Димитър, a player from Bulgaria, is complaining that his winnings in the casino weren’t as big as he would have expected from fair poker sessions.
Димитър, a player from Bulgaria, is complaining that his winnings in the casino weren’t as big as he would have expected from fair poker sessions.
Димитър, a player from Bulgaria, is complaining that his winnings in the casino weren’t as big as he would have expected from fair poker sessions.
I would like to introduce you to the observations I have made over time at the poker tables at bet365.
My impressions were initially positive.
However, after playing longer on the software, I started to get the impression that in many cases the weaker hand was winning.
We are not talking here about 4 out of 10 cases, but rather 7 out of 10. This made me more vigilant.
I started to make small statistics of show downs won against me with weaker hands. We are talking about 3: 1 and 4: 1 situations where I am in the lead. The statistics turned out to be terrible.
In the end, I thought that the odds that play out on bet365 tend to be inconsequential. So ... now I close my account there.
I do not give this information to you to say Aha, another hat, but to think 2 or even 3 times before opening an account with the software.
In my eyes and based on the notes I made, extremely incredible events are happening here.
The software (at least in my opinion) moves the money from the table from left to right then backwards, generating "non-typical" action tables for 6-player tables, thus bet365 winning from the so-called. Rake!
When I asked for an explanation from the support and put them with my observations, guess ?!
Still waiting for an answer !!! From these dudes we know, not bone!
I do not recommend investing money at bet365 poker tables, but your decision is yours.
Бих желал да Ви запозная с наблюденията, които направих през времето прекарано по масите за покер в bet365.
Впечатленията ми първоначално бяха позитивни.
След като обаче поиграх по-дълго на софтуера, започна да ми прави впечатление, че в доста от случайте по-слабата ръка печелеше.
Тук не говорим за 4 от 10 случая, а по-скоро 7 от 10. Това ме накара да бъда по-бдителен.
Започнах да правя малка статистика на show downs спечелени срещу мен с по-слаби ръце. Говорим за ситуации 3:1 и 4:1 , при които аз съм с ръката в предимство. Статистиката се оказа ужасяваща.
В крайна сметка счетох, че вероятностите, които се разиграват на bet365, по-скоро клонят към невероятности. И така ... сега затварям акаунта си там.
Тази информация не ви я давам, за да кажете Аха, пореден хейт, а за да премислите 2 и дори 3 пъти преди да отворите сметка на софтуера.
В моите очи и на базата на записките, които направих, тук се случват крайно невероятни събития.
Софтуера /поне според мен/ мести парите на масата от ляво на дясно после обратно като генерира "екшън" нехарактерен за маси с 6 играча, като по този начин bet365 печели от т.н. Рейк!
Когато поисках обяснение от support-а и ги заставих с направените от мен наблюдения, познайте?!
Още чакам отговор!!! От тия пичове ни вест, ни кост!
Аз не ви препоръчвам да инвестирате пари на масите за покер на bet365, но решението си е ваше.
Hello Димитър.
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint through our website. We absolutely appreciate that you shared your experience with the Casino Guru team. Bet365 is a huge licensed company with official game providers and perfect reputation worldwide. Do you have any relevant evidence which convinced you that the poker software may be altered? Do you have any statistics of your gameplay?
Hello Димитър.
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint through our website. We absolutely appreciate that you shared your experience with the Casino Guru team. Bet365 is a huge licensed company with official game providers and perfect reputation worldwide. Do you have any relevant evidence which convinced you that the poker software may be altered? Do you have any statistics of your gameplay?
Dear Димитър,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Dear Димитър,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
About your argument for bet365 being
'a huge licensed company with official game providers and a perfect reputation around the world',
I just want to remind you that Volkswagen AG is a far more significant and profitable company than the hot bet365 and after a thorough investigation of serious analysts (which I thought you did at the beginning) it was revealed that VAG is cheating on all its customers, investors and even whole governments with low burn rates.
Do you remember?!
Now, as far as bet365, I can assure you that if you had made a real check on my account, which I indicated when you registered with you and you followed the history of the hands I saw and played, you would have been convinced of what I said .
I REALLY requested bet365 VPIP stats support and a complete game play analysis of the account at all, but from there they sent me with incredible excuses!
What is this honest provider telling you?
I do not think!
You just, most likely, are paid by the 'entertainment' distributor in question to divert attention, but not to investigate.
I have been reporting since I have found an irregularity!
You decide how to approach it
Относно Вашия аргумент за това, че bet365 е
'огромна лицензирана компания с официални доставчици на игри и перфектна репутация по целия свят',
Желая само да Ви припомня, че Volkswagen AG е многократно по-значима и печеливша компания от пикливата bet365 и след обстойно разследване на сериозни анализатори (за каквито сметнах и Вас в началото) излезе на яве, че VAG мамят всичките си клиенти, инвеститори и дори цели правителстваа със занижени норми на изгаряния.
Помните ли?!
Сега, колкото до bet365, мога да Ви уверя, че ако бяхте направили реална проверка на моя акаунт, който съм посочил при регистрацията си при Вас и бяхте проследили историята на ръцете, които съм видял и играл, щяхте да се убедите в казаното от мен.
Аз МНОГОКРАТНО изисквах от support-a на bet365 статистика за VPIP и въобще цялостен game play analysis на акаунта, но от там ме отпращаха с невероятни оправдания!
