The player from Germany had his account blocked after an alleged chargeback. We reject this complaint because it's violation of Casino's T&C's.
The player from Germany had his account blocked after an alleged chargeback. We reject this complaint because it's violation of Casino's T&C's.
The player from Germany had his account blocked after an alleged chargeback. We reject this complaint because it's violation of Casino's T&C's.
Hello, this is about an account closure that I can not understand, I first had several payouts then I deposited 100 euros and paid out 230 euros because dozenspins pays out super fast and without problems, I had always assumed that this is one of the best and most reputable casinos but than me The casino wanted to pay in the next day, the casino always paid me out every day, the message was blocked gambling addiction, which later turned out to be absolute nonsense in the live chat, I got no further, they always referred me to an email that I should write to the support that I did 4 days behind each other to get an opinion from the casino but nothing on the 7th day I got an email then I allegedly had violated a rule they wrote me the "Dear Stephan P ***,
Dozenspins Casino's Risk Department informs you that your BLADESTAR account has failed the verification process under the Project Regulations due to a breach of the Project Rules, namely paragraph 13.3 of the Rules.
Due to the violation of Section 13.3 / 13.4.1. According to the rules, your gaming account will be closed without the right to open it.
Your account has been closed for breaking the rules:
13.3. In the event that: - You have "charged back" or declined any of the purchases or deposits made to your account;
13.4.1. Fraudulent practice includes:
- fraudulent activities in connection with charge-back and rake-back; "since I only played with my own money without a bonus and also not with rakeback or refunds, I cannot understand the violation of the rules. They did not show me any evidence where I violated it If I had thought, I was simply too uncomfortable for the casino because I had several withdrawals in a row and they were looking for just one reason to get rid of me. No idea what this rule is supposed to describe It is mainly because the casino shows me proof of when I violated this rule and how have a nice day
and many greetings stephan p ***
hallo es geht hier um eine konten schliessung die ich nicht nachvollziehn kann ich hatte erst mehrere auszahlungen dann hatte ich 100 euro eingezahlt und 230 euro ausgezahlt da dozenspins superschnell und ohne probleme auszahlt hatte ich immer angenommen das ist eins der besten und seriösesten casinos aber als ich nächsten tag einzahln wollte das casino zahlte bei mir immer täglich aus kam die meldung wegn spielsucht gesperrt was sich später als absoluten blödsinn raustellte im livechat kam ich nicht weiter sie verwiesen mich immer auf eine email den ich dem support schreiben sollte das tat ich 4 tage hinter einander um eine stellungnahme seitens des casinos zu bekommen aber nichts am 7 tag kam ich dann eine email ich hätte angeblich gegen eine regel verstossen sie schrieben mir das "Dear Stephan P***,
Die Risikoabteilung von Dozenspins Casino informiert Sie darüber, dass Ihr BLADESTAR-Konto das Überprüfungsverfahren gemäß den Projektbestimmungen aufgrund eines Verstoßes gegen die Projektregeln, nämlich Absatz 13.3 der Regeln, nicht bestanden hat.
Aufgrund des Verstoßes gegen Ziffer 13.3/13.4.1. der Regeln wird Ihr Spielkonto ohne das Recht auf Eröffnung geschlossen.
