The player from Italy is unhappy with their winnings being split into several installments based on monthly withdrawal limits.
Hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Giuseppe. I signed up on April 16, 2022 on attracted above all by the graphics that represent the Roman Empire (I'm from Rome). I started by depositing € 850 and then making a total of € 10,150 deposited within 18 days. I then started to win and my rank became that of Senator (you are rewarded with a ranking that goes from Roman Citizen to Emperor, for a total of 5 levels) with the possibility of withdrawing € 15,000 per month. So I started to withdraw, but in a month, given the long waiting times, they paid me only € 9,000. I would also have been satisfied after all, but at a certain point I found myself demoted to the rank of Roman citizen (the first degree), with the possibility of a maximum withdrawal of € 500 per day and € 7,000 per month. I asked the reason for this relegation and they justified themselves by saying that the progression is due to the deposit-withdrawal-bet ratio. Now it is clear that always having a positive balance I don't need to deposit money, but I play an average of € 20-30,000 every day for a period of 6-7 hours a day, but my rank remains steady. I also made a bitcoin deposit to see if the crypto currency withdrawal was faster, but nothing, within 10 days they paid me only € 1,500, which a month makes € 4,500 compared to the € 7,000 that theirs promises. VIP page. In fact, on this page they describe the advantages for Vip players, writing that they have "Financial Privileges" that allow them to "enjoy incredibly high withdrawal limits in record short times" (verbatim). I wrote countless times to VIP assistance, but first they justified themselves with a technical problem in payments, then always in an approximate way, they told me that progress is managed by the software and complies with the "terms and conditions" of the site; but that is not true, because the terms are what they advertise with "incredibly high withdrawals and in record time". Moral: I'm winning € 181,000, and doing a calculation I should be able to collect my winnings within 5-6 years. Is all this possible? A "pension" can also be good for me, but that at least respected the amounts and times of their regulation. Exasperated, frustrated and even bored, because I strive to win but receive very little, I wrote to them to make a compromise, that is, I give up a percentage of the win if they pay me in a single solution and then I delete myself from the site forever; but they did not utter a word in response to my proposal. Please give me a hand, I don't want privileges, I want the right.
Thank you. Joseph.
Salve, mi presento, mi chiamo Giuseppe. Mi sono iscritto il 16 aprile 2022 su attratto soprattutto dalla grafica che rappresenta l'impero romano (sono di Roma). Ho iniziato depositando 850€ per poi arrivare ad un totale di 10.150€ depositati nel giro di 18 giorni. Ho poi iniziato a vincere e il mio grado è diventato quello di Senatore (si viene premiati con una classifica che va da Cittadino romano ad Imperatore, per un totale di 5 livelli) con la possibilità di prelevare 15.000€ al mese. Ho iniziato quindi a prelevare, ma in un mese, dati i lunghi tempi di attesa, mi hanno versato solo 9.000€. Mi sarei anche accontentato tutto sommato, ma ad un certo punto mi sono ritrovato retrocesso al grado di Cittadino romano (il primo grado), con la possibilità di un massimo prelievo di 500€ al giorno e 7.000€ mensili. Ho chiesto il perché di questa retrocessione e si sono giustificati dicendo che la progressione è dovuta al rapporto versamento-prelievo-giocate. Ora è chiaro che avendo sempre un saldo positivo non necessito di depositare denaro, però gioco tutti i giorni una media 20-30.000€ per un periodo di 6-7 ore al giorno, ma il mio grado rimane fermo. Ho effettuato anche un versamento in bitcoin per vedere poi se il prelievo in cripto valuta fosse più rapido, ma niente, nel giro di 10 giorni mi hanno pagato solo 1.500€, che al mese fanno 4.500€ a fronte dei 7.000€ che promette la loro pagina dei Vip. Infatti, in questa pagina descrivono i vantaggi per i giocatori Vip, scrivendo che questi hanno dei "Privilegi finanziari" che gli permettono di "godere di limiti di prelievo incredibilmente alti in tempi brevi da record" (parole testuali). Ho scritto un'infinità di volte all'assistenza Vip, ma prima si sono giustificati con un problema tecnico nei pagamenti, poi sempre in maniera approssimata, mi hanno detto che il progresso è gestito dal software e si attiene ai "termini e condizioni" del sito; ma ciò non è vero, perché i termini sono quelli che loro pubblicizzano con "prelievi incredibilmente alti e in tempi da record". Morale: sto vincendo 181.000€, e facendo un calcolo dovrei riuscire ad incassare la mia vincita nel giro di 5-6 anni. È possibile tutto questo? Mi può stare anche bene una "pensione" ma che almeno rispettasse le somme ed i tempi del loro regolamento. Esasperato, frustrato ed anche annoiato, perché mi impegno per vincere ma riscuoto pochissimo, gli ho scritto di fare un compromesso, ossia rinuncio ad una percentuale della vincita se loro me la pagano in un'unica soluzione e poi mi cancello per sempre dal sito; ma non hanno pronunciato una parola in risposta a questa mia proposta. Per favore datemi una mano, non voglio privilegi, voglio il giusto.
