HomeComplaints1Bet Casino - Player’s deposit after self-exclusion request.

1Bet Casino - Player’s deposit after self-exclusion request.

Black points: 1632

Amount: €3,000

1Bet Casino
Safety Index:Very low
Submitted: 18 May 2024 | Unresolved : 13 Aug 2024
Unresolved Our verdict

Failed self-exclusion


Case summary

1 month ago

The player from Italy demanded a refund of deposits made after his request for immediate account closure due to gambling addiction. Despite his plea for closure, the casino only responded after several days, requesting unnecessary card details and thereby allowing for more deposits. The Complaints Team determined that the player should have been entitled to a refund for the deposits made on the 24th of May, as the account should have been closed by that date. However, the casino refused to initiate the refund, leading the Complaints Team to close the case as unresolved. The player was advised to contact the Curacao Gaming Authority for further assistance.

4 months ago

I immediately demand the refund of the deposits made following my requests via chat, via email, and via further specified email for IMMEDIATE CLOSURE OF THE ACCOUNT DUE TO GAMBLING ADDICTION. I pleaded for the closure because I'm unwell. They replied after days asking me for copies of cards never, and I mean never, used to deposit, thus making days of further money deposits go by. I want the money back that was DEPOSITED AFTER THE REQUEST because this is a scam damaging to the mental health and the psycho-physical and financial well-being of people.

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4 months ago

Hello elisabetcors,

Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with 1Bet Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.

Could you please advise if your account is already verified and if yes, since when exactly? Can you forward your initial self-exclusion request to nikolas.b@casino.guru? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?

Looking forward to your answer.



4 months ago

From May 13th I continued to request the closure of the account due to gambling addiction for several days. But I continued to deposit because obviously I'm sick. I deposited thousands of euros because of them, I had a win and I received the money. Then they wrote to me what I wanted to do and I really begged to close the account. And nothing, only today I continued to misdirect more than 2400 euros which is enough now I want it back and the account to be closed. I don't demand the money before winning because it's not correct and neither do the subsequent 1000 lost the next day. But when I responded again begging to shut down because I can't handle myself and they haven't shut me down now enough is enough. I want today's money.

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4 months ago

Subject: Request for Immediate Return of Deposits Made following my request, forwarded via chat and subsequently confirmed via email, for immediate closure of the account for reasons of gambling addiction.

On May 13th, I sent an explicit request for the immediate closure of the account, motivated by a condition of pathological gambling addiction. Despite my repeated appeals, your team responded only after several days, asking for copies of cards never used for deposits. This delay resulted in further deposits of money on my part, worsening my financial and psychological situation.

your failure to take timely action constitutes gross negligence and fraud to the detriment of my mental health, physical and financial well-being.

Starting May 13, I repeatedly requested that the account be closed. However, due to my condition, I continued to deposit large sums. After obtaining a win, I once again insistently requested the closure of the account, but to no avail. To date, I have further deposited over 2400 euros, an amount which I demand to be returned immediately.

To be fair, I do not request the return of the funds deposited before the win nor of the subsequent 1000 euros lost the following day. However, deposits made after my explicit request to close must be refunded in full.

I trust in your prompt response and prompt resolution of the matter.

Best regards,

Elizabeth C*****

obviously I have other emails (at least 10 of mine) no response from them until two days ago in which they ask me: so what do we do, I've signed up twice "please stop, I'm ruining myself"

Edited by a Casino Guru admin
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4 months ago

file this is the copy of the transcript of the chat in which I was reassured that I would receive my sacrosanct refund. I want to know when I will have my 2400 euros. Help me please

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4 months ago

**Subject: Formal Complaint for Violation of Self-Exclusion Requests and Request for Refund**

. I am writing to express my serious disappointment and concern regarding your handling of my repeated self-exclusion requests due to a severe gambling addiction.

 Description of the Problem

Despite numerous emails sent to request self-exclusion, your casino has failed to take the necessary measures to prevent further deposits and gambling activities on my part. This behavior has exacerbated my gambling addiction, causing significant financial and psychological harm.

 Violations Found

1. **Failure to Implement Self-Exclusion:** Despite repeated requests, you have not respected my right to self-exclusion, thereby violating the Code of Conduct for Responsible Gaming 2022 (CCRG 2022) and the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) between CEG and the Operator.

