The player from Finland was experiencing difficulties retrieving his funds after his player account was closed on request. The complaint was resolved. The player received his funds 10 days later.
The player from Finland was experiencing difficulties retrieving his funds after his player account was closed on request. The complaint was resolved. The player received his funds 10 days later.
The player from Finland was experiencing difficulties retrieving his funds after his player account was closed on request. The complaint was resolved. The player received his funds 10 days later.
I set up an account for this casino without any problems on 9.2.2021. Deposit to the gaming account via trustly € 112 without any problems. I played for a few hours mainly roulette slot machines and live roulette. I managed to win and 10.2. 2021 when it came time for my withdrawal profits problems started: The withdrawal click still worked, but when it was time to choose the withdrawal method, then all the options were black! So I couldn’t even click on the withdrawal to initiate. This was new to me, and has not come across any similar in the past. Customer service responded to the chat soon and said there was a technical problem. Gave instructions e.g. clearing cookies, changing browsers, logging in, etc.
This discussion took place in customer service throughout the day 10 & 11.2. The cause was a technical problem that had reportedly been passed on. Nothing "official" came, and nothing concrete. No one was contacted and no attempt was made to contact me for any technical support. Copies of all conversations are emailed as a recording.
However, I was dissatisfied with handling this matter and said I wanted to close my account because I would not otherwise be able to cash out my profits. This was done on February 11, 2021 and my account has now been terminated. There has been no message about my money or how it was paid.
The casino is owned by N1 Interactive Ltd. casino family and I have previously in recent history, wanted to stop their casino accounts with their own desire to REASON THAT "IT'S NOT ONLY WANT TO LEAVE". I could also ask to close other casino family accounts and ads for the same reason. (Despite this, ads, etc. have not run out.) I ALSO REQUESTED THAT I NOT ALLOW ME TO OPEN NEW ACCOUNTS. I know that if the reason had been, for example, gambling problems, etc., it could be a reason to refuse to pay me money, but this has not been the case anywhere. For example, I have not said that I want to close all accounts forever or for no exact time at all. Plus, the casino hasn’t relied on anything like this! So far, I have been told nothing but a technical failure.
If you close yourself from a gaming account with Finnish Veikkaus, the casino will immediately notify you by official mail and return the funds in the gaming account as soon as possible. According to customer service, casino also reportedly works, but I don't have the money.
How are you doing? Am I reporting a crime to Malta or?
Perustin tilin tälle kasinolle ilman ongelmia 9.2.2021. Talletin pelitilille trustlyn välityksellä 112€ ilman ongelmia. Pelasin muutaman tunnin lähinnä ruletti automaatteja ja live rulettia. Onnistuin voittamaan ja 10.2. 2021 kun tuli aikani kotiuttaa voitot alkoivat ongelmat: Kotiutus klikkaus vielä toimi, mutta kun oli aika valita kotiutusmetodi, niin kaikki vaihtoehdot oli mustana! En siis päässyt klikkaamaan kotiutusta edes vireille. Tämä oli uutta minulle, eikä ole tullut vastaan missään aikaisemmin vastaavaa. Asiakaspalvelu vastasi chatissa pian ja sanoi, että on tekninen ongelma. Antoi ohjeita mm. evästeiden tyhjennyksestä, selaimen vaihtamisesta, uudelleen kirjautumisesta yms.
Tätä keskustelua käytiin asiakaspalvelussa koko päivä 10& 11.2. Syy oli tekninen ongelma, joka oli välitetty kuulemma eteenpäin. Mitään "virallista" ei tullut, eikä konkretiaa. Kenellekkään ei saanut yhteystietoja, eikä mistään teknisestätuesta yritetty ottaa yhteyttä minuun. Kaikista keskusteluista on sposti kopiot tallenteena.
Olin kuitenkin tyytymätön tähän asian hoitamiseen ja sanoin, että haluan lopettaa tilini, koska en pysty muuten kotiuttamaan voittojani. Tämä tehtiin 11.2.2021 ja tilini on nyt lopetettu. Mitään viestiä rahoistani tai niiden maksamisesta ei ole tullut.
