ForumCasinosGama Casino - general discussion

Gama Casino - general discussion (page 3)

1 year ago by yoyeli
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1 year ago

It is unbelievably outrageous that you are now arguing like this again. A permanent closure, a permanent ban, with no option to reopen and you're about to tell me the casino is right then?

They are in cahoots with the casinos and do not help the players in any way. I'm under no obligation to tell the casino why I want to permanently ban my account forever and pretty much all casinos do a permanent ban and that's exactly what it is. Except Gama doesn't and you're trying to defend that right now.

I have absolutely no sympathy if you pretend that you don't understand. What I write is completely logical and anyone with common sense and just a little bit of logic will understand and see it the same way I do.

If a casino does not respect the explicit request for a permanent, permanent closure with no option to reopen, I repeat, no option to reopen, then clearly the casino has violated player protection and the casino must under no circumstances reopen the account.

The only reason you don't see it that way is that you have a financial interest in the casino and don't mind if a casino breaches player protection.

You are trusted and then that trust is completely betrayed and you laugh up your sleeve with the casino because the players are so gullible and turn to you. I'm not going to put up with it this time and I really hope that you will solve this case the way anyone with no financial interest would solve it, in my favour.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Based on what you described here, it may sound like the case is too complicated for external readers, but I'd like to bring some light on it.

When it comes to Casino Guru and complaints related to responsible gambling / accounts closed for gambling addiction etc., we have simple rules that are the basement for all the complaint cases related to it:

Whenever the player asks the casino for the account closure due to gambling issues, gambling addiction, problem gambling or however you'd like to call it and the casino doesn't close the account within a reasonable timeframe (it differs based on how you contact the casino - if it's an email, then let's say 2-3 days should be sufficient), we should stand on the player's side.

When the casino gives the player clear instructions or provides clear instructions on their website regarding the account closure due to above-mentioned reasons and the player fails to follow them, we usually stand on the casino's side.

Whenever the player asks the casino for the account closure without providing the reason and the casino fails to do it or they reopen the account later based on their internal policy, we usually don't punish the casino for it, since the casino has no obligation to keep the account closed for any other reasons that the gambling (health) issues.

It has nothing to do with us protecting certain group of casinos. The approach is always the same.

1 year ago


Can you please finally help me with my case against Gama? I already feel so screwed by Gama and that's exactly what they do.

I only get lied to there. It has even been claimed that the money was transferred, which was not true.

Then my bank details were squeezed out of me. I have written to support that I do not want to give away this sensitive data. I always use Neteller to deposit and withdraw from casinos and I don't want a casino to have my bank details. The support has promised me that the payment will be completed IMMEDIATELY if I give my bank details. It's been 5 days now.

Now, not only have I given back new data, but I'm still not getting any money from Gama.

Can you now contact a manager or affiliate manager and ask them what's going on.

The fact that a casino seriously writes an email that the money was transferred to me and that this is a lie cannot be surpassed in terms of audacity and fraudulent energy. The fact that they then lure my bank details out of me so that they can allegedly transfer the money and start the same game all over again is probably the next step of cheek.

Please step in here and speak to the casino personally. I need the money.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Sorry to see you are going through exactly the same that I had to go through. They refuse to pay no matter what and make up excuses. This is not a casino with good intentions, it’s the worst of the worst.

1 year ago

I've just read through this thread carefully. It really seems like a tactic for Gama to claim that the payment processors have a problem, which is not true.

With this, the casino also damages the good reputation of Neteller, Jeton, etc.

Also, they also took my bank details and I am afraid they will use it for fraudulent activities.

Casino Guru should finally step in here. The casino still has an 8.9 rating. What shoud that? The casino is obviously cheating.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Why is it that Casino Guru is not finally active here? You feel completely helpless and you are obviously being screwed by the casino. Casino Guru could have contacted the casino long ago. Every casino has affiliate managers and Casino Guru can easily contact them. I'm waiting for help now. I am so upset and have no patience at all. I ask you to take this seriously.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

It would be really nice if someone from Casino Guru finally commented on this. I have now asked for it several times in my complaint as well as here in the forum.

In addition, my casino rating for Gama is still not activated.

It's frustrating enough when the casino takes you for a complete fool. But at least Casino Guru could take a stand here.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Dear Malaga. It sucks I get that, but check out your complaint - the casino still has some time left. Untill the timer reaches zero, there will be no progress, it's just a day or so at the moment. We must provide all casinos with the same time frame in order to stay neutral.

Just mind this is a forum - primarily built for players to keep in touch with players, Complaint Team is not active on the forum, they deal separately with complaints. Since I'm not part of that Team, I take care of the forum, it is not my place to step in untill further development is made through the complaint itself, basically because I do not know any details.

I'm sorry, not much I can add at this point.

1 year ago

I understand that not much can be done about the safety rating but it's a real pity that people keep falling prey to this casino's schemes because of this. These 'payment issues' keep persisting apparently and nothing can be done about this rogue casino.

1 year ago

Can you somehow prove the casino is faking the delay? That would be great. Because the way I see it, there is no other way to catch the bad guys.

1 year ago

In my case it has been 3 weeks. First I got an email that the money was sent to my Neteller account. Gama claimed that Neteller had a problem, which was clearly not true.

That means the casino lied.

After that, the support promised me that if I gave my bank details, I would get the money immediately. Nothing happened for 6 days so the casino lied again. Then I finally got an e-mail that they needed more data from me. I sent that too and now I'm waiting again for the money to finally arrive.

Deposits are credited immediately, but a payout should not be possible in 3 weeks, even though the payment methods are the same?

Sorry, but that's just not possible. Mainly because the casino always answers very late and the answers are mostly meaningless and do not provide precise information.

If you explain to me exactly what the problem is and when the problem is likely to be solved, then that would be ok. But the casino hardly responds to inquiries and then only gives very weird answers that don't answer any question.

How much evidence do you need then? A casino must do everything possible to ensure that funds reach the player as quickly as possible. In this day and age, making a money transfer is the easiest thing in the world and if a casino keeps making the same excuses, then the casino doesn't want it.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago


I'll focus on the hard facts for a moment. Have you asked the Neteller about pending transactions or issues on their side? Did you receive an email or create a print screen, please?

That would be very helpful.

Besides, deposit and withdrawal are not the same operations - can't be compared.

No one (your bank, or payment provider you're using) usually checks your outgoing transactions - it happens at your sole will.

Furthermore, the moment you deposit, the casino does not check your gaming history or casino account to allow you to play instantly. This is what makes withdrawals more complicated for the whole process.

I agree the casino is in delay - the question is why - for that, I have no answer.

Anyway, I saw your complaint briefly, even to me it seems the casino truly has some issues to solve:

"We deeply regret the extensive delay experienced, but we assure you that the refund is currently being processed. We will notify in the complaint and also provide a response to the player's mail as soon as the funds are returned."

I would be pissed off too...

1 year ago

Yes, I got a response from Neteller, which is what they should know if they read my complaint.

Neteller has clearly confirmed that they have absolutely no problems and the casino is lying.

Now the casino took my bank details and sent me an email again that the money was transferred to me.

Again, no money has reached me until now.

If the casino doesn't pay again then you should really punish the casino a lot because then the casino has fooled you too. After all, the casino has already confirmed that the money will be transferred to me.

Also, it's absolutely rude when a casino emails you twice confirming that the money was sent and then it's wrong. This is an approach that is totally unacceptable.

But let's see if the money arrives or not.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

By the way, I submitted a review for the casino, which has been pending for a week now and has still not been published.

Why hasn't my review been published yet?

