Hello, I wanted to withdraw all my money using the cryptocurrency method, my account is already verified, but they won't let me withdraw my money, this is a scam, since when you win they don't give you anything, they also asked me by email for a video with my face and my information, and they ask me to pronounce my information in English, when I don't even know English, this is the last straw, my 289USD down the drain, I'm fed up with what they steal here, I demand that someone respond to this urgent complaint.
hola , he querido retirar todo mi dinero por el metodo de criptomonedas , mi cuenta ya esta verificada , pero no me dejan retirar mi dinero, esto es una estafa , ya que cuando ganas no te dan nada, ademas me pidieron por correo un video con mi cara y mis datos ,y me piden que pronuncie mis datos en ingles , cuando yo ni siquiera se ingles esto es el colmo mis 289USD al agua estoy harto de lo que roban aqui , exijo que alguien me responda esta queja urgenteee
Edited by author 5 months ago
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