The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his winnings due to an alleged self-exclusion in the same casino. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his winnings due to an alleged self-exclusion in the same casino. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his winnings due to an alleged self-exclusion in the same casino. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
Hello, I've been waiting for an answer from the casino operator for about 8 days. I got blocked on my first account and opened a new one and then won a whopping 262,955.69 euros at Cash or Crash which I can't pay out. The live support always points me to the email or I get no answer from either of them and would now like to have my money paid out, which I worked hard to achieve this profit. I have written to the license holder Couraco EGaming and am still waiting for an answer, but I am not in good spirits that something will be solved. My first account was blocked due to gambling addiction, which also contained a lot of money, around 40,000 euros. I ask for your help. I'm also considering going to a lawyer and suing because these aren't small sums of money.
Kind regards
Guten Tag, Ich warte seit circa 8 Tagen auf eine Antwort vom Casino Betreiber. Ich wurde auf meinem ersten Konto gesperrt und ein neues eröffnet und daraufhin stolze 262.955,69 Euro bei Cash or Crash gewonnen die ich nicht auszahlen kann. Der Live Support weist mich jedesmal auf die Email oder Bei beidem bekomme ich keine Antwort und möchte nun gerne mein Geld auszahlen lassen, was ich mir hart erarbeitet habe um diesen Gewinn zu erzielen. Dem Lizenzinhaber Couraco EGaming habe ich angeschrieben und warte immer noch auf eine Antwort, jedoch bin ich keinen guten Dinge das da was gelöst wird. Mein erster Account wurde wegen spielsucht gesperrt worauf sich auch sehr viel geld befindet ca. 40.000 Euro. Ich bitte um Ihre Mithilfe. Ich überlege auch zum Anwalt zu gehen und zu klagen, da es sich hier nicht um kleine sümmchen handelt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dear ilkkanprivat0,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Have you ever requested your account to be closed or suggested a gambling problem when communicating with this casino? Was your old account or the actual one successfully verified? Have you entered the same personal details when registering your new account as with the previous one?
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear ilkkanprivat0,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Have you ever requested your account to be closed or suggested a gambling problem when communicating with this casino? Was your old account or the actual one successfully verified? Have you entered the same personal details when registering your new account as with the previous one?
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hello, thank you for the feedback. I did not apply for an account closure on my first account. I deposited money on this site and won 40,000 euros as a result. After that I was banned for gambling addiction. Contacted support but received no reply. I then opened another account and paid in again, but I didn't know that you can only verify yourself once and wanted to bet this money once at Cash or Crash and won the amount listed above. My bet was 2,500 euros. I was very lucky and was then blocked 1 day later by the administrator of the site. I took the same data for both, but the email was different.
Thank you for giving me an open ear here, because I'm really desperate about what to do. Is it worth filing a lawsuit or something?
Kind regards
Hallo, vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung. Eine Kontoschließung habe ich nicht beantragt auf meinem ersten Konto. Ich habe auf dieser Seite geld eingezahlt und daraufhin 40.000 Euro gewonnen. Danach wurde ich gesperrt mit dem Grund Spielsucht. Support angeschrieben, jedoch keine Antwort erhalten. Daraufhin eröffnete ich ein weiteres Konto und zahlte erneut ein jedoch wusste ich nicht das man sich nur 1 mal verifizieren kann und wollte diese Geld 1 mal bei Cash or Crash setzen und gewann den oben aufgeführten Betrag. Mein Einsatz war 2,500 Euro. Ich hatte sehr viel glück und wurde daraufhin 1 Tag später vom Administrator der Seite gesperrt. Bei beidem habe ich die gleichen Daten genommen, jedoch die Email war anders.
Danke das mir hier ein offenes Ohr geschenkt wird, da ich wirklich am verzweifeln bin, was zu tun ist. Lohnt sich eine Klage oder ähnliches?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dear Casino Guru,
We want to make it clear right away about this customer.
