Please be informed that our casino risk team has detected opposite betting on your account, the temporary suspension on your account was due to term 2.6.8 that PNXBET reserves the right to disable any game category, block an account for 45-365 days and forfeit user account balance for all users, household, agents, affiliates, IP, group conducting opposite betting activities with the intentional result to fraudulently gain affiliate commission, agent commission, voucher scratch card or any given bonus/commission alike.
Please be informed that we are closely monitoring this cases due to high number of fraudulent bets from the same group.
You may contact our live chat support again after 45 days in order to regain access to your account.
Best regards,
Please be informed that our casino risk team has detected opposite betting on your account, the temporary suspension on your account was due to term 2.6.8 that PNXBET reserves the right to disable any game category, block an account for 45-365 days and forfeit user account balance for all users, household, agents, affiliates, IP, group conducting opposite betting activities with the intentional result to fraudulently gain affiliate commission, agent commission, voucher scratch card or any given bonus/commission alike.
Please be informed that we are closely monitoring this cases due to high number of fraudulent bets from the same group.
You may contact our live chat support again after 45 days in order to regain access to your account.
Best regards,