The player from Spain is complaining about unauthorized transactions in her bank account.
Good afternoon, I comment on my problem that really is about two casinos that are the same, bondibet and bevegas. It turns out that in bevegas on 07/13/2020 I made several deposits of € 25 a total of € 75. In bondibet I have made many more deposits, I do not know how many exactly, the fact is that they have charged me € 425 more, but neither of them gives me an answer, in the bank the names that come out are:
5TH LTD and 5TH but I do not know which casino each corresponds to, I have asked both casinos, but it seems that they are a bit silly, in fact, there are various amounts of € 50 that do not correspond to any deposit that I have made in none of the casinos, nor the amount of my date coincide, to top it off, the boy who has attended me in bondibet through chat, has doubted my credibility, as if I were lying, then, the email that has given me the boy: take a long time to respond, I am very angry, it is something very serious so that I have to wait so long, it is that they have charged me € 425 because they felt like it, I my account I do not have money from the bank, therefore every time I put money in that card, I pay what I am going to buy or in this case I pay the deposit, my bank does not allow me to pay if I do not have money in the account, therefore it is Impossible that I have spent € 425 more, well, I'm not stupid either and I know l or what I spend and what not, I feel that these people have stolen from me and they are in no hurry to solve it, I feel cheated and I am very tired of the agents that are in the chat continuously playing dumb every time you tell them any incidence that you have had, is there any way to report them and to return the money that I have deposited with them? I want bondibet to return all the money that I have deposited from July 3, 2020 at 02:49:41 AM until July 16, 2020 at 01:23:43 PM. I am very sorry, but I want you to give me my money back, they are showing me that they are scammers, that if you do not complain, they have no intention of solving anything, the chat agents are lousy, because they play dumb and as I have already said, the agent who has attended me in bondibet, has tried to liar me and not read the rules, because if there is any rule where they say that they can charge you € 425 for no apparent reason, I would like to be told, because if They also charge you for making deposits ... as I said, I want you to return all the money I have deposited on the dates I have mentioned and, if there is any way to report them, I would like you to help me, I am lost in this and these people are very shameless. By the way, the name of the agent who has attended me in bondibet, is Jackson, I do not know if it will be true, or it is also a lie of them. Because another thing I do not understand is a promotion that they have, it is a draw of € 100,000 in cash, it goes by scores, how is it possible that in a list of rankings there are always the same names in the list, with the same scores? Because I am enrolled in that promotion and another agent could not even tell me what score I had ... it was based on saying that if I am not on the list I am not classified, of course I do not appear on the list, if the list is one still image they have since never changes. I hope you can help me get all my money back, because what they have done has no name, to be honest, I do not recommend this page to anyone, judging by what is happening to me, you cannot trust them. I am also afraid that my account will be closed directly and I no longer have anyone to claim, so I ask for your help, I want to recover the money I have invested there, I know it is complicated because I have used the money playing, but I think I deserve to recover the money invested from a site that has stolen from me and that does not show face, because they know the deposits that I have made and they know that what they have charged me does not match, therefore it seems fatal to me that I have to waste my time sending bank statements to justify what I say is true, when it is as simple as they look at the deposits I have made with them, and then see everything they have charged me. Thanks and please help me!
