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Balvinder sambhi breaking the roulette wheel book (page 2)

6 months ago by Kareva7
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5 months ago

So now you can not beat this worlds banned system player Balvinder Sambhi who beat roulette for many years now you make excuse say bet 50 - 50 chance. You can not win at roulette just avoid real questions with fake answers only.

The bankroll is £2500.00 not 1,000,000 you do not understand the system as clearly you dont understand how to win at Roulette.

Test the 2 corner system and post results with real roulette spins.

5 months ago

Radka, with all due respect, this rule applies only to cases where you play at the same table for an extended period of time. In this scenario, regardless of the system a player uses or the progression of bets, they will inevitably end up at a loss due to the betting limit. If there were no betting limits and one had sufficient funds, one could simply play a Martingale progression on "equal chances" and infinitely win, even if only one dollar per round when the bet reaches $1,000,000 due to a prolonged absence of the desired outcome.

However, if you wait for a favorable situation to enter the game, win in the expected short term, and stop playing at that table until the next favorable situation arises, the rule you are referring to does not apply. Do you understand the difference between these two approaches?

As for the "ban," I have expressed my opinion multiple times in our previous discussions. So far, no one has banned me for changing betting strategies: at times, I bet on "equal chances," other times on "dozens" or "columns," and then I might switch to "tier" or "voisins" — no casino has raised any objections to this. Whether I use some software on my computer or not, the casino is unaware of it.

5 months ago

I think that this matter has already been explained several times and, as Radka mentioned, CasinaGuru's view on this situation is clear and that is that in the end the player loses in the long run. 

As for the change of strategy, of course it can cause some suspicion at the casino when it is changed, but as long as you didn't have a problem, it's fine. 

Regarding the software, I think the position was also explained clearly from our side and sooner or later the casino will find out about such a thing and it will result in forfeiture of the winnings. So I don't think there is any more to add to that. 

5 months ago

I don't understand why you're talking to me in such an offensive tone, as if I owe you an explanation.

Discussing a topic implies exchanging opinions, not constant complaints from your side. The $1,000,000 mentioned in my previous message was not even addressed to you but to the moderator Radka, discussing a completely different matter.

If you don't bother to read what others write carefully, then perhaps I'll just stop trying to refute or confirm your system: I really dislike your way of communicating. Either change your tone or talk to yourself.

Edited by author 5 months ago
5 months ago

I am truly sorry, but I have to say it: Same issue, your same approach, and the same result. Yet again, it has nothing to do with you.

We are all wrong...

What about changing the air? 🤔

5 months ago

What's wrong with my approach?

About "changing the air" I can't get what your mean 🙂 I've travelled over 6 countries in last 2 months, and must admit — the air is almost the same in all of them 🙂

5 months ago

Aha, you have no idea...🙂

Glad to know you enjoy traveling!

But I was using that expression to suggest another forum where you may feel more comfortable. Given the recent feedback on both sides,

As far as I can tell, your idea exchanges were not pretty successful. If I may guess, it is because this forum has built a certain kind of atmosphere and vibe. Well, it does not suit everyone.

But I want you to know that trying a fresh start might help, at least I'm convinced we can both omit the previous fuss and start anew, keeping the safety of the community in mind. I hate fights, you know?

5 months ago

Radka, I don't have difficulties communicating with anyone on this forum. Thank you for your concern, but for now, I'm perfectly capable of choosing where I want to engage and where I don't. 🙂 On this forum, I was personally intrigued by the messages of the user zorans71, and it's a pity he stopped participating.

Regarding this specific thread of discussion, I simply made it clear that if the tone of the conversation doesn't change, I'll just stop responding to its messages. I'm interested in discussing new ideas, finding their confirmations or refutations — that's how we evolve. But if the negative impression of the interlocutor outweighs the interest, I'll simply stop communicating with that person.

Is it a problem if I've stated that every community member should respect all other members? In my view, that's precisely what moderators usually handle. But instead, my presence seems to be bothering the moderators for some reason. 🤷‍♀️

5 months ago

I ask anyone to provide me real roulette spins over 365 striaght days that Balvinder Sambhi 2 corner system losses. No one can provide proof as his systems wins. I have done many 365 day tests but without failure. This is why his was banned from Grosvenor casinos. He wrote a book of his beating Grosvenor casinos who banned he from all grosvenor branches.

Balvinder Sambhi has had further bans from casinos groups for winning. Can anyone refute the news articles?

5 months ago

Radka, I don't have difficulties communicating with anyone on this forum. Thank you for your concern, but for now, I'm perfectly capable of choosing where I want to engage and where I don't. 🙂 On this forum, I was personally intrigued by the messages of the user zorans71, and it's a pity he stopped participating.

Regarding this specific thread of discussion, I simply made it clear that if the tone of the conversation doesn't change, I'll just stop responding to its messages. I'm interested in discussing new ideas, finding their confirmations or refutations — that's how we evolve. But if the negative impression of the interlocutor outweighs the interest, I'll simply stop communicating with that person.

Is it a problem if I've stated that every community member should respect all other members? In my view, that's precisely what moderators usually handle. But instead, my presence seems to be bothering the moderators for some reason. 🤷‍♀️

5 months ago

I don't think there's any need to be so quick. Sometimes opinions just differ and that's normal. Of course, where you want to get involved is up to you and nobody is going to forbid you. But I think it was just advice that if there were to be tense situations here, maybe it would be better not to participate in those. 

Nevertheless, I certainly agree that by exchanging views one can grow and learn something new. Also, it is definitely necessary to respect the rules of our forum and also some simple rules of behaviour. So in this case, it's absolutely up to you whether or not you want to continue to engage in this conversation based on what you're comfortable with and find stimulating. 

That would be about it from my side.  🙂

5 months ago

So, I spent some time observing game situations on dozens (to be precise, 80) of real-time online roulette tables to check what you wrote. I observed for about 5-6 hours straight, and my eyes got very tired looking at these numbers. Nevertheless, it was interesting to discover this new strategy for me.

First I can say it's a very good strategy; it plays as you wrote, and bets win in the majority of cases (I would say about 98-99% of the time).

Unfortunately, it doesn't win always: situations arise, as I assumed in my previous messages, when the number of misses exceeds the limit set by your strategy.

Initially, I decided to look at all corners that don't appear 26 or more times, find tables where there are more than 2 of such positions, and among them, there are no number intersections. It was very informative, but unfortunately, it was my mistake because there are many such tables, and it was challenging to track the relevant ones.

Nevertheless, I almost immediately (within an hour of observation) found the issue (I provide pictures below):


As you can see here, on the highlighted table (EZugi, Oracle 360 Roulette), there are two of the rarest corners — "19,20,22,23" — 56 misses in a row and "29,30,32,33" — 50 misses. I tracked this table among many where the misses reached 26. In the second picture, I give you the numbers that came up on this roulette so you can count for yourself if you don't trust me. I placed a blue circle above the number when the bet would have won (23 came up), so you can use this number as a reference and look at the numbers to the right and down in order.

By the way, this table is in a real casino where people place bets with chips. It just has the capability to accept bets online. I mentioned this to show that in this case, according to your strategy, I would have had to wait for less than 26 misses, which is even worse. Nevertheless, I waited for 26.

In about 5 or 6 hours of observation, I counted about 12 such situations where the minimum number of misses from two non-appearing corners exceeded 50, i.e., when your bet progression would have exceeded the declared betting limits. The maximum number of misses in my observations reached 61 times, this happened on the table Roulette Green, provider Pragmatic Play Live, corner "26,27,29,30" did not appear 80 times, and corner "8,9,11,12" — 61 times. Unfortunately, due to fatigue from observation, I forgot to take a screenshot.

Much later, I figured out to increase the observation limits for tables so that only those miss counts that exceed 50 are highlighted when tracking. This significantly simplified observation, but I did it quite late. Just another example for you in the screenshots below:


Table ``'Speed Roulette 1', provider Pragmatic Play Live, corner "29,30,32,33" — 55 misses, and "2,3,5,6" — 51 misses. Again, I give you the last 1000 numbers that came up on that table so you can check it yourself. Blue circle above a number displays that here your bets would win. Unfortunately, it would take too much money to bet after the displayed amount of misses.

I suppose the author of this strategy simply didn't have the opportunity to observe a large number of tables simultaneously to see the results I provided above. You can play for quite a while on one table and not lose once with this strategy, or you can lose right away — it's a matter of luck, and the author just got lucky.

In conclusion, I want to reiterate that the strategy is really good, and the only thing needed for its improvement is to wait not for 26 misses but at least 40 misses on the lower limit of non-appearing corners to succeed.

You can believe me or not — it's your right. I was genuinely interested in this approach, and I tried very hard to find out how successful it is, and now I can draw conclusions based on real data, not assumptions. Perhaps this information will help you (or someone else interested in this strategy) avoid losing money.

5 months ago

You have wasted you time testing a made up system which you created yourself, This is not balvinder sambhi's 2 corner system.

You do not understand the Balvinder sambhi's no lose winning system.

This is the system in the Breaking the roulette book.

You wait for 8 9 11 12 and 26 27 29 30 corners not to appear for 20 consecutive spins without any of these 8 numbers appearing.

Then you start the 28 step progression untill 49 consectutive spins. Win or loss you reset.

Now test balvinder sambhi's exact 2 corner system with real spin data and post screen shots of losses and where and which sites anyone can verify the loss data. Simply you can not.

5 months ago

You know, this is increasingly resembling less of a discussion and more of an effort to boost search engine visibility and promote a book. You repeatedly mention the author's full name and the book title. You insistently claim it's an invincible strategy, demanding that someone prove it wrong. Yet, in response to the objections, arguments, and specific examples presented to you, you revert to repeating the author's name, surname, and the book title, as if that somehow adds weight to your arguments. 🙂

Earlier in one of my messages, I asked if I understood the rules correctly, that it's about any corner bet that has the required number of misses. You didn't find it in yourself to answer or say anything about it. Instead, you now claim that I invented some strategy. On this, I'll tell you the following: I cease my participation in this discussion until some worthwhile information appears here.

You can continue to consider this strategy invincible; however, I have demonstrated with real examples that expected values can significantly exceed the limits indicated in your strategy. The corners you mentioned are no exceptions; there can be a lot of misses there too, requiring you quite a bit of time to cover the losses. But if my assumptions are correct, you're not interested in discussions, and all you need is to promote a book with only 1 review on Amazon.

Nevertheless, I want to thank you for the excellent idea: my time wasn't wasted, and now I know how long to wait to safely play any corners. And situations where their value exceeds 40 on the lower limit arise practically every 5-10 minutes, giving me plenty of new opportunities for winning bets. For that, I thank you. 👍

5 months ago

When will you come to Serbia to see you? 🙂

Automatic translation:
5 months ago
You wait for 8 9 11 12 and 26 27 29 30 corners to appear for 20 consecutive spins without any of these 8 numbers appearing.

Dear sir, I will take it upon myself to say that I understand roulette better than many of you here.

The probability of 8 certain numbers not falling 20 times in a row is very small. Of course, it will happen, but you have to wait sometimes even 2 hours for it to happen.

I notice that out of the 8 selected numbers (8,9,11,12,26,27,29 and 30) NONE are on the roulette wheel in the 14 number range. That is 39% of the surface of the wheel. (0..32..15..19..4..21..2..25..17..34..6..27..13 and 36.).

So this system is an ordinary system in millions of the same.



It is just a player's personal system. Most players have some of their own.

Simple, we can just move the corners up by one and place a chip on corner 5,6,8,9 and 23,24,26 and 27 and I'll ask you a simple question:


the answer is : NO DIFFERENCE.

everything is a matter of the law of probability.

And whether the system we use will be a winner depends solely on our discipline and knowledge of mathematics (the amount of investment in relation to the eventual payout and the amount of the bank)

And I would like to ask you something else

Put us a photo of that book. Front page.

The Mr. Balvinder Samxbi in question is not the number 1 roulette player at all. It was only used to advertise the casino.


Automatic translation:
5 months ago

When will you come to Serbia to see you? 🙂

Automatic translation:
5 months ago

I was near Serbia about a month ago. 🙂 I visited Montenegro (I love this country), Italy and Austria, which are, you know, very close to Serbia.

I'm planning to visit Serbia in May of the next year (2024), since me and my friends purchased tickets to the concert of Rammstein, which will take place in Belgrade 🙂

5 months ago

I answered almost the same several hours ago. Unfortunately, my message (or me, in person) was considered dangerous or something, and now my answer is on moderation, which takes up to 48 hours.

I don't know is it's going to be published in this discussion. Hope, it will. Anyway, I'm glad that I'm not the only person, who tries to explain people, there is no any magic system for playing roulette. Every strategy has its pros and cons, which have to be taken into account, to keep the player safe.

5 months ago
You wait for 8 9 11 12 and 26 27 29 30 corners to appear for 20 consecutive spins without any of these 8 numbers appearing.

Dear sir, I will take it upon myself to say that I understand roulette better than many of you here.

The probability of 8 certain numbers not falling 20 times in a row is very small. Of course, it will happen, but you have to wait sometimes even 2 hours for it to happen.

I notice that out of the 8 selected numbers (8,9,11,12,26,27,29 and 30) NONE are on the roulette wheel in the 14 number range. That is 39% of the surface of the wheel. (0..32..15..19..4..21..2..25..17..34..6..27..13 and 36.).

So this system is an ordinary system in millions of the same.



It is just a player's personal system. Most players have some of their own.

Simple, we can just move the corners up by one and place a chip on corner 5,6,8,9 and 23,24,26 and 27 and I'll ask you a simple question:


the answer is : NO DIFFERENCE.

everything is a matter of the law of probability.

And whether the system we use will be a winner depends solely on our discipline and knowledge of mathematics (the amount of investment in relation to the eventual payout and the amount of the bank)

And I would like to ask you something else

Put us a photo of that book. Front page.

The Mr. Balvinder Samxbi in question is not the number 1 roulette player at all. It was only used to advertise the casino.


Automatic translation:
5 months ago

Good evening zorans71

All gambler want to say he beat roulette but can not beat. Balvinder sambhi make 2 corner system beat roulette and banned from over 80 casinos, and publish book Breaking the Roulette wheel. He beat the roulette wheel and show you how he win.

Show me over 10 years Balvinder sambhi 2 corner system not win and show profit. You can not as you are losing at roulette. He make first fool proof system to win, and publish system in book to show everyone.

Please show me your system to make $1.00 per spin long term with $350.00 Bankroll.

You can not as you no win but always lose. Now say anyone can show when only Balvinder sambhi show and win.

zorans71 - Please post your system we can try and lose. then we all say you can not beat Roulette

Edited by author 5 months ago
5 months ago

I answered almost the same several hours ago. Unfortunately, my message (or me, in person) was considered dangerous or something, and now my answer is on moderation, which takes up to 48 hours.

I don't know is it's going to be published in this discussion. Hope, it will. Anyway, I'm glad that I'm not the only person, who tries to explain people, there is no any magic system for playing roulette. Every strategy has its pros and cons, which have to be taken into account, to keep the player safe.

5 months ago

Sometimes posts get dropped into the system for checking because of certain things, and this time it happened with yours. But there was no problem with it so it's fine. 

However, I also agree that there is no magic system and everything has its pros and cons. I see that you still have a fruitful debate about roulette, so maybe you will learn something from each other and learn new information. 🙂

5 months ago

Yes, now I see that my reply has been published. Thank you for that.

I wonder why your software doesn't pay as much attention to the messages from Kareva7, who's using this discussion solely for book promotion purposes, as it does to my messages? 🙂

Just look through her messages and count phrases "Balvinder sambhi", "2 corner system", "book Breaking the Roulette wheel" and try to find any other useful plot in those messages. It's plain as a piece of cake. 🙂

5 months ago

Sir..I have been playing roulette much longer than this Belvinder.

I have been playing roulette for 30 years. Because I started working as a croupier at the age of 20 (1991)

I am now 53 years old.

I've been winning roulette for 30 years. Since 2020, I have been playing online roulette exclusively because it is the best option.

Playing online roulette is much better than land-based roulette.

Although, most people don't admit it. They claim the opposite.

Online roulette is much better and fairer than land-based roulette. And that is the TRUTH.

I say, I beat roulette, but I DON'T HAVE A WINNING SYSTEM


Belvinder doesn't have a safe system either, he based everything on discipline. And withdrawal of winnings at the right time.

My tactics are made the moment I sit down at the roulette table and track the last 100 rolls.

Then, based on my assessment and experience, etc. (there are several factors), it is impossible to describe it, I set up my game. I play until a certain profit and then I retire. Several times during the day from the comfort of your home. Well, that's MY SYSTEM.

And don't get carried away with nonsense.

Roulette is an ancient game that is centuries old and NO ONE HAS WON IT WITH A CERTAIN SYSTEM. Because it doesn't exist.

And I don't believe he is banned from playing. Casinos don't do that. It's bad advertising for them. Everything is a lie. And an advertisement for a certain casino.

But well, if you win with this system, why did you come to this forum?!?

Do you want to show us a winning system or what?

You want to tell us that you made a lot, much?

If you are making a lot of money with that system, keep playing. Why are you wasting your time here?

Answer me at least one of these questions.

Just don't tell me about this Belvinder anymore, because I don't care about him. My system is better than his so the story about him and his book that didn't sell more than 100 copies DOESN'T INTEREST me 🙂

Automatic translation:
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