Това за какво Ви говори, честен provider?
Не мисля!
Вие просто, най-вероятно, бивате заплащани от въпросния разпространител на 'увеселение', за да отклоняване внимание, но не и да извършите разследване.
Аз подавам сигнал, тъй-като съм установил нередност!
Вие решете как да подходите
Hello Димитър.
We agree with you, every company can cheat their customers (size is not important). We wanted to express that, so far, we have a very good experience with this website and if your statement can be proved it can be a huge issue. That is the reason why we require some of your statistics which convinced you that their poker software may be altered. Please, could you provide us with all the statistics you have mentioned?
Hello Димитър.
We agree with you, every company can cheat their customers (size is not important). We wanted to express that, so far, we have a very good experience with this website and if your statement can be proved it can be a huge issue. That is the reason why we require some of your statistics which convinced you that their poker software may be altered. Please, could you provide us with all the statistics you have mentioned?
You may not have read my first email carefully!
From there, they refuse to provide me with all the gameplay statistics of my account!
How can I present it to you in this case?
What I'm telling you is that from the observations I made on quite a few hands played (statistics on the number of hands played also did not provide me), I noticed that in a show-down, the hand that usually (and not possibly) wins the beginning is statistically detrimental.
That is, to understand better:
In the AK vs At situation, a 3: 1 statistical expectation ratio at Showdown wins At.
AA vs JJ at a statistic ratio of 4.5: 1, showdown wins JJ.
These are striking examples, as I am not talking about one-off events, but about TREND!
If we could get to the statistics in question, which they don't give, those people would have exposed themselves!
Look, there's something wrong there!
You speak with positivity when you mention bet365, but I urge you to be restrained in this regard.
For me, these people cheat and ugly.
Get used to the thought. And if you have money for their software, you better download it while you still have some of it.
Май не прочетохте внимателно първият ми мейл!
От там отказват всячески да ми предоставят цялостната статистика за геймплей-я на акаунта!
Как да ви я представя в такъв случай на Вас?
Това, което Ви казвам е, че от наблюденията, които съм направил, при доста изиграни ръце (статистиката на брой изиграни ръце също не ми предоставят), аз забелязах, че при шоу-даун обикновено (а не евентуално) печели ръката, която по начало е в статистически ущърб.
Това ще рече, за да разберете по-добре:
При ситуация AK vs At, съотношение в статистическо очакване 3 : 1, при шоу-даун печели Аt.
Или :
AA vs JJ при статистическо съотношение 4,5 : 1, при шоу-даун печели JJ.
Това са фрапантните примери, като аз не говоря за еднократно проявили се събития, а за ТРЕНД!
Ако можеше да се доберем до въпросната статистика, която те не дават, тези хора щяха сами да се разобличат!
Вижте, там става нещо нередно!
Вие говорите с позитивизъм, когато споменавате bet365, но аз Ви приканвам към сдържаност в това отношение.
За мен тези хора мамят и то безобразно.
Свиквайте с мисълта. И ако имате пари на техния софтуер, по-добре ги изтеглете, доката все още имате нещо от тях.
Hello Димитър.
You have mentioned statistics in your first message: ''I started to make small statistics of show downs won against me with weaker hands. We are talking about 3: 1 and 4: 1 situations where I am in the lead. The statistics turned out to be terrible. '' .
Please, be aware that if your statement would be correct, it is still an issue of game provider and not the Bet365 Casino, since they cannot alter the games from their game providers. However, if you haven't experienced any technical difficulties (same cards in one game etc.) then there is no reason to think that it is altered in any way. It may be also just an absence of luck. We recommend you to read our article, link below.
But, to continue with the resolution, we need proofs because we have to be objective and stick with a presumption of innocence. Димитър, we are sorry but if you don't have any relevant data then we are forced to reject your case. Is there anything you can provide?
Hello Димитър.
You have mentioned statistics in your first message: ''I started to make small statistics of show downs won against me with weaker hands. We are talking about 3: 1 and 4: 1 situations where I am in the lead. The statistics turned out to be terrible. '' .
Please, be aware that if your statement would be correct, it is still an issue of game provider and not the Bet365 Casino, since they cannot alter the games from their game providers. However, if you haven't experienced any technical difficulties (same cards in one game etc.) then there is no reason to think that it is altered in any way. It may be also just an absence of luck. We recommend you to read our article, link below.
But, to continue with the resolution, we need proofs because we have to be objective and stick with a presumption of innocence. Димитър, we are sorry but if you don't have any relevant data then we are forced to reject your case. Is there anything you can provide?
To tell you the truth, I didn't expect anything more from you.
In my e-mails, I refer you to stylistic inconsistencies with the real expectations of events.
You want to believe that the distribution of variations reverses the Gauss curve back !!
I'm sorry, but you're a waste of time.
Да ви кажа честно, не очаквах нищо повече от вас.
В e-mail-ите си ви насочвам към ститистически несъответствия с реалните очаквания от проведени събития.
Вие искате да повярвам, че разпределението на вариациите обръщат кривата на Гаус обратно!!
Съжалявам, но вие сте чиста загуба на време.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to reject this case because the player hasn’t provided us with any useful information to sustain his accusations. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to reject this case because the player hasn’t provided us with any useful information to sustain his accusations. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
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