Buenas tardes, comento mi problema que realmente se trata de dos casinos que son iguales, bondibet y bevegas. Resulta que en bevegas el día 13/07/2020 realicé varios depósitos de 25€ un total de 75€. En bondibet he realizado michos más depósitos, no sé cuantos exactamente, el caso es que me han cobrado 425€ de más, pero no ninguno de los dos me da una respuesta, en el banco los nombres que me salen son:
5TH LTD y 5TH pero no sé a que casino corresponde cada uno, se lo he preguntado a ambos casinos, pero parece que se hacen un poco los tontos, de hecho, hay varias cantidades de 50€ que no corresponden a ningún depósito que he realizado en ninguno de los casinos, ni la cantidad mi la fecha coinciden, para colmo, el chico que me ha atendido en bondibet mediante el chat, ha dudado de mi credibilidad, como si yo estuviese mintiendo, luego, el correo que me ha dado el chico: tardan muchísimo tiempo en responder, estoy muy enfadada, es algo muy serio como para que encima tenga que esperar tanto tiempo, se trata de que me han cobrado 425€ porque les ha dado la gana, yo mi cuenta del banco no tengo dinero, por lo tanto cada vez que meto dinero en esa tarjeta, pago lo que voy a comprar o en este caso pago el depósito, mi banco tampoco me permite pagar si no tengo dinero en la cuenta, por lo tanto es imposible que yo haya gastado 425€ de más, bueno, tampoco soy tonta y sé lo que gasto y lo que no, siento que esta gente me ha robado y no se dan ninguna prisa en solucionarlo, me siento estafada y estoy muy cansada de que los agentes que hay en el chat se hagan continuamente los tontos cada vez que les comentas alguna incidencia que hayas tenido, hay alguna forma de denunciarlos y que me devuelvan el dinero que he depositado con ellos? Quiero que bondibet me devuelva todo el dinero que he depositado desde el día 3 de julio de 2020a las 02:49:41 AM hasta el día 16 de julio de 2020 a la 01:23:43 PM. Lo siento mucho, pero quiero que me devuelvan mi dinero, me están demostrando que son unos estafadores, que si no te quejas, no tienen intención de solucionar nada, los agentes del chat, son pésimos, pues se hacen los tontos y como ya he dicho, el agente que me ha atendido en bondibet, me ha tratado de mentirosa y de no leerme las reglas, pues si hay alguna regla dónde diga que te pueden cobrar 425€ sin ningún motivo aparente, me gustaría que me lo dijesen, porque si por realizar depósitos te cobran también... como he dicho, quiero que me devuelvan todo el dinero que he depositado en las fechas que he mencionado y, si hay alguna manera de denunciarlos, me gustaría que me ayudarais, yo ando perdida en esto y esta gente es muy sin vergüenza. Por cierto, el nombre del agente que me ha atendido en bondibet, es Jackson, no sé si sera cierto, o también es una mentira de ellos. Porque otra cosa que no entiendo es una promoción que tienen, es un sorteo de 100.000€ en efectivo, va por puntuaciones, cómo es posible que en una lista de clasificaciones siempre estén los mismos nombres en la lista, con las mismas puntuaciones? Porque yo estoy inscrita en esa promoción y otro agente ni siquiera me pudo decir que puntuación tenía yo... se basó en decir que si no estoy en la lista no estoy clasificada, claro que no salgo en la lista, si la lista es una imagen fija que han puesto que nunca cambia. Espero que me podáis ayudar a recuperar todo mi dinero, porque esto que han hecho no tiene nombre, la verdad, que no recomiendo esta página a nadie, a juzgar por lo que me está pasando a mi, no te puedes fiar de ellos. También tengo miedo que directamente me cierren la cuenta y ya no tenga a quién reclamar, por eso pido vuestra ayuda, quiero recuperar el dinero que he invertido ahí, sé que es complicado porque yo he usado el dinero jugando, pero creo que merezco recuperar el dinero invertido de un sitio que me ha robado y que no da la cara, porque ellos saben los depositos que he realizado y saben que lo que me han cobrado no coincide, por lo tanto me parece fatal que encima tenga que perder yo mi tiempo enviando extractos bancarios para justificar que es cierto lo que digo, cuando es tan sencillo como que miren los depositos que he realizado con ellos, y luego ver todo lo que se me han cobrado. Gracias y por favor, ayudadme!
Dear Anonima,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Was the money deducted from your bank account and credited to your casino account? I am not sure I understood correctly from your message how exactly you found out that the transactions were made by the casino. Was in your bank statement the same name (5TH LTD) with both authorized and unauthorized deposits?
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to I would like to ask you for supporting evidence too, including bank statement. I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Anonima,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Was the money deducted from your bank account and credited to your casino account? I am not sure I understood correctly from your message how exactly you found out that the transactions were made by the casino. Was in your bank statement the same name (5TH LTD) with both authorized and unauthorized deposits?
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to I would like to ask you for supporting evidence too, including bank statement. I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hello good afternoon, yes, there are many charges on my bank account with 5TH LTD and many of them do not match the deposits made to bondibet, I have sent an email to securitybondibet but I have not received a response, so I have checked, they have been charged more than € 1000 more, so seeing that I cannot trust you, I want you to return all the money deposited, I am very sorry, but I have felt scammed
Hola buenas tardes, si, hay muchos cargos en mi cuenta bancaria con 5TH LTD y muchos de ellos no coinciden con los depositos realizados a bondibet, he mandado un email a securitybondibet pero no he recibido respuesta, por lo que he comprobado, se han cobrado más de 1000€ de más, así que viendo que no me puedo fiar de ustedes, quiero que me devuelvan todo el dinero depositado, lo siento mucho, pero es que me he sentido estafada
First of all, I received your emails and I would like to inform you, that I don't work for BondiBet Casino, but for Casino Guru which operates as an independent website. We always try our best to help players, but it can take some time to process the complaint and the evidence, and we can't speed up the process.
Additionally, could you please send the transaction (cashier) history from your casino account, so we can compare it with your bank statement?
First of all, I received your emails and I would like to inform you, that I don't work for BondiBet Casino, but for Casino Guru which operates as an independent website. We always try our best to help players, but it can take some time to process the complaint and the evidence, and we can't speed up the process.
Additionally, could you please send the transaction (cashier) history from your casino account, so we can compare it with your bank statement?
Well, I do not have any option to download the history, but I have made a screenshot video, I will pass it on if that can help you, thanks
Pues no me sale ninguna opción para descargar el historial, pero he hecho un video de captura de pantalla, se lo paso por si eso le pueda servir, gracias
Thank you very much Anonima for the recording. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Thank you very much Anonima for the recording. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Hello Anonima.
I went through all your bank statements and video from the account.
I believe that 5th, 5TH, 5TH LTD they are all belongs to BondiBet Casino. From 11.7. you made seven deposits, and five of them were charged as 5TH LTD and two as 5TH.
Could you please check the deposits in bovegas? I have already made a table where I put all your deposits but unfortunately, without the deposits from bovegas I can't identify the missing payments.
It is possible that the money was taken by some other payment provider (cashlib/neosurf) and they are somewhere in the air and later the payment provider return them - hardly to say without additional evidence from your side.
Please send me the log from your bovegas deposits to
Hello Anonima.
I went through all your bank statements and video from the account.
I believe that 5th, 5TH, 5TH LTD they are all belongs to BondiBet Casino. From 11.7. you made seven deposits, and five of them were charged as 5TH LTD and two as 5TH.
Could you please check the deposits in bovegas? I have already made a table where I put all your deposits but unfortunately, without the deposits from bovegas I can't identify the missing payments.
It is possible that the money was taken by some other payment provider (cashlib/neosurf) and they are somewhere in the air and later the payment provider return them - hardly to say without additional evidence from your side.
Please send me the log from your bovegas deposits to
Hello good morning, it is Bevegas, now I will play a video where you will see that on the dates I am talking about I only have 3 deposits made of € 25 that obviously make a total of € 75. And I don't think the problem is with Bevegas, I still think it's with Bondibet
Hola buenos dias, es Bevegas, ahora la pasaré un vídeo dónde verá que en las fechas de las que le estoy hablando solo tengo 3 depósitos realizados de 25€ que evidentemente hacen un total de 75€. Y no creo que el problema sea de Bevegas, sigo pensando que es de Bondibet
I understand, but for identifying the missing payments, we need to be sure which payments belong to which account.
I understand, but for identifying the missing payments, we need to be sure which payments belong to which account.
Well, in the email I have sent you a video of the deposits of bevegas, another thing I can not do because in many charges in my bank account the names coincide with those that you have told me, 5TH LD and 5TH then it is not clear
Pues en el correo electrónico te he mandado un video de los depositos de bevegas, otra cosa no puedo hacer porque en muchos cargos en mi cuenta bancaria los nombres coindicen con los que me has dicho tu, 5TH LD y 5TH entonces no queda claro
Hello Anonima.
Sorry that it took a little longer, but in your case, it is a bit complicated. I made a table (which I send to your email address) where are all deposits in both casinos. Based on your bank statement, I discovered that truly between the dates 11.7 and 16.7. (both dates included) there is €450 missing.
That could be caused:
1.) because you are also playing in another casino (third casino) which is using the same payment provider.
2.) because your bank charged you for unsuccessful transactions and later they may return you the money.
€245 in transactions and 2 times wire transfer of €100 and €2.5 fee explains the missing €450, but that is only theory
3.) error somewhere between the bank and the casino.
4.) error in the casino
Please let me know if you have anything new or if the bank did return back some money.
Hello Anonima.
Sorry that it took a little longer, but in your case, it is a bit complicated. I made a table (which I send to your email address) where are all deposits in both casinos. Based on your bank statement, I discovered that truly between the dates 11.7 and 16.7. (both dates included) there is €450 missing.
That could be caused:
1.) because you are also playing in another casino (third casino) which is using the same payment provider.
2.) because your bank charged you for unsuccessful transactions and later they may return you the money.
€245 in transactions and 2 times wire transfer of €100 and €2.5 fee explains the missing €450, but that is only theory
3.) error somewhere between the bank and the casino.
4.) error in the casino
Please let me know if you have anything new or if the bank did return back some money.
Dear Anonima,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Dear Anonima,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to reject this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to reject this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
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