2022-11-25 Client created his first account and made deposits of 48750€. At the same time we did not receive these funds, the client requested a chargeback of all his transactions instantly. For this reason, the client was added to the black list and the client's account was closed so that he could no longer register with his personal data.
2022-12-01 The client creates a second account with different data (because the automation did not allow him to register with his data because he is blacklisted).
After the deposits of 16000€ the client wins the sum of 262955.69€.
After that, the client immediately came to live chat and asked to correct the data entered during registration to his actual data. And after that, the employees of the Risk Department immediately identified that this account was a duplicate, and after checking the deposits on the second account, we also did not receive any funds. The client after the deposit instantly requested a chargeback of 16000€.
Thus, the customer is a scammer who makes deposits and immediately makes a chargeback.
In this case, the client's winnings are not considered legitimate and we want to warn the client that he is blacklisted and has no right to play on this casino site.
To summarize, the client canceled all his deposits, created a 100% duplicate account bypassing the blacklisting intentionally and repeatedly canceled all deposits on the second account. Client's deposits were not received, therefore client's winnings are not considered legitimate.
We are always for fair play and we want our clients to be fair as well, but in this case the client does not want to play fair and is a scammer.
We encourage our customers to play fair and we are always happy to pay out any winnings, any customer as soon as possible.
Best Regards,
Winlegends team.
Dear Casino Guru,
We want to make it clear right away about this customer.
2022-11-25 Client created his first account and made deposits of 48750€. At the same time we did not receive these funds, the client requested a chargeback of all his transactions instantly. For this reason, the client was added to the black list and the client's account was closed so that he could no longer register with his personal data.
2022-12-01 The client creates a second account with different data (because the automation did not allow him to register with his data because he is blacklisted).
After the deposits of 16000€ the client wins the sum of 262955.69€.
After that, the client immediately came to live chat and asked to correct the data entered during registration to his actual data. And after that, the employees of the Risk Department immediately identified that this account was a duplicate, and after checking the deposits on the second account, we also did not receive any funds. The client after the deposit instantly requested a chargeback of 16000€.
Thus, the customer is a scammer who makes deposits and immediately makes a chargeback.
In this case, the client's winnings are not considered legitimate and we want to warn the client that he is blacklisted and has no right to play on this casino site.
To summarize, the client canceled all his deposits, created a 100% duplicate account bypassing the blacklisting intentionally and repeatedly canceled all deposits on the second account. Client's deposits were not received, therefore client's winnings are not considered legitimate.
We are always for fair play and we want our clients to be fair as well, but in this case the client does not want to play fair and is a scammer.
We encourage our customers to play fair and we are always happy to pay out any winnings, any customer as soon as possible.
Best Regards,
Winlegends team.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Unfortunately, I discovered that my payments were not actually approved by my bank. I know why now that I spoke to my bank. My bank assumed that the large sums had not been deposited by me, so they blocked me and reversed the transactions. However, I don't understand why the money was then credited to my customer account?
However, the balance on your end is real money and I would very much like to suggest deducting the difference, which unfortunately my bank did not authorize. I am not a scammer as this was not done on purpose.
And I apologize for any inconvenience and ask for your goodwill.
Kind regards
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Wie ich leider festgestellt habe, wurden tatsächlich meine Zahlungen nicht von meiner Bank genehmigt. Den Grund kenne ich nun, da ich mit meiner Bank gesprochen habe. Meine Bank ging davon aus, dass die hohen Summen nicht von mir selber eingezahlt wurden, somit sperrten Sie mich und buchten die Transaktionen zurück. Jedoch verstehe ich nicht, wieso dass Geld dann bei meinem Kundenkonto gutgeschrieben worden ist?
Jedoch ist das Guthaben auf Ihrer Seite echtes Geld und ich würde sehr gerne vorschlagen die Differenz abzuziehen, die leider meine Bank nicht genehmigt hatte. Ein Betrüger bin ich nicht, da dies nicht mit Absicht passiert ist.
Und ich entschuldige mich für etwaige Unannehmlichkeiten und bitte um Kulanz ihrerseits.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thank you very much, Winlegends Casino team, for your assistance and clarification.
