HomeComplaintsCelsius Casino - Player's account remains active after closure request.

Celsius Casino - Player's account remains active after closure request.

Amount: 12,510 ₮

Celsius Casino
Safety Index:Above average
Submitted: 30 Nov 2024
Case opened Current status

Waiting for casino to reply

3d 22h 30m 49s

Case summary

3 days ago

The player from Denmark faces issues with Celsiuscasino.com, where he requested account closure on September 30, 2024, but remained able to log in and received marketing emails. After initially losing 5,992.09 USDT, he lost an additional 12,510.09 USDT following the closure request, and his subsequent withdrawal attempts are being rejected.

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1 month ago

My account was created at celsiuscasino.com at 29. september 2024.

In the two days from 29-30 september i lost 5992,097225 USDT.

On 30. september i contacted the casino and asked for account closure.

On 5. october i contacted the casino again, asking why my account was still active.

On 7. october i sent from my other hotmail to make sure they received it. I also tried contacting the casino on Discord asking about this. The casino has not responded to any of my emails.

In the period from 5. october to 31. october i took a loan to gamble and lost in total of 6163,914341 USDT.

On 15. November i sent another email, informing that i asked for account closure several times and i can see i am still able to login. I also informed that i lost more than i could afford.

The casino has kept sending me marketing gambling mails, and i did even reply to one of them why they send me this when i requested account closure, but latest 21. november and multiple times in november and october.

In the end of November i got my salary + i was able to take out another loan, which resulted in that in the period from 28-30 november, i lost another 6346,171714 USDT.

Total losses at Celsiuscasino.com is 18502,18328 USDT, and total losses after 5. october is 12510,08606 USDT.

My dispute is for the losses made after i requested account closure, so from 5. october - Which is in total 12510,08606 USDT.

I have screenshot of the full transaction history, recently everytime i try make withdrawal, the status keeps getting rejected, so if i won some i tried create withdrawals, but after endless of rejections i end of loosing it all.

I tried uploading the screenshots of transactions history, but i get an error when uploading that maximum image exceeded, so i can provide them in either email or add another message to this case with those.

1 month ago

Dear mafj,

Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your negative experience. 

First, I’d like to explain to you what the difference is between closing the account and self-exclusion:

Closing an account is simple and has almost no impact - the player can reopen the account anytime, and the casino has no obligation to the player. 

On the other hand, self-exclusion does. If a player successfully makes a self-exclusion the casino agrees not to open this account or if yes only under particular circumstances 

(after the cooling off period and this cannot be done for players who are addicted/with gambling problem).

  • Have you communicated your financial difficulties on more than one occasion to the casino support staff?
  • Have you attempted to unsubscribe from the casino's marketing communication?
  • Have you informed casino support about your wish to self-exclude from the casino due to your gambling problems?
  • Has the casino acknowledged your requests for account closure with direct response?
  • Please share any supporting evidence in the form of screenshots here or send the information to my email at tomas@casino.guru

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,


Edited by a Casino Guru admin
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1 month ago

Hi Tomas,

Thank you. I have here gathered the other emails i also sent to the casino, besides the above one i provided earlier.

The mails i sent on 5. october and 7. october is screenshots in the previous message, but on 8. october and 19. october i replyed to those already sent emails asking what status is on processing my email and why they havent acted on this.

On 18. October i sent an email to the casino, asking why they keep canceling all my withdrawals with no reason. I had uploaded my drivers license but their website failed when uploading the back of license so i though it was maybe why, so i sent this information to the casino, but they never replied of that actually was the reason.

In this email i also informed about my request for account closure, and telling that they kept my account active which allowed deposits and causing losses for many more thausands.

On 2. november and 10. november, they kept sending me bonus mails, and i replied to both of these asking why they keep sending me emails, when i asked about account closure:

The casino has not replied to a single one of my emails, sent from two different email adresses from different mail providers, to make sure they received it. I could understand if i only sent one single email, but when i send 9 emails + messages on telegram and messages on discord to casino, shows my initiative that i want to stop gambling, and not a single one of them has been responded to from the casino.

I have also sent you email with screenshots of the whole transaction history, because it exceeded the maximum number of attachments in message.

1 month ago

Dear mafj,

If your account is still open I would recommend you request a self-exclusion due to a gambling problem.

When applying for the self-exclusion, clearly state the reason for deactivating your account and specify the time period. Also, the email "Subject" should be clearly marked and easily recognizable as the casino support receives many requests per day. If it is marked visibly you will stand a better chance of having your request granted as soon as possible. 


Email subject: Self-exclusion

Player’s info:

First name:

Last name:

Date of birth:

Casino login:

Email address:

"Greetings Celsius Casino support,

I’m writing to inform you that I wish to exclude immediately from this casino and from receiving any gambling-related marketing material permanently

The reason for my decision is gambling addiction and financial difficulties.

I acknowledge that I will not be allowed to rescind my self-exclusion during this period and that the self-exclusion cannot be lifted before the end of the agreed period."

Please send another email to support@celsiuscasino.com (you can CC me at tomas@casino.guru in the copy) and keep me informed about any further developments. Thank you in advance.

1 month ago


I just sent email with you CC.

But how about the dispute regarding refund? Couldn't we agree that they should have acted, when I in more than 9 emails asked for account closure (which clearly indicates that it is my will to stop/close the account). At least after I informed them that due to they kept my account active I lost thausands of dollars more, and later on in my other email where I informed them that I lost more than I could afford.

1 month ago
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1 month ago


I have now disconnected and I can confirm that I am no longer able to login.

I asked my it-supplier, and they confirm that the mail domain is correctly setup on the mailserver with SPF record, so there is nothing untrusted with my email adress I sent from..

As I also sent emails to CasinoGuru, and they replied my email, I see no problem with my email? In the period I have communicated with a lot others both sent and received emails on daily basis with no problems, I see no reason that my email is untrusted?

Furthermore i sent from my other Hotmail multiple times to you, the screenshots of all emails sent from both email addresses is provided to Casino Guru.

I can see in the Telegram chat that both your moderators did read my messages and one of them told me to write on Discord, and I did create a support ticket where I both tagged the moderator and administrator of the Discord channel and sent several messages. So I sent many emails from two seperate mail providers, I sent messages on Telegram and Discord. So if you didn't receive any of the emails, then why didn't you tell me so in some of all the messages I sent, which I can see you read?

Furthermore can you please elaborate why you kept canceling 8 withdrawals in a row over multiple days, without sending me any reasons, and when I ask you, you don't respond.. when I suddenly won? Resulting in loosing everything again..

Here is screenshot of telegram and Discord, the screenshots of emails is in the previous correspondence. Since they didn't respond to my email, and they paused my livechat, I found casino on Telegram and wrote to the admins of the Celsius Casino Telegram channel. Redd told me to create Discord ticket, and B3N did read my message both where I asked about account closure and why withdrawals keeps getting denied, I can see in Telegram that he did read messages, but he never responded, so I confirm that you were informed.

1 month ago
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1 month ago

Hi CelsiusCasino,

I talked with my it-assistance, and they inform me that the links you refer to, is showing the domain and back-link status used for SEO and domain-rating, and it has nothing to do with the email system and delivery of emails. Looking at the official description from Ahrefs, Domain Rating (DR) shows the strength of a website's back-link profile. The domain is only used for emails, no website, and therefore there is no back-links... So what you refer to has nothing to do with emails. The email domain is properly configured (Like thausands of other business emails) and is validated with SPF record. CasinoGuru has received and replied to my emails, and I send and receive many emails every single day, and I have not a single time heard any issues with the recipients of my emails, they all was received.

So your claim that the domain is untrusted is false, the domain is correctly configured for email.

This also doesn't change the fact that I also sent from my Hotmail email address on 7. and 8. October, and you muted my possibility to write in your live-chat.

I would also like to add, that i was informed that the statuary director behind CelsiusCasino.com is Downtown E-Commerce Company B.V. / IFS MNGMNT. So I sent them email in october, and Glenn Rellum replied back with some questions about the website entity and details, where he told me to answer them so he could forward the complaint to the client service team of the operator (which confirms my email works fine, since he also both received mails from me and replied). Where I in the emails wrote to him as quoted: "Furthermore i requested account closure several times beginning from 30. September, can you please forward this to the casino management, why my account closure request wasn't processed?".

So I sent 9 emails from two different email-adresses to your support mail (where I on daily basis recieve and send many mails without problems), I sent email to your statuary director (which they replied to, so we know they received it), and I contacted your Telegram and Discord.

How can you claim I don't know how to send email or use livechat? I sent several emails from two different mailaddresses, and I tried writing on livechat, but you muted me (when I see the response code from your website when clicking on the livechat it shows: "Status: Error, Msg: Support is not accessible for you", I would gladly send screenshots of this. So I believe I have tried to contact you in every possible way.

