ForumCasinosExecution Pokerstars. Apparently, payment is not voluntary

Execution Pokerstars. Apparently, payment is not voluntary (page 26)

2 years ago by marketingskislo
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1 year ago

hahahaha πŸ˜€....sorry, it wasn't my intention to make you go crazy, just because one has very justified doubts about what you've overheard somewhere πŸ˜€

I think now everyone here can finally think for themselves that you have no evidence of your ramblings and that you only imagine these things like "seize (full) accounts in the eu" or the absolute classic "DOMAIN PFENDUNG in DE" in your children's room and hope that this idea will happen soon...because that's the way it has to be done theoretically..

too bad you don't share your success with any of us and give precise information/names of lawyers helping others here. then everyone could successfully get his money.

but the giant baby prefers to whine, is offended and keeps the recipe for success for himself and his super don't need to prove any of your successes...

So folks: you just have to know how to do it. our malaga knows it, but doesn't tell anyone in detail. we and all other specialist law firms that have been taking action against casinos from the very first minute are just too stupid to pledge. welcome to kindergarten.

one can only hope that was your last post boy ^^

because giving people false hopes with invented things and being completely unsuccessful yourself doesn't take a lot of shit. any bet you've never seen a dime again πŸ˜‰

Edited by author 1 year ago
Automatic translation:
1 year ago

"We and all other specialist law firms that have been taking action against casinos from the very first minute are just too stupid to pledge."

If that's the case, then of course I'll get back to you. Yes, of course that explains why you're going off like this. You are in contact with the lawyers yourself and of course you want to take people for fools longer. That's also the reason why you don't go into the arguments, but only go into the person. Typical black rhetoric to distract from the actual topic. Simply claiming that the other side has no idea, without somehow proving it or going into it in terms of content.

So take note folks. Valid titles can only be redeemed in Malta. And if the Maltese government decides to pass a law that courts have to reject attachments, then don't worry. It's all quite normal and of course the absolutely only way to seize a billion-dollar company. Wait some more years, for nothing and nothing.

And when the law is finally repealed and the courts allow the attachments, Pokerstars will be waiting for you with a big bag of money. Because Pokerstars has all its assets in a Maltese bank account and vault. They are also totally stupid and that is why every garnishment will go through without ifs and buts.

I'm serious folks. You only get the money from Pokerstars if you go other ways. They don't want to pay and as long as that's the case, you can turn your head on your head. And as long as the lawyers only try to collect the money in Malta, they don't have to worry. The only reason why litigation is only in Malta is because otherwise the PF would incur enormous costs that he simply does not want to bear. And since a PF earns a lot anyway, unlike you, he has all the time in the world. It's not like he's just waiting for Pokrstars himself. There are more than enough other casinos that pay and where it's not as complicated as at Pokerstars.

I can only say it again: If you are dealing with sums of €50,000 or more, you should definitely go to a lawyer who specializes in international attachments and simply find out about the possibilities.

Don't be fooled by a fros7byte who admits to working for a law firm.

You don't have to believe me. Go to a specialist lawyer and let them advise you. An initial consultation doesn't cost much, especially not when it comes to 5 or 6-digit sums for you. He will then quickly explain the possibilities to you and he will certainly be more optimistic when it comes to garnishing a billion-dollar company.

Just how ridiculous that is, as if you couldn't win a title against a billion-dollar company. "Oh, sorry, unfortunately we don't have any money, there's nothing to get". Folks, don't be fooled.

Edited by author 1 year ago
Automatic translation:
1 year ago

But I think the train has already left for me because my case is in court in Malta. What you say should be done by people who have been given a waiting period to carry out the execution.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

by "WE" I mean me and all the other plaintiffs, you stupid talker πŸ˜€ I don't work for a law firm 😲?????

what a ridiculous conspiracy theorist you are, take off your aluminum hat, master.

and the only one who distracts from the topic here is you. I'm asking you again: bring evidence or credible reports of experience, how YOU have successfully enforced against casinos in any form. everyone is waiting to know that you have already put into practice what you preach here. but you didn't, so you're a stupid gossip who babbles on people here uselessly with impractical theories and just says how stupid and your own fault they are.

since you prefer to write novels and are constantly distracting, you make up completely twisted views of my very uninteresting person (which are in no way correct) and your own misconduct (e.g. I would not prove anything or go into something πŸ˜€), it can be assumed that you are not quite in your right mind.

no financier or plaintiff law firm wants to drag it out or risk that no money will come in the end. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? they paid millions in you seriously think they are that stupid and end up confiscating an office chair and no one ever thinks of looking outside of malta? the casinos have deposited millions and millions of security deposits with the MGA and it would be difficult to operate a casino if the complete company inventory of the several hundred employees on site was seized, right? Furthermore, you can then directly track the payment streams, instead of, for example, stiffening on a skrill account, where there are 50,000 €, which would satisfy 1-2 creditors.

nobody here has ever claimed that you can't do anything with a title or that it's only possible to enforce it in malta. I AM JUST ASKING YOU ONE MORE: WHAT HAVE YOU ACHIEVED WITH YOUR TITLES SO FAR? HOW DID YOU EXECUTE? WITH WHICH LAW FIRM? stop drinking wine and preaching water and at least explain to us why you should be ahead of EVERYONE else? I do not want more. and please don't cry again, let my person out and stop sucking stuff out of your fingers!

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

"you stupid talker" "ridiculous conspiracy theorist" "your aluminum hat" "that you're not quite sane" "please don't cry again"

What kind of spirit child you are can already be seen here. Whole 6 paragraphs, consisting only of insults and attacks on my person. All the more schizophrenic then this sentence from you "let my person out". πŸ™‚

You're definitely not the brightest candle on the cake.

Everyone, except you, understood what I mean and what I'm getting at. Sorry, but there are other contacts for those left behind, so I'm not the right person for that. Now wipe the foam off your mouth and come back down. You can live out your hate speech somewhere else.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Hey guys can you stop discussing this unnecessarily this doesn't belong in a forum.

You can express yourself somewhere else, but people don't need to read something like that, that's already going too far, thank you.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

I agree with you. Would also be strong for a factual discussion, without personal attacks.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

We're definitely done now πŸ˜€ I think even the last one can now see that you just talked stuff, which has absolutely nothing to do with the current situation. you have not had any success or at least gained personal experience in an execution and think you are playing the big adviser... who unfortunately avoids every question, becomes personal and then starts to cry at contra and describes every word as an insult πŸ˜€ of course i won't list how often you actually insulted me, because it doesn't bother me at all and anyway you can see how your house of cards is collapsing just because you look at it concrete successes for all your theses asks πŸ˜€

never had such a stupid, childish and argumentless discussion with someone... but let's just let it be, ok? πŸ™‚

I definitely work for a bad law firm and I don't want anyone here to ever get their money back...listen to MalaKa and finally get your money back, folks! it's sooo easy! I won't tell you how! And if someone asks me whether it's worth wasting thousands upon thousands of euros for the next lawyer and whether it worked out for me in the end...I won't tell you πŸ˜€

kindergartenΒ² end.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Haha, you are so lost. What movie are you getting into? Alright, well now. Put down your phone and do your homework.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Hey Malaga.

now let's put butter on the fish.

Do you have any experience collecting money?

tell me more about it...

Edited by author 1 year ago
Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Yes, I have. I have a lawyer I know who has already garnished accounts from quite a few casinos outside of Malta but within Europe.

And yes, it's not that easy and you can't do it a thousand times, because the casinos react to it very quickly. But I never claimed that. I wrote this to you here because everyone has to decide individually whether it makes sense and, above all, whether the sum is high enough to take other paths. That's what it's all about. I understand the way the lawyers act, because of course they have thousands of cases and it doesn't make much sense. Above all, a seizure can also remain unsuccessful and then you are stuck with the costs of several hundred euros. So it may take several attempts.

But if I had a title with €100,000, then I wouldn't wait any longer and would also spend a little money to get my money. I don't say more all the time and have only pointed out that there are more possibilities to pawn than only in Malta.

I just wanted to clarify why the lawyers are getting stuck in Malta and why that makes sense from the lawyers' point of view, but each individual still has other options. A consultation with a specialized lawyer cannot do any harm.

Edited by author 1 year ago
Automatic translation:
1 year ago

No one takes your gibberish seriously without proof, I can make some rhymes together for myself, but of course simply suing without a PF is so cheap and of course absolutely affordable if you have lost several 100k, you can also get a loan from every bank :D

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

You're quickly taken hops πŸ˜‚

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Tell me, do you really not understand what I'm writing? Those with titles have already sued with PF. It's the legal title that belongs to you and not the PF. The shares for the PF are not lost just because you have them seized elsewhere. However, you have the right to request the publication of the title because it is your title.

What kind of evidence? Should I send you a carrier pigeon or what? Go to a specialist lawyer and get advice there, but leave me alone.

Really now, I'm so fed up with this disrespectful behavior here and I don't want to be treated like this anymore just because you don't have a clue yourself. Or what exactly do you have here for a reason to be so irrelevant?

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

I understand what you mean, but I find it stupid

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

hey MalaKa, you old casino guru...what's the name of the lawyer you know?

I would really like to call him personally right away and would then commission him if necessary directly after an initial meeting, since he seems to be extremely successful.

By the way: a casino name, an amount, a date, a bank etc. would be enough for the people here as "proof". Sharing this information is also perfectly legal and totally simple. or?

But we've had this topic so often... there's always the completely incomprehensible aggressive reaction of the offended small child: "What kind of evidence? Should I send you a carrier pigeon or what? Go to a specialist lawyer and get advice there, but leave me alone. + MAMA, he insulted me and said I'm wearing a aluminum hat."

PS: I'm really excited to see which excuse and distraction you'll come back with πŸ˜€

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Guys, I know you don't need to hear it, but I have to say I would appreciate getting this conversation back on track without unnecessary personal attacks.

Shall we agree on that?

1 year ago

Hey guys a friend of mine was in Malta a month ago on vacation and playing at the same time. Now, after a month, his brother has been kicked out and says that the machines will be changed. It used to be or a month ago there was no registration now you have to register to play something must have happened in Malta.

Automatic translation:
1 year ago

Fine, so it seems one has to register to play even in land-based casinos in Malta, interesting.

Did his brother mention more about those machines, perhaps? The first thing that came to my mind was "modernization". Can't help myself. πŸ˜€

1 year ago

In Cyprus ? Because my lawyer is looking to do an action, and the casino has his financial company in Cyprus. My lawyer tried the "amicable" way and gave them time to reply, and now they are not even replying, and I'm tired of waiting.

Thank you

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