Dear ilkkanprivat0,
Could you please advise the exact days of both deposits?
Thank you very much, Winlegends Casino team, for your assistance and clarification.
Dear ilkkanprivat0,
Could you please advise the exact days of both deposits?
Dear ilkkanprivat0,
Could you please specify what personal data your entered when registering your first and second account? Which were the same ones and which ones did you change, please?
Dear ilkkanprivat0,
Could you please specify what personal data your entered when registering your first and second account? Which were the same ones and which ones did you change, please?
Actually everything is the same, only the name of the 2nd account I chose my second name. I would like to clarify here that there is 250K in the pot and I do not understand why the casino refuses to pay out. What's the matter wobble your balls at 250k? Are you really a ranz casino really your support always the same messages by email is not reported and I just win 250k and then my account is blocked directly everything is set to look for some dirty rules from your side to set everything that I never see the money again and you fill your pockets nicely and go on vacation to malta and pull fat noses from n**es .. bravo you top everything ..
Eigentlich alles das selbe nur beim Namen beim 2. Konto mein zweitnamen gewählt. Ich möchte hier mal klarstellen, dass im pot 250K sind und ich es nicht verstehe warum sich das Casino weigert auszuzahlen. Was ist den los wackeln eure Eier bei 250k?? Ist seid echt ein ranz casino wirklich euer Support immer die selben Nachrichten per Email wird sich nicht gemeldet und da gewinne ich eben mal 250k und dann wird direkt mein Account gesperrt alles dran gesetzt irgendwelche Drecks Regeln von eurer Seite rauszusuchen um alles dran zu setzten das ich das geld nie wieder sehe und ihr euch schön eure Taschen füllt und auf malta urlaub macht und fette Nasen von n**en zieht.. bravo ihr topt alles..
Sorry for being abusive but fine with this casino. Signing up here just to save reputation. How ridiculous. A real casino would want to sort this out privately via email looking for any solutions but you don't give a damn. PLEASE PEOPLE: Please invest your money in real casinos, I've clearly fallen into a trap here and can't do anything unless casinoguru helps me here, I'll make a big donation to Ukraine and to the CasinoGuru team. LG.
Tut mir leid fürs ausfallend werden, aber bei diesem Casino zurecht. Meldet sich hier nur um die Reputation zu retten.. Wie lächerlich. Ein richtiges casino würde dies privat klären wollen per Email irgendwelche Lösungen raussuchen aber ihr schert euch ein Dreck. BITTE LEUTE: Investiert euer Geld bitte in richtige casinos ich bin hier klar in eine Falle getappt und kann nichts machen ausser wenn casinoguru mir hier hilft gibt's eine fette Spende meinerseits an die Ukraine und fürs CasinoGuru Team. LG.
If I understand correctly you knowingly opened two accounts and changed your personal info when registering your second account. Is that correct?
We always try to help players who opened a duplicate account by mistake or if their family members play from the same household, but this doesn't seem to be the case here.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint as unjustified. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
If I understand correctly you knowingly opened two accounts and changed your personal info when registering your second account. Is that correct?
We always try to help players who opened a duplicate account by mistake or if their family members play from the same household, but this doesn't seem to be the case here.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint as unjustified. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
I can't hold you back from filing an official complaint with the Licensing Authority or from contacting your lawyer but I'm afraid their rulings won't be to your liking either.
I wish I could be of more help. I’m sorry we couldn’t help you to resolve this case, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with any other casino in the future. For the abovementioned reasons, I will now reject this complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
I can't hold you back from filing an official complaint with the Licensing Authority or from contacting your lawyer but I'm afraid their rulings won't be to your liking either.
I wish I could be of more help. I’m sorry we couldn’t help you to resolve this case, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with any other casino in the future. For the abovementioned reasons, I will now reject this complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
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An initiative we launched with the goal to create a global self-exclusion system, which will allow vulnerable players to block their access to all online gambling opportunities.
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