The player from Spain is struggling to receive his winning via Bitcoin. We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. Later, we rejected the complaint because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
The player from Spain is struggling to receive his winning via Bitcoin. We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. Later, we rejected the complaint because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
The player from Spain is struggling to receive his winning via Bitcoin. We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. Later, we rejected the complaint because the player didn't respond to our messages and questions.
I have several tests that I consider a clear indication of fraudulent behavior and I hope this serves as a warning to many other users who might be interested in operating with the online betting house CryptoBet. Luckily, in my case I only have 4,50 milibitcoins committed, which from what I have been able to verify, I will no longer see. First, the clearest indication is the two responses of the house when I have raised the problem. These characters that control the page do not realize that when operating with bitcoins everything is registered in the block book and if a transaction of bitcoins is made to a certain account, that movement is registered publicly. And if a certain transaction is not made, then no. Well, I wanted to get 4.5 millibitcoins from my CryptoBet account to my bitcoin wallet. When I am executing the operation on the website of these characters, the message "insufficient funds" mysteriously appears and immediately the balance of my account becomes zero. I assumed that the transaction had begun, but with the passing of the minutes I saw that no transaction had been made and that my 4.5 millibitcoins had vanished. These operations take very little time to perform because they require few confirmations (this is a great advantage of the Bitcoin protocol) and all the movements associated with a particular portfolio can be publicly reviewed on "" (there is no greater sample of transparency, all the opposite of these CryptoBet characters, for calling them somehow). This operation was never performed (that is, it is not in the blockchain book). When I mentioned this to those of the house, in several incidents that I had to open, the response was on the one hand that "the only withdrawal of funds that had been processed was 8 millibitcoins on January 18" (I had actually made that withdrawal ), and another answer was that "I had requested a withdrawal to the bitcoin wallet address: 19rn ..." To this last message I replied telling them that I had actually started that process and that that was my exact address but that I did not know He had completed the operation. And I handed them the blockchain website so they could check it out. Then I ask them where my funds are. I'm still waiting for the answer, almost a month later. And this is already enough evidence that something does not smell good in that house. They are not transparent and they are also unsuspecting (because they do not know the demonstrative power of the Bitcoin Protocol).
But it doesn't end there. Apart from the screenshots that I will spend where you can make accounts of the money that came in and out, and what is missing (which is exactly 4,501 millibitcoins), they take a little money every time a withdrawal of funds is made from the account (and they don't say that anywhere: let's go more fraud). Always, every time a transaction of bitcoins is made there is a commission that the miners take and that data is also registered in When I withdrew 8 mbtc from my CryptoBet account, the miners charged me a commission of 0.22981 mbtc, but the difference between this commission and the 8 mbtc did not reach my portfolio. There were 0.17019 mbtc missing that went to these characters (and I estimate that this will be happening to anyone who tries to raise funds from their CryptoBet account). There are so many hits, that there is nowhere to catch it. And thankfully, I repeat, that only 4.5 mbtc (4,501 mbtc has been kidnapped for me to be more exact).
Finally, so that you can see that 4,501 mbtc is missing in my account, I describe the movements in my account in milibitcoins that you can contrast with the screenshots: Total income = 12,531 Total withdrawals = 8 Total spending on bets = 16,350 Total Gain on bets = 16,320 FINAL BALANCE TOTAL = 4,501 mbtc (This is the amount that should be in my account but "mysteriously" has vanished).
Finally, there is a detail that is also quite indicative of the lack of transparency and that I believe is closely related to the fraud in question. Many online houses (at least the serious ones) give you proof of the withdrawal of funds from your accounts: this particular house does not. Which gives them room to not have to justify later in cases of claim like mine. So, I justify the income in my CryptoBet account, but I can not send you proof of the outflows of that account, because they do not exist (I can only send you an email from them where they admit that the only processed outbound operation was of 8 mbtc).
Obviously, since that incident I have not returned to work with these people.
