The player from Austria has requested a self-exclusion. Unfortunately, the inquiry was ignored. The case was rejected since the player did not provide sufficient documents for verification and refused to cooperate.
The player from Austria has requested a self-exclusion. Unfortunately, the inquiry was ignored. The case was rejected since the player did not provide sufficient documents for verification and refused to cooperate.
The player from Austria has requested a self-exclusion. Unfortunately, the inquiry was ignored. The case was rejected since the player did not provide sufficient documents for verification and refused to cooperate.
Good evening!
As I could see there are already tons of complaints about this casino on the internet! I hereby submit another one as the casino refuses to self-exclude me (due to my problem gambling)! I also complain about the bonus policy (8000 euros were simply deleted)!
Statement of facts:
Played at said casino and used a deposit bonus! Won over 13,000 euros! After meeting the wagering requirements, almost 8000 were deleted! Remaining credit: 5000! The unfair bonus conditions seem to allow that! If you use a bonus, you either cannot win anything or you have to expect that everything will be deleted! And for that you give a good reputation???
Self-exclusion: will be denied as long as you have an open withdrawal request or real money balance! Since the withdrawal limit per month is 1000 euros (not 3000/daily as stated by CasinoGuru!) I would have to keep the account for at least 5 months! The casino has been informed of my gambling problem and also knows that I am already banned from over a hundred other casinos! They don't care! This corrupt bunch (sorry for the term, but someone who abuses gambling addicts deserves that term) will do anything to make me gamble away my bankroll! But I won't!
Thanks in advance to Casinoguru for the renewed help! Unfortunately, the withdrawal from some casinos is more difficult than expected! Can you please also indicate the complaints office for the responsible supervisory authority of this casino! In this case, it will be necessary, especially in the interest of player protection, to inform them about what is happening in this casino!
@snatchcasino should no agreement be reached even after Casinoguru intervened, I will definitely take legal action against you! I will sue for the payment and in the course of this also the closure if this should be necessary! I will hold you accountable for any consequential damage caused by forcing you to play! And I will hold you accountable for illegal gambling! We both know you don't have a license for my country! This threat is not an empty promise! For people like you, people like me own legal protection insurance!
Kind regards
Guten Abend!
Wie ich sehen konnte, gibt es bereits unzählige Beschwerden über dieses Casino im Internet! Ich reiche hiermit eine weitere ein, da mir das Casino den Selbstausschluss (aufgrund meines problematischen Spielverhaltens) verweigert! Des Weiteren beanstande ich die Bonuspolitik (8000 Euro wurden einfach gelöscht)!
Im besagten Casino gespielt und einen Einzahlungsbonus genutzt! Über 13.000 Euro gewonnen! Nach Erfüllung der Umsatzbedingungen wurden knapp 8000 gelöscht! Restguthaben: 5000! Die unfairen Bonusbedingungen scheinen das zu erlauben! Wenn man einen Bonus nutzt, darf man entweder nichts gewinnen oder man muss damit rechnen das alles gelöscht wird! Und dafür vergibt man dann eine gute Reputation???
Selbstausschluss: wird verweigert solange man eine offene Auszahlungsanfrage bzw. Echtgeldguthaben hat! Da das Auszahlungslimit im Monat 1000 Euro beträgt (nicht wie von CasinoGuru angegeben 3000/täglich!) müsste ich mindestens 5 Monate lange das Konto behalten! Das Casino wurde über mein Spielproblem informiert, und weiß auch dass ich in über hundert anderen Casinos bereits ausgeschlossen bin! Ist ihnen egal! Dieses korrupte Pack (sorry der Ausdruck, aber jemand der Spielsüchtige missbraucht verdient diesen Ausdruck) setzt alles daran, dass ich mein Guthaben verspiele! Werde ich aber nicht!
Danke schon mal an Casinoguru für die erneute Hilfe! Der Rückzug aus einigen Casinos gestaltet sich leider schwieriger als erhofft! Könnt ihr hier bitte auch die Beschwerdestelle für die zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde dieses Casinos bekannt geben! Es wird in diesem Falle, insbesondere im Interesse dies Spielerschutzes nötig sein, diese über die Vorgänge in diesem Casino zu informieren!
@snatchcasino sollte auch nach Intervention von Casinoguru hier keine Einigung erzielt werden, werde ich definitiv rechtliche Schritte gegen euch einleiten! Ich werde die Auszahlung und im Zuge dessen auch die Schließung einklagen, wenn dies notwendig sein sollte ! Ich werde euch für Folgeschäden aufgrund der Nötigung zum Spielen zur Rechenschaft ziehen! Und ich werde euch aufgrund illegalen Glücksspiels zur Rechenschaft ziehen! Wir wissen beide, dass ihr keine Lizenz für mein Land besitzt! Diese Androhung ist kein leeres Versprechen! Für Leute wie euch, besitzen Leute wie ich, eine Rechtsschutzversicherung!