1 month ago


I would like to inform both CelsiusCasino and CasinoGuru about above information.

I see you mentioned that your email-provider is Google/Gmail. 

I had my it-assistance take a look at CelsusCasino.com domain and check your domain/dns and mail setup, to check if maybe there is any misconfiguration in your end, which could be the reason, and also trace the sent email on our mailserver, to see where it has been delivered. I send and receive many emails daily without issues, so please review below evidence.

Can you confirm that Google/Gmail is your email provider? If that is the case, please review below evidence of misconfiguration on your domain, which results that emails sent to you from other domains/servers than Gmail is not delivered to Gmail servers but to a DigitalOcean server because of misconfiguration in your DNS/MX-record.

My it-assistance found the below evidence and proof regarding celsiuscasino.com DNS/MX-record which points at two different mailproviders (DigitalOcean and Google), i am being informed the usually no company has MX-records pointing at two different mail providers, because then some emails arrive at one email provider and other emails at another email provider, therefore there must always only be one email provider in the MX-records.

The MX-record with lowest Pref (preference) will always be the first place to deliver the email, and if that server is offline/not responding, then it will take the next in the Preference line. That is why Google has a 1, 5 and 10 preference with different servers, to handle if some goes down.

Here is screenshots from two indepentant DNS lookup services as evidence:


If you look at your email-configuration on celsiuscasino.com domain, your MX-records in the DNS, proves that the server/hostname with lowest Pref (preference) 0 points at IP: owned by DigitalOcean, LLC. And then you have MX-records below pointing at different Google servers with Pref (preference) 1,5,10.

So looking from a technical perspective, your domain is configured, so emails will be sent to mail.celsiuscasino.com (IP: and not to your Google email provider Unless if an email is sent from the same email-provider forexample is one send from myemail@gmail.com to support@celsiuscasino.com, it will Not look at the MX-Records, because it will be routed directly in the same servers at Google. So if i send email from Gmail to you, it it kept in Googles servers, and therefore not routed to the MX-records. This explaints why you receive emails from Gmail/Google adresses, but you have difficulties receiving from other external emails. This is a clear misconfiguration, since you should only have one email provider in your MX-records.

My it-assistance made a mail-trace of the emails i sent to you, from my email-provider, and i have this confirmation that the emails has been sent successfully sent from our email-server, and it has been delivered to support@celsiuscasino.com through the server mail.celsiuscasino.com.


If you believe that my email domain is unsecure, i was informed by my it-assistance, that you should be able to trace the email in your end, directly from your server mail.celsiuscasino.com ( ). Unless your email provider is Gmail which i may believe that it is, and therefore due to misconfiguration of your domain, the email i sent was delievered successfully to mail.celsiuscasino.com and not to your Gmail email server, which is a misconfiguration in your end.

If that is not the case, and it is correct, that celsiuscasino.com has two different email servers (which makes no sense, because how to keep track on emails if you have two inboxes at two different email providers), but if that is the case, you should have no problems with tracing the emails directly on your server mail.celsiuscasino.com.

It cannot be blamed on the end-user that you do not receive emails from them, if the reason is that your domain/DNS might be misconfigured? Looking at this setup, emails sent to your domain is not delivered to your Gmail but it is delivered to your DigitalOcean server, unless the email is sent from another Gmail customer. So you can remove the mail.celsiuscasino.com from your MX-record, then all emails sent to CelsiusCasino.com no matter from which domain and email-provider will delivered correctly to your Gmail/Google mail servers.

Please consult with your it-department, which i am sure they will confirm that the error is in your end, and please respond accordingly to the above evidence.

I think it is in all interests, that you as an international casino, can receive emails from all domains.. and not only from Gmail users.

CasinoGuru / Tomas - Do you have an it-guy/technical person at CasinoGuru that you can have read this email and evidence? I am sure they will confirm this too, that it is a misconfiguration from CelsiusCasino.com domain configuration, so the fault is in their end.

1 month ago

To sum up my previous message, all emails sent from email-adresses/domains that is not customers at Google, will be delivered to mail.celsiuscasino.com ( and not to their Gmail due to how their MX-record is setup.

So it wouldnt have mattered how many emails there was sent, or what were written in those, because CelsiusCasino.com is misconfigured, so all emails are sent succesfully, but never delivered into their Gmail inbox, but instead to a mailserver at DigitalOcean named mail.celsiuscasino.com (, which is exactly how celsiuscasino.com DNS/domain is configured, so the fault must be at CelsiusCasino.com.

