Dear Rebecca.
We asked you to give us proof that you have some official message from your bank that the deposits were unauthorised.
Instead of that, you made three posts where you show us a "proof".
Your first picture proofs nothing. We don't know which casino was involved and support is not talking about refund but fees. Support also mentioned the unsuccessful deposits - which is interesting because you didn't make these deposits, right? So why you would be interested in unsuccessful deposits.
More interesting is the second picture - you stated that the casino charged you for Gunsbet account €700, and you never created this account. Your screenshot shows date 24 July. From your bank statement, the unauthorised deposits happened you from 23. August till 13 September. (which actually proves that you had an account with them before they charged you)
You know, people on this forum aren't stupid.
I want to ask why you created a new account for submitting a complaint and why this time you pretend to be a male. We helped you before, so you had no reason to create another account and I can see that you are using both of the accounts. Why you sent me the bank statement from the new email address? Why you didn't post here the official response from your bank that the deposits were unauthorised. Why in your complaint ( have you mentioned the United Kingdom Gambling Commission which is not anyhow related to your complaint, are you from Australia, right? And why you didn't block your card when the casino was deducting money from you for 22 days and as you are saying these transactions were unauthorised? Can you explain it? I can tell you most of the people checking their bank balance, and if there is something suspicious, they are immediately acting.
I am very sorry, Rebecca, but all that you claimed what happened to you, seems very unrealistic. We want to help you, but we are dealing with fraudsters daily. Your story doesn't seem to be real. Mostly because you are reporting the same issue again. Prove to us that you are not one of them and we are willing to help you. But before you give us the official statement from your bank, that these transactions were unauthorised, we won't help you. It shouldn't be so hard to prove us who you really are.
Automatic translation: