Allow me to say that we are aware of this massive campaign focused on providing user reviews for Nordis Casino. All "compensated" reviews will be deleted according to the rules:
"3.11. The purpose of reviews and ratings created by Users on the Website is for them to reflect truthful experience of players at individual casino websites. That is why we reserve the right to delete User reviews which were created by Users after being motivated to do so by the casino, for example by offering them a bonus in exchange for a positive review."
It is possible that they motivate new players with a no deposit bonus in exchange for a review, no one will tell you about the no deposit bonus that the withdrawal process will take 3 months or forever. Dusty thieves, especially the owner Adrian Gramma.
Je možné, že motivují nové hráče no deposit bonusem výmenou za recenzi, to že proces výběru finančí bude trvat 3 měsíce nebo věčnost už vám k tomu no deposit bonusu nikdo neřekne. Prašivý zloději, především majitel Adrian Gramma.
Radka, we solved it here together on the last 3 pages. No need for more words. Besides, I feel sorry for the gentleman with €30,000 on Nordis, in 10 years he won't be able to get even half of those Romanian parasites.
Radko, řešili jsme to tu společně na posledních 3 stránkách. Netřeba více slov. Akorát je mi líto pána s 30.000€ na Nordisu, za 10 let nebude schopnej z těch Rumunských prašivců dostat ani polovinu.
of the 30k, only 3k are left. Had played with bonus. And the payout was limited to a maximum of 5k anyway. You can't talk to anyone....
Update: after Day 17
-so far not one answer to my e-mails (to all possible destinations)....
-in chat is some activity. Marina, Tyler, Jackson.
two, three times they've stalled me. We are in the process of checking it out etc.... blah blah...nothing happened.
I think they ignore me from now on. When i am logged in, they dont talkt to me. I try it 3 times today. No reaction. When i go to chat incognito and ask for Deposit Help, they help immediately in one second.
Attached a screenshot. As I said before, everything is designed for deposit. Withdrawal is blocked.
-Juan has the function "Do not disturb" on. So, he gets no message on instagram
I respect your opinion on the subject of fraud or not. Please also respect my view. You seem to see it only in black or white. Payout no, or payout yes. It's not that simple.
what they are doing is a Ponzi scheme. If free money comes in, maybe some will go out....with good luck. If it's not a scam, then anyone here in the forum can give me 100€ and you Radka will be the last. Your 100€ will only be returned if a new idiot pays in after you. That way, I'm always on the winning track. Of which, very few win and only 0.001% last 3 months.
i want to protect people! If it was just about my ass, I wouldn't have to do anything and hope that more people would pay in! Perfidious system!
Have you added Juan as a friend? I can't believe he would ignore it.
Přidala sis Juana do přátel? Nechce se mi věřit, že by to ignoroval.
Alternatively, you can also communicate with the Romanians behind Nordis on LinkedIn. I recommend a person with the first name Iulian Cos... I don't know how to proceed. Anyway, that bastard Adrian Gramma never answers.
Připadně na linkedinu muzes komunikovat i s Rumuny, kteří stojí za Nordisem. Doporučuji člověka s křesním jménem Iulian Cos... nevím jak dál. Každopádne ten prašivec Adrian Gramma nikdy neodpoví.
I sent him a message and mentioned you. And sent a request to follow him. it hasn't been accepted yet. I can't add him directly as a friend. I think there is little activity in his account
I have no more energy. I think I'm giving up 🙁 maybe I'll try LinedIn on a better day. Unfortunately bad experience with Romanians. Treat women very badly. One in 100 is honest. shit guys. Thanks for your troubles Kevin.
am sooooo sad
ich habe keine Energie mehr. Ich glaube, ich gebe auf 🙁 vielleicht versuche ich es an einem besseren Tag auf LinedIn. Leider schlechte Ehrfahrung mit Rumänen. Behandeln Frauen sehr schlecht. Einer von 100 ist ehrlich. Scheiss Typen. Danke für deine Mühen, Kevin.
bin sooooooo traurig
You'll thank me when you get your money from them. I would spam Juan on Instagram. I also managed to get the contact of a person from the financial department of Nordis, who is in charge of payments - +40 (724) 401 889
His name is Cosmin, try him on whatsapp. Don't give up, especially don't let them rob you. I would bombard them on that phone number, I would bombard Iulian on Linkedin, definitely don't give up. They will send you your money in parts, but sooner or later you will see it.
