geht nicht um die Auszahlung von Gewinnen, sondern um die Rückerstattung der Einzahlungen. Als Spieler aus Deutschland habe ich über 50.000 EUR bei RollingSlots.com eingezahlt. Wenn das Casino nicht berechtigt ist, legal in Deutschland zu operieren, sollte es keine Einzahlungen annehmen oder Konten von Spielern mit deutscher Anschrift registrieren. In meinem Fall wurde mein Konto mit einer deutschen Adresse registriert, was die Legalität der Nutzung der Dienste suggerierte.
Fehlende Informationen in den AGB:
In den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des Casinos gibt es keine Hinweise darauf, dass die Registrierung von Spielern aus Deutschland untersagt oder dass Einzahlungen von solchen Spielern eingeschränkt werden. Folglich werden die Spieler in die Irre geführt, was die Möglichkeit der legalen Nutzung der Plattform betrifft – was meiner Meinung nach gegen geltendes Recht verstößt.
I am sorry for this issue, but unfortunately we cannot help you with it.
The best thing you can do is probably contact a lawyer regarding all this.
Also, please know that as part of our Global Self-Exclusion Initiative, we've partnered with BetBlocker, a UK-registered charity providing a free service to support people worldwide. You can find more information about our initiative here (https://casino.guru/global-self-exclusion-initiative) and about BetBlocker here (https://betblocker.org/).
BetBlocker, which supports seven languages, is quick and easy to install on multiple devices, taking just 2 minutes. Once installed, it blocks access to over 84,230 gambling websites and runs quietly in the background. The service can be used anonymously and helps individuals manage their access to gambling safely and appropriately, whether that means complete restriction or limiting access during vulnerable periods.
Additionally, BetBlocker includes a list of 824 gambling information sites. These sites primarily inform users about and advertise gambling services. You can choose to include these sites in your restriction by ticking a box. However, if you have an ongoing complaint against a gambling operator, do not check this box, as it will prevent you from accessing the Casino.Guru website as well.
Please take good care.
Once again the payment is prevented with the same excuse: send the credit card details!!! Already sent three times and nothing happened!!!! Criminals!!!
Schon wieder wird die Auszahlung verhindert mit der etlichen Ausrede, schicken sie die Credit Card Daten!!! Schon dreimal gesendet und nichts passiert!!!! Verbrecher!!!
Once again the payment is prevented with the same excuse: send the credit card details!!! Already sent three times and nothing happened!!!! Criminals!!!
Schon wieder wird die Auszahlung verhindert mit der etlichen Ausrede, schicken sie die Credit Card Daten!!! Schon dreimal gesendet und nichts passiert!!!! Verbrecher!!!
Additionally, I have noticed that the representative of RollingSlots.com avoids commenting on this matter. They do not answer questions regarding their license and legality in Germany. This may indicate that they are deliberately bypassing German regulations and do not want to admit it. If the casino operates fully legally, why doesn’t it provide clear evidence of compliance with German law?
And you also avoid answering my questions over and over again. So if we don't know what kind of issue you experience at this casino, unfortunately we are not able to help you anymore.
I have already explained how it works when it comes to the licenses. You, as a German player, should always stick to casinos with German license to avoid any kind of issues, I believe. Don't you think so as well?
Hello Robert,
Have you been able to find out any news? I also had a loss there, do you know more about a Kalge?
Hallo Robert,
hast du Neuigkeiten in Erfahrung bringen können mir ist da auch ein Verlust passiert, weißt du mehr bezüglich einer Kalge?
The question that comes to mind is: if Rollingsslots provides false information regarding its license, can't you request a refund of your deposits?
die Frage was sich mir stellt-wenn Rollingsslots falsche angaben bezüglich Lizenz macht,kann man dann nicht die einzahlungen retourfordern?
Well, to me, the question is if they will give any refund if you ask for it. 🤔🤷♀️
We don't handle complaints that are of the kind you mention, so unfortunately we won't be of any help to anyone in that situation.
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An initiative we launched with the goal to create a global self-exclusion system, which will allow vulnerable players to block their access to all online gambling opportunities.
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Casino.guru is an independent source of information about online casinos and online casino games, not controlled by any gambling operator. All our reviews and guides are created honestly, according to the best knowledge and judgement of the members of our independent expert team; however, they are intended for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, nor relied upon as, legal advice. You should always make sure that you meet all regulatory requirements before playing in any selected casino. Copyright ©2025
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