What evidence you keep asking for, we are not in court. Do you have proof that the games are fair? Let me answer you in the same way. Who cares to do research, there are videos and articles on the Internet, it's not like I keep them.
What Pragmatic said is that there is an option to adjust the RTP by several percent intervals. About 96% or as much as there is up to min 90%, let's say. I don't remember exactly. Something like that, as I said, I just shared info, I'm not interested in various disputes, evidence is presented in court, not here. And where are yours? How exactly this RTP is manipulated and by whom, I have no way of knowing. Well, you are more familiar. As more familiar, you are probably aware that max RTP to slots is written everywhere. Which is basically cheating... On the casino's part of course. Not from Pragmatic. Not in this case...
I will find something to show. Not now, I don't have time now.. But this "proof", this is just ridiculous, what "proof" do you want!? Show me yours...You start to sound like these scammers. "Show me the proof"...
Какви доказателства постоянно изисквате, не сме в съда. Ви имате ли доказателства, че игрите са честни? Да ви отговоря по същия начин. Който му се занимава, да си прави проучвания, има клипове и статии в интернет, не е , като да си ги пазя.
Това, кото казаха Pragmatic е, че има опция да се настройва RTP с няколко процента интервал. Примерно 96% или колкото е там до мин 90% да речем. Не помня точно. Нещо такова, както казах, просто споделих инфо, не ме интересуват разни спорове, доказателства се предоставят в съда, не тук. А вашите къде са? Как точно се манипулира този RTP и от кой, няма как да знам. Е, вие сте по-запознати. Като по-запознати, сигурно сте наясно, че навсякъде се изписва макс RTP към слотовете. Което на практика е измама... Разбира се, от страна на казиното. Не от страна на Pragmatic. Не и в случая...
I will find something to show. Not now, I don't have time now.. But this "proof", this is just ridiculous, what "proof" do you want!? Show me yours...You start to sound like this scammers. "Show me the proof"...
Automatic translation: