The player from Finland is requesting a deposit refund due to a misleading casino license. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
The player from Finland is requesting a deposit refund due to a misleading casino license. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
The player from Finland is requesting a deposit refund due to a misleading casino license. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
I was playing on the CasinoFriday website and after the games, I made a complaint to them about a breach of license terms (Estonian license)
and requested part of my deposits back.
I received a reply from them that they are not under the jurisdiction of the Estonian license, but they have a Curacao license, the terms of which I agreed to when I created an account with them, so they claim my complaint is unfounded.
This came as quite a surprise to me as I went directly to their website through a link from the Estonian Tax and Customs Board's pages, and CasinoFriday's website has the Estonian Tax and Customs Board's logo, as well as Finnish text, which does not mention anything about a Curacao license. They only had the Estonian Tax and Customs Board's logo on their website, and the link underneath led to the Estonian Business Register.
In Finland, all their partners also advertise the Estonian license and tax-free winnings for CasinoFriday players.
Currently, the operator in question has modified their website to include the correct license.
Attached to this complaint are screenshots from before they changed their website. These show how they intentionally advertised a safer license to attract Finnish players.
The screenshots are public information, so they can be published.
In my opinion, they have seriously misled customers and Finnish players.
-Twenty-Five Tipper
Attachment 1
Link on Tax and Customs Board's website.
Attachment 2
CasinoFriday's Finnish website, upon which customers trust they are playing with a operator who has an Estonian license.
Attachment 3
Estonian Business Register website, the link to which is visible at the bottom of Attachment 2.
pelasin CasinoFriday sivustolla ja pelien jälkeen tein heille reklamaation lisenssi ehtojen rikkomisesta (Viron lisenssi)
ja pyysin osaa talletuksistani takaisin.
Sain heiltä vastauksen että he eivät ole viron lisenssin alaisuudessa, vaan heillä on curacaon lisenssi, jonka ehdot olen hyväksynyt tehdessäni tilin heille ja valitukseni on aiheeton.
Tämä tuli itselleni aika yllätyksenä, koska menin heidän sivustolle suoraan viron vero ja tullihallituksen sivujen kautta olevasta linkistä, sekä Casinodridayn sivustolla on Viron vero ja tullihallituksen logo, sekä teksti suomeksi missä ei ole mitään mainintaa curacaon lisenssistä, sekä heillä oli ainoastaan Viron vero ja tullihallituksen logo sivuillaan ja sen alla oleva linkki ohjasi viron elinkeinoreikisteriin.
Suomessa kaikki heidän yhteistyö kumppanit myös mainostavat viron lisenssiä ja verovapaita voittoja Casinofridayn pelaajille.
Tällä hetkellä kyseinen operaattori on muuttanut sivustoaan ja siellä on myös oikea lisenssi mainittu.
Liitän tähän valitukseen kuvakaappaukset ajalta ennenkuin he muuttivat sivustoaan, mistä näkee kuinka he tahallisesti ovat mainostaneet suomalaisille turvallisempaa lisenssiä saadakseen suomalaisia pelaajia.
Kuvakaappaukset on julkista tietoa, joten ne voi julkaista.
Omasta mielestäni tässä on harhaanjohdettu asiakasta sekä suomalaisia pelaajia todella röyhkeästi.
Liite 1
Vero ja tullihallituksen sivuilla oleva linkki.
Liite 2
Casinofridayn suomenkielinen sivusto, jonka perusteella asiakas luottaa pelaavansa Viron lisenssin omistavan operaattorin kanssa.
Liite 3
Viron elinkeinorekisterin sivusto, minkä linkki näkyy Liite 2 alaosassa.
Dear VinkkiVitonen,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Can you provide more clarity regarding the reasons for your deposit refund request? Additionally, could you please share your current available balance?
If there’s any relevant communication, forward it to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear VinkkiVitonen,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Can you provide more clarity regarding the reasons for your deposit refund request? Additionally, could you please share your current available balance?
If there’s any relevant communication, forward it to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
They have made guidance for the Finnish players
from the website, which can be found in the register of Estonian authorities' license holders, to the website:
" ".
And this site is not licensed in Estonia, but in Curacao, so here the customer has been tricked into making a purchase decision.