Grazie. Giuseppe.
Dear loziopippo,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. Foremost, allow me to congratulate you on your great win. I have checked the terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
Please understand, that we can’t penalize the casino for splitting your win into several installments, especially, if this information is clearly stated in their terms and conditions. However, if these limits are not followed it becomes a different story.
Could you please advise when you received your last payment?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dear loziopippo,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. Foremost, allow me to congratulate you on your great win. I have checked the terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
Please understand, that we can’t penalize the casino for splitting your win into several installments, especially, if this information is clearly stated in their terms and conditions. However, if these limits are not followed it becomes a different story.
Could you please advise when you received your last payment?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Hello Petronella and thanks for your attention. I received the last payment on June 12, 2022 against a request made on June 7, 2022. As I said, if the times are these, within a month I can receive about € 3000 or less than half of what they guarantee for a vip player of rank "Roman citizen" which should be € 7000 per month. Also considering that my winnings are now € 190,000, I will be able to collect my winnings in 5 years and 2 months !! Then I told you how their software manages the advancement of Vip degrees, that is, between the deposit-withdrawals-wager ratio, but in my case I don't make any deposits and despite the fact that within a week I played for a sum of around 500,000 €, my grade is always the same.
Thank you, see you soon.
Buongiorno Petronella e grazie per l'attenzione. L'ultimo pagamento l'ho ricevuto il 12 giugno 2022 a fronte di una richiesta fatta il 7 giugno 2022. Come già dicevo, se i tempi sono questi, nell'arco di un mese riesco a ricevere circa 3000€ ossia meno della metà di quello che loro garantiscono per un giocatore vip di grado "cittadino romano" che dovrebbero essere 7000€ mensili. Considerato inoltre che adesso la mia vincita è di 190.000€, riuscirò ad incassare la mia vincita nel giro di 5 anni e 2 mesi!! Poi ti dicevo di come il loro software gestisce l'avanzamento dei gradi di Vip, ossia tra il rapporto depositi-prelievi-giocate, ma nel mio caso depositi non ne faccio e nonostante nel giro di una settimana abbia giocato per una somma intorno ai 500.000€, il mio grado è sempre lo stesso.
Grazie e a presto.
Thank you very much, loziopippo, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Thank you very much, loziopippo, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hello loziopippo.
I am sorry to hear about your troubles.
I've checked your situation in casino terms, and I also spoke with a chat (not a very skilled person), and chat was unable to explain to me the mechanics of how VIP level works. However, from terms, it looks like the deposit/ withdrawal ratio is the only factor. So regarding this case, I am afraid we can't help you. However, you should be able to withdraw €7000/month. In this, I believe a casino failed and should allow you to withdraw such an amount.
I would like to invite the casino representative into the case.
Please explain to us why loziopippo is struggling with withdrawals from your casino. We will reflect this in our review and rating if this is a common problem.
Hello loziopippo.
I am sorry to hear about your troubles.
I've checked your situation in casino terms, and I also spoke with a chat (not a very skilled person), and chat was unable to explain to me the mechanics of how VIP level works. However, from terms, it looks like the deposit/ withdrawal ratio is the only factor. So regarding this case, I am afraid we can't help you. However, you should be able to withdraw €7000/month. In this, I believe a casino failed and should allow you to withdraw such an amount.
I would like to invite the casino representative into the case.
Please explain to us why loziopippo is struggling with withdrawals from your casino. We will reflect this in our review and rating if this is a common problem.