Dear Ares1981,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Before we’ll contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, could you please forward emails or screenshots showing that you have sent a request for the self-exclusion? My email address is Did you specify in that request for how long you wish your account to be suspended and the reason why?
I have checked the Responsible Gambling section on the website, and this is what I found (here):
"Before playing at SnatchCasino, it is critical to understand that gambling should never be viewed as a source of income or a way to pay off debts. SnatchCasino believes that gambling should be enjoyable, free of harm, and solely for entertainment purposes. We strongly advise you to keep track of the amount of time you spend playing casino games and the amount of money you can afford to spend on them.
Although the above suggestions may seem obvious to some of you, a certain percentage of players still lose control of such things while playing. If you believe you are one of those players and gambling is having a negative impact on your life or the lives of your family and friends, we recommend the following:
You can always contact our support department at and request that your SnatchCasino account be terminated for a set period of time. Following that, we will take the necessary steps to completely block you from our site as well as any promotional e-mails you may be receiving from our casino. If you want to set up a personal cooling-off period, please contact our customer support team.
You can also seek assistance from professionals who deal with gambling issues: Gamblers Anonymous, GamCare, and Gambling Therapy are all organisations that help people who are addicted to gambling. Complaints Resolution Procedure
Complaints Resolution Procedure
You may contact our customer Support Service Team by email:"
Moreover, I also checked the Bonus T&Cs, and I found this:
"1.1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x5 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account)."
Could you please advise which bonus you activated? If it was a deposit bonus, please do not forget to specify how much money you deposited in order to activate the bonus.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Ares1981,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Before we’ll contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, could you please forward emails or screenshots showing that you have sent a request for the self-exclusion? My email address is Did you specify in that request for how long you wish your account to be suspended and the reason why?
I have checked the Responsible Gambling section on the website, and this is what I found (here):
"Before playing at SnatchCasino, it is critical to understand that gambling should never be viewed as a source of income or a way to pay off debts. SnatchCasino believes that gambling should be enjoyable, free of harm, and solely for entertainment purposes. We strongly advise you to keep track of the amount of time you spend playing casino games and the amount of money you can afford to spend on them.
Although the above suggestions may seem obvious to some of you, a certain percentage of players still lose control of such things while playing. If you believe you are one of those players and gambling is having a negative impact on your life or the lives of your family and friends, we recommend the following:
You can always contact our support department at and request that your SnatchCasino account be terminated for a set period of time. Following that, we will take the necessary steps to completely block you from our site as well as any promotional e-mails you may be receiving from our casino. If you want to set up a personal cooling-off period, please contact our customer support team.
You can also seek assistance from professionals who deal with gambling issues: Gamblers Anonymous, GamCare, and Gambling Therapy are all organisations that help people who are addicted to gambling. Complaints Resolution Procedure
Complaints Resolution Procedure
You may contact our customer Support Service Team by email:"
Moreover, I also checked the Bonus T&Cs, and I found this:
"1.1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x5 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account)."
Could you please advise which bonus you activated? If it was a deposit bonus, please do not forget to specify how much money you deposited in order to activate the bonus.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hello Kristina!
The casino was asked several times to close my account via self-exclusion! Reasons were clearly communicated! Still got denied! Screenshots have been sent to you!
To the bonus! I used the third deposit bonus! Since this is tied to a deposit, the following statement does not apply:
1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the bonus shop: x5 the bonus amount or the amount of money you received from free spins (depending on the status of the account)."
Here it clearly says no deposit! The casino cheated me out of over 12,000 euros! Should I send screenshots of the deposits?
Hallo Kristina!
Das Casino wurde mehrmals aufgefordert mein Konto per Selbstausschluss zu schließen! Gründe wurden klar kommuniziert! Wurde trotzdem immer verweigert! Screenshots wurden an dich übermittelt!
Zum Bonus! Ich habe den dritten Einzahlungsbonus genutzt! Da dieser an eine Einzahlung gebunden ist trifft die die nachfolgende Aussage nicht zu:
1. Maximal möglicher Auszahlungsbetrag von im Bonusshop erhaltenen Bonussen ohne Einzahlung: x5 des Bonusbetrags oder des Geldbetrags, den Sie aus Freispielen erhalten haben (abhängig vom Status des Kontos)."
Hier steht klar und deutlich ohne Einzahlung! Das Casino hat mich somit um über 12.000 Euro betrogen! Soll ich Screenshots über die Einzahlungen senden?
Thank you for your reply, Ares1981. Please note that the previous term was stated in the general bonus T&Cs. However, I now checked the specific bonus T&Cs that are applied to the third deposit bonus:
"12. All winnings received while wagering Bonus are limited to a maximum cashout amount of 5 times bonus granted. Any exceeded balance will be voided prior to money withdrawal."
Could you please advise how much money is currently in your account? Do you have any pending withdrawals at the moment? When was the first time you informed the casino about your gambling issues?