Kasino kuuluu N1 Interactive Ltd. kasino perheeseen ja olen aiemmin lähihistoriassa halunnut lopettaa tilejä heidän kasinoillaan omasta halustani SYYSTÄ ETTÄ "IHAN VAIN HALUAN LOPETTAA". Saatoin myös pyytää sulkemaan muiden kasinoperheen tilit ja mainokset samalla syyllä. (Tästäkään huolimatta mainokset yms. eivät ole loppuneet.)EN MYÖSKÄÄN PYYTÄNYT, ETTÄ ÄLKÄÄ ANTAKO MINUN AVATA UUSIA TILEJÄ. Tiedän, että mikäli syy olisi ollut esimerkiksi peliongelmat tms. se voisi olla syy evätä rahojen maksu minulle, mutta tällaisesta ei ole ollut missään kohtaa kyse. En ole esimerkiksi sanonut, että haluan lopettaa kaikki tilit ikuisiksi ajoiksi tai ylipäätään miksikään tarkaksi ajanjaksoksi. Lisäksi kasino ei ole vedonnut mihinkään tällaiseen! Minulle ei ole sanottu toistaiseksi muuta kuin tekninen vika.
Mikäli suomalaisella veikkauksella suljet itsesi pelitililtä, niin kasino ilmoittaa siitä välittömästi virallisella spostilla ja palauttaa pelitilillä olleet varat pikimmiten. Näin kuulemma asiakaspalvelun mukaan myös kasino toimii, mutta minulla ei ole rahoja.
Miten etenen asiassa? Teenkö rikosilmoituksen Maltalle vai?
Dear Jukka,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. We will contact the casino and ask for their assistance in resolving this issue, but, before we do so, could you please advise if your account has been successfully verified?
If there’s any other relevant communication you’d like to forward, you can do so by sending an email to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Jukka,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. We will contact the casino and ask for their assistance in resolving this issue, but, before we do so, could you please advise if your account has been successfully verified?
If there’s any other relevant communication you’d like to forward, you can do so by sending an email to
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Thank you very much, Jukka, for forwarding the relevant communication. Could you please advise if the payment team requested any additional personal documents from you in order to process your withdrawal? Have you been informed which payment method will be used for the transfer of your funds?
Meanwhile, I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found
"The Company reserves the right to check a player's identity prior to processing payouts and to hold withdrawals for the time needed to check the player's identity. Please note that when cumulative withdrawals reach € 2,000 the player verification procedure will be mandatory. In the case of false personal data provided by the players, the withdrawal can be refused and the user account can be terminated. The player will be informed thereof by email. In some cases, the Website may request a selfie with ID, a selfie with ID and a special sign, or a call. Failure of passing this verification will lead to account closure and confiscation of winnings."
Even if it says that the KYC verification becomes mandatory only after reaching €2,000 in cumulative withdrawals, I believe you must complete it even with a lesser amount. It is nothing unusual and it shouldn’t take longer than a few working days.
Please keep me updated. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much, Jukka, for forwarding the relevant communication. Could you please advise if the payment team requested any additional personal documents from you in order to process your withdrawal? Have you been informed which payment method will be used for the transfer of your funds?
Meanwhile, I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found
"The Company reserves the right to check a player's identity prior to processing payouts and to hold withdrawals for the time needed to check the player's identity. Please note that when cumulative withdrawals reach € 2,000 the player verification procedure will be mandatory. In the case of false personal data provided by the players, the withdrawal can be refused and the user account can be terminated. The player will be informed thereof by email. In some cases, the Website may request a selfie with ID, a selfie with ID and a special sign, or a call. Failure of passing this verification will lead to account closure and confiscation of winnings."
Even if it says that the KYC verification becomes mandatory only after reaching €2,000 in cumulative withdrawals, I believe you must complete it even with a lesser amount. It is nothing unusual and it shouldn’t take longer than a few working days.
Please keep me updated. Looking forward to hearing from you.
These and all the other potential casino rules itsekkin'm skimming through it. In that long chat I sent you I asked / offered to send the required documents. They were not asked for and will not be contacted at all.
Nämä kyseiset ja kaikki muutkin mahdolliset kasinon säännöt olen itsekkin kahlannut läpi. Tuossa pitkässä chat- keskustelussa jonka sinulle lähetin kysyin/ tarjouduin lähettämään vaadittavat dokumentit. Eivät niitä pyytäneet eivätkä ylipäätään ota mitään yhteyttä.