Hi Matej and thanks for your attention. I would like to express my opinion regarding Casinoly. The site is relatively young, and also very well done, it seems to me it started in October 2021, although its founder is already known in the field of online gaming sites, but I have the impression that they have little experience and above all little sense. of business. I'll explain: my balance to date amounts to € 215,000, some might think that I am a great and skilled player, or an exaggeratedly lucky one, but in reality the concept is different, in the sense that it is precisely the capital that they give me. they leave on the account that allows me to play until the moment in which I can recover my losses, even going down by € 20-30000 per day and then being able to recover them. I play exclusively XXXextreme lightning roulette where with a certain cadence numbers come out that have a multiplier of € 600-1000-1500-2000, and it is mathematical that sooner or later one gets them right by making big winnings that allow me personally to recover the loss and win 5-6000 € per day. I will tell you that I also feel a little guilty about all these easy wins, and I would like to tell those gentlemen that the low monthly withdrawal system is counterproductive for them. More than once I have proposed to him to liquidate all my winnings in a single solution being also willing to give up a percentage of the winnings, but I have never had a pertinent answer to my proposal. By continuing like this, it means that I have secured a lifetime maintenance, but that seems to be what they want, and I thank them. With regard to the progress of the Vip rank, I have now understood that it depends exclusively on deposits, because in the last week, despite having played for a total of 1,000,000 euros, my level is always the same, that is the lowest. Chat operators don't have much experience, I always contact this email address:
Best wishes.
Ciao Matej e grazie per l'attenzione. Vorrei esprimere il mio parere riguardo a Casinoly. Il sito è relativamente giovane, ed anche molto bene fatto, mi sembra abbia iniziato ad ottobre 2021, nonostante il suo fondatore sia già noto nel campo dei siti di giochi on-line, ma ho l'impressione che abbiano poca esperienza e soprattutto poco senso degli affari. Ti spiego: il mio saldo ad oggi ammonta a 215.000€, qualcuno potrebbe pensare che io sia un grande ed abile giocatore, o uno fortunato in modo esagerato, ma in realtà il concetto è diverso, nel senso che è proprio il capitale che loro mi lasciano sul conto che mi permette di giocare fino al momento in cui riesco a recuperare le mie perdite, andando sotto anche di 20-30000€ al giorno e poi riuscire a recuperarli. Gioco esclusivamente alla XXXextreme lightning roulette dove con una certa cadenza escono numeri che hanno un moltiplicatore di 600-1000-1500-2000€, ed è matematico che prima o poi uno li azzecca facendo grosse vincite che a me personalmente permettono di recuperare la perdita e vincere 5-6000€ al giorno. Ti dirò che mi sento anche un po' in colpa per tutte queste facili vincite, e vorrei dirlo a quei signori che il sistema di bassi prelievi mensili è controproducente per loro. Più di una volta gli ho proposto di liquidarmi tutta la vincita in un'unica soluzione essendo anche disposto a rinunciare ad una percentuale della vincita, ma non ho mai avuto una risposta pertinente alla mia proposta. Continuando così, vuol dire che mi sono assicurato un mantenimento a vita, ma questo sembra che sia quel che vogliono loro, e li ringrazio. Riguardo al progredire del grado di Vip, ormai ho capito che dipende esclusivamente dai depositi, perché in quest'ultima settimana pur avendo giocato per un totale di 1.000.000 di euro il mio livello è sempre lo stessso, ossia il più basso. Gli operatori della chat non hanno molta esperienza, io mi rivolgo sempre a questo indirizzo di posta:
Cari saluti.
Sorry, but I wanted to add that in these 19 days of June they paid me € 3,500 and therefore I will certainly not reach the limit of € 7,000 promised by them for my degree of vip.
Scusa, ma volevo aggiungere che in questi 19 giorni di giugno mi hanno pagato 3.500€ e quindi sicuramente non raggiungerò il limite di 7.000€ da loro promesso per il mio grado di vip.
Dear all,
Thank you for reaching out!
First and foremost, we would like to apologise for the inconvenience experienced during the withdrawal process. You can rest assured that we are constantly working on improving our level of service. In regards to the ongoing withdrawal process in your account, we can see that the amount of withdrawals processed in this month alone is 7000.00 EUR with the month not being over. Taking this into account, we can confirm for you that the withdrawal limits relevant to the player level are being adhered to.
Should you have any other questions, feel free to contact us via chat.
Best regards,
Dear all,
Thank you for reaching out!
First and foremost, we would like to apologise for the inconvenience experienced during the withdrawal process. You can rest assured that we are constantly working on improving our level of service. In regards to the ongoing withdrawal process in your account, we can see that the amount of withdrawals processed in this month alone is 7000.00 EUR with the month not being over. Taking this into account, we can confirm for you that the withdrawal limits relevant to the player level are being adhered to.
Should you have any other questions, feel free to contact us via chat.
