The player from Finland has been accused of opening multiple accounts. All the winnings have been voided and account frozen.
I made one account, saved 20 e and won 700 e. The next day when I tried to log in the page I got a message that my account has been closed. I asked customer service about it and they claim I have a double account even though I don’t. My boyfriend has played at the same Casino in the past and they claim this justifies stealing winnings and closing an account.
Tein yhden tilin, tallensin 20 e ja voitin 700 e. Seuraavana päivänä kun yritin kirjautua sivulla tuli viesti, että tilini on suljettu. Kysyin asiakaspalvelusta asiasta ja he väittävät että minulla on tuplatili, vaikka ei ole. Poikaystäväni on pelannut aiemmin samalla casinolla ja he väittävät, että tämä oikeuttaa voittojen varastamiseen ja tilin sulkuun.
Dear Elina,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and for forwarding all the relevant communication. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise your partner has requested a self-exclusion as it is stated in the forwarded email? Do you and your partner share the same IP and household address? Finally, have you redeemed any bonus when depositing funds into your account?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dear Elina,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and for forwarding all the relevant communication. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise your partner has requested a self-exclusion as it is stated in the forwarded email? Do you and your partner share the same IP and household address? Finally, have you redeemed any bonus when depositing funds into your account?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Yes, my boyfriend asked himself to be excluded. I opened the account myself a few hours later and didn’t know about it. I received the same promotional email from the Casino as did my boyfriend.
Yes we have the same address, we also have a child together. But we have always played independently. Certainly we’ve played at the same casinos in the past, because both really have a lot of casino accounts.
I didn’t get any bonus, nor did I get a boyfriend.
Finally, neither read the Casino rules carefully in advance. But when this episode happened, we read the Casino Rules. The casino rules only mention that the same person should not make a double account, e.g. in the name of a friend or family member. At least I didn't actually find a word-for-word mention that only 1 account / IP address.
Kyllä poikaystäväni pyysi itsensä poissulkua. Avasin itse tilin muutamaa tuntia tätä myöhemmin, enkä tiennyt asiasta. Sain saman mainossähköpostin Casinolta kuin poikaystävänikin.
Kyllä meillä on sama osoite, meillä on myös yhteinen lapsi. Mutta olemme pelanneet aina itsenäisesti. Varmasti olemme aikaisemminkin pelanneet samoilla casinoilla, koska molemmilla on todella paljon casinotilejä.
En saanut minkäänlaista bonusta, eikä saanut poikaystävänikään.
Lopuksi, kumpikaan ei lukenut tarkasti casinon sääntöjä etukäteen. Mutta kun tämä episodi tapahtui, luimme casinon säännöt. Casinon säännöissä on vain maininta, että sama henkilö ei saisi tehdä tuplatiliä, esim. Ystävän tai perheenjäsenen nimissä. En ainakaan itse löytänyt mainintaa sanasta sanaan, että vain 1 tili/IP-osoite.
Dear Elina,
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found
„2.6. When creating an account, your personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, such as name, email address etc. You're not allowed to create multiple accounts: only 1 account per person. You're not allowed to create an account for any other person, family member, address (mail or IP), email or device. Any other accounts besides your main Allreels account are considered duplicates. The Casino reserves the right to block multiple accounts without notice.
If we decide to delete a duplicate account: - all bonuses, free spins and winnings that you received by using this account will be canceled; - the Company has the right to confiscate deposits that were made with a duplicate account. Any of your accounts (both main and duplicate) can be used to withdraw deposits; - the Company has the right to allow a player to use multiple accounts. In this case, all winnings, bonuses, deposits and bets will remain valid."
It means that only one account is allowed per address (household or IP). Please understand that if an account has been closed due to a self-exclusion request of your boyfriend, opening another account from the same IP address few hours later was considered as opening a duplicate account, hence, breaching terms and conditions.
Could you please advise if your deposit has been refunded? Thank you in advance for your reply.
Dear Elina,
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found
„2.6. When creating an account, your personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, such as name, email address etc. You're not allowed to create multiple accounts: only 1 account per person. You're not allowed to create an account for any other person, family member, address (mail or IP), email or device. Any other accounts besides your main Allreels account are considered duplicates. The Casino reserves the right to block multiple accounts without notice.
