I have had no lapse in attentiveness
I was in wales while this was happening to my bank account
it is not my fault if someone has been able to access my bank details without my permission and stolen money from my account
daughter or not my bank details were used fraudulently and my money was stolen
my bank has asked me to contact moon bingo and ask for a code to retrieve my money
I can not be held accountable for someone else stealing my money
a total of £970 was stolen from my accounts
please just refund a good amount and i will seek to get the rest from her father she is now living with
myself and my youngest daughter aged 5 can not be held responsible for this disgusting act of theft
we was not even on the same country when this happened
we were in wales on a caravan break
please make a good part payment back to me
you have all the evidence to prove she stole this money from me and my young child
This is the reference from action fraud when I reported my daughter macy
macy no longer is staying at my house due to this disgusting act towards me
no one can be held responsible for fraud and theft of their bank details
£970 in 2 days from my bank accounts
just please pay me a good sum back
you know i have not allowed this and had no idea this was happening to me
t can not go without you refunding at least some of this back to me and my young daughter
you know she has done this to me
you know this is theft of my money
you know this is not right at all
you and only you can help me
could you provide the code my bank has asked for please
or refund some if not all back to my bank account
you know macy has stolen this from me
I have had no lapse in attentiveness
I was in wales while this was happening to my bank account
it is not my fault if someone has been able to access my bank details without my permission and stolen money from my account
daughter or not my bank details were used fraudulently and my money was stolen
my bank has asked me to contact moon bingo and ask for a code to retrieve my money
I can not be held accountable for someone else stealing my money
a total of £970 was stolen from my accounts
please just refund a good amount and i will seek to get the rest from her father she is now living with
myself and my youngest daughter aged 5 can not be held responsible for this disgusting act of theft
we was not even on the same country when this happened
we were in wales on a caravan break
please make a good part payment back to me
you have all the evidence to prove she stole this money from me and my young child
This is the reference from action fraud when I reported my daughter macy
macy no longer is staying at my house due to this disgusting act towards me
no one can be held responsible for fraud and theft of their bank details
£970 in 2 days from my bank accounts
just please pay me a good sum back
you know i have not allowed this and had no idea this was happening to me
t can not go without you refunding at least some of this back to me and my young daughter
you know she has done this to me
you know this is theft of my money
you know this is not right at all
you and only you can help me
could you provide the code my bank has asked for please
or refund some if not all back to my bank account
you know macy has stolen this from me