Thank you for your reply, Ares1981. Please note that the previous term was stated in the general bonus T&Cs. However, I now checked the specific bonus T&Cs that are applied to the third deposit bonus:
"12. All winnings received while wagering Bonus are limited to a maximum cashout amount of 5 times bonus granted. Any exceeded balance will be voided prior to money withdrawal."
Could you please advise how much money is currently in your account? Do you have any pending withdrawals at the moment? When was the first time you informed the casino about your gambling issues?
With the self-exclusion, the casino was informed for the first time about the problematic gaming behavior! Account is still not closed! 500 euros open payment unprocessed for over a week! The remaining 12000 euros have been cleared by the casino!
Why was the balance reduced to 5000 after the bonus conditions were implemented!? What if it's worthless except for 500 euros! What are the bonus conditions? You can deposit, but if you win, can't you "really" cash out? Why is my prize advertised as prize of the month on the homepage? That implies that the win should be a real win! Anything else would be a misrepresentation of facts! Players are deliberately being fooled here!
Mit dem Selbstausschluss wurde das Casino das erste Mal informiert über das problematische Spielverhalten! Konto ist noch immer nicht geschlossen! 500 Euro offene Auszahlung seit über einer Woche unbearbeitet! Die restlichen 12000 Euro wurden vom Casino gelöscht!
Wieso wurde nach Umsetzung der Bonusbedingungen das Guthaben auf 5000 reduziert!? Wenn es doch, bis auf 500 Euro, wertlos ist! Was sind das für Bonusbedingungen? Man kann einzahlen, aber wenn man gewinnt nicht „wirklich" auszahlen? Wieso wird mein Gewinn auf der Homepage als Gewinn des Monats angepriesen? Das impliziert doch, dass der Gewinn ein wirklicher Gewinn sein müsste! Alles andere wäre eine Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen! Hier werden Spieler doch bewusst verarscht!
Self-exclusion still not implemented! The deleted credit is still gone! And the payout has been since 10
days simply ignored! Here is a photo of it! So that everyone who wants to play here can tell themselves about the conditions in this
Casino can take a picture
Selbstausschluss noch immer nicht umgesetzt! Das gelöschte Guthaben nach wie vor weg! Und die Auszahlung wird seit 10
Tagen einfach ignoriert! Anbei ein Foto davon! Damit alle die hier spielen wollen, sich selbst von den Zuständen in diedem
Casino ein Bild machen können
You played with a bonus that has a maximum cashout limit, so the casino had the full right to limit your winnings based on the term I quoted in my last message. If you are against this idea, the only thing I can recommend is to never play with such bonuses, and you either play with real money deposits only or bonuses with no withdrawal limits.
Could you please advise how much money you deposited in order to activate this bonus?
You played with a bonus that has a maximum cashout limit, so the casino had the full right to limit your winnings based on the term I quoted in my last message. If you are against this idea, the only thing I can recommend is to never play with such bonuses, and you either play with real money deposits only or bonuses with no withdrawal limits.
Could you please advise how much money you deposited in order to activate this bonus?
And what about the self-exclusion! I've been waiting for this for almost four weeks! Requested several times! The payout of the 500 euros, which I am entitled to according to the bonus conditions, has been refused for over four weeks! How can it be that a casino with such unfair bonus conditions, a lack of player protection and problems with withdrawals gets a positive reputation from Casinoguru? Why is the question regarding contact details for the supervisory authority always ignored by you?
Und was ist mit dem Selbstausschluss! Ich warte seit knapp vier Wochen darauf! Mehrmals angefordert! Auch die Auszahlung der 500 Euro, die mir selbst laut Bonusbedingungen zusteht wird seit über vier Wochen verweigert! Wie kann es sein, dass ein Casino mit derlei unfairen Bonusbedingungen, mangelnd Spielerschutz und Problemen bei der Auszahlung, von Casinoguru eine positive Reputation erhält? Wieso wird die Frage bzgl Kontaktdaten zur Aufsichtsbehörde immer von ihnen ignoriert?
Please understand that you contacted us because you have been experiencing two completely different issues with this casino - self-exclusion and limited winnings. I am sure you are well aware that we cannot help with both problems by focusing on only one of these issues.
I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Please understand that you contacted us because you have been experiencing two completely different issues with this casino - self-exclusion and limited winnings. I am sure you are well aware that we cannot help with both problems by focusing on only one of these issues.
I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Hi! Yes, I am aware that there are several issues that I have reported here! The casino does not seem to take the legal framework seriously and accepts violations of any kind! The 500 euros have not been paid out to date, nor has the self-exclusion been implemented! And there are countless complaints about this casino! You should finally lower your reputation so that other players are warned of these criminal activities
Hallo! Ja mir ist bewusst, dass es mehrere Probleme sind die ich hier gemeldet habe! Das Casino scheint es mit rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen nicht ernst zu nehmen und nimmt Verstöße jeglicher Art in Kauf! Weder wurden die 500 Euro bis dato ausbezahlt noch wurde der Selbstausschluss umgesetzt! Und es gibt ja unzählige Beschwerden über dieses Casino! Man sollte endlich die Reputation herabsetzten, damit andere Spieler von diesen Kriminellen Machenschaften gewarnt werden
Hi Ares1981,
I absolutely appreciate that you shared your experiences with the Casino Guru team. We will now try to get in touch with the casino.
Hi Ares1981,
I absolutely appreciate that you shared your experiences with the Casino Guru team. We will now try to get in touch with the casino.
The casino should publicly state why it refuses to self-exclude and why I've been waiting for my 500 euros to be paid out for almost two months! The remaining balance was deleted because of the unfair bonus conditions! Surely many users are interested in how this casino takes customers for fools! But if you look at the complaints from this casino, you quickly realize that everything has a system!! Due to the many complaints that have not been resolved for weeks and months, one should finally think about reputation!
Das Casino möge doch hier öffentlich Stellung nehmen, wieso es den Selbstausschluss verweigert und wieso ich seit fast zwei Monaten auf die Auszahlung meiner 500 Euro warte! Das restliche Guthaben wurde ja wegen der unfairen Bonusbedingungen gelöscht! Es interessiert sicher viele User wie dieses Casino hier Kunden für blöd verkauft!Aber wenn man sich die Beschwerden von diesem Casino ansieht, erkennt man sehr schnell, dass das alles System hat!! Aufgrund der vielen Beschwerden, die ja seit Wochen und Monaten ungelöst sind, sollte man endlich die Reputation denken!
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Dear Ares1981,
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success. I’m afraid, there is not much that can be achieved without cooperation from its side. I will mark the complaint as "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you contact their licensing authority and submit a complaint to them. Please let me know if you need help with submitting the complaint or how they responded if you can do it on your own ( I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Best regards, Jozef
Dear Ares1981,
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success. I’m afraid, there is not much that can be achieved without cooperation from its side. I will mark the complaint as "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you contact their licensing authority and submit a complaint to them. Please let me know if you need help with submitting the complaint or how they responded if you can do it on your own ( I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Best regards, Jozef
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. We would like to give this case one more chance to get resolved and help both involved parties to reach to a satisfactory conclusion.
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. We would like to give this case one more chance to get resolved and help both involved parties to reach to a satisfactory conclusion.
Maybe the casino can then comment on why my payout of 500 euros has been refused for almost three months! Other users of this platform will also be interested in how fair and honest things are in this casino! That my jackpot of over 10,000 euros was deleted due to unfair bonus conditions is one thing, but simply not paying out the remaining amount is corrupt!!
Vielleicht kann das Casino dann hier gleich mal Stellung dazu nehmen, wieso meine Auszahlung von 500 Euro seit fast drei Monaten verweigert wird! Das interessiert bestimmt auch andere Nutzer dieser Plattform wie es um Fairness und Rechtschaffenheit in diesem Casino bestellt ist! Das mein Jackpot von über 10.000 Euro wegen unfairer Bonusbedingungen gelöscht wurde ist eine Sache, aber den restlichen Betrag einfach nicht auszubezahlen ist korrupt!!
Dear Guru and Player,
could you please summarize in one message the essence of the claim to the casino?
As far as we can see, the player initially misinformed the Guru administration, and is trying to gain their trust by fraudulent actions.
There were no withdrawals of 3,000 euros, much less 13,000 euros.
The player was cut off the winning balance of 3,000 euros, according to the rules of the casino, and left 500 euros available for withdrawal.
All relevant notifications were sent to the player about this, we can prove it.
Further, the player requested to close the account, but this could not be done because his withdrawal request had not yet been processed. It is impossible to withdraw money to a person whose account is closed. The player was also informed about this several times, there is evidence.
Next, we went to meet the player and closed his account temporarily, for the duration of the verification process, so that he would not fall under the influence of his addiction. All that was left for the player to do was to calmly go through the verification process and get their conclusion, and the issue would be resolved. What he was told many times. His status is the same at the moment.
But however, the player decided to go to the Guru, create a false compliance for no reason, to waste other people's time and effort to trick him into trying to get money that does not belong to him.
Dear Guru and Player,
could you please summarize in one message the essence of the claim to the casino?
As far as we can see, the player initially misinformed the Guru administration, and is trying to gain their trust by fraudulent actions.
There were no withdrawals of 3,000 euros, much less 13,000 euros.
The player was cut off the winning balance of 3,000 euros, according to the rules of the casino, and left 500 euros available for withdrawal.
All relevant notifications were sent to the player about this, we can prove it.
Further, the player requested to close the account, but this could not be done because his withdrawal request had not yet been processed. It is impossible to withdraw money to a person whose account is closed. The player was also informed about this several times, there is evidence.
Next, we went to meet the player and closed his account temporarily, for the duration of the verification process, so that he would not fall under the influence of his addiction. All that was left for the player to do was to calmly go through the verification process and get their conclusion, and the issue would be resolved. What he was told many times. His status is the same at the moment.
But however, the player decided to go to the Guru, create a false compliance for no reason, to waste other people's time and effort to trick him into trying to get money that does not belong to him.
And yes, addressing our response to the player in response to his threats - you can sue in any court you like, we will only be happy about this, because in this case your actions will be declared illegal.
We act according to our license and comply with all the rules established by it.
And yes, addressing our response to the player in response to his threats - you can sue in any court you like, we will only be happy about this, because in this case your actions will be declared illegal.
We act according to our license and comply with all the rules established by it.
If anyone is engaging in fraudulent activity here, it must be the casino! You should be very careful with your accusations! The only ones guilty of a criminal offense here are you!! With regard to your license, I would like to point out that it is not valid for Austria! You know that, I know that and Casinoguru knows that too!! The question why they still haven't paid out the 500 euros (which I'm entitled to) was not answered again! Why is it? Three-month verification process? The account can only
Wenn hier jemand betrügerische Handlungen ausübt, dann wohl das Casino! Sie sollten sehr vorsichtig sein mit ihren Anschuldigungen! Die einzigen die sich hier einer strafbaren Handlung schuldig gemacht haben sind sie!! Bzgl ihrer Lizenz merke ich hier ich an, dass diese für Österreich nicht gültig ist! Das wissen Sie, das weiß ich und Casinoguru weiß es auch!! Die Frage wieso sie die 500 Euro (die mir ja zustehen) noch immer nicht ausgezahlt haben, wurde wieder nicht beantwortet! Woran liegt s? Dreimonatiger Verifizierungsprozess? Das Konto kann erst
Dear Snatch Casino team,
thank you very much for your cooperation. May I kindly ask you to provide us with evidence and documents supporting your claims?
Is it true that player informed you about the gambling issue and the account remained opened? When player informs the casino about the gambling problem the account should be closed as soon as possible (no matter if there is any balance or pending withdrawals), and after account is closed (player is not able to log), there are still ways how to pay the rest and never ever allow player to return.
Could you aslo explain why the verification and withdrawal took so long?
Dear Snatch Casino team,
thank you very much for your cooperation. May I kindly ask you to provide us with evidence and documents supporting your claims?
Is it true that player informed you about the gambling issue and the account remained opened? When player informs the casino about the gambling problem the account should be closed as soon as possible (no matter if there is any balance or pending withdrawals), and after account is closed (player is not able to log), there are still ways how to pay the rest and never ever allow player to return.
Could you aslo explain why the verification and withdrawal took so long?
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
The casino has been dragging this case out for three months! Absolutely unapologetic and not at all broad to solve the case! When you look at the reasoning and rhetoric of the casino, you can only shake your head! And given the many complaints (here and on other platforms) it should be clear to everyone what is being played here! Casino needs reputation downgrade to warn players!
Seit drei Monaten wird dieser Fall vom Casino schon in die Länge gezogen! Absolut uneinsichtig und überhaupt nicht breit den Fall zu lösen! Wenn man sich die Argumentation und Rethorik des Casinos ansieht, kann man nur den Kopf schütteln! Und wenn man die vielen Beschwerden (hier und auf anderen Plattformen) beachtet, dann sollte jedem klar sein was hier gespielt wird! Das Casino muss in der Reputation abgestuft werden um Spieler zu warnen!
Hello friends, Jozef, we have sent all the requested information.
Hello friends, Jozef, we have sent all the requested information.
Hello friends,
So, we and Guru team analyzed this case in detail, and this is what happened:
The player made a deposit with a bonus, playing with bonus money, he received a win. Then, the system cut it automatically to the maximum possible bonus release. We did not set this value, it is automatic so as not to fill the system with unnecessary balances.
After that, the player placed funds for cashout, and the support service canceled the cashout and cut his balance to the maximum allowable cashout when playing with a bonus, in accordance with the rules of our casino.
Further, the player requested to close the account due to GA, but was warned that they could not close the account with an active withdrawal request.
When he sent the documents on December 15, the KYC service froze the account until a full check. Up to this point, the player has not made a single bet and not a single deposit. The entire history of the games was given to the Guru team.
Accordingly, now the player's account is frozen, he cannot play. In order to withdraw funds, he needs to send the necessary documents and pass verification. After that, existing active withdrawal requests in the amount of 500 euros will be processed, and the player's account will be permanently blocked by the decision of the administration.
Hello friends,
So, we and Guru team analyzed this case in detail, and this is what happened:
The player made a deposit with a bonus, playing with bonus money, he received a win. Then, the system cut it automatically to the maximum possible bonus release. We did not set this value, it is automatic so as not to fill the system with unnecessary balances.
After that, the player placed funds for cashout, and the support service canceled the cashout and cut his balance to the maximum allowable cashout when playing with a bonus, in accordance with the rules of our casino.
Further, the player requested to close the account due to GA, but was warned that they could not close the account with an active withdrawal request.
When he sent the documents on December 15, the KYC service froze the account until a full check. Up to this point, the player has not made a single bet and not a single deposit. The entire history of the games was given to the Guru team.
Accordingly, now the player's account is frozen, he cannot play. In order to withdraw funds, he needs to send the necessary documents and pass verification. After that, existing active withdrawal requests in the amount of 500 euros will be processed, and the player's account will be permanently blocked by the decision of the administration.
Dear Ares1981,
could you finish the registration in order to withdraw your winnings and close your account for good?
Dear Ares1981,
could you finish the registration in order to withdraw your winnings and close your account for good?
Hello Jozef!
Registration has been closed for months! The withdrawal (of the reduced amount) has not been processed by the casino for almost three months! The payment is refused without reason to date! All documents have been fully uploaded! The account has long been verified! Again, the information provided by the casino is incorrect!
Hallo Jozef!
Die Registrierung ist seit Monaten abgeschlossen! Die Auszahlung (des reduzierten Betrags) wird seit nahezu drei Monaten vom Casino nicht bearbeitet! Die Auszahlung wird ohne Grund bis dato verweigert! Alle Unterlagen wurden vollständig hochgeladen! Das Konto ist schon lange verifiziert! Auch hier sind die Angaben des Casinos wieder nicht korrekt!
Hello friends, the account is not verified, client did not provide the entire list of required documents.
I'm attaching a screenshot.
Hello friends, the account is not verified, client did not provide the entire list of required documents.
I'm attaching a screenshot.
The account fully verified again! Bank details were sent by email as requested! Please let me know what data is required and I will be happy to send it to you by email! Snatch Casino: what is this corrupt dishonest behavior about? Is everything documented by screenshots!
Das Konto wieder vollständig verifiziert! Bankdaten wurden wie gewünscht per Email übermittelt! Bitte einfach Bescheid geben welche Daten benötigt werden, und ich werde diese per Email gerne übermitteln! Snatch Casino: was soll dieses korrupte unehrliche Verhalten? Ist sich alles mittels Screenshots belegt!
Hello Ares1981,
Our KYC department did not receive a letter from you with documents. We sent you a letter with a list of required documents again to your email address. Please send the required documents to
Hello Ares1981,
Our KYC department did not receive a letter from you with documents. We sent you a letter with a list of required documents again to your email address. Please send the required documents to
I can prove with a screenshot that I sent the documents! I didn't get the email you mentioned that you allegedly sent me either! I don't know if you're spreading one lie after another here or just being completely incompetent
Ich kann mittels Screenshot belegen, dass ich die Unterlagen gesendet habe! Die von ihnen erwähnte Email, welche Sie mir angeblich geschickt haben, habe ich auch nicht bekommen! Ich weiß nicht ob sie hier eine Lüge nach der anderen verbreiten oder einfach ne nur komplett unfähig sind
Dear Ares1981,
We sent a letter with information to your mail on February 8, as proof we are attaching a screenshot with the time of sending and the text of the letter. Please check your mail, the letter may have been sent to spam or other folders.
Dear Ares1981,
We sent a letter with information to your mail on February 8, as proof we are attaching a screenshot with the time of sending and the text of the letter. Please check your mail, the letter may have been sent to spam or other folders.
Dear Snatch Casino team,
have you received any documents from the player? Could you explain what is missing so we can move with this case and resolve it?
Dear Snatch Casino team,
have you received any documents from the player? Could you explain what is missing so we can move with this case and resolve it?
The casino got all the documents! All of this can be documented by me with screenshots! Some of my screenshots have already been uploaded!
The casino not only makes a fool of itself with the unnecessary delaying tactics, but also publicly displays their values: dishonest, corrupt and anti-customer
In the meantime I have also filed a complaint in Curacao! If the supervisory authority continues to remain inactive, legal action will also be taken
Das Casino hat alle Dokumente bekommen! Das kann von mir alles mit Screenshots belegt werden! Teilweise wurden Screenshots von mir ja schon hochgeladen!
Das Casino macht sich hier mit der unnötigen Hinhaltetaktik nicht nur lächerlich, sondern stellt auch öffentlich deren Werte zu schau: unehrlich, korrupt und kundenfeindlich
Mittlerweile wurde von mir auch eine Beschwerde in Curacao eingebracht! Sollte die Aufsichtsbehörde weiterhin untätig bleiben, werde ich auch rechtliche Schritte gesetzt
Dear Ares1981,
Please provide us with the necessary documents and your bank account information.
You will require the following items:
- A screenshot of your personal profile in the Internet bank AT************** (account from which you made deposits), which includes the following information:
Please send the document list to You should include your casino login in the subject line of your email.
Dear Ares1981,
Please provide us with the necessary documents and your bank account information.
You will require the following items:
- A screenshot of your personal profile in the Internet bank AT************** (account from which you made deposits), which includes the following information:
Please send the document list to You should include your casino login in the subject line of your email.
The data was already transmitted on November 14th and February 10th! Screenshots are available that confirm this! It's no use sending the documents a hundred times if the casino keeps asking for them! I am happy to resend the screenshots to Casino Guru to expose another lie from Snatch Casino!
Die Daten wurden bereits am 14.11 und 10.02 übermittelt! Screenshots liegen vor die dies bestätigten! Es bringt nichts wenn ich die Unterlagen hundertmal sende, wenn das Casino die ununterbrochen neu anfordert! Gerne sende ich die Screenshots erneut an Casino Guru damit erneut eine Lüge von Snatch Casino aufgedeckt wird!
another screenshot that proves that this casino doesn't take the truth too seriously! I am happy to send the full email back to Casino Guru, in which all the data is visible (BIC, IBAN, address, etc.).
ein weiterer Screenshot der belegt dass dieses Casino es mit der Wahrheit nicht all zu genau nimmt! Die vollständige Email in der alle Daten ersichtlicher sind (BIC, IBAN, Adresse etc.) kann ich Casino Guru gerne wieder zukommen lassen
Dear Ares1981,
please, could you send all requested documents to the casino email and put mine into cc?
Dear Ares1981,
please, could you send all requested documents to the casino email and put mine into cc?
Dear Snatch Casino team,
I can confirm receiving the email, may I kindly ask you to react?
Dear Snatch Casino team,
I can confirm receiving the email, may I kindly ask you to react?
Dear Guru and Client,
We need screenshots from the client app, not the bank statements you sent us.
Dear Guru and Client,
We need screenshots from the client app, not the bank statements you sent us.
All documents have been available for months! These have been sent multiple times! The same documents are requested again and again! client app? Whatever that is... I don't have this app and I don't need these documents for the withdrawal! What's next? Should I upload my vaccination card? Can the casino explain here why such a circus has been going on here for almost four months?
Es liegen alle Unterlagen seit Monaten vor! Diese wurden mehrmals gesendet! Es werden immer wieder die gleichen Unterlagen angefordert! Client-App? Was auch immer das sein soll… Ich habe diese App nicht und diese Unterlagen sind für die Auszahlung auch nicht erforderlich! Was kommt als Nächstes? Soll ich meinen Impfpass hochladen? Kann das Casino hier erklären, wieso hier seit fast vier Monaten ein derartiger Zirkus veranstaltet wird?
Dear Ares1981,
you need to login into the payment method you are sending documents from and do a screenshots from transaction history. If you need any advice of how you can do it, you can reach me at my email address Please, be aware that if you fail to comply I will be forced to reject this complaint. Verification process is mandatory, the casino request is not unnusual and it is quite common.
Dear Ares1981,
you need to login into the payment method you are sending documents from and do a screenshots from transaction history. If you need any advice of how you can do it, you can reach me at my email address Please, be aware that if you fail to comply I will be forced to reject this complaint. Verification process is mandatory, the casino request is not unnusual and it is quite common.
I can't even log in! My account is self-excluded! The casinos request is not unusual? And do you think this theater that has been going on for four months is normal? The casino has been convicted of lying here several times! Everything was documented with screenshots! Why have no consequences been taken for this yet?
And about the verification process: the account has been verified multiple times! The documents were requested again countless times! Then it was claimed several times that the casino had not received any documents for it! Here, too, the opposite was always proven by means of a screenshot! The casino is among those with the most complaints! How long do you want to watch? Why don't you finally downgrade the reputation?
It can't be that Casino Guru constantly covers up these corrupt casinos and threatens players with consequences!
Ich kann mich ja gar nicht anmelden! Mein Konto ist per Selbstausschluss geschlossen! Die Casinos Anfrage ist nicht unüblich? Und dieses seit vier Monaten veranstaltete Theater haltet ihr auch für normal? Das Casino wurde hier mehrmals der Lüge überführt! Wurde alles mit Screenshots belegt! Wieso sind hierfür noch keine Konsequenzen getroffen worden??
Und zum Verifizierungsprozess: das Konto wurde mehrmals verifiziert! Die Unterlagen wurden unzählige Male erneut angefordert! Dann wurde mehrmals behauptet das Casino hätte keine Unterlagen für erhalten! Auch hier wurde mittels Screenshot von mir immer das Gegenteil bewiesen! Das Casino gehört zu denen mit den meisten Beschwerden! Wie lange wollt ihr noch zusehen? Wieso stuft ihr nicht endlich die Reputation zurück?
Es kann nicht sein, dass Casino Guru ständig diese korrupten Casinos deckt und Spielern Konsequenzen androht!
Dear Ares1981,
I saw your review on Trustpilot and can assure you that my reply has nothing to do with it. As I explained earlier, each side has seven days to reply. You can check the timer in the right upper corner.
