Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm having an issue with my betting account
on Bet o bet which I have been using recently.
I have deposited around 370 euros into my account, and have yet to withdraw any cash from the betting platform.
On the 25th of October, I made my first withdrawal request of 100 euros and this transaction is still pending.
I received an email asking me to send a picture of the credit card I had used for my deposits, as well as a utility bill, which I promptly sent to the betting company's email address the same day.
Since then, my account has been blocked preventing me from playing at all. I received a message stating that my account is under investigation by the risk department, and there is no specified time frame for when this verification process will be complete. I have 1330 euros in my account which I am unable to withdraw.
Imam problem sa nalogom na kladionici
Bet o bet koju koristim u poslednje vreme.
Na svoj nalog sam uplatio oko 370 eura, sa kladionice do sad nisam povlačio novac.
25.10 sam prvi put podneo zahtev za isplatu u iznosu od 100 eura i ta transakcija stoji na čekanju.
Dobio sam e-mail gde se od mene zahteva da posaljem sliku kreditne kartice sa koje sam uplaćivao novac i neki račun od komunalija, sto sam dostavio na e-mail kladionice istog dana.
U medjuvremenu mi je blokiran nalog da ne mogu uopšte da igram i dobio sam obaveštenje da je moj nalog pod istragom odelenja za rizik i da ne znaju kada će provera biti zavrsena.Na nalogu imam 1330 eura koje ne mogu da povučem
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