Thank you very much, Jukka, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Andrej who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Thank you very much, Jukka, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Andrej who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dear Jukka,
I looked at your complaint and the provided screenshots of your communication with the casino representatives. I will try to resolve your case as soon as possible.
I would like to invite Winny Casino to participate in the resolution of Jukka’s complaint.
Dear Jukka,
I looked at your complaint and the provided screenshots of your communication with the casino representatives. I will try to resolve your case as soon as possible.
I would like to invite Winny Casino to participate in the resolution of Jukka’s complaint.
Hello Jukka,
We're truly sorry to hear about your poor experience at our casino. 💔
I can assure you that our Customer Service team is doing their utmost to help you get your winnings to your bank account as fast as possible.
Regarding the withdrawal option not being available for you, this has now been fixed.
We would like to invite you to try our new Finnish site that was soft-launched earlier today! Feel free to report any problems back to us and we will make sure to solve them.
Please accept our apologies for the delays and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Emilié ***
Head of Customer Service
Hello Jukka,
We're truly sorry to hear about your poor experience at our casino. 💔
I can assure you that our Customer Service team is doing their utmost to help you get your winnings to your bank account as fast as possible.
Regarding the withdrawal option not being available for you, this has now been fixed.
We would like to invite you to try our new Finnish site that was soft-launched earlier today! Feel free to report any problems back to us and we will make sure to solve them.
Please accept our apologies for the delays and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Emilié ***
Head of Customer Service
Thank you, Winny Casino, for your reply.
Dear Jukka,
Could you please confirm that you are now able to request a withdrawal through your preferred payment method?
Thank you, Winny Casino, for your reply.
Dear Jukka,
Could you please confirm that you are now able to request a withdrawal through your preferred payment method?
I have recently last week closed my account because I had no choice but to withdraw my precautions. I have sent various information and attachments to the casino this week when asked for them. MY ACCOUNT BALANCE € 1060 IS still NOT DELIVERED TO ME AT THE TIME OF ACCOUNT CLOSURE. I am responsible for customer service, that I am ready to open my account again then when I see my money in my bank account.
So I can't answer the question Can I withdraw with the payment method I have chosen now. However, I can say that Pay’s play casino got my money in the blink of an eye. I am fighting for more than a week to get the money to move in the other direction, and it has not yet moved in spite of the promises.
Olen viime viime viikolla sulkenut pelitilini, koska minulla ei ollut muuta mahdollisuutta kotiuttaa varojani. Olen lähettänyt eri tietoja ja liitteitä kasinolle tällä viikolla niitä pyydettäessä. TILINI SALDOA 1060€ TILIN LOPETUSHETKELLÄ EI EDELLEENKÄÄN OLE MINULLE TOIMITETTU. Olen vastannut asiakaspalveluun, että olen valmis avaamaan pelitilini uudelleen sitten kun näen varani pankkitililläni.
Kysymykseen voinko kotiuttaa valitsemallani maksutavalla en siis pysty nyt vastaamaan. Sen voin kuitenkin sanoa, että Pay n play kasino sai minun rahani silmänräpäyksessä. Minä olen taistellut yli viikon saadakseni rahan liikkumaan myös toiseen suuntaan, eikä se vielä ole liikkunut lupauksista huolimatta.
Thank you, Jukka, for your reply.
I would like to kindly ask Winny Casino to comment on Jukka’s recent post.
Thank you, Jukka, for your reply.
I would like to kindly ask Winny Casino to comment on Jukka’s recent post.
Hello again Jukka,
Thank you very much for your patience.
This has now been solved from our end. Please allow 3-5 banking days for your funds to arrive.
Have a nice day!
Best regards,
Hello again Jukka,
Thank you very much for your patience.
This has now been solved from our end. Please allow 3-5 banking days for your funds to arrive.
Have a nice day!
Best regards,
Thank you, Winny Casino, for your cooperation.
Dear Jukka,
I’d like to kindly ask you to let us know once you receive the payment or if there’s any other news regarding your case.
Thank you, Winny Casino, for your cooperation.
Dear Jukka,
I’d like to kindly ask you to let us know once you receive the payment or if there’s any other news regarding your case.
Dear Jukka,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We’re glad that you have received your funds. We will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Please do not hesitate to contact us in the future if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Dear Jukka,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We’re glad that you have received your funds. We will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Please do not hesitate to contact us in the future if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
Best regards,
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