2. **Exploitation of Vulnerable Individuals:** Your negligence represents a clear violation of fundamental human rights, including the right to health and personal integrity, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

3. **Lack of Protective Mechanisms:** You have not implemented adequate measures to prevent compulsive gambling, as required by the CCRG 2022, thereby exposing me to further risks.

 Request for Compensation

In light of the violations described above, I formally request:

- Full reimbursement of all deposits made during the period when I should have been excluded from your services.

- Compensation for the psychological and financial damages suffered due to your negligence.

Attached to this letter are all the proofs of the communications sent and received related to the self-exclusion requests, as well as the details of the deposits made.

 Future Actions

I expect a positive response from you within 1 working day of receiving this complaint. If I do not receive a satisfactory response, I will file a formal complaint with the Curaçao regulatory authority and consider further legal action to protect my rights.

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4 months ago

Please can you help me?

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3 months ago

3 months ago

Hello elisabetcors,

Did you request for the self-exclusion from the e-mail you are registered with your account? Is your account already closed and if yes, since when exactly?

3 months ago

Yes, my account is verified and the email was sent from the registered one. My account was closed on May 25th, after days of asking for debit cards not in my name, to extend the opening. Also after verifying the account, they kept asking me what my intentions were. This is clearly clearly bad behavior. Every day I lost hundreds of euros. It is to be reported. If I ask you to close your account 100 times, after several emails sent asking for the wrong things for days, why do you then have to ask me? What if I'm suffering from gambling addiction like I told you? Are you asking me what my intentions are? Please help me.

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3 months ago

Thank you elisabetcors for all the information provided so far. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Michal (michal.v@casino.guru) who will be assisting you from now on.

Wish you best luck resolving it.



3 months ago

Hello elisabetcors,

My name is Michal and I will be assisting you with your case. I hope that together we will come to a successful resolution of your issue.

I would like to request the presence of a representative from the casino in this conversation.

Dear 1Bet Casino,

Could you possibly provide additional information regarding the issue and clarify the situation?

Thank you in advance.



3 months ago

Dear Michal,

All relevant actions as per our terms were taken once we have received Player's self-exclusion request, and te account was excluded within our designated timeframe.

Our relevant team has acted accordingly and has started the self-exclusion process once the player notified us about their problems, however it is important to note that technical timeframe is needed in order to finalise the exclusion, and that the player takes sole responsibility for any account activity during that time.


1Bet Casino Team

3 months ago

#1bet In the meantime I have also asked, begging them, to limit and block deposits, sending the medical certification. They slowed everything down by asking for non-existent certainties. I demand a refund of the last day's deposits, after many days later they wrote to me: what are your intentions? But how ?? It's incorrect. And terrible on people's lives. Only the last day's refund, even half. Human dignity must be preserved.

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3 months ago

Dear 1Bet Casino,

Could you tell me when exactly did you get a properly formatted self-exclusion request and also when exactly did you fulfill this request by self-excluding the player?

3 months ago

Hello Michal, 

As you are aware, self-exclusion is sensitive topic, and each request should undergo manual review, because of that we have special designated mail address where all self-exclusion requests should be addressed at - customercare@1bet.com, so we can ensure that all related queries are reviewed accordingly.

The properly formatted request at our designated email was received on the 15th of may, the mail was reviewed and the account was immediately closed on the 24th of May.

As previously stated, the request has been handled as per our T&C, and within the designated for such requests timeframe. 


1Bet Casino Team

3 months ago

Meanwhile it's not immediately. But after so many days for a u

gambling addict. All serious sites close their accounts within 24 hours, sometimes within a few minutes. You have been asking me for days (after I kept saying I never deposited or used those cards) for photos of cards I never had to CLOSE the account. They are criminal acts. Then after another 8 days, you asked me: so what are the intentions? And once again after a hundred emails I begged for closure because I was ruining myself. This is sleazy. I demand a refund of at least the last day. I hope that Michela realizes the horrendous procedure detrimental to my dignity and my rights. Because asking for days for cards that I didn't have (despite my exhaustive answers) and still confirming the closure after 9 days is absurd.

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3 months ago

Dear elisabetcors,

Would you be able to tell me when exactly did you make the disputed deposits? You can send me the screenshots of the deposits to michal.v@casino.guru.