Tengo varias pruebas que considero un claro indicio de comportamiento fraudulento y espero que esto sirva de aviso a muchos otros usuarios que pudieran estar interesados en operar con la casa de apuestas online CryptoBet. Menos mal que en mi caso sólo tengo comprometidos 4,50 milibitcoins, que por lo que he podido comprobar, ya no voy a ver. En primer lugar, el indicio más claro son las dos respuestas de la casa cuando les he planteado el problema. Estos personajes que controlan la página no se dan cuenta de que al operar con bitcoins todo queda registrado en el libro de bloques y si se hace una transacción de bitcoins a una determinada cuenta, ese movimiento queda registrado públicamente. Y si no se hace una determinada transacción, pues entonces no. Bien, yo quise sacar 4,5 milibitcoins desde mi cuenta de CryptoBet a mi cartera de bitcoins. Cuando estoy ejecutando la operación en el sitio web de estos personajes, misteriosamente aparece el mensaje "fondos insuficientes" y acto seguido el saldo de mi cuenta se vuelve cero. Di por supuesto que se había iniciado la transacción, pero con el paso de los minutos ví que no se había hecho ninguna transacción y que mis 4,5 milibitcoins se habían esfumado. Estas operaciones tardan muy poco en realizarse porque requieren de pocas confirmaciones (esta es una gran ventaja del protocolo Bitcoin) y todos los movimientos asociados a una determinada cartera pueden ser revisados públicamente en "" (no hay mayor muestra de transparencia, todo lo contrario que estos personajes de CryptoBet, por llamarlos de alguna manera). Esta operación nunca se realizó (es decir, no está en el libro de blockchain). Cuando les comento esto a los de la casa, en varias incidencias que tuve que abrir, la respuesta fue por un lado que "la unica retirada de fondos que habían procesado era de 8 milibitcoins el día 18 de enero" (efectivamente había hecho esa retirada), y ya otra respuesta fue que "yo había requerido una retirada a la dirección de cartera de bitcoin: 19rn..." A este último mensaje contesté diciéndoles que efectivamente había iniciado ese trámite y que esa era mi dirección exacta pero que no se había consumado la operación. Y les pasé la página web de blockchain para que pudieran comprobarlo. Acto seguido les pregunto dónde están mis fondos. Todavía estoy esperando la respuesta, casi un mes después. Y ésta ya es suficiente evidencia de que algo no huele bien en esa casa. No son transparentes y además son unos incautos (porque no conocen el poder demostrativo del Protocolo Bitcoin).
Pero la cosa no acaba ahí. Al margen de las capturas de pantalla que os pasaré donde podéis hacer cuentas del dinero que entró y del que salió y lo que falta (que son 4,501 milibitcoins exactamente), ellos se llevan un dinerito cada vez que se hace una retirada de fondos de la cuenta (y eso no lo dicen por ningún lado: vamos más fraude). Siempre, cada vez que se hace una transacción de bitcoins hay una comisión que se llevan los mineros y ese dato aparece también registrado en Cuando retiré 8 mbtc de mi cuenta de CryptoBet, los mineros me cobraron una comisión de 0,22981 mbtc, pero a mi cartera no llegó la diferencia entre esta comisión y los 8 mbtc. Faltaban 0,17019 mbtc que fueron a parar a estos personajes (y calculo que esto estará ocurriendole a cualquiera que trate de sacar fondos de su cuenta de CryptoBet). Son tantas las pegas, que no hay por donde cogerlo. Y menos mal, repito, que a mí sólo me han secuestrado 4,5 mbtc (4,501 mbtc para ser más exactos).
Finalmente, para que podáis ver que faltan 4,501 mbtc en mi cuenta, os describo los movimientos en mi cuenta en milibitcoins que podréis contrastar con las capturas de pantalla: Total de ingresos=12,531 Total de retiradas=8 Total de gasto en apuestas=16,350 Total de ganancia en apuestas=16,320 BALANCE FINAL TOTAL=4.501 mbtc (Esta es la cantidad que tendría que haber en mi cuenta pero "misteriosamente" se ha esfumado).
Finalmente, hay un detalle que también es bastante indicativo de la falta de transparencia y que creo que guarda relación estrecha con el fraude en cuestión. Muchas casas online (al menos las serias) te dan un justificante de la retirada de fondos de sus cuentas: esta casa en concreto no. Lo cual les da margen para no tener que justificarse después en casos de reclamación como el mío. Así, os paso justificante de los ingresos en mi cuenta de CryptoBet, pero no puedo enviaros justificantes de las salidas de fondos de dicha cuenta, porque no existen (sólo os puedo pasar un correo de ellos donde admiten que la única operación de salida procesada fue de 8 mbtc).
Obviamente, desde aquel incidente no he vuelto a trabajar con esta gente.
Dear Rafael,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding all the relevant screenshots. I will contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, but, before I do that, could you please confirm that you have successfully passed the KYC (verification) process in this casino? Have you received a withdrawal in the past?
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Rafael,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding all the relevant screenshots. I will contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, but, before I do that, could you please confirm that you have successfully passed the KYC (verification) process in this casino? Have you received a withdrawal in the past?
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hi Petronela. As I say the CryptoBet do not give proof of withdrawal. This is one of his great business ideas. But the Bitcoin protocol also allows to justify this. I send you an attached image obtained from '' that justifies the only withdrawal that was made by my order, of a total of 8 milibitcoins, from one of its bitcoin wallets on January 18. I made that withdrawal following the same mechanism that I used to try to remove the 4.5 milibitcoins that have vanished. As you will see in the image, the miners charged me a commission of 0.00022981 btc and I received 0.0076 btc, so if you take account exactly 0.00017019 is missing they have been left without saying anything and without warning.
You can contact them, but as they respond to you in the same way as me, I don't think you get anything clear. Well, yes you can get something clear, that are unpresentable.
Hola Petronela. Como os digo los de CryptoBet no dan justificantes de retirada de fondos. Ésta es una de sus grandes ideas de negocio. Pero el protocolo Bitcoin también permite justificar esto. Os mando imagen adjunta obtenida de '' que justifica la única retirada que se hizo por orden mía, de un total 8 milibitcoins, desde una de sus carteras de bitcoin el día 18 de enero. Esa retirada la hice siguiendo el mismo mecanismo que utilicé para tratar de retirar los 4.5 milibitcoins que se han esfumado. Como veréis en la imagen, los mineros me cobraron un comisión de 0.00022981 btc y me llegaron 0.0076 btc, con lo cual si echáis cuentas faltan exactamente 0.00017019 que se han quedado ellos sin decir nada y sin previo aviso.