It cannot be okay that a casino has a misconfigured domain, which causes that only customers with email-adresses/domains at the same mail-provider as them (In this case Google/Gmail) can send to them. As a casino provider, they must have their domain configured properly.

Please review the above information and evidence, and consult with your it-department.

4 weeks ago

Thanks to both parties for your reply.

Dear Celsius Casino representative,

The common practice is for the casino to require the players to contact support from their registered email address.

How is the player supposed to know their request won't be denied if they contact support with an unrelated address?

Could you please confirm whether you received the emails the player supposedly sent from a Hotmail domain?

Could you please explain how the discord tickets would be handled if read?

3 weeks ago


How I'm supposed to know if the user sent an email if I don't receive it ? Work both way, I'm not supposed to know I got an email if I didn't received it.

Also, I never said we use Gmail, I said you should have used gmail (like most people actually). And you are talking about servers while I'm talking about spam filtering / protection, it's not the basic send and receive system you describe.

I think you wildly underestimate the millions of attack emails we receive in order to down our servers.

I could just send an email from untrustworthy mail inboxes to all the casinos in the world, see who receive it / get filtered and ask for refunds to all the ones who have a proper email security system ?

If we block emails from Yopmail wich are known to be spam emails addresses - then its normal that the domain name used by the user here (5x lower in trustscore than Yopmail) then be blocked too.

And this is exactly why we have a livechat onsite, please provide a screenshot proving you contacted them.

You can't make anyone think that you spammed emails and discords mods but didn't contacted live support, can't you ?

You have screenshot of many things, but not a single screenshot of livesupport ? The actual people who ban users on request ? Weird..

All I see so far is the user trying to use a Tier 3 domain name - and avoiding live support like plague.

The site is not supposed to allow any type of emails or trafic in - We have cloudflare to filter trafic, and we have a high end system by email to avoid actual attacks / spam. This is the way most casinos work.

You filter to protect from hackers - we are the number 1 target for that, so you can't seriously ask me to let in untrustworthy email providers because the user isn't able to click the big orange button onsite name "Live support"

Regarding your questions:

"How is the player supposed to know their request won't be denied if they contact support with an unrelated address?" - We ask them to open a live support ticket, or a screenshot of the last transactions made + infos to be sure it's them, standard process.

Could you please confirm whether you received the emails the player supposedly sent from a Hotmail domain? - I need the user to provide me with this email so I can verify

Could you please explain how the discord tickets would be handled if read? - Discord is a gaming plateform, not a support one. It's a place to share big wins, or ask for freespins for example. Ticket system there is to collect prizes, nothing to do with ban request. You can even check the feed there, only giveaways and big wins.

We have a live support - it's more than enough, but seems like the user prefer to avoid it for some reason..

Have a nice day

3 weeks ago
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3 weeks ago
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2 weeks ago

Thanks for your patience and detailed explanation of the situation from both parties.

Dear mafj,

Please note we don't have any experts in email technical issues, so we can't decide based on this line of argumentation. I apologize.

We believe in the situation the player finds himself in there should be reasonable effort when pursuing an objective of self-excluding themselves. Sending multiple emails, from multiple email addresses, and contacting live support, with a clear message requesting self-exclusion due to gambling problems would be a satisfactory effort from our point of view.

Please forward the emails you sent to the casino from your live.dk address requesting your account to be blocked.

Dear Celsius Casino representative,

  • Have you checked whether you received the emails from the player's live.dk address?
  • Could you please provide more details on why the live chat feature of the player was muted?

Thanks in advance for your reply.

2 weeks ago


I just checked and I don't see at the moment a single email from the provider "live.dk"

He maybe sent an email, I can't verify that - or I could just spend the next 2 hours talking about very specific technical points proving I'm right but all that wouldn't answer this question:

Why the user didn't used the most simple and efficient solution of all : contact the live support available 24/7 in 3 languages.

There is multiple buttons onsite, and they are even available in the players chat of the site all day long (https://prnt.sc/yRAUn4QTdmiu)

Keep in mind 1 thing : the player was gambling onsite, exactly where the Chat window and the live support button are - all day (!).

I do not see a single reason why he wouldn't use this live support like all other users, except knowing he would be able to request a refund at some point - unless an admin answers him, what he seems desperate to avoid.

I can let him go as deep as he wants in conspiracy theories regarding our MX mail setup like the entire site is against him - but he wont be able to find a single logical answer to why he didn't contacted the guys dedicated to closing accounts fast.