I'd like to ask you if you wish to have your complaint closed now when you posted a 1* review and obviously lied about our services and now expect us to help you.
Unfortunately, my previous review had to...
Unfortunately, my previous review had to be deleted because Casino Guru simply added several links from submitted complaints, thus ignoring data protection! I take the liberty of referring to the GDPR at this point!
One star because the casino guru lacks the necessary objectivity and very often unfairly decides in favor of corrupt casinos!! You only have to read the complaints here to know how they act there!
Dear Ares1981,
I saw your review on Trustpilot and can assure you that my reply has nothing to do with it. As I explained earlier, each side has seven days to reply. You can check the timer in the right upper corner.
I'd like to ask you if you wish to have your complaint closed now when you posted a 1* review and obviously lied about our services and now expect us to help you.
Unfortunately, my previous review had to...
Unfortunately, my previous review had to be deleted because Casino Guru simply added several links from submitted complaints, thus ignoring data protection! I take the liberty of referring to the GDPR at this point!
One star because the casino guru lacks the necessary objectivity and very often unfairly decides in favor of corrupt casinos!! You only have to read the complaints here to know how they act there!
what exactly does my review have to do with this case? Do they always post comments on other reviews under complaints from unaffiliated casinos? The negative review is far from the only one! If they don't tolerate justified criticism, they have to get better or look for another field of activity!
Since they posted my here anonymous data under a public profile with my data, they committed a massive violation of the GDPR! You can't publicly out the data of players with critical gaming behavior!!! I pointed this out to them in the first review and they did it again so I will now be reporting this breach to the European Data Protection Authority!
With regard to your question as to whether this complaint should be closed, I would like to take the following position: due to the lack of objectivity on your part, a neutral role as an intermediary will not be possible! This is very evident in their behavior: they post complaints addressing a game issue publicly under profiles that include full name and email! Furthermore, your opinion here speaks volumes!
was genau hat meine Rezension mit diesem Fall zu tun? Posten sie immer Kommentare zu anderen Renzensionen unter Beschwerden von unbeteiligten Casinos? Die negative Rezension ist ja bei weitem nicht die einzige! Wenn sie keine gerechtfertigte Kritik vertragen müssen sie besser werden oder sich ein anderes Betätigungsfeld suchen!
Da sie meine hier anonymen Daten unter einem öffentlichen Profil mit meinen Daten gepostet haben, haben sie einen massiven Verstoß gegen die DSGVO begangen! Sie können doch die Daten von Spieler mit einem kritischen Spielverhalten nicht öffentlich outen!!! Ich habe sie in der ersten Renzension darauf hingewiesen und sie haben es erneut getan, weshalb ich nun die europäische Datenschutzbehörde über diesen Verstoß informieren werden!
Bzgl ihrer Frage ob diese Beschwerde geschlossen werden soll nehme ich wie folgt Stellung: aufgrund der mangelnden Objektivität ihrerseits wird eine neutrale Vermittlerrolle nicht möglich sein! Dies erkennt man sehr gut an ihrem Verhalten: sie posten Beschwerden in denen ein Spielproblem angesprochen wird, öffentlich unter Profilen die den vollen Namen und Email enthalten! Desweiteren spricht ihre Stellungnahme hier Bände!
Dear Ares1981,
I have aimed at the review you made about our website, whose free service you have used many times. I believe there is quite nice and relevant reaction from our representative.
OK, now let's focus on the complaint. It is clear that you have not provided a key document to finish the verification, I can confirm it since you added me into cc. As I mentioned in my previous reply, if you fail to comply, I will be forced to reject your case.
Also, I would like to point out that the casino team has not violated any of the GDPR, when you created your account on Casino.Guru you agreed to our Terms and Conditions, including the clause about GDPR. All the sensitive information is hidden from the public, so only Casino.Guru representative, casino team, and you can see it, exactly as you agreed.
Concluding all the information above, and the fact that you are not cooperating, I am forced to close this complaint as 'rejected'. Another option for you is to contact the licensing authority, although I am sure that their opinion would be the same.
Best regards, Jozef
Dear Ares1981,
I have aimed at the review you made about our website, whose free service you have used many times. I believe there is quite nice and relevant reaction from our representative.
OK, now let's focus on the complaint. It is clear that you have not provided a key document to finish the verification, I can confirm it since you added me into cc. As I mentioned in my previous reply, if you fail to comply, I will be forced to reject your case.
Also, I would like to point out that the casino team has not violated any of the GDPR, when you created your account on Casino.Guru you agreed to our Terms and Conditions, including the clause about GDPR. All the sensitive information is hidden from the public, so only Casino.Guru representative, casino team, and you can see it, exactly as you agreed.
Concluding all the information above, and the fact that you are not cooperating, I am forced to close this complaint as 'rejected'. Another option for you is to contact the licensing authority, although I am sure that their opinion would be the same.
Best regards, Jozef
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