The player from Finland is struggling to withdraw his winnings due to an incomplete KYC. Based on the last message from the player it seems, that his winnings were paid out, however without his confirmation we were forced to reject this case.
The player from Finland is struggling to withdraw his winnings due to an incomplete KYC. Based on the last message from the player it seems, that his winnings were paid out, however without his confirmation we were forced to reject this case.
The player from Finland is struggling to withdraw his winnings due to an incomplete KYC. Based on the last message from the player it seems, that his winnings were paid out, however without his confirmation we were forced to reject this case.
I took a welcome bonus that I got recycled through. I took home 500e. No information came first that kept the documents sent. I asked a week later from the chat ... told me to verify the account. Had to send a video from the face ... the sender and the account looked ok. from the driver's license ... again nothing was heard, I emailed the requested selffien + driver's license, invoice, etc. It wasn't enough ... again ... then they asked for a passport ... the driver's license wasn't enough either! That's when I asked for the money back ... if there will be more ... I'll get a new passport maybe then. ... but this is by far the worst ... i.e. 0 boys !! Pretty amusing ... video of the face, selffie with a driver's license, passport photo, credit card photo and more. Well, of course, the card cover the main ... but identity theft is suspected. The whole bun should be closed. 20.11 I made on integration and now has a 4.12 🙂
Otin tervetulo bonuksen,jonka sain kierrätettyä läpi.Kotiutin 500e. Mitään tietoja ei ensin tullut että pitää dokumentteja lähettää.Kyselin viikon päästä chatista...käski varmistaa tilin. Piti lähettää video naamasta...lähetin ja tili näytti ok.Raha lähti eteenpäin...taas mitään ei kuulunut..nyt aikaa oli mennyt 12 päivää...kyselin taas chatista ja pyysi uudestaan varmistamaan ja lähettämään dokumentteja.Video taas naamasta ja kuva ajokortista...jälleen mitään ei kuulunut,lähetin sähköpostilla pyydetyn selffien+ajokortti,laskun ymym. Ei riittänyt...uudestaan...sitten pyysivätkin passia...ajokortti ei riittänytkään!No passi on ummessa 3/2020,enkä uutta näin koronan aikaan ole hankkinut.Lähetin kumminkin kuvan siitä se tietty hylättiin kun on vanha. Silloin pyysin rahan takaisin...jos tulee enempi...hommaan uuden passin ehkä sitten.Rahoja ei ole vielä casino tilille takaisin ilmestynyt...ootellaan... tuli sähköposti että"finanssi"osasto nyt hoitaa asiaa.Monella casinolla on tullut pelattua...mutta tämä on ylivoimaisesti surkein...eli 0 pojoa!!Aika huvittavaa... video naamasta,selffie ajokortilla, passikuva,luottokorttikuva ymym. No tietenkin kortista peitin tärkeimmät... mutta identiteetti varkaus epäilyttää. Kiinni pitäis laittaa koko pulju kyllä. 20.11 tein kotoutuksen ja nyt on 4.12 🙂
Dear Peederi88,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem. I can only imagine how frustrating it might be for you, but please understand, that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. Each casino is unique and proceeds the verification process differently. It can take a few days to review all your documents.
When exactly did you provide the last document, please?
Additionally, please forward any relevant communication between you and the casino to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Peederi88,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem. I can only imagine how frustrating it might be for you, but please understand, that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. Each casino is unique and proceeds the verification process differently. It can take a few days to review all your documents.
When exactly did you provide the last document, please?
Additionally, please forward any relevant communication between you and the casino to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Latest documents sent on 3.12. Now it’s obviously up to them not to accept a driver’s license ... even though there were three options to choose from at the beginning. Well I'll take the money back to the game account ... if I ever get it and grab a big fish😃 new passport I won't start working now because of 500e. Yes, verifications are important, but 2 × video from face, selfie with a card etc ... if I weren't that person then I would have had to steal practically all the information from someone ... and still falsify the video / selfie on my face too !
Viimiset asiakirjat lähetetty 3.12. Nyt on ilmeisesti siitä kiinni että eivät hyväksy ajokorttia...vaikka nimenomaan alussa oli kolme vaihtoehtoa mistä valita. No otan rahat takaisin pelitilille...jos joskus sen saan ja nappaan ison kalan😃 uutta passia en 500e takia ala nyt hommaamaan.Joo varmistukset on tärkeitä,mutta 2×video naamasta,selfie ym alkaa olla jo vähän erikoista kun kumminkin casinolle rahat laitetaan omalla kortilla ym...jos en olisi kyseinen henkilö niin olisin joutunut varastamaan jonkun ihmisen käytännössä kaikki tiedot...ja vielä väärentämään videoon/selfieen naamankin🤣🤣🤣 no katotaan saanko edes ton rahan pelitilille... kiitos,enkä suosittele tällaista casinoa kenellekkään ikinä!