In the screenshots I sent, you can see how there is no mention of the Curacao license anywhere, only the Estonian license information.
The pictures can be published so that other people can also see how the operator has misled customers.
You also have a mention in the presentation of that operator that it is under an Estonian license, that is not true.
He ovat tehneet suomalaisille pelaajille ohjauksen
sivustolta, joka löytyy Viron viranomaisen lisenssin haltijoiden rekisteristä, sivustolle:
Ja tämä sivusto ei ole Viron lisenssin alainen, vaan curacaon, joten tässä on huijattu asiakasta ostopäätöksen tekemisessä.
Lähettämissäni kuvakaappauksissa näkyy miten missään ei ole mainittu curacaon lisenssistä, ainoastaan on Viron lisenssin tiedot.
Kuvat voi julkaista että muut ihmiset myös näkevät miten operaattori on johtanut harhaan asiakkaita.
Teillä on myös kyseisen operaattorin esittelyssä maininta että on Viron lisenssin alaisuudessa, se ei pidä paikkaansa.
I sincerely apologize, VinkkiVitonen, but regrettably, there is insufficient basis for issuing a refund in this case. Unfortunately, here at Casino.Guru, we do not handle matters pertaining to licensing regulations and policies. While I empathize with your situation, we are, unfortunately, unable to provide assistance. Our role primarily involves serving as an independent online casino database and mediating in resolving player disputes. We do not possess the authority to enforce the legality of rules and regulations.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint as unjustified. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
I sincerely apologize, VinkkiVitonen, but regrettably, there is insufficient basis for issuing a refund in this case. Unfortunately, here at Casino.Guru, we do not handle matters pertaining to licensing regulations and policies. While I empathize with your situation, we are, unfortunately, unable to provide assistance. Our role primarily involves serving as an independent online casino database and mediating in resolving player disputes. We do not possess the authority to enforce the legality of rules and regulations.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint as unjustified. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
thanks for the answer.
I have demanded a refund of deposits from the casino due to misleading the customer, often Finnish players choose a reliable operator based on the authority's license, and in this case casinofriday has thoroughly misled Finns on their website, as well as your website, you mention that they have an Estonian license.
In fact, I don't think you can play on their site from any country through the Estonian license, it's only their marketing tool.
I think the complaint is not without grounds, because we are talking about misleading advertising, which according to EU laws is punishable, and it concerns several casinofriday subsidiaries who market themselves as a tax-free casino.
I would ask that you contact the casino about the matter and I would be happy to hear their answer to the question:
"In which country can you play on the casinofriday site under an Estonian gaming license when they market it and it is on the list of legal operators of the Estonian authorities?"
Thanks in advance.
kiitos vastauksesta.
Minähän olen vaatinut casinolta talletuksien palautusta asiakkaan harhaanjohtamisen vuoksi, usein suomalaiset pelaajat valitsevat luotettavan operaattorin lisenssin viranomaisen perusteella, ja tässä tapauksessa casinofriday on perusteellisesti johtanut suomalaisia harhaan sivustollaan, sekä myös teidän sivustoa, teillähän on maininta että heillä on viron lisenssi.
Itseasiassa mistään maasta ei mielestäni pääse pelaamaan heidän sivuilleen viron lisenssin kautta, se on heidän markkinointi keino ainoastaan.
Mielestäni valitus ei ole aiheeton, koska puhutaan harhaanjohtavasta mainonnasta, joka EU:n lakien mukaan on rangaistavaa ja asia koskee useaa casinofridayn tytäryhtiötä jotka markkinoivat heitä verovapaana kasinona.
Pyytäisinkin että otatte asianjohdosta yhteyttä kasinoon ja mielelläni kuulisin heidän vastauksen kysymykseen:
"Missä maassa voi pelata casinofridayn sivustolla viron pelilisenssin alaisuudessa kun he markkinoivat sitä ja se löytyy viron viranomaisen laillisten operaattorien luettelosta?"
Kiitos jo etukäteen.
I wish I could be of more help. I’m sorry we couldn’t help you to resolve this case, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with any other casino in the future. For the abovementioned reasons, I will now reject this complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
I wish I could be of more help. I’m sorry we couldn’t help you to resolve this case, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with any other casino in the future. For the abovementioned reasons, I will now reject this complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
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