Threaten negative reviews everywhere with a true story - I really don't want negative reviews to exist. When they paid me, they wanted me to delete all the negative reviews. But I hate those Romanian subversives, I won't hide anything and I wish you a lot of luck!
Poděkuješ mi, když od nich dostaneš své peníze. Spamoval bych na instagramu Juana. Podařilo se mi vytáhnout i kontakt na člověka z finančního oddělení Nordisu, který má na starosti výplaty - +40 (724) 401 889
Jmenuje se Cosmin, zkus ho na whatsappu. Nevzdávej se, hlavně se od nich nenech okrást. Bombarodval bych je na tom telefonním čísle, bombardoval bych Iuliana na Linkedinu, rozhodně se nevzdávej. Budou ti tvé peníze posílat po částech, ale dříve nebo později se dočkáš.
Vyhrožuj všude negativníma recenzema s pravdivým příběhem - opravdu nechtěji, aby negativní recenze existovali. Když mě vyplatili, chtěli po mě, abych všechny negativní recenze smazal. Ale kašlu na ty rumunské podvraťáky, nic mazat nebudu a tobě přeju hodně štestí!
However, I understand and appreciate your commitment. But on the other hand, it is my duty to keep the forum as adequately decent as possible. That's all. I really don't need to interfere anymore. 🙏
Však já to chápu a cením si Tvého nasazení. Ale na druhou stranu je mou povinností udržovat fórum pokud možno adekvátně slušné. Toť vše. Opravdu nemám potřebu více zasahovat. 🙏
Don't give up just yet. You can still submit a complaint.
Think about it at least 🙏🙌:
I can't help but wonder why no one intervenes in the operation of this fake casino, for a couple of years these complaints and more will come!! I myself am waiting for 186e to be withdrawn, I sent the documents.. no answer, no live support, no email answer, nothing!! Who can really close this fake casino??
Ei voi kuin ihmetellä miksi kukaan ei puutu tämän feikkicasinon toimintaan,parin vuoden takaa näitä valituksia ja lisää tulee!!Itsekin odotan että saisin 186e nostettua,lähetin asiakirjat..ei vastausta,ei livetukia,ei sähköposti vastausta,ei mitään!!Kuka voi oikeasti sulkea tämän feikkicasinon??
Technically? No one, I'm afraid.
The license or sub-license provider may cancel the license, game providers may refuse to provide games to unlicensed casinos, but in general, I believe no one can shut the casino down without lawyers. It's a company, like any other, so once it stops generating income, it's closed because the money dries off.
Don't give up just yet. You can still submit a complaint.
Think about it at least 🙏🙌:
You'll thank me when you get your money from them. I would spam Juan on Instagram. I also managed to get the contact of a person from the financial department of Nordis, who is in charge of payments - +40 (724) 401 889
His name is Cosmin, try him on whatsapp. Don't give up, especially don't let them rob you. I would bombard them on that phone number, I would bombard Iulian on Linkedin, definitely don't give up. They will send you your money in parts, but sooner or later you will see it.
Threaten negative reviews everywhere with a true story - I really don't want negative reviews to exist. When they paid me, they wanted me to delete all the negative reviews. But I hate those Romanian subversives, I won't hide anything and I wish you a lot of luck!
Poděkuješ mi, když od nich dostaneš své peníze. Spamoval bych na instagramu Juana. Podařilo se mi vytáhnout i kontakt na člověka z finančního oddělení Nordisu, který má na starosti výplaty - +40 (724) 401 889
Jmenuje se Cosmin, zkus ho na whatsappu. Nevzdávej se, hlavně se od nich nenech okrást. Bombarodval bych je na tom telefonním čísle, bombardoval bych Iuliana na Linkedinu, rozhodně se nevzdávej. Budou ti tvé peníze posílat po částech, ale dříve nebo později se dočkáš.
Vyhrožuj všude negativníma recenzema s pravdivým příběhem - opravdu nechtěji, aby negativní recenze existovali. Když mě vyplatili, chtěli po mě, abych všechny negativní recenze smazal. Ale kašlu na ty rumunské podvraťáky, nic mazat nebudu a tobě přeju hodně štestí!
unfortunately not a happy ending. The casino won. Since yesterday it is possible to cancel the withdrawals. I canceled everything and gambled it away.
Many thanks to all and all the best for the future. I move on...
leider kein gutes Ende. Das Casino hat gewonnen. Seid gestern, ist es möglich die Auszahlungen zu stornieren. Ich habe alles storniert und verspielt.
Allen ein großes Dankeschön und alles gute für die Zukunft. Ich ziehe weiter...
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