Peederi88, since the last documents were provided only a few days ago, I would recommend you waiting for a few more days. It can take some time to fully review everything and mark your account as verified.
We will leave this complaint opened, please, keep us updated, and let us know if there is anything new. If there is no development within the next 7 days, we will intervene. Thank you very much for your patience.
Peederi88, since the last documents were provided only a few days ago, I would recommend you waiting for a few more days. It can take some time to fully review everything and mark your account as verified.
We will leave this complaint opened, please, keep us updated, and let us know if there is anything new. If there is no development within the next 7 days, we will intervene. Thank you very much for your patience.
Hi. The thing has now progressed like this. In other words, the withdrawal from the passport was exhausted. I took it and got the money back on the game. I got my balance up to 800 and made another repatriation. I put my passport application to pull. Yesterday came an e-mail not accepted when 300e checkout when I send a picture of a new passportyythe reason was that I should have been deponnu a total of more than 200e so I could withdraw more🤣the withdrawal amount is reportedly max.10 × last depo🙈 no of course the rules should read juu😀 now waiting for passport and it is hoped that 300 will be obtained.
Hei.Asia edennyt nyt näin. Eli passista jäi kotiutus uupumaan. Otin ja sain rahan takaisin pelitille. Sain nostettua saldon 800 ja tein uuden kotiutuksen.Laitoin passihakemuksen vetämään. Eilen tuli sähköposti ettei hyväksytä kun 300e kotiutus kun lähetän kuvan uudesta passista🙂syy oli että olisi pitänyt olla deponnu yhteensä yli 200e niin voisin kotiuttaa enemmän🤣kotiutus summa on kuulemma max.10×viimeinen depo🙈 no tietenkin säännöt pitäisi lukea juu😀 nyt odotellaan passia ja toivotaan että 300 ulos saadaan.
Thank you very much Peederi88 for your reply. Please let us know if there is anything new (your passport is accepted).
Thank you very much Peederi88 for your reply. Please let us know if there is anything new (your passport is accepted).
Still from that bonus rule ... it's damn cunning ... so in practice if you don't deposit 200e for the first time at all you can't get a full withdrawal ... unless you deposit later then raw more 😁 you can't do this when you laugh ... it's unbelievable that casinos are still standing.Nooh learn to age all yeah
Vielä tosta bonus säännöstä... on kyllä pirun ovelia...eli käytännössä jos et talleta 200e eka kerralla täyttä kotiutusta ei saa...paitsi jos tallettaa sitten myöhemmin raakana lisää😁 ei tälle enää voi kun nauraa... on uskomatonta että tämmöset kasinot on vielä pystyssä.Nooh oppia ikä kaikki joo😉
Peederi88, I would like to point out, that although I understand your frustration, we consider win limits to be unfair only when they are applied to winnings with real money. The casino can set the maximum cashout to bonuses, and it isn't anything unusual.
Peederi88, I would like to point out, that although I understand your frustration, we consider win limits to be unfair only when they are applied to winnings with real money. The casino can set the maximum cashout to bonuses, and it isn't anything unusual.
Well now the 300e has been credited to the account and I will never play at this casino for sure. noticed such a rule so of course I would have deposited a coin of 80e and thus got 10 × 80e ... i.e. its a full 800e withdrawal. the page rule guide should be read and that too is always certain in English. But everything went well ... although the amount decreased ... exactly the same. In the future I will stay at well-known casinos so there is no need for this rumba for a few hundred👌
No nyt on 300e saatu tilille enkä tule ikinä tällä kasinolla pelaamaan se on varma.Siis tossa bonus hommassa ihmetytti sellainen sääntö että jos ei ole pelannut väh.200e kasinolla ei voi kotiuttaa koko summaa...max 10x VIIMEINEN DEPO...eli jos olisin huomannut tällaisen säännön niin tietenkin olisin tallettanut raakarahaa 80e ja saanut näinollen 10×80e...eli sen täyden 800e kotiutuksen.Mutta oppia ikä kaikki ja tulipa hommattua uusi passi😁 Pääsääntöisesti casinot mitkä lupaavat yli 100%tervetulo bonareita on juuri tällaisia...monen sivun sääntöopas pitäisi lukea ja sekin on aina englanninkielellä tietty. Mutta voitolle jäätiin kaikki hyvin... joskin summa pieneni...ihan sama. Vastaisuudessa pysyttelen tunnetuilla casinoilla niin ei tarvi tämmöstä rumbaa muutaman satasen takia👌
Peederi88, do I understand correctly that you received your winnings of €300? If yes, do I have your permission to close this complaint?
Peederi88, do I understand correctly that you received your winnings of €300? If yes, do I have your permission to close this complaint?
Even if we’ve assumed that the issue has been resolved, without a confirmation from the player, we were forced to reject this complaint.
Even if we’ve assumed that the issue has been resolved, without a confirmation from the player, we were forced to reject this complaint.
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