The player from Germany has requested a self-exclusion due to a gambling problem. Unfortunately, the enquiry was ignored. We’ve rejected this complaint as unjustified.
The player from Germany has requested a self-exclusion due to a gambling problem. Unfortunately, the enquiry was ignored. We’ve rejected this complaint as unjustified.
The player from Germany has requested a self-exclusion due to a gambling problem. Unfortunately, the enquiry was ignored. We’ve rejected this complaint as unjustified.
I opened an account with Allreels several weeks ago. Immediately afterwards I contacted the chat several times and asked to permanently block my account due to gambling addiction.
Unfortunately my account was not permanently blocked and yesterday I was able to deposit € 140. I am claiming my money back because sufficient player protection has not been guaranteed.
Ich habe vor mehreren Wochen ein account bei Allreels eröffnet. Gleich danach habe ich mehrfach den Chat kontaktiert und wegen Spielsucht meinen Account bittet permanent zu sperren.
leider wurde mein Account nicht permanent gesperrt und ich konnte gestern 140€ einzahlen. Ich fordere mein Geld zurück da kein ausreichender Spielerschutz gewährleistet worden ist.
Dear Lisa,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Before we’ll contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, could you please forward emails or screenshots showing that you have sent request for a self-exclusion? My email address is Did you specify in that request for how long you wish your account to be suspended and the reason why?
I have checked the Responsible Gaming section on the website, and this is what I found
We at Allreels believe that gambling should be fun and free of harm and only done for entertainment purposes. Before you start playing at Allreels, it is very important to understand that gambling should never be viewed as a source of any kind of income or recipe to pay off your debts. We strongly recommend you to keep track of how much time you spend playing casino games and how much money you can afford yourself to spend on them. Although recommendations stated above might seem obvious for some of you, there are still certain percentage of players who lose control over such things when playing. If you think you might be one of those players and gambling has negative impact on your life or life of your family and friends, we can suggest you one of the following things: You can always contact our support department at and ask to terminate your Allreels account for a certain period of time. After that we will take necessary measures to completely block you from our site and block any promotional e-mails that you might have been receiving from our casino before. Please contact customer support team if you want to set a personal cooling-off period. You can also seek for help from professionals who deal with gambling problems:
Gamblers Anonymous, GamCare, Gambling Therapy."
Is this the abovementioned email address the one that you have sent your email to?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Lisa,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Before we’ll contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, could you please forward emails or screenshots showing that you have sent request for a self-exclusion? My email address is Did you specify in that request for how long you wish your account to be suspended and the reason why?
I have checked the Responsible Gaming section on the website, and this is what I found
We at Allreels believe that gambling should be fun and free of harm and only done for entertainment purposes. Before you start playing at Allreels, it is very important to understand that gambling should never be viewed as a source of any kind of income or recipe to pay off your debts. We strongly recommend you to keep track of how much time you spend playing casino games and how much money you can afford yourself to spend on them. Although recommendations stated above might seem obvious for some of you, there are still certain percentage of players who lose control over such things when playing. If you think you might be one of those players and gambling has negative impact on your life or life of your family and friends, we can suggest you one of the following things: You can always contact our support department at and ask to terminate your Allreels account for a certain period of time. After that we will take necessary measures to completely block you from our site and block any promotional e-mails that you might have been receiving from our casino before. Please contact customer support team if you want to set a personal cooling-off period. You can also seek for help from professionals who deal with gambling problems:
Gamblers Anonymous, GamCare, Gambling Therapy."
Is this the abovementioned email address the one that you have sent your email to?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
Thank you very much, Lisa, for your email. Could you please advise why you didn’t send an email to self-exclude yourself as you’ve been advised several times by a live chat agent?
Thank you very much, Lisa, for your email. Could you please advise why you didn’t send an email to self-exclude yourself as you’ve been advised several times by a live chat agent?
Additional comments from the player:
I didn't write an email because I'm actually used to an explanation in the chat being sufficient. For me, writing by email made things way too complicated. An explicit mention in the chat should have been accepted and my account should have been closed immediately.
For someone with a gambling addiction, the knowledge of the addiction is not easy and self-exclusion in an online casino is difficult and takes a lot of strength for a gambling addict. Self-exclusion should be possible directly and immediately on the casino page or in the chat without having to make any detours by email.
I hope you can help me and force my refund of the 140 €. The casino has stopped responding to emails and is completely unapologetic.
I also wrote an email to gamblinglisence, which is supposed to be the supervisory authority. They answered me very dubious and took the side of the casino.
I would like more understanding for my illness, I have been in therapy for a long time, maybe the Casino on Kullanz can accommodate me in this case.
With best regards
Lisa R *** "
Additional comments from the player:
Ich habe keine Email geschrieben weil ich eigentlich gewohnt bin das eine Erklärung im Chat vollkommen reicht. Für mich hat ein Schreiben per E-Mail die Sache viel zu kompliziert gemacht. Ein ausdrückliches nennen im Chat hätte eigentlich akzeptiert werden müssen und mein Account hätte sofort geschlossen werden müssen.
Für jemanden mit einer Spielsucht ist die Erkenntnis der Sucht nicht leicht und auch einen Selbstausschluss in einem Online Casino ist für einen Spielsüchtigen schwer und kostet viel Kraft. Ein Selbstausschluss sollte direkt und unmittelbar auf der Casino Seite oder im Chat möglich sein ohne irgendwelche Umwege per Email machen zu müssen.
Ich hoffe Sie können mir weiterhelfen und meine Rückerstattung der 140€ erzwingen. Das Casino reagiert auf E-Mails nicht mehr und ist völlig uneinsichtig.
Des Weiteren habe ich auch eine email geschrieben an gamblinglisence diese soll angeblich die Aufsichtsbehörde sein. Diese haben mir sehr unseriös geantwortet und stellen sich auf die Seite des Casinos.
Ich wünsche mir mehr Verständnis für meine Erkrankung, ich bin schon länger in Therapie vielleicht kann mir das Casino auf Kullanz in diesem Fall entgegen kommen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lisa R***"
Dear Lisa,
Please understand that not every casino department can close your account. I absolutely understand your point of view and struggle associated with admitting your gambling problem however, if you expect the casino to follow the rules and block your account you should follow theirs too. We always try to help players, but we are able to do so only if they have followed the casino instructions first. Sadly, this is not the case.
I would recommend sending an email including all the relevant information to the email address above. In this way, you’ll have proof of such an action. Specify in the request for how long you wish your account to be closed and clearly state the reason why. Additionally, email "Subject" should be clearly marked and easily recognizable as casino support receives many requests per day hence if it’s visibly marked as "Self-exclusion" you stand a better chance to have your request granted as soon as possible.
To conclude, I’m afraid you’re not eligible for a refund as the request hasn’t been sent as required by T&Cs and advised by a live chat agent, to the correct casino department.
Let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked otherwise, I will be forced to reject your complaint at this time. I really wish I were of more help. Thank you.
Dear Lisa,
Please understand that not every casino department can close your account. I absolutely understand your point of view and struggle associated with admitting your gambling problem however, if you expect the casino to follow the rules and block your account you should follow theirs too. We always try to help players, but we are able to do so only if they have followed the casino instructions first. Sadly, this is not the case.
I would recommend sending an email including all the relevant information to the email address above. In this way, you’ll have proof of such an action. Specify in the request for how long you wish your account to be closed and clearly state the reason why. Additionally, email "Subject" should be clearly marked and easily recognizable as casino support receives many requests per day hence if it’s visibly marked as "Self-exclusion" you stand a better chance to have your request granted as soon as possible.
To conclude, I’m afraid you’re not eligible for a refund as the request hasn’t been sent as required by T&Cs and advised by a live chat agent, to the correct casino department.
Let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked otherwise, I will be forced to reject your complaint at this time. I really wish I were of more help. Thank you.
Additional comments from the player:
Thanks for your feedback.
In addition, I can say that I was not able to withdraw because of technical errors. Of course, this also meant that I continued to gamble away the money I wanted to pay out, which I also attribute to my gambling addiction. Please see Attachment. The chat support left me completely alone and didn't really help me. When I asked if it was also possible to deposit a monthly limit of 60 euros, the support told me that this was technically not possible. I still insist on a repayment and will hire a lawyer if necessary. The casino does not support gamblers in any way and does not offer any guarantees for responsible gaming.
With best regards
Lisa R *** "
Additional comments from the player:
Danke für Ihre Rückmeldung.
Ergänzend kann ich sagen, das mir eine Auszahlung auch verwährt geblieben ist wegen technischer Fehler. Dies hat natürlich auch dazu geführt das ich das Geld das ich auszahlen wollte weiter verspielt habe, das führe ich auch auf meine Glücksspielsucht zurück. Bitte siehe Anhang. Der Chat Support hat mich damit komplett alleine gelassen und mir nicht wirklich weiter geholfen. Als ich gefragt habe ob es auch möglich ist ein monatliches Limit von 60 Euro zu hinterlegen hat der Support mir gesagt das dies technisch nicht möglich ist. Ich bestehe immer noch auf eine Rückzahlung und werde ggf. Einen Anwalt einschalten. Das Casino steht im keinen Fall Spieler mit Glücksspielsucht bei und bietet keinerlei Sicherheiten für verantwortungsvolles Spielen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lisa R***"
From the forwarded screenshot it looks as you tried to withdraw funds using a different payment method from the one which has been used for depositing. Could you please advise?
From the forwarded screenshot it looks as you tried to withdraw funds using a different payment method from the one which has been used for depositing. Could you please advise?
Additional comments from the player:
I used the same method for the payout. I made the deposit with my Master Card and wanted to make a withdrawal using the same method, but I kept getting an error message. I then contacted the chat, they asked me to write an email, which I did, but nobody could really help me. In that time I also gambled away the money.
And as I said, a limit for deposits of € 60 per month could also be stored technically.
For me the casino is dubious and corrupt and should be banned. It's a shame that the casino is so uncooperative and not working on a solution and meeting me.
As I said, I have an appointment with my lawyer tomorrow
With best regards
Lisa R *** "
Additional comments from the player:
Bzgl. Der Auszahlung habe ich die gleiche Methode verwendet. Ich habe mit meiner Master Card die Einzahlung getätigt und wollte mit der gleichen Methode eine Auszahlung tätigen hierbei kam immer wieder eine Fehlermeldung. Ich habe dann den Chat kontaktiert dieser hat mich gebeten auch eine E-Mail zu schreiben , was ich auch gemacht hab aber richtig helfen konnte mir keiner. In der Zeit habe ich das Geld dann auch verspielt.
Und wie gesagt ein Limit über Einzahlungen in Höhe von 60€ monatlich konnte man technisch auch hinterlegen.
Für mich ist das casino unseriös und korrupt und sollte verboten werden. Schade das das Casino so unkooperative ist und nicht an einer Lösung arbeitet und mir entgegenkommt.
Wie gesagt ich habe morgen einen Termin bei meinem Anwalt
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lisa R***"
Could you please forward any relevant communication? Thank you.
Could you please forward any relevant communication? Thank you.
Additional comment from the player:
Here is the email Allreels sent me after I asked why the payout didn't work.
I tried all withdrawal methods none of them worked.
The fact is, I paid in with the Mastercard and I also wanted to make the payout using my Mastercard.
The casino stopped me and artificially delayed a withdrawal so that I could continue playing and lose my money again.
I still want my money back and I'm going to consult with my lawyer today
With best regards
Lisa R *** "
Additional comment from the player:
Hier ist die Email die mir Allreels nach Anfrage warum die Auszahlung nicht funktioniert geschickt hat.
Ich habe alle Auszahlungsmethoden ausprobiert keine hat funktioniert.
Fakt ist mit der Mastercard habe ich eingezahlt und wollte auch die Auszahlung über meine Mastercard tätigen.
Das Casino hat mich hingehalten und eine Auszahlung künstlich verzögert damit ich weiter spiele und mein Geld wieder verliere.
Ich möchte immer noch mein Geld zurück und werde heute mich mit meinem Anwalt beraten
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lisa R***"
Thank you very much, Lisa, for forwarding the casino email. Please understand, that the variety and accessibility of payment methods are not managed by the casino exclusively. Several factors as the Licensing Authority, geolocation, and contracts with the payment providers and bank restrictions, all have a major influence. If a payment method was available for deposits it doesn’t mean necessary, that it will be offered for withdrawals too. I can see from the forwarded communication that you’ve been offered an alternative method to withdraw your winnings. I’m truly sorry, but to prove that the casino artificially delayed your withdrawal so you could continue playing and lose your money doesn’t seem plausible and it would be very difficult to prove.
Could you please advise about a time frame from the point you’ve requested a withdrawal till an alternative payment method has been offered to you? Thank you very much in advance.
Thank you very much, Lisa, for forwarding the casino email. Please understand, that the variety and accessibility of payment methods are not managed by the casino exclusively. Several factors as the Licensing Authority, geolocation, and contracts with the payment providers and bank restrictions, all have a major influence. If a payment method was available for deposits it doesn’t mean necessary, that it will be offered for withdrawals too. I can see from the forwarded communication that you’ve been offered an alternative method to withdraw your winnings. I’m truly sorry, but to prove that the casino artificially delayed your withdrawal so you could continue playing and lose your money doesn’t seem plausible and it would be very difficult to prove.
Could you please advise about a time frame from the point you’ve requested a withdrawal till an alternative payment method has been offered to you? Thank you very much in advance.
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
Thank you, Lisa, for your reply. However, I must conclude that there’s nothing we can help you with. For the reasons I have mentioned and explained earlier, we will be forced to reject your complaint. If you don’t agree with my decision, I could suggest contacting the Curaçao Licensing Authority here: You will find the relevant link if you click on the Validator on the casino’s website. Please let me know how you’d like to proceed. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Thank you, Lisa, for your reply. However, I must conclude that there’s nothing we can help you with. For the reasons I have mentioned and explained earlier, we will be forced to reject your complaint. If you don’t agree with my decision, I could suggest contacting the Curaçao Licensing Authority here: You will find the relevant link if you click on the Validator on the casino’s website. Please let me know how you’d like to proceed. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Dear Lisa,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance or help, otherwise, we will reject your complaint.
Dear Lisa,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance or help, otherwise, we will reject your complaint.
We’ve rejected this complaint as unjustified. Sorry, we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
We’ve rejected this complaint as unjustified. Sorry, we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
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An initiative we launched with the goal to create a global self-exclusion system, which will allow vulnerable players to block their access to all online gambling opportunities.
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