The player has deposited money into his account, but it took longer than usual to credit it to his account. The player is dissatisfied with the bonus policy and RTP as well. Unfortunately, we couldn't help with any of these problems.
The player has deposited money into his account, but it took longer than usual to credit it to his account. The player is dissatisfied with the bonus policy and RTP as well. Unfortunately, we couldn't help with any of these problems.
The player has deposited money into his account, but it took longer than usual to credit it to his account. The player is dissatisfied with the bonus policy and RTP as well. Unfortunately, we couldn't help with any of these problems.
Not only is it almost impossible to win on the concrete, they have such drawn machines that in the last, say, 6 days, I lost about 30,000 there and I've never really been in the red, but now they won't even credit you to their account. .I left my account 17 hours ago and they are still not on the concrete, if I call their line, they will tell me that it can take 24 hours and that's really too much, I don't even want to imagine that I would put more money there and wait 24 hours again, and when you write in their support, ¨ nobody will ever write anything off to you ... so in my opinion, such a thieving casino has nothing to do in the Czech Republic ... so mainly people don't play there ...
Nejen, že na betoru se prostě vyhrát skoro nedá, mají tak ztažené automaty, že za posledních dejme tomu 6 dní jsem tam prohrál cca 30000 a nikdy jsem pořádně ani nebyl v plusu, ale ted už Vám ani nepřipíšou peníze k nim na účet...z účtu mi odešli před 17ti hodinami a na betoru pořád nejsou, když zavolám na jejich linku, řeknou mi že to může trvat i 24hodin a to je fakt moc, nechci si ani představit, že bych tam dal další peníze a zas čekal 24hodin, a když píšete na jejich podporu, tak ¨Vám nikdy nikdo nic neodepíše...takže takový zlodějský kasino podle mě nemá v Čechách co dělat...tak tam hlavně lidi nehrajte...
Dear Jan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. If your deposit has never been credited to your casino account, the only thing I would recommend is contacting your payment provider, as this is a standard procedure. The payment provider needs to investigate what happened to your funds, but bear in mind, that it’s a complicated process which takes one month approximately. In these cases, casino has its hands tied.
Please let me know if there is anything else I could do for you in the meantime.
Best regards,
Dear Jan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. If your deposit has never been credited to your casino account, the only thing I would recommend is contacting your payment provider, as this is a standard procedure. The payment provider needs to investigate what happened to your funds, but bear in mind, that it’s a complicated process which takes one month approximately. In these cases, casino has its hands tied.
Please let me know if there is anything else I could do for you in the meantime.
Best regards,
Hello, until now I noticed this conversation ... so the provider of the Pay U team and I told your colleague on the line ... 5 minutes after sending it from the bank, the money was sent to the internet seller, ie the concrete, a long time ago. on the betor's account the money appeared on the account after about 18, 19 hours ... it's quite strange no and you don't think quite slowly ... And especially the lady on the Betoru customer line told me that I can easily deposit there even though it's already from Pay It can take up to 24 hours to get sent ... don't you think it's a bit slow and mainly that since it's not written anywhere in advance, you're blocking people in the air for no reason ...? so every recharge can theoretically take up to 24 hours, yes, thank you very much ...
And let me have another thing, I had accounts at all casinos with a Czech license, for example, in the fort a net loss in about a year and a half 1250000, so I'm not a newcomer and I know when something is wrong, never and nowhere happened to me the first 10,000 after a bet of 5 CZK, whether in any game he lost in your style in such a way that never or maybe once a hundred but it is almost the same as he was never in the plus ... and when I wrote to Betro in support that they are thieves and it is normal theft, but certainly not a game, and if it has to have its return to a minimum, or I don't know it at all, then at least it's not so okay, because every little player knows this ... Nobody wrote it off ...
the next day, suddenly out of nowhere out of nowhere he found a CZK 200 bonus out of nowhere, without knowing what for it and the found aurtomats gave as never before I had 12,000 there ... I put in CZK 200 each ... Fool I thought it was already like that it will probably stay, but it gave it like elsewhere for two or three days, but a week later it was just putting money into a bottomless's just completely different than elsewhere ...
today I have a loss of 35-40000 on Betor, because I don't believe a word anymore and I have an account there for about 2, maybe 3, months and apart from the given ten after the e-mail for support, I never had a win, a little cool or a corresponding deposit ... clearly that you can think of something hard you can admit ...
for example, I have had an account on for about a month and I chose the exact same style of playing as your ´cca 50,000 ...
And it started with ¨You (as if I knew the course of the next few days for you, because at that time I wrote to the support that it is not a crown or ten crowns but a principle and trust, and that if it is at registration, how will it look like) )
already during registration, when you clearly write that you will return the money to the account and they are only for verification and nothing or maybe then sometimes but you no longer watch it when I wrote in support, so I do not know what they said, but it was one email to which for the first time and for the last time for the last time you at least wrote off ...
