The player from Bulgaria has been instructed to present all the personal documents required for the verification in person. She got paid after providing documents.
The player from Bulgaria has been instructed to present all the personal documents required for the verification in person. She got paid after providing documents.
The player from Bulgaria has been instructed to present all the personal documents required for the verification in person. She got paid after providing documents.
Hello. First I will send you the last e-mail I received from winbet:
WinBet Online (WinBet Online)
12.10.2021, 10:23 Greenwich + 3
Hello, nmv!
We would like to inform you that access to your account is temporarily restricted.
According to the terms of use of our site, section Deposits and withdrawals, item 17, the Organizer has the right to request documents that are notarized and / or submitted personally by the holder.
You need to present to us all the previously required documents in person, namely:
1. Identity document: ID card
2. Document certifying your address: bank statement or account for household payments (electricity, water, heating) or document for temporary / permanent address registration showing your address registered on the account (issued up to three months ago)
3. Additional identity document - driver's license or passport
4. A document from the bank certifying the ownership of the bank account to which you wish to withdraw your profit.
The required documents should be submitted in person at the address: Bulgaria, Sofia, p.k. 1799, zh.k. Mladost 2, Sveti Kyprian Street, block 292 on a working day between 08:00 and 16:30.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
And so...
I want to say that I sent all the documents on the site and they were approved, now they want me to go to Sofia.
1 I am from Plovdiv and I work from Monday to Friday
2 My husband does not need to understand because I have a family and I cannot go without his knowledge.
I talked to them on the phone and they tell me that's the only way.
If you want it, it's from 12.10 and I can't go to Sofia, let alone whether they will send me the expenses. If they say in Plovdiv, I go immediately.
Please talk to them, they obviously think they can do whatever they want without a reason and consequences ...
Здравейте. Първо ще ви поставя последният e-mail който получих от winbet:
WinBet Online (WinBet Online)
12.10.2021 г., 10:23 Гринуич+3
Здравейте, nmv!
Бихме искали да Ви информираме, че достъпът до Вашия профил е временно ограничен.
Съгласно условията за ползване на сайта ни, секция Депозити и тегления, т.17 Организаторът има право да изисква документи, които да са нотариално заверени и/или да бъдат предадени лично от титуляра.
Необходимо е да ни представите всички изискани Ви предходно документи лично, а именно:
1. Документ за самоличност: лична карта
2. Документ, удостоверяващ адреса Ви: банково извлечение или сметка за битови плащания (ток, вода, парно)или документ за временна/постоянна адресна регистрация показващо адреса Ви, регистриран по сметката (издадено до три месеца назад)
3. Допълнителен документ за самоличност - шофьорска книжка или паспорт
4. Документ от банката, удостоверяващ собствеността на банковата сметка, към която желаете да изтеглите печалбата си.
Изисканите документи следва да предоставите лично на адрес: България, гр. София п.к. 1799, ж.к. „Младост 2", ул. „Свети Киприян", блок 292 в работен ден между 08:00 ч. и 16:30 ч.
Ако имате допълнителни въпроси, моля, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас отново.
И така...
Искам да кажа че всички документи съм ги пратила на сайте и са били одобрени, сега искат да отида на място в софия.
1 Аз съм от пловдив и работя от понеделник до петък
2 Мъжът ми не е нужно да разбира защото имам семейство и не мога да отида без негово знание.
Говорих с тях по телефона и те ми казват че само така можело.
какти вуждате това е от 12.10 и няма как да отида до софия, да не говоря те ли ще ми пращат разноските. Ако кажат в Пловдив, веднага отивам.
Моля да поговорите с тях, явно мислят че могат да правят каквото си поискат без причина и последствия...
Dear nmvnmk,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I'm truly sorry to hear about your issue.
Although, we understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. Consequently, we have to emphasize that requesting all the personal documents to be provided in person is a highly unusual procedure.
Could you please advise if you have been offered a Skype call or any kind of verification call? Do I understand correctly that your documents have been accepted previously and your account verified successfully?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dear nmvnmk,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I'm truly sorry to hear about your issue.
Although, we understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. Consequently, we have to emphasize that requesting all the personal documents to be provided in person is a highly unusual procedure.
Could you please advise if you have been offered a Skype call or any kind of verification call? Do I understand correctly that your documents have been accepted previously and your account verified successfully?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
They demanded documents one by one, and the bank statement was the last one, I waited 2 weeks
to do some of their checks and after I asked them what was going on they sent me the above email.