If we decide to delete a duplicate account: - all bonuses, free spins and winnings that you received by using this account will be canceled; - the Company has the right to confiscate deposits that were made with a duplicate account. Any of your accounts (both main and duplicate) can be used to withdraw deposits; - the Company has the right to allow a player to use multiple accounts. In this case, all winnings, bonuses, deposits and bets will remain valid."
It means that only one account is allowed per address (household or IP). Please understand that if an account has been closed due to a self-exclusion request of your boyfriend, opening another account from the same IP address few hours later was considered as opening a duplicate account, hence, breaching terms and conditions.
Could you please advise if your deposit has been refunded? Thank you in advance for your reply.
So that says that if my boyfriend had opened a double account, the profits would be void. But it did not read that I myself would not have been allowed to make an account there. Should I have read that 1 account allowed per IP address? However, this is not a double account, because I was playing myself. Why would my boyfriend have opened a new account if he has closed his own account himself. 🤔
I have not received my deposit back either.
Niin tuossa lukee että jos poikaystäväni olisi avannut tuplatilin, niin voitot mitätöitäisiin. Mutta ei siinä lukenut, että minä itse en olisi saanut tehdä tiliä sinne. Olisi pitänyt lukea, että 1 tili sallittu per IP-osoite? Kyseessä ei kuitenkaan ole tuplatili, sillä minä ihan itse pelasin. Miksi poikaystäväni olisi avannut uuden tilin, jos hän on itse sulkenut oman tilinsä. 🤔
En ole saanut talletustani myöskään takaisin.
Thank you very much Elina for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Thank you very much Elina for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hello Elina.
Thank you very much for sharing your negative experience with the Casino. We will now try to get in touch with them.
Hello Elina.
Thank you very much for sharing your negative experience with the Casino. We will now try to get in touch with them.
Dear Elina.
2020-07-28 10:43 the first account was created.
2020-07-28 12:10 the player sent a letter to close his account for a reason:
"I want close my account permanently. I have gambling problem and I play too much."
The player's account was closed 2020-07-28 12:22 as per the request and the letter.
Under rule 7.5 of the Allreels Casino:
7.5 If a player closes his casino account due to "problems with gambling" / "loss of self-control over the game" / "gambling addiction", in this case, the player is prohibited from playing on the sites of the casino partners, which are indicated in the license of this casino.
The player undertakes not to open a new account. The casino is not responsible for opening by you a new account and any losses that you may incur after opening a new account. We reserve the right at any time to close an account that was created on violation of these rules.
Later on 2020-07-28 13:31 a second login was registered to someone else's name but from the same IP address.
Which gave rise to a violation of paragraph 2.6:
2.6. When creating an account, your personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, such as name, email address etc. You're not allowed to create multiple accounts: only 1 account per person. You're not allowed to create an account for any other person, family member, address (mail or IP), email or device. Any other accounts besides your main Allreels account are considered duplicates. The Casino reserves the right to block multiple accounts without notice.
If we decide to delete a duplicate account:
- all bonuses, free spins and winnings that you received by using this account will be canceled;
- the Company has the right to confiscate deposits that were made with a duplicate account.
Since the second registration is considered to be duplicative and in violation of Rule 2.6, it was closed without being able to open.
Since a player has violated Rule 7.5 and Rule 2.6, both accounts are blocked without the right to open.
The player is not allowed to play on this casino site and partner sites.
Dear Elina.
2020-07-28 10:43 the first account was created.
2020-07-28 12:10 the player sent a letter to close his account for a reason:
"I want close my account permanently. I have gambling problem and I play too much."
The player's account was closed 2020-07-28 12:22 as per the request and the letter.
Under rule 7.5 of the Allreels Casino:
7.5 If a player closes his casino account due to "problems with gambling" / "loss of self-control over the game" / "gambling addiction", in this case, the player is prohibited from playing on the sites of the casino partners, which are indicated in the license of this casino.
The player undertakes not to open a new account. The casino is not responsible for opening by you a new account and any losses that you may incur after opening a new account. We reserve the right at any time to close an account that was created on violation of these rules.
Later on 2020-07-28 13:31 a second login was registered to someone else's name but from the same IP address.
Which gave rise to a violation of paragraph 2.6:
2.6. When creating an account, your personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, such as name, email address etc. You're not allowed to create multiple accounts: only 1 account per person. You're not allowed to create an account for any other person, family member, address (mail or IP), email or device. Any other accounts besides your main Allreels account are considered duplicates. The Casino reserves the right to block multiple accounts without notice.