It's the same with your loyalty bonus, depending on how you describe it on your website, it looks like one day a week, you get a certain percentage of lost money, but at least 50 CZK, it was strange to me that there was never one, so I called the line and they said I haven't lost enough to meet it yet and I think I play quite often and for a lot, now certainly not with you, but at the moment when I called the line for at least 1-2000 a day and I do not remember exactly but I know that I was quite surprised when after such a diligent game the lady on the line told me that in order to get 50 CZK loyalty bonus I still have to lose a lot, it was definitely over 10000 at the time, so I don't know how high the percentage of loyalty bonus can be for you when after 25000 CZK you are not entitled to 50 CZK presented to you ... for the whole time and how many times I played for 5000 a day I got it once ...
In short, to summarize anywhere in border casinos when making a casino mistake or contacting support, first of all the decency is at least to write off, but in most you get any compensation bonus how painful but I have not experienced the only place to win and 90 percent of you nobody support will not be written off ... I do not understand at all how you could get a Czech license, when it is so strict with us, but I would definitely recommend all players to never play with you, because we really do not need such a casino in the Czech Republic even if we have so few ...
Today I go to Betor only occasionally to see if something has not changed but it will never change, because ... this is how it makes their owners the most money, but they should catch their nose a little ...... in short, hams, hams, etc. more than those, but I don't believe that your earnings would not be enough, as they have in other casinos with a Czech license, as if people were losing little ...
Dobrý den, až ted jsem si všiml této konverzace...takže poskytovatel tydy Pay U a to jsem říklal i Vaší kolegyni na lince...měl 5 min po odeslání z banky už dávno peníze poslány internetovému prodejci, tedy betoru, a mě se na účtu betoru peníze objeviliy na účtu asi po cca 18ti, 19ti hodiná je celkem divné ne a dost pomalé nemyslíte...A hlavně paní na zákaznické lince Betoru mi řekla, že se tam klidně vklad i když už je z Pay U odeslán může objevit až za 24hod...nemyslíte, že je to ponekud pomalé a hlavně, že jelikož to není nikde předem psáno, blokujete bez jakéhokoli důvodu lidem peníze ve vzduchu...? takže každe dobití k Vám může teoreticky trvat i 24hod, jo to pěkně děkuju...
A dovolte mi ještě druhou věc,měl jsem účty na všech casinech s českou licencí např. ve fortuně čistou prohru za cca rok a půl 1250000, takže nováček zrovna nejsem a poznám, když něco není v pořádku, ještě nikdy a nikde se mi nestalo abych prvních 10000 po sázce za 5Kč, at na jakékoli hře u Vás prohrál stylem takovým , že nikdy nebo možná jednou stovku ale to je skoro totéž co nikdy nebyl v plusu...a když jsem napsal Betoru na podporu, že jsou zloději a je to normální krádež ale určitě ne hra a když už musí mít ztaženou návratnost na minimum, nebo na žádnou to nevím, tak at to aspon není tak okaté, jelikož tohle každý trochu hráč pozná...Nikdo neodepsal...
druhý den najednou z ničeho nic na účtě betoru našel 200Kč bonus, bez toho aniž bych věděl za co a najdenou aurtomaty dávaly jak nikdy za chvilku jsem tam měl 12000...vkládám po 200Kč...Hlupák jsem si myslel, že už to tak asi zůstane, ale to tak dva tři dny to dávalo jako jinde ale týden potom už to zase bylo jen vkládání peněz do bezedné to prostě úplně jiné než jinde...
dnes mám na Betoru prohru 35-40000, protože Vám už nevěřím ani slovo a účet tam mám asi 2, možná 3,měsíce a kromě dané desítky po mailu na podporu jsem nikdy neměl výhru trochu kloudnou, či odpovídající vkladu...jasně, že si něco vymyslíte těžko to můžete přiznat...
například na mám účet tak měsíc a vybíral jsem úplně stejným stylem hraní jako u Vás ´cca 50000...
A začalo to s ¨Vámi (jako bych průběh příštích dní u Vás tušil, protože jsem tenkrát psal podpoře, že nejde o korunu nebo deset korun ale o princip a důvěru, a že když už je to při registraci tak jak to pak bude vypadat dál)
už při registraci, kdy jasně píšete, že peníze navrátíte na účet a jsou jen pro ověření a nic nebo možná pak někdy ale to už to člověk nesleduje, když jsem psal na podporu, tak už nevim co řekli, ale byl to jeden mail na který poprvé a na dlouho naposledy jste aspon odepsali...
Totéž je s vaším věrnostním bonusem, podle toho jak ho líčíte na Vašem webu vypadá jako že jeden den v týdnu, dostane člověk určité procento z prohraných peněz, minimálně však 50Kč, bylo mi divné, že nikdy žádný nebyl tak jsem volal na linku a řekli mi že jsem ještě neprohrál dostatečně na jeho splnění a myslím si že hraju celkem často a za dost, ted už tedy určitě ne u Vás ale ve chvíli kdy jsem volal na linku tak minimálně za 1-2000 denně a nepamatuji si přesně ale vím, že jsem byl dost překvapen, když po takto pilné hře mi paní na lince řekla, že abych dostal 50Kč věrnostní bonus zbývá musel bych prohrát ještě moc, určitě to tenkrát bylo nad 10000, takže nevím jak vysoké asi může být procento věrnostního bonusu u Vás, když po 25000Kč u Vás nemá nárok ani na Vámi prezentovaných 50Kč celou dobu a kolikrát jsem hrál i za 5000 denně jsem ho dostal jednou...
Zkrátka abych to shrnul kdekoli na hraničních casinech když udělá casino chybu nebo kontaktujete podporu, za prvé slušnost je aspon odepsat, ale ve většině dostanete at už jakýkoli ale kompenzační bonus jaké si bolestné ale nezažil jsem jediné kde vyhrát prakticky nejde a z 90ti procent Vám nikdo na podpoře neodepíše...Vůbec nelchápu jak jste mohli dostat českou licenci, když je to u nás tak přísné ale určitě bych doporučil všem hráčům nikdy u Vás nehrát, protože takové casino v ČR opravdu nepotřebujeme i když jich máme tak málo...
Dnes už se na Betor chodím jen občas mrknout jestli se něco nezměnilo ale to se nezmění nikdy, protože...takhle to jejich majitelům dělá nejvíc peněz ale měli by se trochu chytit za nos......zkrátka hamty, hamty at mám víc než tamty, ale nevěřím, že by Vám nestačil výdělek jako mají v ostatních casinech s českou licencí, jako by lidé prohrávali málo...
And I forgot to add that when a person writes for support on your site, they return to their e-mail, that they must write completely differently to a completely different e-mail than the one they link to and which looks like support on your site. ..when you know everything ... I wanted to let it all be and play just elsewhere, but since I noticed here today that it's still open and you're waiting for my answer, so here it is ...
A to jsem ještě zapomněl dodat, že když člověk napíše na podporu na Vašich stránkách tak se mu vrátí na mail, že musí napsat uplně někam jinam na úplně jiný mail, než na ten na který odkazuje a který se tváří jako podpora na Vašich stránkách...když už tak at to víte všechno...chtěl jsem to nechat celéí být a hrát prostě jinde, ale když už jste jsem si tu dnes všiml že je to stále otevřené a čekáte na mou odpověd tak tady je...
aha and now I see that the previous complaint to Betor from 15.12.2019 is very similar and is rejected only because the player stopped communicating, but in other words he writes the same as me, that it is a thief because he has experience elsewhere and every thousandths fall straight into the abyss and ´bonus would rather not come at all ... that's exactly how it is ... and everyone who knows a little will know it soon, because it is not normal for, for example, for 5000 when betting for 5 CZK when placing after 200 CZK, the player was never in plus or even 300 CZK, just keep going to the minus on the same slot machine if you play for example in or elsewhere will throw you back and forth several times during 5000 and mainly add even a bet, but in concrete it's a stereotype 200 for 5 CZK away another 200 after 5 CZK away another ´200 after 5 CZK = maybe 320, but then immediately away, another 200 after 5 CZK away again, another 200 after 5 CZK maybe 520, the one who already knows the betor quickly takes and disappears and celebrates and goes to another machine and for bet 5 CZK again away another 200 after five CZK again away and imagine that it is In fact, with every two kilos, you run the risk that the betor will credit him there in 24 hours, I only know about a month, although Pay U will send him to the concrete within a maximum of 5 minutes from the time he leaves the bank, but it still took 19 hours. ... compensation none by any chance, but also ¨Support will not write you off .... I'm crazy how many times he loaded 5000 like this just crazy, elsewhere you maybe even add a bet but here very little when and what do you think it will do, not gone but quickly gone ... I just have a net loss of about 1,200,000 a year on the fort and I also played something to the fullest, the betting too, but recently I had such a thing to stop, I canceled everything ,,,, but it didn't last so I had a chance, tipsport, betor ... but I didn't know what awaited me ... so today I prefer to play slottica, golden-star casino, fast pay casino, power casino, etc., but I don't think I should even lottery law ... but they know at least a little bit what a casino is ... not even a hint of what's in the concrete is perfectly normal, so don't really play people there ... I'm not someone who would hurt someone unnecessarily or don't have enough self-reflection, but the Betor casino has annoyed me so many times that I'm very happy to give them a drink from their cup ...