After I called them, they told me that what was written in the e-mail was that. They didn't offer me anything,
but all documents are in accordance with their requirements. I asked them if there was another option because I could not go to Sofia but their answer was categorical that it was their right to demand it.
At no time have they confirmed my account, but after I send them a document, this includes:
2nd identity document
Selfie with ID card
Proof of address
they want a new one for me, but the ones I sent were accepted because they once returned a photo to me because it was not clear.
That is why I wrote that the previous documents were accepted, because otherwise they want me to send them again.
Изискваха ми документи един по един , като банковото извлечение беше последният, чаках 2 седмици
да направят някакви техни проверки и след като ги питах какво става ми изпратиха горния мейл.
След като аз им се обадих ми отговориха, че каквото пише в мейла, това е. Нищо не са ми предлагали,
но всички документи са съобразно техните изисквания. Питах ги дали има друг вариант защото не ммога да отида до софия но отговора им беше категоричен че това е тяхно право да го изискват.
В нито един момент не са ми потвърдили акаунта, но след като им пратя някой документ, а това включва :
2ри документ за самоличност
Селфи с лична карта
Доказателство за адрес
те ми искат нов, но тези които съм изпратила са приети, защото един път ми върнаха снимка защото не била ясна.
За това написах че предходните документи са приети, защото в противен случай искат да ги изпратя наново.
Thank you very much, nmvnmk, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Thank you very much, nmvnmk, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hello nmvnmk,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite WinBet Casino BG into this conversation. Dear Casino, can you specify where is the problem with the player’s verification process, please?
Hello nmvnmk,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite WinBet Casino BG into this conversation. Dear Casino, can you specify where is the problem with the player’s verification process, please?
Hello, nmvnmk,
We thank the Casino Guru team for inviting us to this conversation.
At we have always strived to provide our users with maximum security for their funds and personal data. Based on item 17 of our rules and conditions, which the client has agreed upon registration on the site, we have the right to request documents to be submitted personally by the holder. Personal presence is required in order to verify his identity. In this way we guarantee that the funds are always sent to their rightful owner.
From our side we can guarantee that the funds in the client's account will be paid immediately after the implementation of item 17 and the completion of the KYC process.
Здравейте, nmvnmk,
Благодарим на екипа на Казино Гуру, че ни покани в този разговор.
В винаги сме се стремили да предоставим на нашите потребители максимална сигурност за техните средства и лични данни. Въз основа на т. 17 от нашите правила и условия, с които клиентът се е съгласил при регистрация на сайта, имаме право да изискваме документи, които да бъдат предадени лично от титуляра. Личното присъствие се налага с цел удостоверяване на неговата самоличност. По този начин гарантираме, че средствата винаги биват изпращани на законния им собственик.
От наша страна можем да гарантираме, че средствата в сметката на клиента ще бъдат изплатени веднага след изпълнението на т. 17 и завършване на KYC процеса.
Dear Casino,
term 17 of your terms and conditions says: "The organizer has the right to request documents that are notarized and / or to be handed over personally by the holder." - why you didn't ask for notarized documents? You know that player is unable to travel to Sofia.
PS nmvnmk: do you have any screenshots of the situation that your documents were previously approved? if yes, send it to my email:
Dear Casino,
term 17 of your terms and conditions says: "The organizer has the right to request documents that are notarized and / or to be handed over personally by the holder." - why you didn't ask for notarized documents? You know that player is unable to travel to Sofia.
PS nmvnmk: do you have any screenshots of the situation that your documents were previously approved? if yes, send it to my email:
Due to suspicions of generating profits from unscrupulous play by a group of participants and suspicion of misuse of personal data, it is necessary to fulfill point 17 of the general terms and conditions, which reads as follows: "
17. The organizer has the right to request documents that are notarized and / or submitted personally by the holder. "
Based on the position that there may be no abuse, profits are not deducted and will be paid once the point in the rules is met.
With regard to the proposal for verification through the platform you have targeted, it is not possible to complete such verification, as the specified one or another of this type is not licensed to perform such actions and is not part of our general terms and conditions, unlike the cited point 17.
As it is known, in addition to the online platform, Winbet has a network of over 30 ground gaming halls throughout the country. For the sorry at the moment there is no such in Plovdiv, but we can make an exception for the client and she can visit a comfortable gaming hall of the Winbet chain with a preliminary appointment where to complete the verification to save her trip to Sofia.
We undertake to pay the amount after the specified point, with which the participant has agreed, creating her registration, has been fulfilled.
