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Conversation started on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 21:31 (GMT+0)
[21:34] fredrik johansen: Name: : fredrik johansen
E-mail: :
Department: : 1) English Department
[21:34] CasaBet: CasaBet welcomes you!
Due to the high load on Live Chat, it may take up to 5 minutes to receive a response.
We thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
In the meantime, we invite you to visit the FAQ section at the bottom of our website, where you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Thank you for choosing CasaBet!
[21:35] fredrik johansen: Just cleared the bonus
[21:35] fredrik johansen: The welcomebonus 100%
[21:35] Monika has joined the conversation
[21:35] fredrik johansen: My balance dropped from 10.000 nok to about 2.500 nok
[21:35] Monika: Hello, my name is Monika, how can I help you?
[21:36] fredrik johansen: What the hell?
[21:36] Monika: One moment please, clarifying information, thanks for waiting!
[21:38] Monika: This bonus has a limit on the maximum winnings it is limited to x5 of the bonus amount, all that exceeds the amount of the maximum winnings was written off by the administration of the site.
[21:39] fredrik johansen: Omg what a scam
[21:40] fredrik johansen: Just verified the account
[21:40] fredrik johansen: Where can I withdraw?
[21:40] fredrik johansen: You should handle this withdrawal quickly, since you just took my money
[21:42] fredrik johansen: Seriously where are the withdraw option?
[21:42] fredrik johansen: Have you removed that as well?
[21:42] Monika: Withdrawals are available to the withdrawal systems provided in the withdrawal section.
If among the withdrawal systems there is no the one from which you made deposit, you need to choose one of the available systems, make a minimum deposit to the project from it (to bind it) and make a withdrawal to it.
[21:43] fredrik johansen: ?
[21:43] fredrik johansen: Where is the withdrawal section
[21:44] Monika: upper right corner, click on the wallet icon and then select the withdrawal section.
[21:46] fredrik johansen: But seiously. Why do I have to deposit again???
[21:46] fredrik johansen: Made a deposit before playing
[21:46] fredrik johansen: Deposited with Ethereum
[21:46] fredrik johansen: Would like to withdraw with ethereum
[21:47] fredrik johansen: You cant seriously ask me to deposit again
[21:48] fredrik johansen: Fix this now
[21:49] fredrik johansen: Have you fixed it?
[21:50] Monika: I strongly recommend you to familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of making a deposit, as well as the terms and conditions of withdrawal.
[21:52] fredrik johansen: You are seriously asking me to deposit twice for a withdrawal? When my first deposit is the same as the withdrawal?
[21:53] Monika: If this system is available for withdrawal, you can withdraw your funds without any problems.
[21:53] fredrik johansen: No your system denies my attempt
[21:53] fredrik johansen: Therefore, you need to fix it
[21:54] fredrik johansen: Have you even bothered to see that I made my deposit with ethereum?
[21:54] fredrik johansen: That is the same way I try to withdraw now
[21:55] Monika: If you have a problem with withdrawal of funds I recommend you to make a request to the financial department to solve the problem, you can do it directly by email
[21:58] fredrik johansen: How bad support
[21:58] fredrik johansen: You dont help me fix this, even you took my money
[21:59] fredrik johansen: This May be the worst site Ive been to
[21:59] Monika: Technical support does not solve questions regarding withdrawal of funds.
[22:05] Monika: Is there anything else I can help you with?
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Conversation started on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 21:31 (GMT+0)
[21:34] fredrik johansen: Name: : fredrik johansen
E-mail: :
Department: : 1) English Department
[21:34] CasaBet: CasaBet welcomes you!
Due to the high load on Live Chat, it may take up to 5 minutes to receive a response.
We thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
In the meantime, we invite you to visit the FAQ section at the bottom of our website, where you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Thank you for choosing CasaBet!
[21:35] fredrik johansen: Just cleared the bonus
[21:35] fredrik johansen: The welcomebonus 100%
[21:35] Monika has joined the conversation
[21:35] fredrik johansen: My balance dropped from 10.000 nok to about 2.500 nok
[21:35] Monika: Hello, my name is Monika, how can I help you?
[21:36] fredrik johansen: What the hell?
[21:36] Monika: One moment please, clarifying information, thanks for waiting!
[21:38] Monika: This bonus has a limit on the maximum winnings it is limited to x5 of the bonus amount, all that exceeds the amount of the maximum winnings was written off by the administration of the site.
[21:39] fredrik johansen: Omg what a scam
[21:40] fredrik johansen: Just verified the account
[21:40] fredrik johansen: Where can I withdraw?
[21:40] fredrik johansen: You should handle this withdrawal quickly, since you just took my money
[21:42] fredrik johansen: Seriously where are the withdraw option?
[21:42] fredrik johansen: Have you removed that as well?
[21:42] Monika: Withdrawals are available to the withdrawal systems provided in the withdrawal section.
If among the withdrawal systems there is no the one from which you made deposit, you need to choose one of the available systems, make a minimum deposit to the project from it (to bind it) and make a withdrawal to it.
[21:43] fredrik johansen: ?
[21:43] fredrik johansen: Where is the withdrawal section
[21:44] Monika: upper right corner, click on the wallet icon and then select the withdrawal section.
[21:46] fredrik johansen: But seiously. Why do I have to deposit again???
[21:46] fredrik johansen: Made a deposit before playing
[21:46] fredrik johansen: Deposited with Ethereum
[21:46] fredrik johansen: Would like to withdraw with ethereum
[21:47] fredrik johansen: You cant seriously ask me to deposit again
[21:48] fredrik johansen: Fix this now
[21:49] fredrik johansen: Have you fixed it?
[21:50] Monika: I strongly recommend you to familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of making a deposit, as well as the terms and conditions of withdrawal.
[21:52] fredrik johansen: You are seriously asking me to deposit twice for a withdrawal? When my first deposit is the same as the withdrawal?
[21:53] Monika: If this system is available for withdrawal, you can withdraw your funds without any problems.
[21:53] fredrik johansen: No your system denies my attempt
[21:53] fredrik johansen: Therefore, you need to fix it
[21:54] fredrik johansen: Have you even bothered to see that I made my deposit with ethereum?
[21:54] fredrik johansen: That is the same way I try to withdraw now
[21:55] Monika: If you have a problem with withdrawal of funds I recommend you to make a request to the financial department to solve the problem, you can do it directly by email
[21:58] fredrik johansen: How bad support
[21:58] fredrik johansen: You dont help me fix this, even you took my money
[21:59] fredrik johansen: This May be the worst site Ive been to
[21:59] Monika: Technical support does not solve questions regarding withdrawal of funds.
[22:05] Monika: Is there anything else I can help you with?
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