If we decide to delete a duplicate account:
- all bonuses, free spins and winnings that you received by using this account will be canceled;
- the Company has the right to confiscate deposits that were made with a duplicate account.
Since the second registration is considered to be duplicative and in violation of Rule 2.6, it was closed without being able to open.
Since a player has violated Rule 7.5 and Rule 2.6, both accounts are blocked without the right to open.
The player is not allowed to play on this casino site and partner sites.
Noi are those same jaarings that I got in response from the Casino. There seems to be no point in this "help". 👎🏼My husband has a gambling problem and he closed his game account, as the casino said.
I have no problem, I created this new account myself and I won. So I also play myself (I don't have a gambling problem).
Why am I robbed of profits if my male friend has a gambling problem ????
"You can’t create an account for other people, family members, addresses (email or IP), email, or a device." No account has been created for the family member, but still a completely different person has created the account and won. So we live together, but we also have our own time, for example, when we play. If the casino has sent promotional email to both people, then can’t both play? Or should I read here the thoughts that my boyfriend was already playing there, Can I make an account. 🤦 It has probably made an account for 200 different Casinos, so can’t I make an account for anything when my male friend has probably already made an account everywhere? Yes, only from other casinos have both been able to withdraw money. None of the rules have still not been violated, the casino is arbitrary, but decided not to pay the profits, and need some help with my money when repatriating, because I have won them all by yourself, not my boyfriend.
Noi on noita samoja jaarituksia, mitä sain vastaukseksi Casinolta. Ei taida tästä "avusta" olla mitään hyötyä. 👎🏼Miesystävälläni on peliongelma ja hän sulki pelitilinsä, niin kuin casinokin sanoi.
Minulla ei ole ongelmaa, loin ihan itse tämän uuden tilin ja voitin. Pelaan siis myös itse (minulla ei ole peliongelmaa).
Minkä takia minulta ryövätään voitot, jos miesystävälläni on peliongelma????
"Et voi luoda tiliä muille henkilöille, perheenjäsenille, osoitteille (sähköposti tai IP), sähköpostille tai laitteelle. " Ei ole luotu perheenjäsenelle tiliä, vaan edelleenkin ihan eri ihminen on luonut tilin ja voittanut. Asumme siis yhdessä, mutta meillä on myös omaa aikaa, jolloin esim. Pelaamme. Jos casino on lähettänyt molemmille ihmiselle mainospostia, niin eikös silloin kumpikin voi pelata? Vai pitäisi tässä lukea ajatuksia, että onkohan poikaystäväni pelannut jo tuolla, voinko tehdä tiliä. 🤦 Se on tehnyt tilin varmaan 200 eri Casinolle, enkö siis minä voi tehdä tiliä mihinkään, kun miesystäväni on todennäköisesti tehnyt jo tilin jokapaikkaan? Kyllä vain muiltakin casinoilta on molemmat voineet kotiuttaa rahaa. Mitään sääntöjä ei edelleenkään ole rikottu, casino on mielivaltaisesti vaan päättänyt olla maksamatta voittoja ja tarvitsen apua rahojeni kotiutuksessa, koska olen ne ihan itse voittanut, ei poikaystäväni.
Hello Elina.
I am very sorry, but we believe that you are not entitled to receive your winnings. Since you have used same IP the casino cannot be sure that your boyfriend did not play for your account, therefore, we consider the casino behaviour as justified (it is also backed by the condition about multiple accounts on the same IP which is common in most of the casinos). Unfortunately, we are forced to reject your case since you have clearly breached the casino T&Cs. If you wish to play we recommend you to play in completely different casinos than your boyfriend.
However, if you do not agree with our decision, you can always file an official complaint at the licensing authority of the casino (Curacao). Please, contact me if you require assistance with it.
Best regards, Jozef
Hello Elina.
I am very sorry, but we believe that you are not entitled to receive your winnings. Since you have used same IP the casino cannot be sure that your boyfriend did not play for your account, therefore, we consider the casino behaviour as justified (it is also backed by the condition about multiple accounts on the same IP which is common in most of the casinos). Unfortunately, we are forced to reject your case since you have clearly breached the casino T&Cs. If you wish to play we recommend you to play in completely different casinos than your boyfriend.
However, if you do not agree with our decision, you can always file an official complaint at the licensing authority of the casino (Curacao). Please, contact me if you require assistance with it.
Best regards, Jozef
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