I will be waiting for your email.

3 months ago
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3 months ago

Dear 1Bet Casino,

Let me stress that self-exclusion due to a gambling problem is considered by us a serious issue and a lot of times, players have no control over their actions. While I understand that all of these requests need a certain timeframe to happen since all of them have to be sorted out manually, in this case, 7 working days is considered to be too long.

We believe that the player should be entitled to get a refund for all of the deposits made from the 21st of May till the 25th of May, amounting to 2200€

3 months ago

Thank you very much, is there any chance I will get a refund? They told me many times that I would receive it via chat in customer support. I think it's really absurd and if they don't accept, would you help me or tell me how to directly file a complaint and ask for compensation from their license?

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3 months ago

Dear 1bet casino, please 🙏 I'm having a terrible time with this problem. That's why I've been begging you to close your account for days. Even on a human level, we need to truly respect the dignity of the players. I lost a lot of money and myself too and I'm getting back on my feet. They would help me get back on my feet. I have a daughter

Automatic translation:
3 months ago

Dear Michal, 

As you are well aware, the KYC check and verification is a standard process in order to complete self-exclusion, along with that, the user also had a pending withdrawal from the 21st of May, that was handled simultaneously (as it also requires KYC check). 

As soon as the documents were provided the account was closed, the withdrawal was paid out as well.


1Bet Casino Team

3 months ago

Thank you 1Bet Casino for the information.

When exactly did you ask the player to complete the KYC check and verification and when exactly did the player provide the requested documents?

2 months ago

Dear Michal,

Documents for the self-exclusion were initially requested on the 20th of May, note however that by that time, the user had a pending withdrawal requested on the 20th as well, and cancelled on the 21st of May. During the review, the player has cancelled their withdrawal and requested a new one couple of minutes later. 

After the documents for the self-exclusion and the respective new withdrawal were reviewed and verified, the account was closed. 


1Bet Casino Team

2 months ago

It's not absolutely true.

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2 months ago

You asked me from May 15th onwards for identity verification documents which I sent immediately while you told me that they were not sufficient as you wanted photos of ch cards that I never had. This is truly a crazy lie. FOLLY

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2 months ago

I am now attaching the email

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2 months ago

Dear 1Bet Casino,

Can you tell me when did you receive all of the requested documents from the player?

2 months ago

We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.

2 months ago

Dear Michal,

The all requested documents were provided on the 20th of May and the account was closed couple days later, after all related checks have been completed. 

Bear in mind that we have only acted according to our established T&C, that every player agrees with upon creating their account with us, and the account was closed within the designated timeframe. Furthermore as already mentioned the account activity while the self-exclusion is ongoing, remains entirely user's responsibility. 


1Bet Casino Team

2 months ago

Dear elisabetcors,

Just to confirm, could you tell me exactly how much you deposited on the 24th of May?

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1 month ago

2400 euros

they used my illness to profit from me.

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1 month ago

checking the timetables, the holder for the day is 2400 euros.

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1 month ago

Thank you, elisabetcors for the provided evidence.

Dear 1Bet Casino, we believe the player should be entitled to a refund of the deposits made on the 24th of May since we believe that on this date the account should already be closed and the whole self-exclusion process should have been finished.

Would you be willing to refund the player?

1 month ago

Dear Michal,

Considering the details communicated above, we would once again like to outline that we have acted according to our established T&C, and have acted accordingly publicly available information. 

After further discussion, our opinion on matter remains unchanged, and refund would not be initiated.

Best regards, 

1Bet Casino Team

1 month ago

Thank you, Michal. At this point, I kindly ask for your assistance in seeking justice by addressing my request directly to the company that licenses this site. It is unacceptable that so much time is being taken to address a serious issue like gambling addiction. Thank you.

1 month ago

Since the casino is not willing to change its stance, I am forced to close this complaint as unresolved. I’m afraid there is not much that can be achieved without cooperation from its side. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to change its mind, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you contact the Curacao Gaming Authority (complaints@gaminglicences.com) and submit a complaint to them. The Gaming Authority has more options and tools to help players. Please let me know if you need help with submitting the complaint or how they responded if you can do it on your own (michal.v@casino.guru). I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.

Best regards,

Michal V, Casino.Guru

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