Ihr Konto wurde aufgrund Ihres Verstoßes gegen die Regeln geschlossen:
13.3. In dem Fall, wenn: - Sie haben einen der Käufe oder Einzahlungen, die Sie auf Ihr Konto getätigt haben, "zurückverrechnet" oder abgelehnt;
13.4.1. Betrügerische Praxis umfasst:
- betrügerische Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit Charge-Back und Rake-Back;" da ich nur mit meinem eigenen geld gespielt hatte ohne bonus und auch nicht mit rakeback oder rückzahlungen kann ich den regelverstoss nicht nachvollziehn sie zeigten mir auch keinen beweis wo ich den dagegen verstossen hätte meinermeinung war ich einfach dem casino zu unbequem geworden weil ich mehere auszahlungen hinter einander hatte und sie nur einen grund suchten mich loszuwerden keine ahnung was diese regel überhaupt beschreiben soll ich habe weder was zurückverrechnet nocht abgelehnt ich hoffe ihr kümmert auch wie immer darum mir geht es vorallem darum das das casino mir erstmal einen beweis zeigt wann ich diesen regel verstoss getan habe und wie einen schönen tag noch
und viele grüsse stephan p***
Dear Stephan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
We will contact the casino and ask for their cooperation in resolving your problem, but, before we do so, could you please forward any relevant communication to Please confirm that your account has been fully verified in the past and you’ve withdrawn winnings previously. Could you please advise if you have ever requested a chargeback from any gambling establishment? Are there any funds being held by the casino?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Stephan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
We will contact the casino and ask for their cooperation in resolving your problem, but, before we do so, could you please forward any relevant communication to Please confirm that your account has been fully verified in the past and you’ve withdrawn winnings previously. Could you please advise if you have ever requested a chargeback from any gambling establishment? Are there any funds being held by the casino?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hello, I had actually already written to you that I had a lot of payouts at the casino and my last was 130 euros and it went through without any problems within a day and no, I never asked for a chargeback from a gambling company, I will not do it because if someone plays and is grown up he knows that he can also lose, of course I have already lost at dozenspins, but I got my money back through legal play without violating the rules and paid out and if I had violated any rule then you would have anyway not paid out so of course I am completely confused and no the casino has no more money from me with best regards, stephan p ***
hallo ich hatte euch eigentlich schon geschrieben das ich viele auszahlungen bei dem casino hatte und meine letzte 130 euro war und die ging auch ohne probleme inerhalb eines tages durch und nein ich habe niemals eine rückbuchung von einem glückspielunternehmen gefordert ich werde es auch nicht tun weil wenn jemand spielt und erwachsen ist weiss er das er auch verlieren kann habe natürlich habe ich auch bei dozenspins schon verloren aber ich habe mein geld durch legales spielen ohne verletzung der regeln wieder zurückgeholt und ausgezahlt und wenn ich irgend eine regel verletzt hätte dann hätten sie ja sowieso nioht ausgezahlt also natürlich bin ich auch vollständig verefiziert und nein das casino hat kein geld mehr von mir mit freundlichen grüssen stephan p***
Thank you very much, Stephan, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Thank you very much, Stephan, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hello stephan,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Dozen Spins Casino into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify what happened in this case?
Hello stephan,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Dozen Spins Casino into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify what happened in this case?
Dear Stephan,
We have reviewed your complaint regarding the closure of your account in detail.
The decision to close your account was made by Risk Department, due to the fact that we received a response from the payment system, that you have requested a charter back the amount of your deposit of 20EUR, made in our casino on 2021-06-22.
That is, you have violated rules 13.3 and 13.4.1. with which you have agreed to comply.
13.3. In the case, if:
- you have "charged back" or denied any of the purchases or deposits that you made to your account;
13.4.1. Fraudulent practice includes:
- fraudulent activities related to charge-backs and rake-back;
The information that you have requested a chargeback is official and confirmed by the payment system through which you have made a deposit to the gaming account.
All of the activities in our casino are carried out strictly according to the rules that you have agreed to follow.
Dear Stephan,
We have reviewed your complaint regarding the closure of your account in detail.
The decision to close your account was made by Risk Department, due to the fact that we received a response from the payment system, that you have requested a charter back the amount of your deposit of 20EUR, made in our casino on 2021-06-22.
That is, you have violated rules 13.3 and 13.4.1. with which you have agreed to comply.
13.3. In the case, if:
- you have "charged back" or denied any of the purchases or deposits that you made to your account;
13.4.1. Fraudulent practice includes:
- fraudulent activities related to charge-backs and rake-back;
The information that you have requested a chargeback is official and confirmed by the payment system through which you have made a deposit to the gaming account.
All of the activities in our casino are carried out strictly according to the rules that you have agreed to follow.
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are rejecting this complaint as unjustified. Sorry, we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are rejecting this complaint as unjustified. Sorry, we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
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