Podéis contactar con ellos, pero como os respondan de la misma manera que a mí, no creo que saquéis nada en claro. Bueno, sí que podéis sacar algo en claro, que son unos impresentables.
Dear Rafael,
Thank you very much for your quick reply and all the forwarded screenshots. I contacted the casino regarding your issue. Hopefully, we will receive a response soon and sort this case to your satisfaction.
@ CryptoBet Casino, please, could you shed some light on this case? Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Dear Rafael,
Thank you very much for your quick reply and all the forwarded screenshots. I contacted the casino regarding your issue. Hopefully, we will receive a response soon and sort this case to your satisfaction.
@ CryptoBet Casino, please, could you shed some light on this case? Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Hello again Petronela. Thanks for your efforts. I don't think you fix much because there is little transparency from CryptoBet. But you would be very helpful if you warn other users of the problems involved in betting on CryptoBet.
Thanks again
Hola de nuevo Petronela. Gracias por tus esfuerzos. No creo que arregléis mucho porque hay poca transparencia por parte de CryptoBet. Pero sí que seriais de gran ayuda si advertís a otros usuarios de los problemas que conlleva apostar en CryptoBet.
Gracias de nuevo
We would like to ask the CryptoBet Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
We would like to ask the CryptoBet Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Since we haven’t received any response from the casino regarding the issue, we are forced to close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
The casino can reopen this complaint anytime.
Since we haven’t received any response from the casino regarding the issue, we are forced to close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
The casino can reopen this complaint anytime.
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. We would like to give this case one more chance to get resolved and help both involved parties to reach to a satisfactory conclusion.
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. We would like to give this case one more chance to get resolved and help both involved parties to reach to a satisfactory conclusion.
Hello to the Casino Guru Community!
Thank you Petronela for emailing us and providing the opportunity to respond to these ridiculous allegations.
The complaint is about blockchain fees when performing a withdrawal of winnings. We have heard this a few times from players, but this is the specific complaint here:
"When I withdrew 8 mbtc from my CryptoBet account, the miners charged me a commission of 0.22981 mbtc, but the difference between this commission and the 8 mbtc did not reach my portfolio. There were 0.17019 mbtc missing that went to these characters (and I estimate that this will be happening to anyone who tries to raise funds from their CryptoBet account). "
This complaint is regarding 0.17 mbtc, which is rougly $1 (ONE DOLLAR). This is charged by Coinpayments (not us) when performing a withdrawal transaction. The amount varies, but is usually around this amount. This is in addition to the blockchain fees of about $0.25 in this particular transaction.
Also, we are happy to pay you $1 out of our pocket, because arguing about $1 is not productive. Therefore, please send us your wallet address.
The further complaint about approximately $25 in "kidnapped" funds, we ask that you explain more clearly as we do not understand? We do not "kidnap" funds and users are able to withdraw more than 4 times that amount AUTOMATICALLY with a single click every single day. Larger amounts are manually processed twice daily.
We are happy to be here and resolve any and all customer service issues.
Thank you,
Kate Allman
Player Support
Hello to the Casino Guru Community!
Thank you Petronela for emailing us and providing the opportunity to respond to these ridiculous allegations.
The complaint is about blockchain fees when performing a withdrawal of winnings. We have heard this a few times from players, but this is the specific complaint here:
"When I withdrew 8 mbtc from my CryptoBet account, the miners charged me a commission of 0.22981 mbtc, but the difference between this commission and the 8 mbtc did not reach my portfolio. There were 0.17019 mbtc missing that went to these characters (and I estimate that this will be happening to anyone who tries to raise funds from their CryptoBet account). "
This complaint is regarding 0.17 mbtc, which is rougly $1 (ONE DOLLAR). This is charged by Coinpayments (not us) when performing a withdrawal transaction. The amount varies, but is usually around this amount. This is in addition to the blockchain fees of about $0.25 in this particular transaction.
Also, we are happy to pay you $1 out of our pocket, because arguing about $1 is not productive. Therefore, please send us your wallet address.
The further complaint about approximately $25 in "kidnapped" funds, we ask that you explain more clearly as we do not understand? We do not "kidnap" funds and users are able to withdraw more than 4 times that amount AUTOMATICALLY with a single click every single day. Larger amounts are manually processed twice daily.
We are happy to be here and resolve any and all customer service issues.
Thank you,
Kate Allman
Player Support
Thank you very much CryptoBet Casino for your reply.
@Rafael, please could you provide the necessary information? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much CryptoBet Casino for your reply.
@Rafael, please could you provide the necessary information? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Dear Rafael,
Please could you provide the necessary information? We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Dear Rafael,
Please could you provide the necessary information? We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Unfortunately, we’re rejecting this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with a further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
Unfortunately, we’re rejecting this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with a further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
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