Поради съмнения за генериране на печалби от недобросъвестна игра на група участници и съмнение за злоупотреба с лични данни е необходимо да бъде изпълнена 17 точка от общите правила и условия, която гласи следното "
17. Организаторът има право да изисква документи, които да са нотариално заверени и/или да бъдат предадени лично от титуляра."
Изхождайки от позицията, че е възможно да няма извършена злоуптореба с такива, печалбите не са отнети и ще бъдат изплатени след като бъде изпълнена посочената точка в правилата.
Относно предложението за верификация чрез платформата, която сте визирали, то няма как да бъде завършена подобна верификация, тъй като посочената такава или друга от такъв тип не са лицензирани за извършване на подобни действия и не са част от нашите общи правила и условия за разлика от цитираната точка 17.
Както е известно освен онлайн платформа, Winbet има и изградена мрежа от над 30 наземни игрални зали в цялата страна. За съжалените към момента няма такава в Пловдив, но можем да направим изключение за клиента и тя да посети удобна за нея игрална зала от веригата Winbet с предварителна уговорка където да се завърши верификацията за да и спестим пътуването до София.
Ангажираме се с това да бъде изплатена сумата след като бъде изпълнена посочената точка, с която участничката се е съгласила, създавайки своята регистрация.
Dear nmvnmk,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Dear nmvnmk,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
I see that Haskovo is the closest option and I will be able to go, but I would like to be sure that I will not walk around, and I do not know exactly when I will be able to go. Can winbet confirm what they want me to bring, so that I don't go for a walk, because this will be the top ....
Виждам че Хасково е най близкият вариант и ще успея да отида, но бих искала да съм сигурна че няма да се разхождам напаразно, освен това не знам точно кога ще мога да отида. Може ли от winbet да потвърдят какво искат да занеса , да не стане така че да се разхождам напарзно, защото това ще е върхът....
Hello, nmvnmk,
Thank you for your understanding. Our team will contact you to specify the details and a convenient time for you to visit our gaming hall. They will also inform you about the documents you need to submit. Then the amount will be paid immediately to the bank account specified by you.
Здравейте, nmvnmk,
Благодарим за разбирането. От нашият екип ще се свържат с Вас за да уточните подробностите и удобно за Вас време, в което да посетите игралната ни зала. Също така ще Ви уведомят и за документите, които трябва да представите. След това сумата ще бъде изплатена веднага по посочената от Вас банкова сметка.
Dear Casino,
would you be so kind and comment here what should the player provide?
Dear Casino,
would you be so kind and comment here what should the player provide?
Yes of course.
The player is required to provide proof of identity (ID card or passport) and a bank account certificate in her name. The same ones she provided in her game profile.
Да, разбира се.
Играчът е необходимо да предостави документ удостоверяващ самоличността му (Лична карта или паспорт) и удостоверение за банкова сметка на нейното име. Същите, които е предоставила и в своя игрален профил.
Dear nmvnmk,
let me know about your progress, please.
Dear nmvnmk,
let me know about your progress, please.
I submitted the required documents in Haskovo Hall on 12.12.2021 at 11 o'clock, after a conversation. I expect the verification and translation to be a fact after confirmation by WinBet.
Thank you for your cooperation!
With respect,
N. Valcheva
Предоставила съм изискуемите документи в зала Хасково на 12.12.2021 в 11 часа, след проведен разговор. Очаквам верификацията и превода да са факт след потвърждаване от WinBet.
Благодаря за съдействието!
С уважение,
Н. Вълчева
On Sunday, the client provided the necessary documents and the verification was confirmed.
The amount is paid to the account provided by the client.
We thank the Casino Guru team for introducing us to this case.
В неделя клиента предостави необходимите документи и верификацията бе потвърдена.
Сумата е изплатена по предоставената от клиента сметка.
Благодарим на екипа на Казино Гуру, че ни запозна с този казус.
Поздрави !
Dear nmvnmk,
you should receive your money in the nearest future, let me know when you'll receive them.
Dear nmvnmk,
you should receive your money in the nearest future, let me know when you'll receive them.
Dear nmvnmk,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We are glad to hear that your issue got resolved. We will now mark it as 'resolved' in our system. Please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help, but I hope you won’t come across a problem like this again.
Best regards,
Viliam Casino.Guru
Dear nmvnmk,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We are glad to hear that your issue got resolved. We will now mark it as 'resolved' in our system. Please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help, but I hope you won’t come across a problem like this again.
Best regards,
Viliam Casino.Guru
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