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

So I also have massive problems with the casino at the moment I was able to gamble away thousands of euros despite the ban and yes the account was closed due to gambling addiction and the management knew about my problem CasinoGuru does not publish my complaint or my rating I think CasinoGuru is very deep here is in it. Here is my review and story at the same time:

This casino or the two casinos Gama and Cat are one and the same act absolutely negligent, I was able to register as a blocked player in this casino even though the management itself caused the casino to be blocked due to gambling addiction, and that's how it went pretty quickly Thousands of yours landed in this casino but that wasn't enough I stole a colleague's credit card in my relapse and I was able to deposit at this casino with it without any problems now the colleague has of course reported it to the police I of course said there in which casino I got the money gambled away and the police were and are sure that this casino is obliged to reimburse the deposits, so I emailed the casino to ask them to primarily book back the deposits that took place with the stolen credit card, but instead of the casino cooperating here what it is Actually, according to their license, you should be taken for a fool here. They ask for receipts from my credit card, which was verified a long time ago, but they don't want to know anything about the stolen one because the gentlemen here are sure that they have to reimburse you. They try to delay the matter by keeping my data in the kyc loop for years when I asked for contact details, i.e. a telephone number that I can give the police officer who was processing, there was no reaction at all, you know here that what I did is also a legal problem for the casino, but okay If the ladies and gentlemen think it is too late, I will initiate a chargeback for my card and I will also recommend the police and my colleague to do the same for his because both parties here are entitled to get the money back I because I can be proven was blocked and my colleague either way because I stole his card and access data if Gama or Cat Casino think that they also want to pay the fees for the chargeback then please I have tried to clarify this matter peacefully

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Yes, I got a response from Neteller, which is what they should know if they read my complaint.

Neteller has clearly confirmed that they have absolutely no problems and the casino is lying.

Now the casino took my bank details and sent me an email again that the money was transferred to me.

Again, no money has reached me until now.

If the casino doesn't pay again then you should really punish the casino a lot because then the casino has fooled you too. After all, the casino has already confirmed that the money will be transferred to me.

Also, it's absolutely rude when a casino emails you twice confirming that the money was sent and then it's wrong. This is an approach that is totally unacceptable.

But let's see if the money arrives or not.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago


I checked the PUBLIC part of your complaint which is more or less about the account closure. I do not have access to the rest - private emails and inside communication. So, no - I didn't find the Netellres response. I would not ask you about it otherwise.

If you are unhappy with the progress, get it - but it is not related to me, sorry.

Let the outcome be decided when the conclusion comes.

Yes, I would say it takes far too long from the casino's side. Like, obviously.

1 year ago

Because it is related to your complaint that has not yet ended.

All reviews with pending complaints are decided after the complaint is closed.

This is one of the latest updates we've developed.

Read more here.

1 year ago

Hey there.

I checked out the internal system, and there has been no rejected complaint under this specific profile "2pfkdnyqj4"

Your review of Casino Millionaria was rejected because you created several accounts and tried to submit one review at least two times. This is obviously against the community rules.

Speaking about the same IPs, it seems you are quite lost in managing all the accounts you have created here.

How many have you set up, can you tell? I would say no less than 4...

Does it truly sound like a normal and honest approach to you?

I don't think so. Hence I'm not going to browse all your profiles and complaints - this whole story is enough for me.

1 year ago

Yes, I may have multiple accounts here because I just didn't remember the login details, but honestly, why do you feel offended because I'm telling the truth and some and I'm not talking about all of the casino deals here at CasinoGuru make ? How else do you explain that a casino like Gama or Cat is top rated by you but every 2nd player has problems? tell me that Speaking of blaming, mine is for you to hypocritically act like you support the players but in fact you support the casinos and one complaint my dear is that it shows you don't even have your own system can operate

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

And you're talking about an honest approach here? Is it honest of you or the casinos to disregard and take advantage of addicted players?

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

The public part of his complaint does have Netteller's response, namely:

'I would like to confirm your NETELLER is fully eligible to receive payouts from merchants. We are not preventing the transaction from being completed.

Transfers within the NETELLER system are instant; you should receive the funds as soon as the merchant instructs the payment.

However, merchants send funds from their sites at their own pace. Please check with the merchant to find out how long it will take.

If the issue persists, please get in touch with us once again.

Kind regards,



It's all out here in the open, as it is in Cat Casino's reviews and all of the possible complaints; these are true scam artists that should be stopped.

12 3 45

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