He says he did everything in his power....all but clicking on the big button "Live support" - Things doesnt add up.

Good enough to track down people on Discord but not to click the "live support" button? And there is only one reason for that : if he got an answer from us (and he would have through livechat - 2 minutes average time to answer), he wouldn't be able to request a refund here today, so he avoided that at all cost.

It says all about the situation.

Waiting for approval
Waiting for approval
2 weeks ago
Waiting for approval

This post is private for now. It’s waiting to get approved by Casino Guru. We only make new posts public after a manual review to make sure that they don’t contain any sensitive information meant to be only seen by the involved parties.

1 week ago

Dear Celsius Casino representative,

To avoid any misunderstanding, could you please address the proof the player provided earlier, in which he shows the chat is muted for him?

fileI appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

1 week ago


Thanks for your help Tomas.

But it's getting ridiculous.

https://prnt.sc/R2slTIoI0Uda Took me 40s to edit something like he did

Want to have a proof for a case?

  1. Open a new account on Celsius
  2. Insult the support
  3. Get muted
  4. Edit element and change username and rank

That's what his screenshot is worth, 4/5 minutes of time.

I can even edit my onsite balance with 1b$ then take a screenshot and go to a bank, will it be a proof of fortune? It won't because it can and is edited.

Seriously tho, Tomas you can smell from miles away that this user is just doing shady stuff since the beginning.

He thought he had a plan to screw us until he realised I would see he has no screenshots of live support.

Interesting that the user provided these edited screenshots only now, when he could have done it weeks ago 🙂

Interesting also that he never mentionned this mute in any of the first messages and not even when opening the case....

He never mentioned the live support a single time in any of his messages until I bring it on the table, surprising isn't it ?

Thank you

1 week ago


The screenshots is unedited and taken directly from your website. The screenshot provided from my computer shows the console log, it also includes the timestamp which confirms the balance of my account at that time, which proves the screenshot is real and from that time. The screenshot from my phone is taken while I try to write in the chat, which proves you muted me.

The screenshot you now provided, shows that you try to fake a message in console and send in print.sc, because it is in a single line standing alone which is just a simple print in console, and is totally not the same as the screenshot I provide, because as you can see it is a part of a long website response in console, which includes both the response, status and message in the same line, how would I know your exact error message and response, if it wasn't real? So no it is not the same as the screenshot you try to send.

I didn't bring up the livechat previously because my case was about the emails I sent about account closure and that I lost more than I could afford, and that I also contacted you on Telegram and Discord. At that time my thoughts was not on your livechat, but I remember I was able to write to your livechat on 1. october, which was before you muted me. So I was not sure if I saved a screenshot, but I just scrolled through my phone and found this. The balance of my account shown on screenshot, can also confirm that exact date, that proves it's from 1. october.


The fact that you muted my chat, I did only bring up when you asked me why I didn't contact your livechat about account closure, and I therefore send the reason for that, which is that you muted me. But you can see the thing I was able to send to the livechat before I was muted, because when I tried to open livechat later in october and november I got the muted message, as shown on the PC screenshot that shows the error status and message.

I lost everything I own + took out everything I could loan and lost as well, I am willing to send you loan documents if you would like. I am not asking for a full refund, so your casino still earned several thousands of dollars on my addiction, in the period before I asked you for account closure and told you that I lost more than I could afford.

You never responded further to my message on the livechat, and when I tried contacting your chat later on, I was muted an unable to write to your livechat anymore and shown in the previous screenshots, which correlates with the mail screenshots where I send you email on 5. and 6. october, followed my several follow up emails, and when those isn't responded I try to contact your Telegram and Discord. So I think I have done everything within my power to reach out to your casino.

Can't you as a casino operator view the chat history and see I wrote to you, and why you then muted my livechat option? Leaving me with no other option than to keep sending you emails from both email from my registered email that has no problems sending to any other emails, and also send from another hotmail and also send to your Telegram and Discord.

You also never responded to my question about why you kept canceling all the withdrawals again and again, and you also didn't respond to the questioning regarding your MX-record.

3 days ago

Dear Celsius Casino representative,

I am not sure how the screenshot you provided confirms the screenshot was faked.

Do you have records of moderators muting players in the chat on your website? Was it done in Mafj's case at any time?

If you can, kindly explain what records are available to clarify what happened.

Celsius Casino has 3d 22h 30m 49s to reply

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