Best regards,
Good morning. From what I understand (which I am attaching as a photo) my withdrawals for the month of June are € 4,000. I don't know what you mean by processed withdrawals. I currently have 3 pending withdrawals, and considering that they usually take 7-8 days to be credited, well that I will get to a total withdrawal of € 5,500
Then, despite my innumerable grievances, it has not yet been clarified why despite having wagered a total amount of € 898,869 over 10 days (from 11.06.22 to 20.06.22) my Vip status is always the most low!!! If the progression depends on the deposits made, it is clear that in my case they will never happen since I always have a positive balance. It is not possible to consider the deposit as a parameter, the software is wrong. Since VIP (Very Important Person) is supposed to be about those who play high stakes and for a long time, according to your counts there is no relationship.
Good work.
Giuseppe Airò
Buongiorno. Da quanto mi risulta (che allego come foto) i miei prelievi del mese di giugno risultano essere di 4.000€. Non so che cosa intendiate per prelievi elaborati. Attualmente ho 3 prelievi pendenti, e considerando che di solito impiegano 7-8 giorni per essere accreditati, bene che vada arriverò ad un totale di prelievo di 5.500€
Poi, nonostante le mie innumerevoli rimostranze, ancora non è stato chiarito come mai pur avendo scommesso un importo totale di 898.869€ nell'arco di 10 giorni (dall'11.06.22 al 20.06.22) il mio status di Vip è sempre quello più basso!!! Se la progressione dipende dai depositi effettuati, è chiaro che nel mio caso non avverranno mai dato che ho sempre un saldo positivo. Non possibile considerare come parametro il deposito, il software è sbagliato. Dato che VIP (Very Important Person) dovrebbe riguardare chi gioca alti importi e per molto tempo, secondo i vostri conteggi non c'è nessuna relazione.
Buon lavoro.
Giuseppe Airò
Dear loziopippo.
I understand your point about the VIP statuses. However, this is the casino's right to set a VIP policy, and even when you feel it is set up incorrectly, we can't punish the casino for that. Maybe because of your complaint, the casino will change it a bit in the future. We can hope for that.
Regarding the withdrawal limits, I would recommend waiting till the end of the month and then checking how successful you were with withdrawals and how much money you collected. Till then, I can keep the complaint open and update it accordingly.
Dear loziopippo.
I understand your point about the VIP statuses. However, this is the casino's right to set a VIP policy, and even when you feel it is set up incorrectly, we can't punish the casino for that. Maybe because of your complaint, the casino will change it a bit in the future. We can hope for that.
Regarding the withdrawal limits, I would recommend waiting till the end of the month and then checking how successful you were with withdrawals and how much money you collected. Till then, I can keep the complaint open and update it accordingly.
Dear loziopippo.
Could you please tell us how successful you were with your withdrawals? Were you able to collect the promised €7000?
Dear loziopippo.
Could you please tell us how successful you were with your withdrawals? Were you able to collect the promised €7000?
Hi Matej, yes, I managed to collect the promised 7,000, indeed I got to 8,000, so all is well, the site has shown seriousness, just a pity that I am still at the first level of Vip despite having played every day for several hours and for more than 1,000,000 euros, but their software obviously only counts deposits and not winnings and wagers. I consider this a serious lack, I hope they improve in the future.
Thanks again.
Ciao Matej, si, sono riuscito a riscuotere i 7.000 promessi, anzi sono arrivato ad 8.000, pertanto tutto bene, il sito ha dimostrato serietà, peccato solo che sono ancora al primo livello di Vip pur avendo giocato tutti i giorni per svariate ore e per più di 1.000.000 di euro, ma il loro software evidentemente conta soltanto i depositi e non le vincite e le giocate. Questa la ritengo una grave mancanza, spero che in futuro migliorino.
Grazie ancora.
Hello Joseph.
Based on your last message, the casino appears to keep its promises. I understand that you would like to withdraw money faster, but the withdrawal limit is an industry standard, and we can't do anything with it.
Based on all written above, we decided to close this complaint as resolved.
Joseph, in case of any struggles with your withdrawals in the future, you can just reopen the case.
Thank you for using our complaint resolution center.
Hello Joseph.
Based on your last message, the casino appears to keep its promises. I understand that you would like to withdraw money faster, but the withdrawal limit is an industry standard, and we can't do anything with it.
Based on all written above, we decided to close this complaint as resolved.
Joseph, in case of any struggles with your withdrawals in the future, you can just reopen the case.
Thank you for using our complaint resolution center.
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