The player from Serbia has accumulated winnings in his mother’s account. Afterwards, the casino closed the account and confiscated winnings. We rejected the complaint because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
The player from Serbia has accumulated winnings in his mother’s account. Afterwards, the casino closed the account and confiscated winnings. We rejected the complaint because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
The player from Serbia has accumulated winnings in his mother’s account. Afterwards, the casino closed the account and confiscated winnings. We rejected the complaint because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
Lesinari greatest !!!! On this stinking, rogue online tkzv. casino, my mother and i have been holding orders for over a year. During this time, we paid into our accounts and lost an average of 7000-8000 dinars a month. The last time I got up at this rogue casino, it was through my mother's account because I had lost a course on mine. With the help of some force I made 23000din and asked for payment to my mother's current account. (to emphasize that she worked in those moments but was instructed to play on her account). For these stinkers to call her, ask her for a thousand proofs of identity (besides a picture of her ID card, a picture of a bank card showing her account number and other information ... They just don't have urine), which is fine again, but then when this part is confirmed, terror moves in the form of questions such as "what games were played", "what were the stakes on certain games, how much maximum-how minimal", "which was the smallest, and what was the biggest gain on the game book of gold "etc .... And certainly 10 nebulous questions ... So they were just looking for something that could be an excuse to get their money. And then of course, since the women didn't know those details (which I wouldn't know after 8 hours of fighting with the computer, and partial blindness) said that they would deactivate the account and stop ie. undo the payment because there was misuse of something (ask god what the writer meant to say) .... Well you people see what kind of "greasy goose you are lubricating". These set new standards in the world of gambling, they take what we invest into the game, so we can only dream of potential profits ....
Lesinari najveci!!!! Na ovom smrdljivom,lopovskom online tkzv. kazinu, moja majka i ja posedujemo naloge vise od godinu dana. Za to vreme smo na naloge uplacivali i naravno gubili u proseku 7000-8000din mesecno. Poslednji put kad sam ustao na ovaj lopovski kazino, bilo je preko majkinog naloga jer sam na mom predhodno izgubio naravno. Uz pomoc neke vise sile sam napravio 23000din i zatrazio isplatu na majkin tekući račun. (da naglasim da je ona radila u tim trenucima ali je bila upucena da igram na njenom nalogu). Da bi ovi smradovi pozvali nju, trazili joj hiljadu dokaza o identitetu(pored slike licne karte, jos i sliku bankovne kartice na kojoj se vidi br racuna i ostali podatci... Samo jos mokracu nisu) sto je opet sasvim u redu,ali onda kad je potvrdjen taj deo krece teror u vidu pitanja tipa "koje su sve igre igrane", "koliki su bili ulozi na odredjenim igrama, koliko maksimalni-koliko minimalni", "koji je bio najmanji, a koji najveci dobitak na igri book of gold" itd.... I jos sigurno 10 nebuloznih pitanja... Znaci samo su trazili nesto sto moze da im bude izgovor da zadze novac. I onda naravno,posto zena nije znala te detalje (koje ni ja ne bih znao posle 8 sati borbe sa kompijuterom, i delimičnog slepila) rekli da ce deaktivirati nalog i stopirati tj. ponistiti isplatu jer je doslo do zloupotrebe necega (pitaj boga sta je pisac hteo reci).... Pa vi ljudi vidite koju to "masnu gusku podmazujete". Ovi postavljaju nove standarde u svetu kocke, em uzimaju ono sto ulozimo u igru pa jos i potencijalni dobitak mozemo samo da sanjamo....
Dear Aleksandar,
Thank you for submitting your complaint. I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found:
"Each Player can register only one Account on Organizer’s Internet Site. The Player’s Account cannot be transferred to a third party; neither can a third party use it. In the case of such a malpractice or abuse, the Organizer reserves the right to close and annul all the transactions related with such accounts.
Each Player is at all times personally responsible for every and any activity on his/her Account. The
Player has the obligation to take care of all the information related with his/her Account, especially those related with his/her password, as well as of all the other details. The Player him/herself is responsible for all and any possible misuse of the password. The Player accepts the responsibility to immediately inform the Organizer on email address, about any and every unauthorized use of the password or in the case of any other security breach."
Do I understand it correctly, that you have been using your mother’s account? If this is the case, I’m afraid, there is not much I can do for you in this matter. Please get back to me with your reply. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Dear Aleksandar,
Thank you for submitting your complaint. I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found:
"Each Player can register only one Account on Organizer’s Internet Site. The Player’s Account cannot be transferred to a third party; neither can a third party use it. In the case of such a malpractice or abuse, the Organizer reserves the right to close and annul all the transactions related with such accounts.
Each Player is at all times personally responsible for every and any activity on his/her Account. The
Player has the obligation to take care of all the information related with his/her Account, especially those related with his/her password, as well as of all the other details. The Player him/herself is responsible for all and any possible misuse of the password. The Player accepts the responsibility to immediately inform the Organizer on email address, about any and every unauthorized use of the password or in the case of any other security breach."
Do I understand it correctly, that you have been using your mother’s account? If this is the case, I’m afraid, there is not much I can do for you in this matter. Please get back to me with your reply. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Dear Aleksandar,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Dear Aleksandar,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Unfortunately, we’re rejecting this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with a further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
Unfortunately, we’re rejecting this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with a further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
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