aha a ted koukám, že předešlá stížnost na Betor z 15.12.2019 je velmi podobná a je zamitnuta pouze proto, že hráč přestal komunikovat, ale jinými slovy píše totěž co já, že je to zlodějina jelikož má zkušennosti i jinde a každá tisicovka rovnou padá do propasti a ´bonus raději nepřijde vůbec...přesně tak to je...a každý kdo se trochu vyzná tak to u Vás brzy pozná, protože není normální aby například za 5000 při sázce za 5kč při vkládání po 200kč nikdy hráč nebyl v plusu ani třeba 300kč, prostě pořád jenom do minusu totež na stejném automatu když hrajete třeba v nebo jinde Vás během 5000 několikrát vyhodí tam a zpět a hlavně přidáte třeba i sázku, ale v betoru to je stereotip 200 po 5kč pryč dalších 200 po 5 kč pryč dalšich ´200 po 5kč = možná 320, ale pak hned pryč, dalších 200 po 5kč zase pryč, dalších 200 po 5Kč možná 520, ten kdo už zná betor rychle bere a mizí a slaví a jde na jiný automat a za sázku 5Kč zase pryč dalších 200 po pěti Kč zase pryč a to si představte, že ještě vlastně u každého dvoukila člověk riskuje, že mu ho tam připíše betor klidně až za 24hod, to vím teprve asi měsíc i když Pay U ho do betoru odešle už max do 5minut od doby, co odejde z banky tak i tak to trvalo 19hodin....kompenzace žádná to ani náhodou, ale ani ¨Vám podpora neodepíš jsem blázen kolikrát takhle naložil 5000 prostě blázen, jinde si třeba i přidáte sázku ale tady velice málo kdy a co myslite že to udělá, ne pryč ale rychle pryč...prostě na fortuně mám čistou prohru cca 1 200 000 za rok a něco na synotu jsem si taky celkem zahrál, sazka také, ale před nedávnem mě přepadla taková věc co takhle přestat, vše jsem zrušil,,,,ale nevydržel jsem takže zbyvala chance, tipsport, jsem ale nevěděl co mě čeká...takže dnes hraji radši slottica, golden-star casino, fast pay casino, power casino apod, přitom si myslim, že bych ani asi neměl kvůli loteriinímu zákonu...ale tam vědí aspon trochu co je to casino...ani naznak toho co v betoru je naprosto normální, takže tam fakt lidi nehrajte...Nejsem někdo kdo by zbytečně někoho poškozoval, nebo neměl dostatečnou sebereflexi, ale casino Betor mě už tolikrát naštvalo tak, že jim moc rád dám napít z jejich šálku...
Jan, thank you for your reply. First of all, I would like to emphasize, that I don't work for Betor Casino, but for Casino Guru which operates as an independent service.
I went through your messages and, unfortunately, I don't see anything we personally could help you with. Your deposit was credited to your account, and I understand it took longer than expected, but there might have been some problem between the casino and the payment provider. As long as your funds were credited to your account, there is nothing more we could do.
Also, each casino has a different bonus policy and reward system. A bonus is something like a gift from the casino and the casino has the right to decide which bonuses they want to offer and which conditions players have to fulfill in order to be eligible to receive it.
Additionally, sometimes you might get lucky and sometimes not; that's how casinos and casino games work. I would recommend reading our article about Payout ratio (RTP):
Unfortunately, at this time, if we don’t have any evidence proving that something unfair is going on, there is nothing we can do. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else, I could do for you regarding your complaint.
Jan, thank you for your reply. First of all, I would like to emphasize, that I don't work for Betor Casino, but for Casino Guru which operates as an independent service.
I went through your messages and, unfortunately, I don't see anything we personally could help you with. Your deposit was credited to your account, and I understand it took longer than expected, but there might have been some problem between the casino and the payment provider. As long as your funds were credited to your account, there is nothing more we could do.
Also, each casino has a different bonus policy and reward system. A bonus is something like a gift from the casino and the casino has the right to decide which bonuses they want to offer and which conditions players have to fulfill in order to be eligible to receive it.
Additionally, sometimes you might get lucky and sometimes not; that's how casinos and casino games work. I would recommend reading our article about Payout ratio (RTP):
Unfortunately, at this time, if we don’t have any evidence proving that something unfair is going on, there is nothing we can do. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else, I could do for you regarding your complaint.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are rejecting this complaint. Sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino and we will try our best to help.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are rejecting this complaint. Sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino and we will try our best to help.
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